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They look like they browse 4chan.
The broccoli-headed one on the right looks like an AI parody of zoomers
it must be so great to be a nepobaby
They aren't. In fact, there were threads on /pol/ a while ago of anons posting about the jobs they landed with the new administration.
Fake and gay
yeah I'm sure the zoomer broccoli high schooler was selected for his deep logistics expertise and his 9 figure dad had no part in it
treasury was handled before by unelected 80 year old white women and a literal now confirmed traitor and chink spy.

Doge was announced before the election win, so yeah i did vote for that more than any of you faggots vote more for the traitors so go fuck yourself also it was democrats and republicans who both screamed that they want younger blood in goverment, there you go retard, also they are OBVIOUSLY smarter than the boomers before them because they literally already saved billions and discovered a chink spy.
I'm all for kicking out everyone. If you got a degree in __________ subject, than you should not be managing anything related to that subject. Any person with a degree is already compromised and brainwashed by the woke mind virus in our marxist colleges.
I feel more better with a farmer off the streets managing department of science than I would a scientists. I can tolerate science but fuck scientists and them putting on airs like they know better than the rest of us and that gives them the right to tell us what to do and how to do.
>department of science
What country are you really from?
guess they couldn't afford the fluent english jeets so they had to settle for you
OP looks like he browser reddit (because he does)
>a scientists
A Conservative PM admired by Trump won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Can you figure out one of the reasons why he did?
Get back to us when your first language is English, foreigner. Winston Churchill was highly educated, a prolific writer, and had a high regard for science. Bletchley Park. Alan Turing. Their scientists cracked Enigma.
Like I say, Trump admires Churchill. He was half American.
Lift off, Cookie squared
Three do not even have degrees. And one who does is trying to cash in on his new job by charging people to read his Substack entry which boasts, “Why DOGE: Why I gave up a seven-figure salary to save America.” these lads ask hard questions. "Lad:"say, Mr bureaucrat, why do use 4 staples per document when 3 will suffice. That's a savings of 25% to the taxpayer." Mr bureaucrat, "While lad, excellent question! You see a piece of paper has 4 corners, and we must staple them all so young reactionary fascist nos koe wipes don't pry into them"
>Bletchley Park. Alan Turing. Their scientists cracked Enigma.
And to show their gratitude, they chemically castrated Turing, both mentally and physically.

There's a lesson in there somewhere...
>Like I say, Trump admires Churchill. He was half American.
What was the other 1/2?
>What was the other 1/2?
What >>1381157 will never be, that's for sure
>There's a lesson in there somewhere...
Turing was a homo. He was considered mentally ill at the time.just like today many conservatives consider tranny's mental.seems allalong it's the conservatives that are mentally il
>Elon's FuckBoys
Musk likes them young.
Pity that Trump won't even give you the time of day, eh Nick Fuentes? Total Twink Death.
Science made him wear a mask in a store
Elon Musk’s team of young DOGE disruptors have been unmasked, much to the ire of the billionaire and other MAGA figures.

One is a 19-year-old college freshman and heir to a popcorn fortune. Another was hosting Model UN sessions in 2019 and a third was given money by his parents to invest in stocks while at his high school in Silicon Valley.

The world’s richest man lashed out at an X account which suggested the six young men, who now have access the Treasury Department’s payment system, among other things, should be “paid a visit” by FBI agents.

“You have committed a crime,” Musk fired back at a comment from the account Monday, shortly before the post in question was removed for allegedly violating the platform’s rules.

Musk appeared to soften his stance on the men being identified later Monday, writing it was “time to confess” that the “media reports saying that @DOGE has some of world’s best software engineers are in fact true.” But he was wrong—not all the group are even “software engineers.” Three do not even have degrees. And one who does is trying to cash in on his new job by charging people to read his Substack entry which boasts, “Why DOGE: Why I gave up a seven-figure salary to save America.”

Musk’s team of youngsters, as first reported by WIRED on Sunday, is Akash Bobba, 21, a student at the University of California, Berkeley; Edward Coristine, 19, a student at Northeastern University in Boston; and Ethan Shaotran, 22, who said in September he was a senior at Harvard.

The ones who actually have degrees, or at least have left college, are: Luke Farritor, 23, who attended the University of Nebraska without graduating; Gautier Cole Killian, a 24-year-old who attended McGill University; and Gavin Kliger, a 25-year-old who attended Berkeley;
The group’s relative lack of experience—especially no previous positions in government work—has Democrats crying foul they were granted access to sensitive records while remaining largely in the shadows, away from public scrutiny.

All six desperately tried to cover their digital tracks recently, almost all of them deleting LinkedIn profiles, X accounts and even Facebook.

Gavin Kliger’s LinkedIn lists his employer as the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, where he is a “Special Advisor to the Director.” His old jobs include a brief stint as an engineer at Twitter in 2019 and, most recently, as a senior software engineer at Databricks, a cloud software company, for five years—which, he claims, gave him a seven-figure salary.

Kliger is already making a name for himself in his new role. He was named Monday by The New York Times as the person who blasted out a staff-wide email to USAID workers that ordered them to work from home as the agency is scrutinized by DOGE and the Trump Administration—a correspondence that underscores just how much power Musk’s team of young engineers may hold.

But what Kliger really wants the world to know about is his belief in male MAGA warriors Matt Gaetz and Pete Hegseth’s brilliance, using his Substack to post about them both. Gaetz, who was investigated over allegations of teenage sex trafficking, was, according to Kliger, a victim of “the deep state.” Hegseth, a serially unfaithful former Fox News star accused of sexual assault, drunkenness, and receiving lap dances while in uniform, was, he wrote “the warrior Washington doesn’t want but desperately need.”

Kliger, whose Cornell graduate father is an attorney for Experian, appears happy to monetize his DOGE experience: he has made the entry about DOGE on his Substack for $12-a-month subscribers only.
Shaotran penned an essay for Business Insider last summer where he detailed how he “balances his startup with full-time studies.” He is the founder of Energize AI, a scheduling assistant for professionals that was awarded a $100,000 grant from OpenAI in 2023.

He said last year that he was a senior at Harvard University. Prior to that, he graduated in 2020 from Gunn High School in Palo Alto, California.

An online profile says he was “working on autonomous vehicles” in Harvard University’s Edge Computing Lab—perhaps where he caught the eye of Musk, who is obsessed with developing self-driving vehicles at Tesla.
The Dropout Who Reads Roman Scrolls

Farritor, meanwhile, was a co-winner of a $700,000 prize last year after he used AI to partially decipher a 2,000-year-old charred papyrus scroll from Pompeii—part of the Vesuvius scrolls—that had stumped scientists for centuries.

