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A white supremacist mass shooter shoots 10 people in Florida, identified as Jaylen Dwayne Edgar
Really wish mods would get off those asses and ban this Newsweek no-text shit poster.
Cop knocked gun out of shooter's hands. Geeze, cops really are afraid to Shoot blacks.
>Geeze, cops really are afraid to Shoot blacks.
Well yeah. Anytime they do, democrats start rioting and setting fires to the country.
>Black white supremacist
Can't make this up.
Cop probably wants to stay out of jail
Samefag (OP)
kinda sad.
good post
for what tranni boi?
can you blame them? there is video footage of mike brown assaulting and robbing a store owner and then trying to murder a cop. blacks rioted because the cop shot in self defense
in wisconson jacob blake fucking plead guilty to beating and raping a woman and was shot kidnapping her kids because he was planning to rape them and dems still fucking rioted about him being shot to save 3 young black boys from being kidnapped and raped
the funny thing about the racist shill is that he's not even american or white
>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:
>Irrelevant catchphrases or copypasta
>Example: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?..."
>Indecipherable text
>Example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"
>Irrelevant ASCII macros
>Ironic shitposting
>Example: "upboads for le funy maymay trollololololoxdxdxdxd~~!"
>Gibberish text
>Example: "l;kjdsfioasoiupwajnasdfa"
>10. No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
>1. All topics and discussion should be about current news articles. The OP must contain a valid URL of an article from a credible news site (i.e., a newspaper, news magazine, or TV channel). Blog and editorial articles are not acceptable.
turn your monitor on
>>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
you have no evidence OP is violating this rule
>>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:
OP didn't violate this rule, crackhead bot did though
>>10. No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
posting news threads isn't spanning or flooding, bitching about muh paste the text or crackhead bot posting is spamming and flooding
>>1. All topics and discussion should be about current news articles. The OP must contain a valid URL of an article from a credible news site (i.e., a newspaper, news magazine, or TV channel). Blog and editorial articles are not acceptable.
newsweek is a news site and it doesn't say you need to post the article text, tranni boi
>turn your monitor on
Zoomer cringe meme.
>you have no evidence OP is violating this rule
See previous
>posting news threads isn't spanning or flooding,
No, but posting links to the same editorial/blog is
>newsweek is a news site
Let me stop you there...and laugh.

Come back when you're 18 or older
>Newsweek is an American weekly news magazine.
keep on seething fagola. you are just upset because you want the board to be 100% israeli propaganda like /gif/
Well if wikipedia says so then it MUST be true!
newsweek is also an isreali ccp rag so the fact you are seething over actual communist propaganda makes it funnier
how is /gif/ israeli propaganda??? i thought it was a porn site
Thanks for proving that no rules were broken.
you just a hater that complains anytime you don't get your way.
fucking weak ass bitch boy crybaby
OP, your thread is sliding
its literally entirely gay/tranny/black porn. go click on it, you will see like a black tranny thread that is just 1 or 2 guys posting for hours by themselves with no one else in the thread. its weird as fuck when 90% of the threads are shit the board hates and 90% of threads are just 1 guy by himself spamming
good posts
how can you tell who is one guy since the jannies removed the IP counter?
because the post count and the image count will be the same and all the filenames will have the same format and there won't be any other posts in the thread, just one guy posting images without text for hours for 200 posts
lol, did the right wing shill just admit he regularly peruses tranny threads on gif. yes, yes he did. and nobody is surprised
you can see the post and image counter from the catalogue, retardo. at least pretend you use this site
lol. i guess we know why he brings up trannies so much. keep it up with the damage control
you were the one who said you jerk off to trannies in chinese gacha games
saving this as a perfect example of the state of /news/ board just in case anyone claims that pure text is less retarded
it isn't the text, the issue is there are a ton of paid harris shills who don't normally use 4chan
No amount of damage control will make me forget that the right wing shill admits to browsing blacked and tranny threads on gif
nah, that's you
/news/ is literally unmoderated. Site admins might pop in for major global violations, but that's it. Shitposters, spammers, and election tourists like OP are free to shit up the board until it becomes/pol2/.
the whole site is /pol/. anyone who isn't /pol/ is a paid shill or a yuro
I miss moot
the site has always been /pol/
poltards have always been faggots
a. stop signing your posts
b. /pol/ posters are the best posters
stfu faggot, and go back. enjoy your rupee
turn your monitor on
the shills seem to suffer a dearth of creativity
yeah, the harris bot can only repeat posts other people write
Hi OP, you cringe zoomer faggot
yeah, the trump bot can only repeat certain words
we don't sign our posts here
all the bots are harris bots

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