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E-scooter or bicycle for flat 5k commute on each way? Lots of rain and need to carry a backpack. 200 american yen budget.
just walk
bike, get a rain poncho for motor scooters and a good lock (or two)
If I had only 5 km I'd juts walk or run depending on what I feel like.
Much more natural movement pattern, healthier on your joints, enjoyable and unfucks alot of cycling adaption.
No, I'm not leaving the bad 40 earlier just to walk under have rain to work when there is mechanical help out there.

Already texted a guy selling a bso on marketplace. Needs new tubes, paint is all fucked and gears, brakes and probably even the BB needs some work but would fit my needs.
>200 Amerikansky kopeks
Consider the storage/security at either end. Also not enough money. 300-400$
>just spend another hour at work for free
Who can be behind this post?
>uhh you sleep all night so you don't pass out at work? how is working another 8 hours for free going for you bro
You can avoid first.
Just one little trick.
bike, used for that price. just get some rigid frame hybrid from trek or giant or something. if you have decathalon you can also get cheap fenders, side bags, reflectors and bell. I'd recommend a backpack that easily mounts to a rack so you don't have to carry it on your back.
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You can't even get a decent new normal bicycle for that price.
You aren't getting anything electric for $200 that isn't literally a child's toy that physically can't move a adult.

Your budget is basically just used bikes or department store BSO.
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Badass. I do want a personal shopping cart though....if you've seen people dragging these wagons in the city its infantilizing. They really just need a handle for become a wagon.

Jetson Bolt is 300$ at Costco. The Pro version has pedals that double the milage. It fits in a car....and an apartment....its the walking replacement this world needs. It fits on sidewalks and is slow enough no one can reasonable complain about it being on a sidewalk. It a inline electric wheelchair. This gay ass board ignores it.....
OP's budget is $200 dollars.
That is one hundred dollars more than OP's budget.

You do understand that 300 is bigger than 200 right?
Or that 300 isn't the same number as 200?
I got 2 for 200 a pieces, barely used. Failing that it's a reasonable stretch range, don't be autistic.
>no matter what the stated budge is given some asshole is going to always insist on going over the budget or ignore the budget entirely

A 50% increase in the budget isn't even remotely reasonable stretch range. You are just retarded.
Ask friends for an old rusty bike they have half forgotten somewhere.

Or buy a cheap stolen 90s mtb.
I'd go for a e-bike or a bike, for such a short flat distance. How are you set for bike/scooter parking at your job?
Life is about options. I gave him an option withing range. 100$ is not an unreasonable amount of money for most people. If he gave a budget of 1$ you wouldn't suggest something at 2$?
The fact that we are even discussing this when you can get a pedal bike some places for 50$, for a distance of 5km is nuts to begin with....
>If he gave a budget of 1$ you wouldn't suggest something at 2$?
I wouldn't double the budget.
I would stick to the paramiters of the budget because I have operated under a budget before.

You are the one being utterly unreasonable thinking it's not a big deal to totally blow the budget or that $100 dollars in context isn't a lot.
>isn't a lot
But it isn't....like 1 and 2 dollar are the same, nothing and nothing. And I got the closest to the budget for what he said he wanted, you over literal autist.
>doubling the budget and 50% cost overruns are both acceptable just because
>I don't even have a rational argument so I will continue to name call for pointing out my stupidity
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>doubling the budget and 50% cost overruns are both acceptable just because
NTA but it unironically is acceptable, just because, to anyone who isnt a literal sperg and has actually had conversations with actual human beings about buying stuff. Your autistic screeching helps no one; consider fucking off for everyone's benefit.
>"i've been outmaneuvered and have latched on to a arbitrary parameter as the last shred of my fragile ego"
Go home. You are spunk drunk.
>if I say autistic like its the word of the day it will mean something
god damn are you dumb.
>namefag being a faggot both literally and figuratively
Sounds about right.
>>if I say autistic like its the word of the day it will mean something
Way to completely sidestep the point of my post and giving a dithering insubstantive reply you fuckwit.
Your point was addressed several post ago and isn't worth addressing again because it's as dumb as you are.

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