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Wow what an amazing location for a runway, I sure love taxiing 25 minutes across the airport to the terminal after landing. Thanks Dutchies!
Why is it called Schiphol? That's a goofy ass name
The netherlands should be handed over to Putin to serve as a forward air base for carpet bombing *ngl*nd
funnily enough, engels (air base) is dutch for english (air base)
Unfathomably based
The area used to be part of an island sea before they infilled it, and this little corner was infamous for sinkings so they called it "ship hole".
You're lucky we didn't greenlight the Lelystad Airport project, otherwise you'd be stuck in an even bigger hole.
>We need to expand the airport
>But we can't move the highway
>Let's tunnel under so planes can go over
I can't decide if this is dutch autism or showing off but it's awful.
Better than CGH, which drops the aircraft onto an avenue.
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at least it's well connected by rail, it's crazy that there's still huge airports that only have taxis and buses.
i think it's pretty cool
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>Let's tunnel under so planes can go over
>I can't decide if this is dutch autism or showing off
Because the right of way is already owned by the state and it's easier to build an overpass than build kilometers of new highway through presumably privately owned land
lelystad would be a fucking grim place to arrive
Literally called Shithole.
>it's awful
try suggesting what they should have done instead
putting the highway in a tunnel (built with cut-and-cover techniques so comparatively cheap) is better and simpler than trying to put the planes in a tunnel, and that lets them expand in the one direction they've got farmland available
should consider a satellite terminal out there though
Aw cry me a river. It's that or you can be stacked up in a holding pattern waiting for approach instructions for 25 mins.
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Now you remnid me that I haven't finished the loop around the airport.
(Overall, it's very fun to ride in the polders.)

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