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Please tell me why I shouldn’t harvest parts from abandoned bikes
give it back, jamal
also how do you determine a bicycle to be 'abandoned'
at which point do you conclude the owner has no further interest
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every bike is 'abandoned' until their owners return
I see rusted, mangled pieces of shit that have been locked in the same place for years
answer the question
Why do you want rusted mangled parts off of junk bikes?
No, how would you know if it was abandoned

>b-b-because it's been sitting there this whole time

Again, how would you know that someone doesn't just ride their bike and park it back every day?
one reason is that a complete shitter, which rides, can be ridden, but as soon as you start stealing parts from it then you're condemning it to be scrapped, because it's never going to be worth rebuilding.

Say you take the seatpost and then some kid wants it and goes to a shop for a seatpost, bam, already more than the entire bike is worth just to replace that one shit part.
The trick is, and I've done it, you bring your old bike part and swap it on, for example the rear wheel or whatever.

Because it looks whole and no one ever looks twice it will seem absolutely nothing has changed.
If you are upgrading from shitter components, its worth it
It really depends on your read of the situation, and whether or not a bike is truly abandoned. You'll see them every day, untouched, same position.

The best indication is, over time, flat tires and of course low-quality, in general and overall "value" that make it obviously clear no one cares about it- except you.
he's okay with stealing people's homes though
Hasn't moved for 3 hours and has shitty lock? Yeah, go for it nobodys coming back for that
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I abandon my shitty project bikes sometimes. I like to leave a note so people actually take them I don't know what happens to them (scrap metal?) and I don't know why anyone want my butchered shitters but they're gone in an hour. I'm all for taking abandoned bikes if they're honestly derelicts.
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Crack in the frame. Don't die.
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One more. I found this one abandoned with flat tires and missing spokes. I've probably swapped out every single component on this bike other than the frame, fork, and the handlebars. I still ride it. I think I've had this one for almost 20 years now.
Must have been nobody's home
I approve.

I see junk sitting there getting more and more rusty.

Only tip I'd give is to wear a high-vis vest. No one will bother you.
needs a front rack and milkcrate
OP, i'm asking you, the stealing massive theif faggot, again:
list your alleged criteria, scum
Locked in same spot, rusted and untouched for years. It’s obvious if you’re not regarded

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