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Elon Musk’s Starlink says it will block X in Brazil to keep satellite internet active
Published Tue, Sep 3 20244:54 PM EDTUpdated 2 Hours Ago


SpaceX satellite internet service Starlink said it will comply with court orders to block social network X in Brazil. Elon Musk owns both businesses.
Brazil’s supreme court ordered a suspension of X because it defied federal regulations concerning content moderation and the appointment of a legal representative in the country.
Musk has been publicly berating Brazil’s administration for months, threatening “reciprocal seizure of government assets,” in response to its court orders against his businesses.

Starlink, the satellite internet service owned and operated by SpaceX, said it will block social network X in Brazil to continue operations there without the threat of losing its license. Elon Musk owns both businesses.
This must have to do with the Brazilian Supreme Court telling Musk to go fuck himself and saying billionaires don't get a separate set of rules.
America could really learn from this.
>Money over Principles:Elon Musk kneels to Brazil
Good. You're now nothing, Muskrat.
Do leftists ever get tired of being just absolutely vile?
>Brazil making Musk their bottom bitch
Rightists must get tired of being proven to be inferior. Perhaps if they stopped being vile rightists...!
These Republicans realized being vile was wrong. They have been forgiven of their sins.
Do leftists ever get tired of being just absolutely bran muffin?
Leftists will never get tired of seeing rightists being salty. Rightists are inferior. They just keep screaming and threatening others with violence because they are impotent and inferior. Nobody cares about them.
/pol/ppets are having a total meltdown that their lies are being contested and shut down.
Is that what's happening?
Yes. Constantly. Its been non-stop since 2020.
Has it?
There's two threads in /pol/ where they're going Chernobyl over Brazil making Muskrat their bitch.
When they can force Apple, who are bigger than the reason why Musk was able to buy X - Tesla - to bend to their will, Elon might as well bend over and take the raping the EU will inevitably give him concerning wrong opinions being allowed to exist on X: or they'll more than force him to impose ultra-draconian TOS rules. Brazil has set the precedent. Either he sells that blue albatross round his neck to someone else who will revert it back to Twitter with draconian TOS rules or he bends over to Brussels.
Either way, he's humiliated. Oh wait, Brazil's already done that. So you're done Muskrat. Stick a fork in him.
You're going to make it very easy for the average person to not care when you get thrown into a gulag.
I have already made it even easier to not care about impotent sub-/r9k/ rightists and their fantasies. They seethe, I'm pleased. Their 'gigachad' Elon is Brazil's bottom bitch. They feel butthurt about their fee-fees, I experience schadenfreude.
>Keyboard fascist writing his fan fics again
Yay another blow to democracy and open speech
Sweaty, odds are it will be your own people doing it.
Yay rightists are blowing up
They're sweaty about the odds not favoring their being allowed to have wrong opinions on X
>Yay another victory to democracy and open speech
Yeah banning online discourse is total win for democracy, yay!
It's so amazing to me how American leftists have literally turned into the party of censorship when as recent as 10 to 20 years ago it was the party of radical freedom
Get fucked fascists.
Yeah bro pretty much. You people don't want anyone talking about certain subjects and as recent is 10 to 20 years ago the majority consensus was that people should be able to talk about whatever they want to.
What do American leftists have to do with Brazil?
Also, this is the exact same tactic China uses. Whatever they don't want people talking about they just refer to as a lie and bans online discussion of it.
It's kind of frightening how the Democrat Party is supporting this tactic now full on
Well, for one I'm probably talking to an American leftist and not a Brazilian.
>American leftists have literally turned into the party of censorship
American rightists have literally turned into the party of censorship
Are you the same left leaning idiot on this board who just repeats everyone's argument back at them?

