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File: pod1[1].jpg (1.37 MB, 4032x3024)
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In Deep Blue San Francisco California there are 300 people applying to live in the pod and eat the bugs because rent is only $700
If travel on foot out of San Fran if needed.
$700 for a pod is more than my mortgage payment.
700$ for San Francisco? That’s a steal! I’m sure I can fit me, my wife, and two kids into one of those
What I don’t get about this is that SF is centered around tech, but tech jobs can be done remotely from anywhere. So what’s the point?
They need to sacrifice bums in their rituals. And there weren't enough bums pre-Democrat rule so they had to make more.
retards love living in pods on cities. also probably networking
>inbred rightards
>they've eaten food with red coloring (Carmine) in it
>they're trailer trash
No white rightards, you are the bug-eating pod dwellers.
And then the MAGAtards were zombies owned by their own meme.
kek, the chatgpt bot is posting, this thread sure got the 'cord mad
lol, a meme destroyed sure got a rightard schizo mad
Good post
Lol his response right below yours was nonsensical
top kek I know, that is how you can tell it isn't a human who can speak english making the posts
kek, the chatGPT bots sure are mad when they're reduced to excuses when confronted with a fact they can't dispute
Honestly it's sad. Im convinced at this point that it's either a foreign ESL shill using an online translation service, or a chatbot, or both
delicious projection
>Honestly it's sad. Im convinced at this point that it's either a foreign ESL shill using an online translation service, or a chatbot, or both
>not "I'm"
The ESL shills are sad and pathetic. Accusations are Admissions indeed.
Hmmm, should I live in the suburbs or the country and own my own real property, establishing wealth for myself and my descendants? Or should I feed my narcissistic sense of self importance by living in a broom closet in the bugman hive city? This is a hard choice for millenials and Gen Zer.
This is only required because of conservative zoning regulations
>conservative zoning regulations
Is this one of those things where every time bad shit happens because of democrats you call them republicans?
Remember when 100% of OPs pasted the article because they actually wanted to discuss the topic instead of just being le epic troll?
>Conservatives : "We need more affordable housing! Homelessness is so terrible!"
>An SF company opens up hundreds of affordable beds so poor people can stay off the streets
>Conservatives : "No, not like that!"

Its almost like conservatives just like using issues as ammunition against their political rivals but have absolute zero desire to make anything better.
yeah conservative San Francisco. one of the bluest cities in the bluest state. a city that last had a republican mayor in 1964. a city that has 11 dems and zero republicans on their city legislature. the last republican to hold office on the city legislature retired in 1978 (also he said socialist koolaid people rigged an election against him and san francisco has elected guys named scott wiener and ed jew (who was convicted of bribery and lying) and gun runner Leland Yee)
so a city that has been under unanimous democrat control for the past 46 years has a housing problem due to republicans?
we could fix the housing crisis overnight if we eliminated section 8 and rounded up the 20 million illegals who are in the US and put them in concentration camps.
turn your monitor on
it's an indian man using google translate and chatgpt
literally a bot post
I know its fucking crazy
>Housing in SF would be fixed if we kicked out low income from subsidized housing and deported a bunch of workers.
You are not a very smart man.
not in the rules, tranni boi
no, you are the retard here. if you get rid of section 8 then prices will come done because the government won't be setting a price floor with free money. the demand for lower priced units will create the supply. there currently isn't that demand because section 8 sets an artificial floor.
illegals are taking up housing from humans. lower demand for housing will lower the costs. Also illegals only benefit the mega rich. they are fucking terrible for regular people because they work as scabs and drive down the value of labor.
You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Section 8 does not set a price floor for low income housing. Section 8 makes up less than like 1% of all rental properties and besides, section 8 is a rent subsidy on behalf of the renter, not just houses with low market rent. You don't have any idea how section 8 works. Also, illegals don't only benefit the mega rich and they don't drive down the value of labor. Even if they did, by your own logic, if we deport all the cheap labor then labor becomes more expensive therefore goods become more expensive, doing the exact opposite of what you claim it would. Everything you're saying is false. You have a comically retarded grasp of basic economics.
>fucking crazy
stop signing your posts
jfc at least ditch your shit template robofag
>Its not like that.. even if it is like that, thats good.
>By your own logic your stupid and wrong and everything i say is smarmy and right.
>u wrong. u dumb
isn't it fucking crazy that dems love illegals more than humans so fucking much they will abandon their own talking points and ideals to protect the illegals
>we need to raise minimum wage, it won't cause prices to go up or inflation, prices are what the market will bear and raising minimum wage will just cause the owner class to profit less, but prices won't go up
>anything less than minimum wage is slave wages and not livable
>we need a permanent underclass of brown slaves working tax free for less than minimum wage to keep prices down
and yeah, section 8 causes housing prices to go up. look at the other industries the government throws free money into like colleges and healthcare. the prices in those industries have run away way faster than inflation because the government will pay and the government does not give a single fuck about getting value for taxpayer money since it isn't the government's money
actually, getting rid of brown vs board of ed and allowing racial covenants would also dramatically reduce housing prices because all current zoning laws and housing prices are related to people not wanting to live near and not wanting their kids to go to school with blacks and illegals. its the same reason why the US is so anti public transport
bot post
It was mostly established before widespread remote work. The lockdowns changed a lot
I remote work from a small San Francisco tech company.
They are chill
Bugs? It sounds like you are adding personal comments to the news "summary".