Farritor interned for Musk’s SpaceX prior to winning the challenge. He told The Free Press he dropped out of college to begin working for the Silicon Valley entrepreneur Nat Friedman, the former CEO of GitHub and Xamarin.

His dad, Shane Farritor, is a mechanical engineering professor who joined the University of Nebraska in 1998.
The Popcorn Heir Shaking Up D.C.

Coristine, the group’s lone teenager, has a résumé that includes a summer internship at Neuralink, Musk’s brain-computer interface company. Online sleuths unearthed that his father appears to be Charles Coristine—the businessman who purchased the once-failing snack company LesserEvil in 2011 and has turned it around to reportedly rake in over $100 million a year.
WIRED reported that Coristine is listed in internal Office of Personnel Management records as being an “expert,” so the scope of his work within DOGE is particularly vague. Sources told the website that Coristine “has appeared on calls where workers were made to go over code they had written and justify their jobs.”
The Model UN Organizer

Another so-called OPM “expert,” according to WIRED, is Bobba. His since-deleted LinkedIn said he was an investment engineering intern at the Bridgewater Associates hedge fund, with previous internships at both Meta and Palantir, which was founded by the Republican mega-donor Peter Thiel.

A number of people sung Bobba’s praises online after he was identified as a DOGE staffer, including one X user who posted in his defense Monday that he is “one of the smartest dudes I’ve ever met.” But he has come a long ay in a short time: In 2019, he was organizing the local model United Nations near his home in Princeton Junction, New Jersey. His father is a computing science academic.

He graduated from West Windsor Plainsboro High School, a public school, in 2021. He spoke at commencement and submitted his remarks to be highlighted. Back then, he urged his classmates to “appreciate the complexity in life.”

“We live in an age where simplicity reigns supreme, where 30 second TikToks and 280-character tweets come to define our identities,” he said. “This increasing willingness to simplify even the most complex narratives into sensational tidbits, perpetuates misinformation and in the process divides the communities, families, and relationships we cherish. What’s the solution, you might ask? Seek discomfort.”
They’re In D.C.’s C-Suite

WIRED reported, citing sources, that Bobba, Coristine, Farritor, and Shaotran “all currently have working GSA emails and A-suite level clearance at the General Services Administration, which means that they work out of the agency’s top floor and have access to all physical spaces and IT systems.”

Killian, meanwhile, has an email directly with DOGE and is a reportedly a “volunteer.”

The website reported he graduated high school in 2019 and more recently worked as an engineer at Jump Trading, which specializes in algorithmic and high-frequency financial trades.

The MAGA world has been up in arms about the engineers being identified, which some have equated to doxxing.

TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk was among those rushing to attack WIRED and defend the young engineers.

“Remember when Wired was focused on cutting-edge technology and how young college dropout founders could change the world?” he posted to X. “Not anymore. Now, they’re doxxing DOGE employees and whining that they are too “young” and ‘inexperienced’ to reform America’s government.America’s experienced expert class have led this country to ruin. Young geniuses with a startup mentality could save it.”

The U.S. Attorney Edward R. Martin Jr. threw his support behind Musk on the matter, writing to him Monday he would “pursue any and all legal action against anyone who impedes your work or threatens your people.”

There have been a flurry of threats against the young DOGE engineers online. Musk reshared a post on X that included screenshots of nasty Reddit comments that included one calling for the men to be shot.

DOGE has seemingly grown in power by the day. The department, created via an executive order on day one of Trump 2.0, was recently granted access to restricted parts of the General Services Administration buildings and access to IT systems which houses sensitive information like addresses, contact info, and even social security numbers
Chuck Schumer is among the politicians on the left who have criticized DOGE, with his most recent remarks coming on Monday.

“Before our very eyes, an unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government,” he said, adding that DOGE gaining access to sensitive info is “like letting a tiger into the petting zoo and hoping for the best.”
Shadow government seems like a really stupid thing to call this - shadow governments do not regularly post tweets (or is it xeets now?) about their activities. Plus the DOGE team has been directly created by an elected official (the President) who during his campaign mentioned plenty of times that he would be creating the DOGE to do exactly what it is doing now.
they're a bunch of cultist RAGE (remove all government employees) Dark Enlightenment redpill syndrome losers who follow the cult of Curtis Yarvin
>shadow governments do not regularly post tweets (or is it xeets now?) about their activities
The thing is we have no idea what they're actually doing. We know they're heading into government facilities and demanding access to data. We know Musk is CLAIMING they're cleaning up government spending. But we have no idea what they're actually doing with that data. We have no idea about their decision making process or how they decide whats worth it to cut. They're using their own servers so there's no oversight or records of what they're doing.

And most notably, no one on DOGE was properly checked or confirmed. This is an organization making decisions for the entire government where not a single part of it was subject to any kind of oversight at any stage of its creation.
I think the big issue is that a large hunk of the American public no longer trusts the normal oversight & approval process. The normal government bureaucracy has done an exceptionally poor job of convincing the public that things are running smoothly and there is not a lot of waste. That loss of trust in the bureaucracy is a good hunk of why Trump won; for better or worse they trust the DOGE team Trump assigned more than the normal system.
How the fuck is this a shadow government? It's a gang of publicly known zoomers who are dismantling all the inefficient, needless boomershit in the federal government.

Of course democrats are mad about this, they are the party of rage boner boomers.
Holy fuck tho, check out all these leftist terrorists plotting how to execute these zoomers.
I googled for "public opinion poll doge team" and found that in a news article.

I wonder if Elon musk sharing that on X is what caused this whole thing: >>>/g/104221345
You're right that Schumer shouldn't call it a "shadow government" because they hate all forms of government
and we're about to fuck around and find out. I see literally no possibility where this doesn't end in someone stealing a millions or billions, either money directly or info worth the same amount. You cannot entrust this level of clearance to people with no confirmation or background checks.
>Shockingly, the people told to be ever vigilant against tyrants do not like a bunch of unelected, unconfirmed zoomers stealing their social security numbers
>But we have no idea what they're actually doing with that data. We have no idea about their decision making process or how they decide whats worth it to cut
I'm sorry, but is that any different from the normal operations of any of these departments?

You have literally no idea what any unelected bureaucrats decision making process is when they choose to do something, and 99.99% of the time you don't even know there is a decision being made.

