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Fox isn't even a news org by their own legal argument. Wait until the rest call it because stuff like PA aren't done yet.
They're reporting news you butthurt queer.
Tell me about the lawsuit again you fucking spergoid.
It's mathematically impossible for her to make it up in PA at this point
NBC called it too
He's making great threads again
They did all this after my post, calm down.
Fucking CNN is calling it too lol, it's over
Good anon, you've figured out the passage of time. Did you know posts made 10 minutes ago don't have access to the same information you have now?
YEESSSSSSSSSS!!! faith in humanity, finally ..... RESTORED
>article isn't pasted
call me a tranni boi then commit suicide
This is as it should be. Bring back the Cold War and world order with two big powers running the show. You kids don't remember how great the '80s were, with Ronnie standing against Gorby.
Day 1 dictatorship here we come!
God I wish.
It will just be more of the uniparty standard in reality though. Only slightly more funny since people like you will be having meltdowns.

Just give Trump one day, just one.
I sure hope you're right friend. I really do!
But he has been president for 4 years?
It was only through brave voters that we were able to fight back against his fascist dictatorship the first time. I fear they have all but died by now.
And after 8 years of Trumpmania, I don’t care. In 4 more years at 12 I still won’t care. So sick of the news covering orange man all the time at some point you just got to move on from it.
yeah do you remember what happened last time? do yall have short term memory or something
So how does a dictator get voted in again? Afaik, america kills off other country's dictators with it's magical supreme world policing powers.
Transisters... what now?
americans are not the brightest
I never doubted this. I get physically ill thinking about old farts on Social Security and Medicare eating up my money and my future. I only hope that the GOP can get rid of this cancer finally. They've been promising to get rid of SSA and Medicare since FDR created it and that has been a long, long time of failure to live up to those promises.

If Trump cannot do that, then I give up on any future for our nation.
Does this mean that he will finally lock up crooked Hillary, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, and scrap Obamacare and create a better system that covers more people for less money? He promised all of that in 2016 and did nothing about it for four years. Is this time the charm?
They shouldn't have killed the squirrel.
Peanut and Shinzo Abe smile upon us from heaven.
It's not the charm, but it's the concept of charm.
I hate squirrels. Tree rats. It was the murder of Fred, the raccoon that turned me against the Dems.
Clear voter fraud all across the US or since the conservative candidate won is that not the talking point anymore?
Nigga there wasn't enough voter fraud for Kamala to win. Y'all shouldn't have got caught registering thousands of fake people to vote democrat in PA if you wanted to win this election
>Is this time the charm?
Do you actually believe he is gonna do any of that? He is just a puppet leader for the repubican party. That's why he is elected to begin with.
Please don't try to assassinate the president again, Democrats
Oh shit son. Republicans on their way to the trifecta. Trump president, gop Senate, looks like it will be a gop house, trump will probably win the popular vote too.

I guess democrats strategy of bot campaigns and mass propaganda kinda backfired on them
I want my Democrat friends over the next four years to remember exactly what you believed would happen if Trump won this election, and please question especially WHY you believed what you did.
>having democrat friends
lmao. the democrat party is dead. trump has said that they will feel his vengeance, all of them.
>trump has said that they will feel his vengeance, all of them

Lol, okay /pol/. You must be 18 or older to browse 4chan.
Thanks for confirming that the voter fraud topic was always partisan sour grapes
Yeah we'll remember "We told you so" when you go to the store and everything there costs 50% more. The only thing we're getting out of this presidency is Elon Musk diverting every subsidiary to himself.
>Guy who made several bogus fraud claims and tried to elect fake electors to certify him magically gains in every state while turnout somehow lowers

If this was a show people would call it a plot hole that no one figured anything was going on.
I'm less concerned with trump than I am with what more competent politicians will do with the knowledge that his style of post-truth populism works
If anyone committed fraud in 2020 it was the candidate that had 15 million voters vanish by 2024
All that happened this election it was proven that when COVID lockdowns aren't making it easy to commit fraud, democrats get their shit packed
Get fucked.
I want total democrat death.
I'm sure Trump affiliates inspecting tons of voting machines for the last four years to look for "discrepancies" means nothing.
Dear 4channers.

Now is the time to check up on your Democrat friends. These are some seriously mentally unstable people and may self delete from the delusions they've been fed, and as a functional human being, it would not be right to ill wish a Lefty undergoing a mental health crisis. Seriously, go see them, rub the salt in and make them feel the sting or reality. Make them gasp and take breath of fresh air after four year of being snowed, and see that there's still a tomorrow for them to bitch and moan over. Help them get over their self centered Democrat narcissism - yes, I know they're annoying assholes, but they're American assholes...remind them the world isn't all about them, and other people more normal and grounded than they live in the same country too - like, right next door from the sign stealing cretins...bring a salt shaker. God Bless America...
>early voting has record numbers
>in-person voting has record numbers
>actual votes are lower than 2020

