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Late Monday, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) announced it plans to launch the first-ever federal investigation into the 1921 Tulsa race massacre, in which hundreds of Black Tulsans were killed, thousands were displaced and forced into internment camps overseen by the national guard, and Greenwood, the thriving district once known as “Black Wall Street”, was decimated, looted and burned by a racist mob.

The review, launched by the civil rights division’s Cold Case Unit, comes after a major setback for survivors and descendants of the massacre. In June, Oklahoma’s supreme court dismissed a lawsuit brought by two survivors, Lessie Benningfield Randle, 109, and Viola Fletcher, 110. In July, the women once again called for Joe Biden and the justice department to intervene.

Kristen Clarke, the assistant attorney general who announced the DoJ review, called the Tulsa race massacre “one of the deadliest episodes of mass racial violence in this nation’s history”.

“We honor the legacy of the Tulsa race massacre survivors, Emmett Till, the Act that bears his name, this country and the truth by conducting our own review and evaluation of the massacre,” Clarke said, announcing that the review should be finalized by the end of the year. “We thus are examining available documents, witness accounts, scholarly and historical research and other information on the massacre. When we have finished our federal review, we will issue a report analyzing the massacre in light of both modern and then-existing civil rights law.”
In a statement back in June, Fletcher and Randle said: “We are deeply saddened that we may not live long enough to see the state of Oklahoma or the United States of America honestly confront and right the wrongs of one of the darkest days in American history. At 109 and 110 years old, we are elderly and we know that we are living on borrowed time … Oklahoma and the United States of America have failed its Black citizens. This failure is profound, systemic and marred by lip service and clever platitudes.”

Clarke said that there was “no expectation” there is anyone still living who may be prosecuted as a result of the inquiry. Regardless, for descendants and survivors who have not been compensated for the massacre and its ongoing consequences, the inquiry’s announcement was still worth celebrating.

“It is about time,” Damario Solomon-Simmons, the lead attorney for the Tulsa race massacre survivors, said during a press conference. “It only took 103 years, but this is a joyous occasion, a momentous day, an amazing opportunity for us to make sure that what happened here in Tulsa is understood for what it was – the largest crime scene in the history of this country.”
the tulsa race massacre was made up, like the holocaust. it never happened, no blacks died
inb4 John Bearden
You're not American
no, unlike you, obongo and harris I am
> the 1921 Tulsa race massacre, in which hundreds of Black Tulsans were killed, thousands were displaced and forced into internment camps overseen by the national guard, and Greenwood, the thriving district once known as “Black Wall Street”, was decimated, looted and burned by a racist mob.
Anti-white fan fiction
I don't care at this point.
Why this and not Kennedy assassination?
All this old shit, no one CARES!!!
Even then, how will we know the govt isn't lying?! Even THEN, no one is alive since then, so who cares. Who brings up Tulsa anyway? No one.

In another 25 years or so, no one will be alive to have lived through Holocaust and we will be complaining about THAT happening, because there is no one will be alive to say otherwise.

tldr, old shit, who fucking cares.
>Even THEN, no one is alive since then
Wrong. One of the reasons why it is a big deal is that there are (miraculously) still living survivors of the tragedy. But the state high court denied them reparations.
Yes there's at least one alive and she's been an activist for decades. And most of the lore comes from her word of mouth account.
she was never at the tulsa race massacre because there was no tulsa rac massacre. she made it up. its fiction
according to whom?
Holocaust happened
Tulsa Race Massacre happened
Conservatives were responsible for slavery
Trump is a fascist
All facts
none of what you stated is factual
>Conservatives were responsible for slavery
European detected.

Hamilton - Federalism - Wig Party - GOP
Jefferson - Democratic-Republicanism - Jacksonianism - DNC

There is no real "liberal-conservative" split in US politics. Both parties have liberal and conservative wings, thats why you get Republicans governing deep blue states (because they are liberal!) and Democrats governing Republican states (because they are conservative!).

