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i can't ride my scooter in public because people either call me gay or childish (im 18)
>t. thirdie
> scooter
> thirdie

> gay
> childish
They're right. Miniaturized implements are a sign of low IQ (3rd world shithole hallmark)
who cares get to your school/job/whatever and keep it pushing.
Been riding scooters the majority of my adult life.
Only people irl that have given me shit are the same types who get irrationally mad at literally anything that isn't a car while existing outside of a building. Usually dudes in lifted pickup trucks.
Get a microbike, and get off the tip over machine.
Wait a moment, what kind of scooter?
what kind scooter? I'd like to know

I personally feel there comes a point where one will just have to leave this behind and focus on getting a car. There's a lot more opportunity in having a car compared to a bike. One can even set up a Hivemapper dash cam or NATIX and earn from the pool of rewards easily while driving.

No one fkin cares, though.
i couldn't find the exact model but the brand is crane and it's not electrical, looks like picrel

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