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Missile lock on soft white underbelly?
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>tfw the A380-1000 will never be real
What you wanna stretch the fuselage another 20 feet? And what kind of route would make that monster necessary?
not him but i want multiple lounges for >6 hour flights
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRmQf0RGSK4 still makes me cri
>What you wanna stretch the fuselage another 20 feet?
I'd stretch it more if I could
>And what kind of route would make that monster necessary?
Worry about that later
OK, pardon my 'tism, but was looking at the airframe counts on wikipedia, and of the 251 supposedly delivered, the current and past operator counts only add up to 221.
Did some of these go to military use, or get shipped to mars or something?
Also wondering what the former operators do with the airframes, seems like a pretty big asset to just dispose of..
i think some of them were scrapped during COVID
speaking of which.. airplanes have more and more composite frame parts every new generation, so less and less is recoverable for new frames
Yeah I included those in the count though, the airlines that got out of those during covid at least. Still seems like a hell of an asset to just scrap, but I suppose they could have become parts planes with the production line now shut down
Thirsty + Mechanically Complicated is a bad combo. Add to that COVID making the airline industry thinking it's over for good and the second deck of the A380 being too fragile for cargo = they couldn't live second lives as freighters like their 747-400 analogues
They're slowly coming back :)
which carrier?
>the second deck of the A380 being too fragile for cargo

if the upper deck carries up to 300 passengers (a third of them right in the middle of the deck) then it should carry some 25 tons better distributed and palletized
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It's a pity these didn't work out, I thought they were a good idea for increasingly overcrowded airports and airways.
They quit on it way too soon.
Lufthansa, BA, Singapore, Korean, Qatar, Etihad, etc. Just to name a few. Also there's a British startup carrier called Global Airlines, they plan to start operating an A380-only fleet next year.
How do you get sad about a plane? Its the most wasteful shit ever...
>you will never fly onboard an IL-62
>you will never fly onboard a TU-154
>you will never fly onboard a VC10
>you will never fly onboard a B747
>you will never fly onboard a L1011
>you will never fly onboard an A380 or A340
Lufthansa alone can check these off so it's far from being too late just yet
that's not a comeback, they're just trading existing planes after they depreciated below 80 million dollars
Add Concorde to that
Concorde is the only one that matters.
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