Glad I could clear that up for you, now please shut the fuck up.
learn party systems and come back to us ok
Not an argument
it's a nudge you need so you don't sound so uninformed
>yes, I cannot make an argument
Oh, I know.
well, keep being stupid if you'd like. i'd even give you the link if you were a little less of an asshole
You mean the RNC, also you forget the party realignment
>also you forget the party realignment
Never happened. You can draw a throughline through Republican politics back to the founding of the Republic. Same with the Dems.
> party realignment
literally never happened
also according to dems somehow teddy, wilson, fdr and ike are all lefties
>109 and 110 years old
that would put them as some of the oldest people in the entire country. Especially since Black people have shorter lifespans. Seems like a mighty big coincidence that they both happen to be living victims.
>Especially since Black people have shorter lifespans
The current oldest living American (115 years old) is black. At least three of the top ten all-time oldest living Americans were black.
>Strom Thurmond and George Wallace didn't exist
>The Southern Strategy never happened
Who is supposed to believe this?
sanders, brandon, obogno and harris all believe in slavery
i see the shill still hasn't been promoted to a non-dead board. sucks to suck
>As racist as delusional
Why are conservatives like this?
Is that the one where they tried to break some black guy out of jail and killed a bunch of white people in the process and now leftoids pretend they were dropping bombs on blacks from planes?
chud headcanon is so weird
Don’t care still voting Trump.
>young man (black, 19) assaults a young female elevator operator (white, 17) at a nearby hotel
>black is arrested by the police and brought to the courthouse
>group of angry whites arrives at the courthouse
>group of angry armed blacks arrive at the courthouse
>cop tells a black to hand over his firearm, black refuses
>cop reaches for his firearm, black fires into the crowd
>2 blacks die, 10 whites die in the ensuing riot
>whites retreat, arm themselves and boogaloo
And yeah, they dropped molotovs from a plane. That's why the fires started.
The left picks the weirdest things to memorialize.
>And yeah, they dropped molotovs from a plane. That's why the fires started.
Holy shit rednecks have airplanes now in your schizo headcanon?
sanders, brandon, obongo and harris all believe they have right to force a doctor to give them medical care for free
From the wikipedia page
>Numerous eyewitnesses described airplanes carrying white assailants, who fired rifles and dropped firebombs on buildings, homes, and fleeing families. The privately owned aircraft had been dispatched from the nearby Curtiss-Southwest Field outside Tulsa.
Why does this faggot post so much
>I'm a Democrat so I don't know how statistics work
>30 years ago the Democrats supported free speech
>now Republicans support free speech and Democrats are against it
>30 years ago Democrats opposed racism
>Now Republicans oppose racism while Democrats support racism
>30 years ago billionaires were Republicans
>Now billionaires are Democrats and most leftists say that anybody who opposes billionaires is a Nazi
Is the shill pretending he doesn't dickride a billionaire fraudster with a gold toilet
I wonder if the shill above is pretending he doesn't get DAP'd by billionaires.
>mfw a tranny is seething and defending a fictional race massacrer that never happened that was made up whole clothe by jewish banking billionaires near me
Just because you repeat a lie, doesn't make it the truth.
here is sanders own fucking website saying he thinks doctors are slaves
The point I was making is that statistical trends regarding longevity don't matter when specifically talking about outliers. The Tulsa survivors being as old as they are is an outlier, just as the oldest current American being as old as she is is an outlier. It isn't some suspicious conspiracy that they outlived the normal lifespan for blacks (or any other demographic group for that matter).
I am posting this at 1:52am central time, but you will cope and say it is daytime in Israel or India and accuse me of being Jewish or Indian.
It doesn't say he thinks doctors are slaves. Do you speak English?
>you have to do work and treat me for free
>not slavery
cool, so it isn't slavery if I force you to do work for me?
Doctors getting directly paid by the government rather than insurance companies for services rendered doesn't mean the doctors are working for free. Are you fucking retarded?
how are the doctors getting paid by the government? where does that money come from retard?
To post above mine that doesn't deserve a (You):
Taxation. Also, the allocation of funds that wouldn't be going to insurance companies since they wouldn't be necessary anymore.

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