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Diddy faces new sexual abuse allegations from 120 accusers, with claims involving 9-year-old
More than 100 accusers reportedly came forward alleging "rape, sexual assault and sexual exploitation" claims against Sean "Diddy" Combs.

During a press conference Tuesday, Houston attorney Tony Buzbee claimed the youngest accuser was 9 years old, with another 15-year-old alleged accuser. Buzbee acknowledged there were more minors involved in the lawsuits, which have yet to be filed.

Combs' legal team denied the allegations in a statement provided to Fox News Digital.

"As Mr. Combs’ legal team has emphasized, he cannot address every meritless allegation in what has become a reckless media circus," Combs' attorney, Erica Wolff, stated. "That said, Mr. Combs emphatically and categorically denies as false and defamatory any claim that he sexually abused anyone, including minors. He looks forward to proving his innocence and vindicating himself in court, where the truth will be established based on evidence, not speculation."
is this meme that it is a retarded statement never is used in context?
It's dipshit for "sage"

I mean, where you all so STUPID?!
The name was there...
Did he buy the rights to the Beatles' music too?
I diddy
>he confesed
Don't you have another picture? That picture makes it look like the rape victim badly wanted a BBC deep inside and reorganizing his organs, but got only a micro penis, traumatizing him for life.

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