This is just being widely talked about by the media.
“shadow government”: when the extremely famous rocket and EV guy is openly put in charge of cutting waste and corruption.

not shadow government: when the president is a senile kid-sniffing pants-shitter and you have no idea who was actually running the country for the past 4 years.
I'm sure that's exactly what you think, schizo. You also thought there were going to be concentration camps 8 years ago.
But I'm sure some random nobody will have their identity stolen at some point and make baseless accusations that it was one of these boomers, and you will slurp it down happily, anything to reinforce your beliefs of some grand conspiracy theory
Normal bureaucrats usually have to be confirmed. They have background checks. Especially if they're getting anywhere near the level of sensitive data these goobers are.

I mean for fucks sake, Musk made an active effort to prevent people from even knowing their fucking names. I think we should have a bit of scrutiny for people who are literally walking into government buildings, defying all normal laws and protocol, and leaving with the personal information and social security numbers of anyone who has ever applied for a US federal job, don't you?
>It's a grand conspiracy theory to think it's a bad idea to give random college grads unlimited access to the US treasury and the personal info of millions of people
How do you know they weren’t given a background check? Just because they tried to keep their employees identities confidential doesn’t mean they weren’t vetted for the job like any other job.
Again, there is little trust in the people running the background checks, or doing the confirmations. Just because an unelected bureaucrat says someone has a clean record doesn't mean it is true. People trust Trump & Elon to hire good auditors more than they trust the existing bureaucrats. That is the problem the existing bureaucracy is facing; they really need a way to get back that trust with the public.
Considering Musk refuses to release any info on them or their credentials, and they're complete unknowns due to being fresh out of college (at most), i don't see any evidence of a background check. Even the white house admitted they don't know, and if THEY don't have any idea, then I'm going to assume it's because it wasn't even done in the first place.
>libshits whining about background checks
Remember when you guys appointed and then defended a literal cross dressing troon who got all his women's clothing from stealing luggage at airports?

This is a black hole calling the kettle black. Shut up forever.
With that logic I should be able to go the the FBI or CIA and demand to see who their undercover field agents are. There are good reasons why some people’s identities need to be concealed, especially since DOGE is trying to help uncover corruption. Naturally rooting out corruption might require someone to go undercover or unnoticed to find the evidence.
>these unelected red youth musk suckers need their identities hidden so they can root out corruption. no one should hold them accountable because-uh-just because okay?! they would get their fee-fees hurt

So you made it up then?
Typical for your kind, really
>has no rebuttal
>get’s frustrated and resorts to name-calling
It's a shaow government because the people in question (and currently stripping it for parts) are unelected and unvetted. Its not about whether their identities are known or not, though its telling that Musk has tried to keep their identities hidden.
Pointing out your obvious hypocrisy isn't name-calling. There's no reason for these zoomzoom wallet inspectors (who are all adults by the way) to have their identities hidden.
I fail to see the hypocrisy in my statement. Unless hypocrisy to you means “doing anything I don’t like.”
Why do the unelected college students looting our treasury need to have their identities hidden?
>Why do the unelected college students looting our treasury need to have their identities hidden
You mean the dudes who only have read-only access and who's pictures are posted in the op of this thread?
>need to have their identities hidden
Nigga, your post is so cognitively dissonant. Not only do you have their pictures right in the fucking thread, but there's entire subreddits of radical leftist lunatics plotting how to execute them. Why in the fucking world would these people not want their names public I wonder?
It's because of radicalized partisan shit bags like yourself and your pals
They’re not looting the treasury, that’s retarded and I’d like to see proof of it. And their identities were kept confidential likely because lunatics like you would immediately attack them and try to undermine the work of DOGE, and because (as I said before) uncovering corruption sometimes requires someone to go under the radar to find the evidence.
Your arguing with a literal retard. He sees rage bait on his blue sky feed and on his discord and he starts spouting baseless conspiracy theories.

Leftists are the single greatest source of disinformation in America. And they are happy to be the lying shit bags that they are.

I'm so glad these people lost all power in the federal government. Their party is unpopular as shit because of their behavior and ideas about reality
>Not only do you have their pictures right in the fucking thread
Elon is literally as we speak trying to sic the DOJ on people who publish their identities.
>Why in the fucking world would these people not want their names public I wonder?
Maybe they should've thought about that before stealing our money.
I know, but it’s still amusing to see libtards have meltdowns as we destroy everything they once knew and loved. So I’ll humor them from time to time.
>reddit spacing
>my radicalized partisan shitbags are better than your radicalized partisan shitbags
Why are chuds always so paranoid about libtards?
Gonna feel so owned when these broccoliheads fuck off to china with billions of dollars
They're marks who're easily distracted while the wallet inspector runs off
they're all prodigies with awards, one of them literally made an ai to decipher damaged roman scrolls.
Meanwhile we have OAC the diversity retards and the 80 year old farts who inside trade and embezzle millions all the while preaching the virtues of america.
explain to me the logic behind far-left retards paying 1280$ per k-cup which retails at about 50 cent and defending obvious embezelment.
Are these far-leftists in the government in the room with us right now?
I'm struggling to understand why you think this board is some kind of secret hiding place for far leftists.
Good post.
Honestly, I really like the fact that prodigious zoomers are cleaning up all the boomer shit that had accumulated over time
Literally nothing to say in response. lmao. I hope you enjoy your melties, because your going to continue to have them over made up rage bait for the next 4 years
>they're prodigies because Elon said they were
I did say something in response. >>1381308
lol I voted for Bobby Kennedy you kneejerking retard
Greatest fighter pilot of all times was Eric Hartman.
He made his record 300 kill when he was 22 years old.
Men peak at 23 years old, and I am tired to pretend it isn't so.
I didn't make that post.
What does that have to do with anything?
They've already done more in their short life than you have in your long one, boomer.
It sucks for you, but it's true.
That's true.
This zoomer team correctly identified largest enemy vulnerability and went straight to the jagular. Boomer swamp was caught completely off guard.
Yeah they got fucked in the ass by Peter Thiel
You already parroted that talking point in the other threads >>1381091
Upper left is a groyper, so checks out.
Is that supposed to be something that I posted? Because it's not
Stay mad boomer. Your shit is getting wrekt by broccoli-headed zoomies. America's youth is cleaning up your shit
one of them literally deciphered a 2000 year old papyros roll lol also they already saved billions and exposed one literal chinese spy in who worked for the us treasury and sold the US out to china for money
To be fair, the Chinese spy was discovered before they came around. The rest of what you said is on point tho.
Why does it matter how old they are or what they do? Their job or to look for retarded government programs and report them to Elon. You don't need trust the science to know that spending 5 million dollars counting squirrel populations is a waste
Why do they need access to social security numbers, the US treasury, or federal employee personal data to do that?
Yeah I don't see how "I deciphered a 2000 year old scroll!" translates over to budget and government management anon. As Ben Carson showed us, you can a prodigal genius in one field and completely fucking worthless in another.

