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65k a year, what a joke
Kek i make 70k€ as an electrician with a 4day week.
I make $115k a year working from home as a web developer smoking weed and browsing 4chan all day lmaoooo
With all due respect, there’s not much difference between 70k (I can make up to 75 if I want to work which I will) and 110k. I need to be making 250k like the guy next to me with the exact same qualifications as me and I’m working harder
Yeah pretty much this.
I earned way less years ago and now im just able to save more.
My lifestyle did not change at all. I still drive my shitbox and wear the same jeans for the last 10 years.
Only thing i did is spend money on some bicycles and thats it.
I want to get into bush piloting how much did it cost schooling wise before you started getting work?
It cost me 95k (68k USD) (my school was an hour and half away from my house)
I finished with almost 0 debt because I was working full time while going to school full time. I finished in a year and 1 month. But I could’ve saved probably another 10k but going on a cheaper plane but it was just inconvenient and it’s like I have a social life or my life even matter
Doesnt sound bad in terms of pricing but considering it took you a year how often a week were you getting flight hours?
It’s not like I have a social life *
>Air Creebek guy actually hides the tail number in this picture.
isn't 65k like year 1 pay for skywest and year 1 is just like half indoc training then half line training
99% of pilots are literally glorified truck drivers of the sky.
Atleast you get some flight hours
you can word everything into oblivion.

astronauts are literally a bunch of overqualified nerds doing everyday science in a few tubes floating in orbit eating out of tubes.
then quit, you whiny bitch
What have you done?
On the bright side, at least it is out of doors with amazing views. Every time I fly as a passenger I always stare out the window to observe the miracle of flight until nothing can be seen. The sky is my favorite place to be on Earth, I like heights and expansive vistas.
I'm at 120k for a work from home gig. That being said no woman is ever going to fuck me when I tell her that I'm an IT guy, and nobody is going to mourn me when I finally off myself because I'm a shut-in weirdo now.
A good cub driver in alaska brings in 200k in 2.5 months. Clearing around 140-160k. I wouldn't recommend it tho
Why not recommend? Do it for 2 years, park it in a managed account, and you can basically retire. Is it the misery, or the risk?
$410k a year working on a very specialized type of software engineering. 5 day work week, 8-10 hour days
It’ll take a mentor to get into it and it’ll take 3+ years building up a client base to be able to bill 150 hours a month. Obviously you have to have your own airplane and a smart person would have a back up just incase.
same. i "work" max 1 hour a day. rest of the time is gooning.
not constantly complaining about what I knowingly got my self into for one
Aren't American pilots compensated much better. Seems like a really solid job for Americans. 300k a year to fly a nice plane a few times a month. Yea I get it, it probably gets routine after a while and being away from stinks, but you never take work home and you don't have to wake up at 9 and sit in a cubicle for 8 hours.
is non CFI route viable?
It could be worse. You could be assigned as the only controller in an airport located in bumfuck nowhere, where the majority of flying stuff you'll see are the birds.
depends on the type of flying. international means you're gone from home alot. if you stay continental (lccs or southwest airlines) you're not gonna be gone all that mcuch
I just started flight school. Any tips how to succeed best as possible? Im at part 141 and the pace is very *fast*
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>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting
sucks to suck losers
don't do it too much, don't do it too little

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