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Delta owns 987 aircrafts, of which about 130 are regional jets. So - what if delta expanded its fleet to include trains?

Let’s say you are going from Augusta, GA to Los Angeles. You could leave AGS at 5:35 and take a 1h4m gate to gate flight to Atlanta, have a 2h16m layover in ATL, then continue on your cross country 5h9m flight to LAX. Add in 2 hours to get to the airport and you have a full day of 10h29m of travel. 5h20m of this time was dedicated solely on getting from Augusta to Atlanta. This is a trip that could take less than one hour on High Speed Rail.
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Fuck you, that's why. This is now a Dash 8 thread.
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Corporate world is obsessed with “core competencies” and not taking risks. I’ve long thought the same thing but it’s incompatible with the modern American corporate mindset.
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Wide bodies with 4 axles are CUTE!
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Essentially because of Antitrust and the fact that HSR needs a govt money injection to get MarALago -> Trump Tower built.

There is a good idea. Team up with Amtrak to offer discount fares on regional jumper jets with the purchase of an Amtrak ticket and vise versa
>Augusta, GA to Los Angeles
>This is a trip that could take less than one hour on High Speed Rail.
That's over Mach 3. No.
That's why I love this group so much. Stoners trying to make sense out of life.
>Let’s say you are going from Augusta, GA to Los Angeles. You could leave AGS at 5:35 and take a 1h4m gate to gate flight to Atlanta
Augusta to Atlanta in 1 hour, dipshit
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Guys, stop arguing about stupid shit. This is a Dash 8 thread.
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Did someone say Dash 8?
>Team up with Amtrak
The point of air travel is to be fast
I'll allow it.

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