But hey I guess it sounded cool to Elon. Maybe next he can hire the top Starcraft 2 player in the US to head trade deals with Europe.
every point you make you can make about the previous retards except age and considering the result so far in that they saved billions already and exposed unbelievable rot already you are literally wrong on the facts on the ground.
haven't exposed shit, and 'saved billions' is something you have to see long term. If it turns out the "unnecessary" things they cut WERE needed and now we have extra issues due to it, they didn't save shit.

Any company or country can 'save billions' if they just stop spending anything. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.
This whole "Nobody elected elon musk!" angle from democrats is sooo bad, nobody elected the previous treasury clowns either or the 80.000 irs clowns or the alphabet soup frauds and in fact the doge has more legitimacy if you care about that.
One of they key pillars of trumps campaign was the creation of a department of goverment efficiency led by elon.
This is exactly what people voted for, not some kind of surprise twist! And nothing about doge is illegale so stop crying. The fact that you clowns actively are against a department of goverment efficiency is just because its trump doing it is beyond stupid.
But then again you are the people who pick bad over good everytime.
Elon musk is a billionaire who has been appointed by trump to clean out corrupt bureaucratic bloat. George soros is a billionaire who funds politicians whos policies routinely result in increased murder and poverty... and for some reason, "progressives" applaud the latter but are literally threatening to storm the white house over the former.
>Actually believing Musk is gonna clear out bloat when he has active government contracts making up half his finances
holy shit lmao.
The kid who invented the program to read the unreadable ancient Greek lava scrolls is a genius.


and they are already doing a better job than the people before them so i dont get why you are angry.
i mean he is already cleaning up bloat just look at USAID what joke programms were used as money laundering. You just making funny voices about them doesnt change the facts on the ground right now... sorry i dont want to hurt your feelings but it is what it is.
Ok, and Ben Carson is one of the best surgeons of our time. Trump gave him an official position and he spent four years doing literally fucking nothing and repeatedly trying to defund his own department, only for congress to tell him off because doing so would fuck everyone over.

I don't get this idea that being a genius in one field translates to being a genius in another. If the kid fucking hyperoptimized a company to make record profits at half the cost, maybe you had a point. But he didn't, he made a program to translate scrolls. Really cool and really good, but how does that translate over to the ability to decide which parts of a budget are expendable and which departments need to be cut?

Life isn't an RPG where there's an intelligence stat that determines everything. I can't put the worlds leading marine biologist in charge of military planning and expect him to be just as good there as he was in the field where he had all his accomplishments. People specialize in different things and those skills don't transfer over. Especially not here, where he's not even doing any programming like he was for his primary achievement.
Hey, dicktard. Educate yourself before posting stupid articles. You arrogant dumbfuck piece of human dog shit.

This post is absolutely false. I know because I've studied government in depth over numerous years. You are a lib of the worst kind...a stupid lib!

You don't even use your real name. Well goddammit I'm The Great Poot! More fucking hardcore than your granny's best boner. And I regard all of the people on 4chan as the fine, wonderful children I never had. And I enjoy watching them grow into outstanding, responsible, inventive human beings, planting seeds of achievement into the wind.

So I say unto you Mr. (Or Ms.) Hotshot, fuck you!

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck thee! Fuck brethren and sethren of ye democratic upper crust. You are not even worthy of being called crust you are just one of the crumbs. Aha!
You stink like a fucking pig! You got that, dinky doodles? PIG!

I thank you for your time.
Maybe wait to see how the dismantling of USAID affects things before rejoicing. You have to wait to see the effects of a budget cleaning before you celebrate.

Oh, and I'm sure its not a coincidence USAID was also investigating Musk's Ukraine Starlink program when he started coming down on them. Fancy that.
USAID is not a investigator position so yeah using it as weapon against political opponents isnt the own you think it is especially not after trump literally got out clean on more bullshit lawfare political prosecutions than any other president ever had to deal with.
There are a lot of retards that work at the federal govermen basically doing nothing, everyone knows that fact and doge is basically there to weed them out because we are soo deep in the debt spiral that it just has to be done... empty "make work" jobs are a luxury we cant afford anymore at least not for a while.
he built an ai to do it, If anything congress and politcians are underqualified losers who get the position because of nepotism and old age. But i guess in your mind its fine as long as they're old or indian like AOC. fucking nitwit
given the millions they spent on foreign lgbt programs its fair to say they're either insanely incompetent or straight up embezelling funds and now mad someone's investigating. I don't see how it's a bad thing if i were an american yes it can turn corrupt but trump only has 4 years and investigating corruption isn't exactly a facist powergrab.
Any agency can look into seeing if someone is misusing funds or resources lmao.
I’m hearing that USAID was giving funding to Politico, Reuters, the BBC, others and now they’ve lost a good chunk of their operation costs and will have to layoff staff and make cuts or go bankrupt now. USAID was literally funding the leftist media apparatus against us so I’m glad it’s gone. USAID is also likely funding all sorts of leftist NGOs pushing unfettered mass immigration and gay sex, and I can’t wait to see these organizations to fall apart now that the money faucet has stopped.
Good post
i mean he deciphered something that no one else could.. and you think he is too dumb to decipher a federal goverment ledger..
Lefties having a fucking melty over the fact that musk is using a team of genius level zoomers to clean up all of the boomer shit in government.

Ya know, if it was Kamala who assembled these same exact people to do the same exact thing, these same leftards would be making Netflix documentaries praising her, and rightards would be seething (or idk maybe not since they are cutting back on government spending)
I think I could put the best programmer on earth in charge of a government agency and he'd have no fucking clue what to do. These skills don't transfer over.
Cool story bro. Which one of these zoomies is being put in charge of a government agency?
The results these people have brought already speak for themselves. On the other hand everyone who’s been a career politician up to this point has been a mediocre fuckup or crook. Trump said he was going to make this country a meritocracy again and this is what it looks like.
>and rightards would be seething
They'd call it a CCP takeover. Which might be what it is now for all we know.
difference is one's competent at their job the other is an old boomer whose only goal is to embezel money and screeching about the fourth reich
Tell me, what aspect of creating a program to translate an ancient scroll translates over to determining efficiency of budget? I'm curious.
>Trump said he was going to make this country a meritocracy again
So he's putting people who have no experience in their field to the top of said field?

please, show me one financial or budget related achievements these guys have. I'm begging you.
Speaking of which, do you even know what their positions or job descriptions are? I’m just learning about these guys now, and I’m seeing a lot of people freak-out over how unqualified they are for the job, but I haven’t seen anyone say what that job is. Seems a bit hysterical to me.
well apperantly it took these geniuses to explain to boomer retards that tax dollers shouldnt be wasted on lgbtq operas in some third world shithole... now if you have a brain you ask yourself why it took these people to come to that conclusion and why democrat hired retards didnt come to that conclusion...
Boomers lived in an age where leaded gas was still the norm, so their collective IQs dropped from all the lead that was going to their heads.
See, that's the problem anon. We don't even know what these guys actually do, yet they come into federal agencies and ask for confidential sensitive data to be downloaded directly to their computers.

