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I'm starting to think this guy is here just to shit up the board
Don't worry, in Soviet /news/
>something about some musician Trump likes
Elton John thanks Donald Trump for ‘his support’: ‘He’s been to my concerts many, many times’
'Sir Elton John has bizarrely thanked former US President Donald Trump for his support in a new interview'
'Trump repeatedly references one of John’s biggest hits by calling North Korea’s dictator leader, Kim Jong Un, “Little Rocket Man,” a decision the singer has now described as “brilliant” while thanking Trump for being a fan of his music'
'I’ve always been friendly toward him, and I thank him for his support. When he did that, I just thought it was hilarious. It made me laugh,” John said of the “Little Rocket Man” nickname, which Trump began using in 2017'
>'Donald Trump Celebrated Elton John’s Same-Sex Marriage in 2005'
board shits on >>1348235
>mega seethe about op's pic
If it was a group, shouldn't he have compared it to D12, does Elton John not actually know anything about m&m or his rap career?
>Elton John has bizarrely thanked former US President Donald Trump for his support in a new interview'

If you don't suck Dem cock you're bizarre!
Elton John has always been bizarre. He has no reason to care about US politics. Elton is free to speak about the positive interactions he's had with Trump.
>Donald John has always been bizarre

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