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this is NOT a race!

Post here to discuss unraced cycling for transportation because THIS IS A TRANSPORTATION BOARD
what exactly is this man transporting at the skate park
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>that feeling of being a kid again
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It’s fun :3
You seem damaged. I pity you.
If I treat my commute as a race then I am still transporting my body from one location to another.
Thus it CAN be a race.
I win everytime.... unless I come in late.
unracers are often seen riding around with hand made artisanal bicycle storage equipment stuffed with old newspapers because if you have "bikepacking bags" you're not in a race and this is NOT a race
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>if you have "bikepacking bags" you're not in a race

uhhhh what ?
rent free
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use baskets maybe? Best of both worlds. Unfold to carry your stuff. Fold in for racer aero gains. I'm on both sides of the fence, my grass is always green.
If I remember correctly your bike has drop bars and gives off strong racer vibes. You are NOT welcome in this thread!
>front and rear derailleur
they don't have that in amsterdam, lance
looks neat, what kind are those? any recs?
Today I saw a guy enjoying himself on a high quality efficient and lightweight bicycle while wearing comfortable clothes and it ruined my day, NOBODY SHOULD HAVE FUN, BICYCLES ARE ABOUT PAIN AND SUFFERING YOU HAVE TO WEAR JEANS WHILE STRUGGLING TO PEDAL YOUR CREAKY 50 POUND PIECE OF SHIT OR I HATE YOU

I am very non judgmental btw
rent free
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they are 'unix' brand, model 'ariano'. You'll find the same baskets sold under other names at often higher prices.
They have not yet seen the mileage of their predecessors, various bags, so no comparisson here.
Recently lost a lunchbox so maybe the open top is an issue. Also if not weighted down sufficiently the floor may creep up from its fully unfolded position. Folding the baskets may be slower than anticipated the first few times as you'll need to figure out a few moves.
They are rather flimsy, of course they are. Mine have a few subtle kinks by now but it doesnt change the function at all.
The neat thing: When folded it's really as if they weren't there at all. If the bike has some weight to begin with you wont even notice the weight.
thank you, looks pretty decent. i had a chinesium folding basket that was springloaded which is pretty cool(looked a bit like picrel), but it started rusting really fast in the rain. does this one hold up well? or do you only take out the bike when the sun is out?
Its my daily I use it at least twice every workday, year round and sometimes on weekends. Theres precipitation everx other day, especially winter half of the year. Cagers throw salt everywhere in winter. Holds up decently so far but like I said, look closely in the pics: It kinks easily but so far no functional issues from that.
I have had a set of wald folding baskets for many years and I love them. no rust. the folding hinges are clunky and don't always go the direction you want but once deployed or folded back, they are solid. they will carry literally any weight you can put in them. cases of beer, gallons of milk, and bricks (yes, I've filled them with bricks.)
they are heavy, though.
picrel pls
I didn't take pics of the bricks but here's ~$100 of groceries
I means pics of the baskets not the stupid bricks ofc.
Anyways. Thanks for pic. They do look smallish desu. Does having the load on the front not bother you?
I thought you wanted proof that they would hold a load of bricks.
the bottom is the same width as the bottom of one of those reusable grocery bags, and the front-to-back dimension is a few inches bigger. the height is not as tall, like ¾ the height of those bags.
the wheels are 27 (iso 630) not 700c (iso 622) so the baskets may look smaller than they are in comparison . the bottles are one litres if that wasn't obvious.
I prefer to have the load attached to my arms so I can stabilize it (the swept back bars allow the leverage to make this much easier.) on the back, heavy loads rock the whole frame back and forth.
but people argue about their preference being the right one a lot.

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