I'm just a slight bit suspect if we weren't even supposed to know their names, nevermind their actual positions.
So why do they need the social security info of everyone who ever applied to a federal job and unrestricted access to the US treasury if their job is just to look at programs and decide if they should be cut or not? Seems like you could accomplish that with publicly accessible knowledge on US grants.

There's also the fact cutting aide programs is going to absolutely gut our soft power and encourage every nation we're stopping aid to to side with China over us, but hey don't think about that too much.
Right, so you don’t know what’s going on and you’re this upset about it. Sounds like you’re just looking for excuses to be mad. You’re going to look really retarded if it turns out these guys are just data analysts or something and nothing they did was out of the ordinary. You’re burning a lot of the good will people have to listen to you in the first place. Soon nobody will want to listen to you.
>so you don’t know what’s going on and you’re this upset about it
I know we have unconfirmed and unsupervised college grads accessing the sensitive data of millions of americans and the us treasury without proper clearance or oversight. The first response when these goobers rolled up to get it was to block them from doing so because they had absolutely no legal clearance to do so, and then the people who did their jobs got fired because Musk decided the rules don't apply to his guys.
they look at ledgers and compile suspicious and wasteful government spending doesn't take a genius
to see how they they pocketted and to prevent them from altering or deleting data why do you think they locked out all the usaid employees from tampering with evidence.

Did you look at the aid programs that are getting cut they're just plain as day embezellment
Oh please produce the list. I'm curious.
What do you mean they were unconfirmed? Unconfirmed by who, Congress? Not every position in Trump’s executive departments needs to be confirmed by Congress. Can you imagine having congressional hearings for a front desk secretary at DOGE. And the president is the supreme authority over who gets security clearance, Elon Musk could have easily gotten these guys security clearances to handle sensitive data. It’s not unusual. Hell, we have contractors handling American’s private information all the time, and you think a basic security clearance is out of reach for these young men?
What was the hiring process? Do they have proper background checks? What is their actual experience in the positions they're being entrusted.

Shit like this. These are a bunch of fresh out of college interns being handed a position with access to highly sensitive financial and personal data, and we know fucking nothing about them. Hell, we weren't even supposed to know their names.
hard to find specifics you'll have to find them one by one on the doge twitter.since outlets are all on the elon is hitler's general stance.
so far 600million spent by the pentagon on sushi each year,
230k per month by air force on fcking keurig coffee pods 1280$ each.

Most of the usaid contracts have been asinine retarded stuff like 1million for a contract called “Gender X initiative marker"
45million for Burma DEI scholarship
there was one that was several millions to promote LGBTQ+ in Syria that got shut down it's actually insane how much utterly stupid amounts of money gets wasted.

If you google "Integrating LGBTQI+ Considerations in USAID's Resilience" and look at the usaid site it says it was shut down and the people were put on administrative leave starting tomorow lol
Actual evidence of this? Any actual financial documents submitted to a court of law? I don't trust Musk's fuckass twitter account. I want actual, documented evidence of the things you're saying that aren't from someone who has every reason to make it the fuck up, that actually hold up in a courtroom when it comes to allegations of embezzlement.
In case you retards didn't know, you can't just hand the government and powers of the presidency over to whoever is also in your cabinet. The people elected YOU, not the guy you're working with, and the president does not have unrestricted power either. Musk's actions violate the separation of power and the constitution because he is a private citizen beholden to no due process or confirmation who is given power on par with, if not exceeding, congress itself.
White House Cuts Politico Funding Amid Conspiracy Claims
Last updated
8 minutes ago
Recent revelations indicate that Politico, a political journalism outlet, has been receiving significant funding from the U.S. government via USAID for subscriptions, totaling around $8 million.

aside from the fact that they advertised it on their site and doge now has a list of contract after contract that's being cancelled. Anon if you're too stupid to think 600million on sushi a year and 1280$ for a 10cent cup is normal pricing you should just go to reddit. No one's being charged with embezzlement yet its just obviously a clear sign when money is spent on items with insanely inflated cost.

Pentagon has around 27k employees. you're telling me its normal for the government to be spending 22k on average on sushi for each employee a year.

They just terminated 8million in spending to politico thank god fuck that site
Good post
What part of "embezzling public funds" makes one qualified to administer a budget?
Given two people, one proficient in "translating ancient scrolls" and the other proficient in "ignoring embezzlement" I would pick the former for just about any job other than "democrat politician"

when did you become soo stupid?
Because I absolutely believe everything Musk posts.

See the problem with not having any oversight is, I have no guarantee you're actually telling the truth either. Every single one of these could be another "50 million condoms to gaza" thing that turns out to be a massive bit of bullshit. And before you point out "oh but we were sending condoms to places!", that was part of global efforts to prevent the spread of HIV. Something that, actually, is pretty fucking good to do.
Last time I checked the vice president doesn't have power on par with the president himself, in addition to actually being on the ballot. And executive branch employees have higher ups who ARE confirmed and elected by congress. Not in this case, where we now randomly have an entire department wielding absolute power over our budget that is subject to nothing save Trump himself, even though not even Trump has the power of the purse.
Donald Trump has used his executive authority to delegate a job he wants done in the executive branch to Elon Musk. That is not Elon Musk in control of the government as Trump has the authority to remove Elon from his position and cast him aside at any time. I am very satisfied with the job Elon is doing right now, and I am very satisfied with this presidency.
elon wasn't the one who posted the politico news, the lgbt usaid was literally on the usaid site from at least 2022 so its official.
Looks like I might be wrong about the sushi one it seems to be from a parody account that went viral.

the papercup story is from 2018

there's a site if you wanna check everything out yourself, but i'm not going to entertain sealioning its obvious there's been a stupid amount of money wasted why the hell is the US funding diversity scholarships in burma
i mean you make wildly idiotic claims about doge and elon like they have the power of the actual president when they are literally just a renamed already existing branch...
anon its time to stop posting and stop embarrassing yourself
Except not even Trump has the right to determine federal funding. That's supposed to be passed through congress.