Explain how this happened.
Saw some people on Twitter.com saying that Trump cheated; ballots being burnt, votes being forged, incriminating emails.
I'm not saying whether or not I think those are real, but I want to hear what you anons have to say about it. Do you believe he cheated? The several pools regarding popular votes would make such a likely reality.
If the right is allowed to bitch about it for four years and counting (Genuinely I feel one of Trump's first matters in office will be to try and get it officially recognized he totally won 2020), the left gets to have a turn.
See, the difference here is an actual statistical analysis of 2020 heavily suggested fraud. As much as you tards really want to ignore it, there were a handful of updates from 2020 that were nigh-impossible from a statistical standpoint. There's an entire statistical analysis of this by Vote pattern analysis on substack. Just Google "2020 election fraud statistical analysis" and it's sure to show up.
People didn't just think it was fraud because of Twitter videos. It's was watching live updates and seeing tens of thousands of ballots cast exclusively for Joe Biden appear in the middle of the night, and other similar things which we didn't see at all during this election cycle
I'm curious if you have any actual graphs with the rate of 2024 vote counts for comparison.
For real. I know so many people who are in fucking shambles over this, like actually crying and pulling their hair out because they genuinely think trump is sending his nazi death squads into the streets to eradicate the colored, the gay, the tranies, and impregnate the women. it's shocking how out of touch with reality some people are.
Yes, but the difference is that the right has evidence.
>the left gets to have a turn.
What would you call 2016-2020? Cause that WAS your turn.
I don't remember 50+ failed lawsuits and an attempt to breach into the electoral voting room in 2016.

FFS you literally can't say Trump lost 2020 if you're in his campaign. It's literally "It which shall not be said".
There is one small hitch. Last weekend Trump said he would refuse to accept the election result due to widespread voter fraud. So, back to the drawing board, guys.
Now that Trump/Vance is elected, will alphabet people finally get the T4 treatment? I'm sure they will enjoy it given their propensity towards BDSM, military, and other forms of mental/physical self-harm.

Schizos and addicts have loose mental boundaries, including for sexuality. Thus, taking all the alphabet people into the camps is just predictive policing. 4chan needs to wake up and silence schizos, addicts, (trans/fur)fags, neurodivergent/marginalized cockroaches, deviants, and mongrels instead of covertly humanizing them. They aren't human, they are parasites and pests masquerading as such.

Make 4chan great again (M4GA) to purge the Ivy+ elite scum who are vermin on this society. Trump should drain the swamp, and the alphabet Ivy+ fuckers and their DEI admits will get what's coming to them.

I support Trump, but if you support Harris, just know it was Wharton vs. Howard, and the Ivy+ scum wants you to fail. It is time for Ivy+ scum to be sent to the camps and clean up their own trash.

While their existence is neutral to slightly positive in terms of impact, and I know many based gays (e.g. Fuentes, Thiel), we must acknowledge a gay with a 6 figure job is a family man without one.

For all humanity, Trump should isolate the alphabet folk and erase them from the public, or better, facilitate their exit for everyone's sake including their own.

Useless eaters and freeloaders who do not reproduce and who harbor inferior genomes using the institutions of adoption must be dealt with swiftly. Trauma-laced parentless diseases (that are human in name only) are full of epigenetic defects and ruin the blood of America. Fredrick Brennan, crippled ex-foster child admitted he should be dead. I bet many of you are like Brennan and Fuentes. America, Korea, Japan, and Germany need true patriots who will get out of the way to make the Ubermensch. There is no place for degenerates in this world.

Glory to Trump, death to the elites, God is death, Christ is King!
>FFS you literally can't say Trump lost 2020 if you're in his campaign. It's literally "It which shall not be said".

If anything, Trump BTFO'ing Kamala and the Democrats in such a grand fashion suggests the theory that there was fraud in 2020 is actually possible. 15 million Democrat voters somehow disappeared between 2020 and 2024. What happened?
Or, alternatively considering none of Trump's cases were able to present any evidence, suggests cheating in 2024 instead.

There was record early voting and election day turnout. Why's the total lower?
Well, this time people were watching for zombies, so most of the dead stayed inconveniently dead unlike 2020 when they rose from the grave to vote Democrat.
If you remember at all what late 2020 was like in urban places it was exactly like the mandate of heaven was coming down to smite orange man. This time they just went to work because it's a workday.
I'm just glad we can get this shit show over with already. What a time to be alive.
What has Trump done against democracy?
You got raped.
He turned the US into a monarchofascist dictatorship for 4 years until he was voted out
No he didn't. You imagining things? If he did, it would be impossible to vote him out. I swear people screaming about fascism and dictatorship have never themselves experienced tyranny, or even in their immediate lineage. You obviously don't know what those words mean.
Deprogram yourself
Turn off your reddit feed
Go outside
Join a gym.
Seek friendship, maybe a therapist
>monarchofascist dictatorship
you dumb fuck, democrats lost because they did everything they possibly could in the textbook of "How Not To Run A Campaign"
you lunatics screeched so hard about russia and all the hoaxes people saw through the lies. even obama was brazen enough to reel out the "good people both sides" hoax last minute to try and mislead people.
When you lie, when you talk down to your voters, when you tell them if they don't vote for you they are bad people, when you exaggerate your claim so much like what you just fucking did here about a nonexistent "existential threat". people will quickly move past the point of "talking" and go straight to the polls.

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