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Post the article, faggot
not in the rules, queer
you just got owned LOL
>The Georgia secretary of state canceled thousands of voter registrations before the beginning of the year for varying reasons — some were removed from the rolls for not voting or responding to mail from election officials in two general election cycles, others were deleted following a conviction with a felony sentence, and still others for moving to another state.
>Now, many of these voters are eligible again and back on Georgia’s voter rolls.
>eligible again
Look at that, you blatantly lied again. I think we're done here.
tRump blatantly lies, so why can't he?

Any 4chan news poster who does not paste article text is a corporate shill, gay for more corporate brbies and paid adwalls.

Go back to whatever your paid corrupt big corporate news outlet is, and stay out of 4chan anons until you mend your corrupt greedy ways.
paste the article text dickmuncher
not in the rules, tranniboi
>resident schizo refuses to post the article until they can plaster /news/ with their collection of tranny porns
He's really gone overboard in the past few days. It shows how desperate his handlers are.
take your meds, tranni boi
You know, watching a dyslexic man with an axe to grind try and understand the world can be fun at times.
How do we report posts like these?
arrow to the right of the post number

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