What you're quoting isn't even the same, Media Matters was being investigated for a fabricating an allegation resulting in financial loss. Nobody was being censored. Nobody was trying to censor anyone. They were trying to determine if someone intentionally lied in order to defame someone.
If rightists can't take it, they never had the right to dish it out in the first place
>It's Media Matters that is under criminal investigation here.
>Judge just threw out the case and chastised the corrupt Republican AG for even bringing it to court.
>Free Speech wins against the fascist right and their corporate masters
>And Elon's Trump shilling operation just took another L
>what's just happened in Brazil
>what will inevitably happen in Brussels: what they did to Apple, a company bigger than Tesla, which ensured Musk could buy X
The persecution of rightists will continue until opinions improve.
I'm honestly not sure how you can live with such cognitive dissonance
I can live with rightists seething over this. Honestly, I'm experiencing schadenfreude.
This is what I mean tho. I voted democrat up until about 10 years ago exactly because of this. it went from the party of freedom to gleeful censorship. Not that I'm a fan of Republicans either, I literally just stopped voting. Never liked Republicans and Democrats alienated me.
That isn't really an answer. This is a story about policy in Brazil. What does this policy in Brazil have to do with American leftists?
Wait how is this censorship?
Somebody was being investigated for breaking the law and a judge ordered it to be stopped?
American leftists in this thread support Brazils majority party deplatforming their opposition political opponents.

If you disagree with this, you're implying that the leftists on this board who argue about politics aren't American
Americans who would be glad that rightists were subject to draconian TOS rules. No pro-Trump BS allowed.
>You people don't want anyone talking about certain subjects
Neither does Musk
>support Brazils majority party deplatforming their opposition political opponents.
You misspelled 'are laughing at Musk bending the knee so soon after declaring he's going to fight back with everything he had'
Its because Musk, and you, are both beta cucks. Thats the funny.
Just keep whining about losing and sabotaging democracy until you win like Trump keeps doing and think there will be no repercussions?
Sucks to be you.
This is goddamn hilarious how Musk weaponized the US government to go over media watch dog groups for, get this, reporting on his actions with twitter,
Now the right is whining that another government is holding him accountable.
They're only like that when they're not in power. Anyone could have told you, and probably did, that this is what would happen.
>Elon Musk suggests support for replacing democracy with government of ‘high-status males’
>Money over Principles:Elon Musk kneels to Brazil
That aged well, Elon.
Where do you get your opinions from? I really want to know because it's like someone at the top of some organization decides all you people should think one thing, and suddenly all of you fall into line.

Is it social media that makes you this way? Is it some sort of weird blog you read or news source?

Elon has his faults, but the speed and precision all of you faggots jumped in line to 180 on him, and how you do it for every current thing is honestly astounding, someone has a really tight leash around you people and is great at taking you on dog walks, I don't think you even have any independent thoughts left judging by how quickly you people flip flop on many of your issues and positions
are you still pretending not to be upset
There's no use talking sense to a literal retard who's too busy gooning his Elon hate boner to listen to reason
NTA but what's happening in Brazil is pretty fucking repulsive if you're someone who believes in the values of liberal democracy.

I know the rocket man made you mad because he did a thing, but your personal values should be stronger than your emotions.
elon here. thank god this weird faggot from /news/ has my back.
i really love being flattered
Upset? This is great. Its the perfect illustration of why you don't import third world browns into your society.
Meanwhile, X was never allowed to exist in China for it to be 'disconnected'. Musk had to kowtow to CCP. Xi said no to X: the price Elon had to pay so he could have a Tesla Gigafactory in that country.
He was Beijing's bitch before bending over to Brazil.
American right is trying to ban tiktok.
>American right is trying to ban tiktok
>On December 30, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the No TikTok on Government Devices Act, prohibiting the use of the app on devices owned by the federal government, with some exceptions.[8]
>Days after the Biden administration called on ByteDance, which owns TikTok, to sell the platform or face a ban, law enforcement officials disclosed that an investigation into TikTok was taking place.
Whoops! It's a Biden Ban!??
look at that, you made the china shill expose himself
Unlike the far right, like you. I can formulate my own opinion.
>My own opinion
>Peelon used to be good guy but now is bad guy!
Sure you can, little guy.
Stay mad
>the idea that X simply can't walk away from Brazil and not comply with its temper tantrum is hilarious
so why was Elon throwing a tantrum instead of doing so?
>X not allowed in China: the price Elon must pay for a Tesla Gigafactory in that country. And so much as thinking of having a wrong opinion about China would result in said factory being seized by CCP ASAFP
Xi is making fun of Muskrat who isn't allowed to have a temper tantrum about X not allowed to exist in China. That Brazilian judge is making fun of Beijing's bitch. And we're doing so.
>that which doesn't know about denying (you)s to those that don't deserve them
Only schizos don't know about that
Some retarded shit they get in their training. They think it helps them fit in.
A lot of cope by Muskovites here
are leftards unironically celebrating how the judicial power can strangle the whole government and fuck over their citizens? lmao, unbelievable
the funny thing it's not even an popular elected government body, but the judicial one. They got power as much as the executive and they just showed it. Brazil became even a bigger shithole and mutt leftists somehow are celebrating lmao. It's beyond me how brainrot they are.
midwit normie media