What already existing branch?
Yes, I’m certain they were hired fairly, had background checks, and graduated top of their class. You people are just making a big stink about this because you want to use every opportunity possible to cause friction and hinder this administration from doing what the people voted for. You know you don’t have any more power in the government, so this is going to be the tactic you people use over the next four years.
please inform yourself on the topic before posting

"What is DOGE, exactly?
Trump didn't create a new Cabinet-level department with DOGE, but rather renamed the previously existing United States Digital Service, which was created under former President Barack Obama."
The spending bills Congress have been passing for the last decade or so do not say how the funding MUST be used, instead they simply put money into an agency’s account which the receiving agency has the authority to spend however they need (makes it a lot easier to embezzle and commit fraud that way). Now that Trump is in charge of all the executive agencies and their accounts, he gets to direct those funds however he wants. So if he wants to sit on those funds and say fuck you, no money for that, then it’s his authority to do so. Thank Congress they played so fast and loose with the money, because now they can’t do anything about it.
Literally DEI hires
That doesn't make any sense. It's like saying "Trump didn't create the IRS he repurposed the already existing weather service".
>Trump didn't create a new Cabinet-level department with DOGE
Pretty sure he killed the US Digital Service which was a pretty shitty dept anyway and renamed it's dead husk.
But if the Democruds thing it's still something (h)Obama created I guess they'll complain less or more.
Honestly, who even knows at this point? Demogrunts seem butt hurt and complainy about everything no matter how miniscule.
>its obvious there's been a stupid amount of money wasted
Yes like your salary as an Elon shill for one thing
Where are you people getting this shit from and why were you so gullible to believe it?
It's true but with how much he's warped it from the original department, it's effectively a new one. So he basically loopholed it to avoid actually having to make a new department which would need to be approved by congress... which seems really fucking shady actually and could probably be challenged in court.
>could probably be challenged in court.
Actually scratch that. It IS being challenged in court. Three separate lawsuit actually.

I wonder what happens to all these changes if it gets declared unconstitutional.
Then why the fuck were we not supposed to even know who they were? Why couldn't the white house even verify they had proper background checks? Why does Musk refuse to release literally any information on what they're using the data they're stealing is even for?
>Then why the fuck were we not supposed to even know who they were?
Because, as expected, you fuckwads publicly called for their execution and had entire Reddit threads dedicated to brainstorming how you can murder these zoomers.

That's why they didn't want their names going out there, because the threat of radical leftist terrorists.
Actually, that's because they started stealing personal information and people get pissed when you have a bunch of zoomers stealing their social security numbers. And yes, stealing, because they had no legal right to access it. And they still don't; the only thing is Trump suspends any of the federal employees who actually do their job and don't let these unverified goobers access data they have no clearance for.
It wont be.

You missed.
You lost.
We're taking your slaves away again.
We're taking your stolen money away again.
>that's because they started stealing personal information
No matter how much you repeat this baseless accusation that's all it will be. Cope, terrorist.
Please look up FACA and realize this is a public advisory committee that follows literally none of the laws surrounding a public advisory committee.
Read it and weep.
you can sue over anything you want doesnt mean you are right retard
Lmao that says nothing about identity theft you absolutely fucking brainwashed npc.

Go huff some more Copium while you cry in the corner, tard
Why yes. seething is occurring. How could you tell?
doesnt matter this isnt a seperation of power issue the executive branch can audit itself
and none of the other branches can do shit about it.
Best you can do is find some activist judge (similar to trumps last term) to put a pause to it to slow everything down which then gets overturned later again.
Of course checking the payrolls of your own employees is not under the purview of the DoJ. judges playing politics during a trump presidency are risking their careers but yeah thats the best you can do a activist judge slowing shit down temporarily.
>Trump said it, I believe it, and that's final!
They’re not “stealing” any data. DOGE has been given the executive authority by the president himself to audit these cesspits, and they are now using that legal authority to go through all the treasury’s records for waste and wrongdoing. How else do you expect an audit to be done? And if the data they’re working with is classified or private then why do you expect them to show it to someone like like you in the first place?
>he thinks 8million yearly on politico was a good investment
Ok boomer shill, maybe you should just hang for how stupid you are.
You're the one on the right, aren't you. Also erroneously calling me a boomer isn't going to change the fact that everything they're doing is going to be challenged (and thrown out) in court.
>They’re not “stealing” any data
He knows that, he's addicted to rage bait. His radicalized leftist comrades have him all riled up in a frenzy and he's probably plotting how to execute these zoomers like the rest of his ilk
Ahh there it is again, the big leftist /news/ boogeyman. How many leftist comrades do you think post on this board?
What makes you people think they aren't stealing any data? Blind faith?
First of all, their job isn't to audit. It's to advise. They're an advisory group. Secondly, they don't have legal authority. Trump didn't give them any clearance so much as he suspends anyone who gets in their way. They're effectively brute forcing their way through every safety barrier meant to ensure the info they're stealing does not wind up in bad hands.

I want to know why they need the info of every federal worker. I want to know why they need full access to the US treasury. I want to know why they refuse to even confirm their members have been background checked and they're downloading this to computers that've been properly secured, since they won't even do so to the agencies they're demanding the data from.
>What makes you people think they aren't stealing any data
Because you have no evidence. You are an angry leftist radical shooting unfounded and baseless conspiracy theories.
Shockingly, when I have no way of knowing they were properly vetted and background checked, nor have any oversight, and are working for someone with a massive conflict of interest, I kinda have to assume something isn't on the up and up.
>You are an angry leftist radical
Whoa I am? You could have fooled me when I voted for Trump three times.
>shooting unfounded and baseless conspiracy theories.
Sounds like some shitty damage control if I ever heard it. ">It's baseless because Elon said so!" seems to be your only recourse.
>Your saying you have all these programs that I'm supposed to advise on
>Can I see them?
Lmao. Leftists. Not even once. Hahaha.
lets agree to disagree we will see soon enough if democrats can muster more than just a activist judge and temporary pause
You literally can you retard. There are websites where you can see every active government grant that you can access right now. It's why them accessing all this classified info is so suspect.
>I voted for trump 3 times, you gotta believe me!
>And trump following through on his promises angers me!
Kek. Holy shit anon lmao. Who tf is supposed to believe you voted for trump 3 times and hes doing everything he promised and suddenly you hate him and musk?
Anon, they aren't advising on the purpose of the grants, they are making recommendations based on what is actually being spent.

For fucks sake. Zoomers are cleaning up the boomer bullshit and you may as well sit back and let it happen. nobody on here cares about your made up identity theft fanfic
>they are making recommendations based on what is actually being spent.
That's called "advising" anon. If you look at the contents of a grant, and say "hey, we should stop paying this", that would be advising on grants.

