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There's this one crossing that I've encountered that has just 2 lights and that's it. Not even a sign for pedestrians (which do regularly walk by the crossing) saying "THIS IS AN ACTIVE RAILROAD CROSSING"

Adding more barriers and signs to railroad crossings would protect more lives and protect me from having someone splattered on me or the rails.

Also, is there any reason why some people just ignore the lights and loud train horn and decide to put themselves in danger by speeding through the crossing? Would love to hear your thoughts!
Train tracks in and of themselves are a warning. If you're dumb enough to walk past flashing red lights and bells, that's what you get. I killed a guy that walked around the gates because, surprise, surprise, he didn't even bother to look.
Just the other day a SUV almost got vaporized because the driver just sped through the crossing when the lights turned on. Some people really need to go back to school.
The "lights only" crossings are one step above the "crossbucks only" crossings. Either the road sees so little traffic that it's a low priority to put a more expensive crossing there or the railroad sees so little traffic that it's a low priority to put a more expensive crossing there.
Actually there is a considerable amount of traffic in terms of both road and rail. Plus people have died at that crossing before so that should be enough of a reason to put some gates there.
Sure. There's a lot of places where the rail infrastructure is outdated and the authorities tend to drag their feet on outdated infrastructure. Pointing out that pedestrians have died suggests it's a crossing in an urban area and not out in the sticks.
It's not really urban, it's just on a pretty busy road that's just a short walk away from the high school in town. So it gets extremely busy during the student's lunch breaks.
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As someone who regularly rides around trains, all sorts of crossings, even ones where there’s no actual crossing (pic related is technically a 4 way intersection of what is legally defined as a road), if you get hit by a train you got filtered by natural selection.
Trains are huge, loud, and hard to visually miss. They don’t exactly sneak up on you. Even the quietest trains in places where they sound sound their horn, like the middle of nowhere with a passenger train, you still feel it coming if the light isn’t reflecting off of something.

I live around a lot of tracks, a lot of rail traffic, and every year a bunch of people die doing the same things
>going around the barriers out of impatience
>thinking they can beat the train oncoming, or intentionally trying to cut it close for some kind of thrill
>seeing one train end, immediately going past the gate, and getting plastered by the second train the didn’t see coming the other way
Even the quietest trains in places where they don’t sound their horn*
>sound sound
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Examples of common train related deaths in my town related to one crossing, at least one person dies here every year
There are four dedicated lines here.
What happens is people stop at the larger crossing, a train comes through, and they go around the gate after it ends and are killed by a train coming the other way.
Or they get to the gate, they’re looking down the major twin rail set of tracks, not paying any attention to the curved north or south lines, think there’s no train, drive past the gate and get killed by a train on the north or south lines.
Or, because they’re so close together both crossings here are activated at the same time, they think the train they see on the northernmost line is the only train and why the gates are down, so they drive around the gate and get killed by a train on the southern cluster of tracks.
It’s also worth mentioning they didn’t continue the sidewalks or bike path over the crossings here, so pedestrians have to go out into the road and often get hit by cars going over the tracks.

The northernmost line there only has a gate on one side, since there’s two gates on the larger south cluster. So sometimes people get across the south cluster as the gates are coming down, don’t see a gate directly in front of them even though there’s one for oncoming traffic, and go over the crossing and get killed by the Amtrak going 70mph

Notice that every scenario is people being impatient and inattentive
At this point perhaps they should just build a bridge over the tracks if people can't use the crossing.
Fuck that. Just close the crossings and just make people drive around to the better one a block down.
Fuck that. Just leave the crossing open
>NOOOOO, you can't let natural selection do its course because... humm... it's LE BAD ok??
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>they think the one a block away is any better
Same amount of crossings, dual gate setup, sidewalk and shoulder are outright missing between the tracks
A kid actually died here last year
Train one finished, they went around the gate, didn’t check for train 2.
I wholeheartedly support the opinion of this ano/n/ >>2016004
"Protecting people" is unfortunately the factor why humanity gets stupider from generation to generation. If you can't comprehend the meaning of flashing red lights, bell and, at last, a big fucking thing rolling down the line, you (literally) aren't gonna make it.
>t: 14 years as a technician in railway business and counting but I still look both ways in yards, shops, tracks and crossings.
Wrong thread? >>2015974
This whole area needs redone. Passenger trains on all four tracks, coming in either direction, some of them stopping, some of them express. Ridiculous amount of horns if one train is pulling out and another passing by; it's hard to tell what's happening. But pedestrians are in a hurry since the platform is between the pairs of tracks, and there's yet another platform off to the east for the electric line. Passenger yard and freight yard to the north too, so next closest crossing is a half mile up.
A quiet zone would fix the horn problem

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