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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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You can still go on pic rel and pretend its an md80
How can you pretend if it doesn't have the sound of JT8D's?
I just wanna see the livery back
The grey paint is not only dull color but added weight.
So many other brands are going to the "modern" look flat grey stark white boring geometric shapes.
In retrospect, now that these kinds of jets are basically gone, this thing has the most cool aesthetics of any airliner. It just looks fast, sturdy and agile.
Go to Africa and try to fly on Africa Central Express, they still have some DC-9-10s and DC-9-30s in service.
* deep stall intensifies *
No the fuck you cannot
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ya think it tilts up and down to simulate take off and landing?
Because anything else is offensive to someone that's part of the bipoc lgbtqajhydgjyujhhk communities, studies have shown
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The Comac ARJ21 is still being made.
my man its a hollow aluminum can so long it looks like it can be snapped with bare hands or a 5g maneuver
very uncomfortable plane to fly on
Why are the windows so far apart?
Well it looks sturdy. The reason for that is because of the short wings and the tail mounted engines. Conventional airliners look a bit janky and awkward as they land the engine pods flex the wings on touchdown and shit. These things look stronger and more aerodynamic since they have small looking wings and rear mounted engines.
They aren't, youre just used to seeing larger aircraft who have so many more seats
fly on delta these routes while you can
- mke -> dtw
- ord -> dtw
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>tfw never got to use the butt stairs
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Seems like every trip involved a leg on one of these bad boys when I was growing up. There will never be a better regional jet

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