That's bad,op. That makes you a dumb nigger in my opinion.
He's the resident schizophrenic faggot who posts 5 to 10 awful threads a day, what do you expect
>bot post
yes, >>1358542's is
>it's not against the rules to be a newfag from r*ddit who does nothing but shitpost
the fact that this is the only response you ever has is sad.

Stop engaging in the topic of an obvious bait thread.
top kek, look at tranni boi harris shill having a fucking melty over the fact that dems are literally living in the pods
>mfw the bot is too retarded to argue the point and is trying to shit up the thread instead
top kek >>1358542 cannot be refuted
>>1358673 is a shithole-dwelling third worlder tranni boi that is having a fucking melty about not living in America and not owning what it will never have: a gun.
Americans live in houses, eat meat and own things such as guns
wow, the bot is really having a melty over the fact that democrats have literally been proven to live in the pod and eat the bugs
op bumped his failed thread again
>mfw tranni boi is still fucking seething because it has no response to the fact that dems literally live in pods. a unanimously blue city in a blue trifecta state literally has people living in pods because dem policies are that bad
>white trash live in trailers
>they eat foods containing red coloring Carmine
mfw rightard tranni boi seethes when white rightards are the only ones literally living in pods and eating bugs. democrats in actual houses and eat meat laugh at the rightard tranni boi.
>top kek, look at tranni boi harris shill having a fucking melty over the fact that dems are literally living in the pods
wtf is going on in your schizo brain that makes you think that is happening?
>top kek, look at tranni boi trump shill having a fucking melty over the fact that repubs are literally living in the pods
wtf is going on in your schizo brain that makes you think that isn't happening?
see>>1358864 and >>1358708 and >>1358616
tranni boi is having a fucking melty near me
good post
surprise, he brought up his fetish for no reason
nah, you are the one who said he jerks off to chinese tranny gacha
>top kek, look at tranni boi trump shill having a fucking melty over the fact that repubs are literally living in the pods
wtf is going on in your schizo brain that makes you think that isn't happening?
>white trash live in trailers
>good post
Thanks for agreeing that you're a tranni boi having a melty over white repubs that are pod dwellers. The phrase 'Trailer Trash' exists for a very good reason. Trailers='Pods'. Yet, your schizo mind thought that wasn't happening. It is. I'd ask the question 'Why does the phrase "Trailer Trash" about certain white repubs exist?' but it's obvious you're not an American or you'd know about that.
That's why the only one having a melty here is you, >>1359037. Because your opinions have been proved wrong. As always.
>mfw tranni boi harris shill is having a melty over dems living in pods above me
>mfw tranni boi trump shill is having a melty over white repub trailer trash, as trailers=pods thus is proved wrong
kek, this op really got the 'cord seething and shitting itself in rage
kek, the fact that white repubs literally live in pods known as trailers really got >>1359153 seething and shitting itself in rage
>the tranni boi bot literally can't stop having a melty about dems living in pods
>the tranni boi trump bot literally can't stop having a melty about repubs living in pods, known as trailers
>the harris chatgpt bot is incapable of thinking
also dems live in pods
>the trump chatgpt bot is incapable of thinking
also repubs live in pods, known as trailers
the harris crackhead bot is still fucking seething about the fact harris supporters liv in pods and eat bugs
>mfw the trump crackhead bot is still fucking seething about the fact trump supporters liv in pods (trailers) and eat bugs (carmine)
yeah this op really got the 'cord seething. crackhead bot wont stop having a melty about how dems live in pods and eat the bugs and shit in the street
>yeah, >>1359276's intrusive thoughts have emerged with that it is obsessed with and Freud would have a field day over what >>1359276 thinks about
Normal sane humans don't continually think about what >>1359276 is obsessed with.
you literally got caught shitting in the street, top kek, can't make this shit up >>1359287
you literally admit you're obsessed with what normal sane humans aren't. lol, caught displaying your weirdness.
This guy is an actual schizo. How long until he just kills himself?
nope, but dems live in the pod and shit in the street
this is how I can tell you are mega btfo'd and having a melty, top kek
you still literally admit you're obsessed with what sane humans aren't
>and here we see >>1359407's intrusive thoughts emerging with that it is obsessed with and Freud would have a field day over what >>1359407 keeps thinking about
you literally live in the pod >>1358356 and shit in the street >>1359287
You keep admitting you're obsessed with what normal sane humans aren't
>and here we see >>1359433's intrusive thoughts displaying its obsession that Freud would have a field day about what >>1359433 keeps mentioning
Normal sane humans don't think of behaving on the internet the way you do, least of all think of being obsessed with what you need to mention in /news/. But then, by needing to mention what you're clearly obsessed with you're not normal, sane, or human >>1359433 .
crazy how this thread caused the harris bot to have a full on pants shitting melty
crazy how the trump bot being called out on its obsessions and intrusive thoughts which keep emerging
which no normal sane human would ever need to mention, thus proving the trump bot isn't normal, sane or human, is causing the trump bot to have a psychological breakdown.
No normal sane human would think of behaving in such a way on the internet, thus the trump bot isn't normal, sane, or human. the trump bot proves its inferiority via its proven psychological subnormality with the way it behaves in /news/.
pods are still fake and the housing market is actually good
they found you in thailand >>1359582
top kek
you have been found to have something worse than an obsession, even a mental handicap: coprophilia.
Remember when /news/ was not ruined by an obnoxious troll from r*ddit?
Oh I guess you don't remember that do you OP? It was before your time
>they haven't found the thread because it's been deleted
top kek
>they haven't found the second thread because that's been deleted too
giga kek
turn your monitor on
you are one seething tranni boi. is it on account of harris lost?
here is the thread, retardo

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