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A toddler killed himself with an AR.
Guess the skin color of the parents
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - A man has been indicted on two charges after a three-year-old boy shot and killed himself using his gun.

On March 2 of the year 2022, MPD received a call from Methodist South Hospital regarding a shooting.

When officers arrived, they learned that 3-year-old Bryson Jackson suffered a gunshot wound to the head.

According to the affidavit, the mother of the child told MPD that the suspect, Tedrick Butler, left his AR-15 rifle unattended in the bedroom while he and the mother went to get food.

Bryson and his 4-year-old were in the room together when the gunshot was fired; their uncle was in the living room when he heard the gun go off.

During MPD’s search of the home on Tonawanda Cove, Butler attempted to hide marijuana, pills, and two AR-style pistols.

Per court documents, Butler has been indicted for tampering with evidence and possession of a prohibited weapon.

Records also show that the mother, Tinesha Jackson, was also indicted with criminally negligent homicide and aggravated child abuse.
>Guess the skin color of the parents
At least make it hard anon.
>two AR-style pistols

>Guess the skin color of the parents
Guess the nationality of the parents
Ban weapons of MD(minority destruction) as to skin tone, I bet OP Has fishbelly maggot cum hundred skin, from living in it's C.H.U.D. dwelling (subterranean sewers)
Hued skin, not hundred, you effing autocorrecting AI cunt
Anything that's not a revolver is an ar-style weapon when it's reported by the msm
African American
in 1934 this communist piece of shit named FDR tried to ban guns so he could become a dictator. he later put Americans in concentration camps. the law was supposed to ban handguns, but didn't and also it banned sawn off shotguns. some retarded senator from ywoming or montana or minnesota or something, one of the midwest states, thought it was going to ban all rifles so he set the minimum length of a rifle barrel to be 18 inches which was later changed to 16 inches.
Due to powders getting better and people liking to shove more shit on their guns and more fighting taking place in cities or via vehicle mounted troops soldiers have been carrying shorter and shorter guns, especially special forces or swat/hostage rescue cops
since you can't buy a gun with a barrel under 16 inches as a rifle you buy it as a pistol with no stock and then either pay a $200 stamp and convert it to a rifle or put a pistol brace on it which is basically a stock
blacks see these AR and AK pistols in music videos and then buy them to look cool but never put a stock or brace on them so they are harder to shoot but easier to conceal
pic related is a good example
>FDR put Americans in concentration camps
He's the iconic democrat all democrats look up to as well lmao
>he later put Americans in concentration camps.
They weren't white though, so it doesn't matter.
thats the ethnicity not the nationality
elon musk is african american. it's a nationality.
An African American, statistically the most criminal class of americans

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