>made up identity theft fanfic
Please explain why they're being sued in federal court for unlawfully accessing federal employee data then?
They're butthurt because one month ago they were saying DOGE was nothing because it wasn't an actual federal agency. Now they actually are. Now they suddenly want government transparency, even though there was zero under Biden
I voted for Trump not Elon. Duuuuh
Who is "They're"?
>Please explain why they're being sued in federal court for unlawfully accessing federal employee data then
That's not identity theft, is it?
But know that, you're really just grasping at straws trying to spread misinformation as hard as you can, like the good little npc dembot you are
>"Daddy they're making fun of the Dark Enlightenment again! Make them stop!!"
>Uh, it's not identity theft! It's just stealing personal information they're not supposed to have access to!
Lol. Melty much?
Come back to me when a lawsuit is alleging "stealing personal information"

You fags make up literally anything you want and think people will just go along with it, lmao, your social group you associate with must be retarded or something lmao
Shouldn't you be giving Trump his third sloppy toppy of the day now instead of shitposting here?
>for declaratory and injunctive relief to
halt Defendants’ unlawful ongoing, systematic, and continuous disclosure of personal
and financial information contained in Defendants’ records to Elon Musk and other
members of the so-called “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE), or to any
other person.
>halt Defendants’ unlawful ongoing, systematic, and continuous disclosure of personal and financial information contained in Defendants’ records to Elon Musk and other members of the so-called “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE), or to any other person.
Ooh, I see. Your trying to frame sharing of information to another government agency as "identity theft"
I get it now. Interesting reach.
>the pool of capable individuals in the United States of America is quite large
>the pool of capable individuals who don't also think that Elon Musk is a dipshit is literally just this handful of zoomers
Doge was part of Trump's campaign. Nearly 80 million people voted for this sort of thing.

The fact that musk chose only a small number of prodigious individuals is honestly better than him choosing several dozen midwits because of their gender identity or race, like democrats hiring strategy is
you all loved and worshiped elon musk until he bought twitter and turned your little far left propaganda platform on its head... thats basically everything anyone needs to know about your "honest" hatred for the guy

>Doge was part of Trump's campaign.
Hiring a group of dropouts and then giving them access to all government data was never part of Trump's campaign.
>prodigious individuals
Yeah right they're actually prodigies and not a bunch of groypers and nepobabies. What flavor is the koolaid this week?
People thought Musk was funny until we realized he was a massive dipshit. It was around the time where he called a diver a pedophile for saving some kids while he was trying to develop a robo-sub to do it instead.
Good post
>Sharing that isn't allowed by law and was forcibly done against proper procedure
That's called "stealing" anon.
Oh but one of them decrypted an ancient scroll!...

...no I still don't know how that correlates to determining proper uses of budget, but trust me it totally does!
>a small number of prodigious individuals
necessarily, as I say. here's a question for you: why isn't making the federal data anonymised and public a priority? I've heard 'blockchain', I haven't heard 'public blockchain'.
I have always disliked him.
>A federal judge on Wednesday issued an ultimatum after hearing arguments over the Department of Government Efficiency's access to sensitive Treasury Department records: Either the DOJ and the federal unions who brought suit agree to a temporary injunction blocking DOGE's access, or the judge will bring them back to court on Friday to decide whether to issue a temporary restraining order.
He got some minor credit for funding another persons electric car.
Conservicunts decided this meant liberals worshiped him.
He's always been an edgy, tryhard moron.

MAGAfags are cheering on an unelected immigrant who stayed in the country illegally, which isn't surprising because they don't have any consistent beliefs.
Musk is another of those people who got exposed as being a piece of shit, so he pivoted to the right to give him attention because they love "hardcore do not apologize" types instead of, you know, rightfully considering them assholes and not wanting to associate with them.
>Nooooo! Don’t look at all he taxpayer money we’ve funneled into our slush funds over the years. Look at these literally-who zoomers who uncovered all our corrupt spending instead!
You people are pathetic.
>Don’t look at all he taxpayer money we’ve funneled into our slush funds over the years.
How much of that goes to SpaceX and Tesla?
>Look at these literally-who zoomers who uncovered all our corrupt spending instead!
We already have a Government Accounting Office. It's been a thing for the last 124 years.
>who uncovered all our corrupt spending
have they uncovered anything at all though? all I've heard is a billionaire mouthing off about an agency that feeds the starving (whilst admittedly also serving as a CIA front, on occasion)
>Musk is another of those people who got exposed as being a piece of shit, so he pivoted to the right
The moment you people considered him "a piece of shit" was the moment he posted on Twitter his famous post with an image depicting him left of center, and then over time the American left running to the far left, shifting the overton window left and causing him to become center of right without changing any of his political views.
>an agency that feeds the starving (whilst admittedly also serving as a CIA front
>also serving as a CIA front
>thinks the overton window has shifted to the left
Are you a time traveler from the 1960s?
Meanwhile, GOP support for what Musk is doing is dropping like a stone.
Are you illiterate? Can you not read? Or are you confusing me, a person, for a meme posted by Elon?
No I think you're too crazy to be posting here if you think the overton window has shifted left, but that's obvious to anyone with a brain.
I personally realized he was fucking shithead when he accused a diver of being a pedophile because he got to a group of children trapped in a cave before Musk could make a fuckass robot to do it. Long before we knew any of his political opinions.

Coincidence that when people start proving themselves to be pieces of shit, they suddenly take a hard right pivot, right?
I don't think it shifted to the left though, you're just imagining how I feel.

At the time when musk posted it, I do believe it shifted to the left. I also believe that pendulum effect occurred this year, and the right swung far to the right to counterbalance the left.

So no, I don't think it's shifted to the left, but you're happy to believe whatever helps you huff that Copium, crazy person
what court are you fucking delusional. this isn't a lawsuit no charges are being brought up. You're a shill for a bunch of boomer losers who are mad their money tap is about to get exposed. I didn't call you a boomer you're too retarded my god learn to read
see >>1381496
oblast kentucky
It's a lawsuit, but what the eds patient is laying about is that there's no criminal accusations, except within his own head. The lawsuit simply disagrees that they can be appointed to do that job
ic thx, i hope we go nazi germany and start rounding up redditors and domestic traitors and throwing them into Guantanamo bay.
>they may have stolen all of our money and fucked off to the Bahamas, but at least they owned the libs
born rube
You're the only one imagining what you wish were happening to cope with the facts of what is actually happening.

