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Whoever was in control of MH370 took extreme measures to avoid detection after deviating from the scheduled flight plan. Maneuvering the aircraft at the exact moment of ATC handoff, choosing a route that avoided military controlled airspace ,disconnecting SATCOM systems and disabling power control to run off the APU to avoid system rebooting , among other direct inputs shows an incredible knowledge of aircraft communication and aerospace detection methods. I think it's obvious who did this, and it was no doubt planned.

If the pilot's job was to kill a specific target on the flight, it would have been incredibly easy to cause an aerodynamic stall and crash the aircraft into the ocean. He could have even pitched the aircraft into the Indian ocean after leaving radar range, yet WISPR data shows the aircraft flew for over 7 hours until it was ditched in an incredibly remote location.

The question which should be asked is what or who on board the flight to Beijing needed to disappear (and also be completely un-investigatable) why was a regular crash not sufficient to accomplish this goal, and who benefits from an unrecoverable aircraft accident?
Retarded conspiracy theories belong on /pol/, thanks :)
/pol/tards shat up this board like mad since covid but all of a sudden aviation is SRS BZNS the second the /pol/tardery isn't restricted to the same whining about minorities, what's up with that?

t. not the op, just good at pattern recognition
Was getting caught part of his plan?
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Zaharie Ahmad Shah, MH370 Pilot:

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