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Another presidential election, another time Trump conspires with the Russians.


The Biden administration announced a sweeping set of actions to tackle a major Russian government-backed effort to influence the 2024 US presidential election on Wednesday, including unveiling criminal charges against two Russian nationals, sanctions on ten individuals and entities, and the seizure of 32 internet domains.

At Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direction, three Russian companies used fake profiles to promote false narratives on social media, US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a statement.

Two employees of RT, the Russian state media network, were indicted in a US court for allegedly being part of a scheme that funneled nearly $10 million to set up and direct a Tennessee-based front company to produce online content aimed at sowing divisions among Americans, according to the Justice Department.

Taken together, the actions represent the Biden administration’s most significant public response yet to alleged Russian influence operations targeting American voters. After the US accused Iran of trying to hack both the Trump and Biden-Harris campaigns last month, Wednesday’s expected actions are a reminder that US officials continue to see Russia as a prominent foreign influence threat to November’s election, the sources said.

CNN first reported on the pending US actions earlier Wednesday. The Russian disinformation operation is being laundered through both Americans and non-American voices, four of the sources said.

US officials also named the Social Design Agency, which the Treasury Department has already sanctioned for allegedly running fake news sites in Europe on behalf of the Russian government, three of the sources said.
Formerly known as Russia Today, RT runs television and online platforms around the world that advance the Kremlin’s agenda. The Justice Department forced RT America to register as a foreign agent in 2017 after US intelligence officials concluded that the media outlet contributed to Russian efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.

Wednesday’s announcements mark the second major effort by the Biden administration to blunt RT’s influence in as many months. In July, the Justice Department accused an RT employee of being involved in a scheme that used a network of about 1,000 social media accounts to pose as US residents to spread disinformation about the Ukraine war and other topics. US officials accuse the Kremlin of financing the scheme; a Kremlin spokesperson denied the allegation.

Asked for comment, an RT spokesperson did not respond to the substance of the allegations, and instead emailed mocking comments including, “2016 called and it wants its clichés back.”

CNN was not immediately able to reach Social Design Agency for comment.

A growing number of foreign operatives have attempted to influence US elections since Russia’s 2016 activity, which included hacking the Democratic National Committee and leaking documents aimed at undercutting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

In the 2024 election, Iran’s alleged embrace of a similar hack-and-leak playbook that Russia used in 2016 has US officials on heightened alert. In June, a group of Iranian government-linked hackers successfully targeted the Trump campaign, stole internal campaign documents and shared them with news organizations. The hackers breached the email account of longtime Trump ally Roger Stone to target campaign staff, CNN has reported.
US officials are also keeping a close eye on China, which US officials and private experts say uses a vast set of online accounts to also target US voters. Chinese leader Xi Jinping told US President Joe Biden that China would not interfere in the 2024 US presidential election when the two men met last November, CNN previously reported.

But any foreign or domestic attempts to sow discord during the US election and shape voters’ opinions don’t change the fact that the voting process is very difficult to tamper with and protected by layers of defenses. There is no evidence of successful efforts — foreign or domestic —to swing an American election by changing vote tallies.

An estimated 97% of registered voters in the 2024 US election will cast their ballot in a jurisdiction with a verified paper record — adding to transparency around the vote, Jen Easterly, director of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, told reporters this week.

“Election infrastructure has never been more secure,” Easterly said.
In related news, Fox News has a meltdown over Biden warning of Russian interference in U.S. election


Really makes you ask why?
Oh good lord you are actually going to try this again?
Did you actually sage, on /news/?
Insane people often do the same thing over and over again. The /news/shill is anything but a sane person
>/pol/ppet gets unbanned
>Anti /news/ posts start again
I knew Russia was the good guys.
Ivan is seething
Kamala's internal polling must be abysmal if muh Russia 3.0 is back on the menu.
proof really upsets you doesn't it
putin supports kamala though, nice try scamocrat
>proof really upsets you doesn't it
No, not really. Muh Russia has been the background noise to my political life for the last ten years. Muh Russia 1.0 got bedoonked, Muh Russia 2.0 got utterly deboonked, this too will crash and burn.
>listening to putin
da comrade
seriously anon, you should get a new job before they put you on the frontline in a paintball vest
and tim waltz supports china, you democrats are all fake and frauds
Do you have an argument or you just going to accuse random people of being Russians?
you know when you get this defensive you call more attention to yourself right
>cant defend his position with any sort of argument
>resorts to accusing random people of being Russians
Are the 46% of Americans who support Trump also all Russian shills?
>46% of americans
the self deception only hurts you in the end faggot
You can vote for Trump and think he's a Russian shill at the same time.
>the self deception only hurts you in the end faggot

Popular vote
>Harris: 48.1%
>Trump: 46.1%

Are ~150 million Americans Russian shills?
lol, the faggot shill doesn't know that half of america regularly doesn't vote at all. probably because he's a foreign faggot shill who is bad at his job
Are the 46% of Americans who support Trump Russian shills?
he really wants to dispel the russian shill thing doesn't he. alas, he's just making it worse
Looks to me like you've gone and lost the argument (again).
see >>1338695
Trump adviser was implicated in this probe as well.
>ArE aLl RePuBlIcAnS rUsSiAn ShIlLs?
No, most of them are morons.
Republicans are the low IQ party.
uh actually if the founding fathers were alive they would almost all be republican
And would have swapped to the Democratic Party during the shift in the 60's.
We know.
only if they all became tyrants like Hamilton
yeah thats why the previous accusation was on the news one day and then dropped like a rock and never spoke of until another election year and he's a threat again
>Founding Fathers would be authoritarians.
LOL, they'd all join the democratic party along with Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln because they'd be aghast at Republicans declaring Trump is above the law.

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