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This is what carbrains actually believe

Oh Jesus

I think listening to these people makes you dumber.
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Curious that he was there and didn't seem to actually make any counter-arguments live at the meeting, almost as if he might've gotten a negative reception that he couldn't immediately block, ban, censor, or shout over.
That kind of group isn't there to actually have a discourse, they just want to receive validation for their retard opinions. Most likely he would have been immediately kicked out
>That kind of group isn't there to actually have a discourse, they just want to receive validation for their retard opinions
I genuinely can't tell what group you're referring to.
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What is the counter argument to someone being retarded?
Has she completed the conversion arc to goose stepping nazi with an SS uniform or is she still clinging to the "bernie bro" tankie grift
Our bike-loving hero wouldn't have been "immediately kicked out" unless he sperged out and threatened to slash tires/smash mirrors/wave bricks in front of motorists, which he can get away with in his circles but is frowned upon in reality.

One of two things likely happened:
>he humiliated himself by making a fool out of himself, out of his element and unable to convince anyone since he couldn't just tell people to "read THIS study" or "watch THIS video"
>he knew that he couldn't actually make a good argument in reality so he just seethed and sulked several rows back
Great video but I don’t like the guy’s voice…why does he talk like that
Cyclists should be anywhere near a road.
Take your little hobby to the forest or something.
>video taken down
LMAO spazz urbanite BTFO
It looks like the carbrains of Montreal just made a circlejerk.
I like that the guy making the video admitted it would be inconvenient and new for car drivers but still the street obviously needed bike lanes.
bike paths arent roads
sadly he's canadian, all urbanists are kinda limp wristed and I support the cause even. Except alan fisher he looks pretty chad.
>just off that thumbnail
Yes. Fucking spoiled parasites.
She just personally invited President Donald J. Trump onto Red Scare.
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It doesn't matter how many options there are, they'll find something to complain about.
Sailor Socialism was unironically the moment I realized I crossed from moderate right to radicalized left
You found out you were a homo

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