I still laugh at the fact Musk was adored by the media some years ago because le epic science man. Now he's the stinky rightist bigot that everyone should hate.
>the rightard Musk unironically strangling his own social media company's existence in China because it's either have a Tesla Gigafactory in that country to provide cheap labor to make the batteries for the products which enabled him to buy Twitter, or have to charge more for said products and still not have X in China. Xi says 'Jump', Musk asks 'How high?'
Fortunately, other electric vehicle manufacturers don't have the burden of having a blue albatross round their neck. It's why DankPods was able to get his Nissan Leaf ultra-cheaply:
I've seen plenty of those. Only one electric car which says 'Tesla' on it. Funny, that. Not as funny as what's happening to Muskrat, though re. X in not only Brazil, as well as not in China.. Good.
Thank god. I knew that retard wouldn't stand losing money giving free internet to the macacos. Now I can enjoy Twitter free of subhuman brazucas
>stick a fork in him
have you ever thought about going outside and kissing someone your age of the opposite sex? you might learn how not to be such a faggot
>Musky's fanboys are so cooked about their boyfriend, they're seething
Stick a fork in them. They're done.
It's gotten much worse for Musk, he's been implicated in the latest Russian interference scandal because he was boosting Russian operatives on Twitter.
> Our ideas are so good that anybody who disagrees should be censored, banned, bankrupted and thrown in prison!

t. Leftists
i think they enjoy being vile. leftists hate elon and love censorship, so it is consistent that they would support Brazilian censorship of twitter.
>What do normal people think about Elon?
>he does rockets, electric cars and satellite Internet, that's cool.

>what do leftists think about elon?
>he's literally worse than Hitler because we probably disagree politically, therefore I wish destruction and ruin upon him although if I can afford it I will buy a Tesla.
can you relax with the spam
Good post
>muh russia
Leftists are so uncreative.
Get on the chinese motorcycle
They haven't outgrown the 2016 Hillary talking points she spoon fed them
This one is even better honestly. Inflation isn't real, that's just Russian propaganda. Grocery and gas prices aren't up, that's just Russian propaganda.

You really need to start locking these retards up if you want anything to actually improve. And make no mistake, they'll do the same to you given the chance.
You haven't stopped replying to your own posts
If he didn't do that he'd die of loneliness.
he's projecting again
he's begging for rupees
How long have you let this mental illness go untreated?
Maybe Trump should stop conspiring with the Russians.
I dont know much about rightwing of lefwing or even Elon. I know that Elon sells a lot of shitty products and never in my life I think that I would buy something from him.
But this just makes me despise the leftwing if they behave like this, some one is censoring their political opinion with impunity and can silence a lot of people in 1 fucking country and what they do is too cheer.
like more than half of their answers dont deny that they are corrupt fascist and stupid but just to claim that the other is just as well while providing little to no evidence.
This must be a troll because otherwise people from the left wing look like a bunch of nazis that celebrate acts agaisnt humanity as long as they call themselves not nazis and get to spite the rest.
This action should looked down by everyone, the politicla party shouldnt matter
...and yet, there's that which bends like a bitch to China. Communist. Left wing. That bitch being Muskrat. Those who are left wing look down on that subhuman bitch. That which, in Soviet China, censors itself. And trolls itself by not allowing itself to have opinions about China on that which was denied the right to exist in China. That thing behaving the way it does: a subhuman hypocrite. Lone Muskrat.
Would you buy a used Cybertruck from this man...?

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