I'm sure you think their going to steal everyone's identity as some sort of weird plot twist to get the infinity stones or something other weird comic book supervillain shit
Remember when they said there was no Project 2025? This is Project 2025.
Tranny headcannon
I think they're more than likely to either steal from the treasury or sell the info they just took to the highest bidder. That's the assumption I have to make when they can download sensitive data onto unsecured computers with 0 oversight.
That's what we voted for
What else are they blatantly lying about?
Yes anon, there's absolutely nothing wrong with letting a bunch of unvetted, unknown children stick their fingers in the jar that has trillions of dollars in it. Only woke DEI trannies care about the personal data of everyone in the entire country.

Hey, remember when you all raised such a stink about Hillary using private email servers?
Because they are unvetted, unqualified children beholded only to Elon Musk who have access to our entire treasury and all of our sensitive personal data. A 19 year old's brain isn't even fully formed yet. Most people are reluctant to leave a 19 year old alone with the cash register.
Try hiring a wills and estates attorney to represent you in your murder 1 trial and see how well that goes. Knowledge in one field doesn't necessarily translate to knowledge of every field.
8 million dollars is literal pennies in terms of the federal government. What are the odds these broccoliheads are gonna audit the Pentagon, which has failed every audit pretty much ever?
for 1 fcking publication you retard. there are dozens of these parasites
Trump was elected based off of anger at the status quo and a cost of living crisis, not for Elon Musk to bring colonial rule to America.
The CIA spookery aspects of USAID will simply be folded back into the CIA, with only the parts that actually helped people abandoned.
a dozen pennies is only worth 12 cents anon. How much money does the Pentagon waste each year? Think we'll find out?
maybe you really do just need half your brain if that's your excuse
The Pentagon is off limits
This whole phenomenon is simple psychology, actually, it's like empathy almost, people tend to imagine possibilities as if they were in the other person's position.
Conservatives see people hired to clean up government spending and they trust them because they think "hey, that's a worthwhile endeavor, if I was given that job I'd try very hard at doing the best I could"
Where's democrats see this happening and they think "hey, that's an easy way to rip off a bunch of people, of I had that sort of power nobody could stop me from embezzling every last dollar out of the US Treasury"
Why are you so against an audit of the Pentagon? Isn't this supposed to be about eliminating governmental inefficiency? What could have more graft in it than the governmental branch who just failed their 7th consecutive audit?
silicon valley freaks also have a well-established reputaiton for stealing people's money. One of those kids looks like Sam Bankman-Friend's little brother.
>Hey, remember when you all raised such a stink about Hillary using private email servers?
Is that the one that she lied about and it got hacked by Russia or something? I mean, in this case these people are authorized to audit this stuff.
authorized by who?
>silicon valley freaks also have a well-established reputaiton for stealing people's money. One of those kids looks like Sam Bankman-Friend's little brother
Funny you should bring up Sam Bankman-Friend in response to my psychology post about democrats using this sort of access as an opportunity to steal from people.
I agree with your analogy to the Democrat megadonor and convicted fraudster, but I don't agree that a zoomie is going to act like a democrat because you think they have similar appearances
The full executive authority of the president of the United States of America?
So when the co-equal judicial branch of government slaps him down, you're not going to seethe over it, right?
And the stuff preventing that from happening here...?

Reminder, not even the white house could answer if any of the DOGE hires were background checked, let alone if the random computers they're downloading this info onto are up to code.
SBF was publicly a Democrat megadonor, but in secret he also donated to Republicans, and later admitted that all of his liberal beliefs were just lies for PR. Silicon Valley aliens don't have any ideals other than self-interest, and Republicans offer them better stealings.
oh that's what u were saying my b i thought you were saying its fine for hundreds of millions to go to worthless propaganda "journo" sites since the pentagon probably spent more.
obviously for auditting everything just common sense
Do you think that DOGE will be allowed to audit the Pentagon?
>SBF was publicly a Democrat megadonor, but in secret he also donated to Republicans
Oh yeah I've heard this conspiracy theory spouted off by you fags before. If I recall correctly, your only evidence of this claim is SBF, a convicted fraudster and lier, saying this but yet nobody can find any evidence of his claim
why not
Here you go anon, a list of the political donations of SBF and Alameda Research.


Although it's mostly Democrats and Democratic organizations, there are also several donations to Republicans and Republican groups. And its not as if liberals tried to defend SBF when he was exposed, unlike Republicans who'll defend grifters while they empty their pockets.
Is there any reason to since they are auditing the payments from the treasurer? That should include everything downstream of it, shouldn't it?
So they shouldn't audit the agency that's failed their last 7 audits?
No, but the Department of Veterans Affairs and Veterans Health Administration is on the chopping block.
>5 donations of 127 went to republicans
Yeah that's about how democrat-slanted I expected those donations to be. The dude was a Democrat megadonor with the vast majority of all donations going blue.
Then why donate to Republicans at all? And again, its not as if Democrats tried to defend him after his crimes were exposed.
Good. Veterans get too many benefits as is. They are already rewarded for their time in service with good pay and health care. That is fair. What is unfair is that those benefits persist after they leave. They should have to suffer on the health insurance and college loans the rest of us normies get. Not to mention that the Veterans Affairs is an absolute moneysink. Get rid of benefits and pensions for new recruits is a no-brainer. Maybe start off with giving them a lumpsum for rejecting benefits, than phase it out over time. As smart as Elon is though, he's a little clumsy sometimes, so he might try to stop the flood of vet gibes all at once, which will only give more ammo to the hysterical libs.
Shouldn't you and the other John Galt wannabes fuck off to some private Epstein island or something?
>just neglect the military bro what could go wrong
elon's coup is about to be counter-coup'd palace style
Bro your grasping at straws. He was a Democrat megadonor. 95% of his donations went blue.
He is a democrat, a fraudster and a criminal.
Your straws you've grasped mean nothing at all
Maybe they will anon. Keep huffing your Copium. Your acting pretty desperate and it's kinda shameful.
Remind me which side believes civil servants are dirtbags as pretty much an iron rule.
Remind me which side is actively plotting how to execute 6 zoomers for political reasons, because that seems a lot more worrying to me
Again, then why donate to Republicans at all?
Rich coming from the people who celebrate 1/6 where they tried to kill multiple elected officials.
>This whole phenomenon is simple psychology, actually, it's like empathy almost, people tend to imagine possibilities as if they were in the other person's position.
I think this plotting to execute thing is probably exaggerated.
>reddit comments equal a party wide stance
Idk dude ask the democrat megadonor who donated 95% to democrats why he felt the need to give 5% to republicans
Why the fuck are you asking me why a criminal spent "only" 95% on democrats? Idk dude
Happy Liberation Day. Trump is making America great again and you are along for the ride whether you want to be or not
So suddeny trying to kill government officials is good?
Wow i didn't say that. It's like you're crazy or something or like all you can do is gaslight and strawman
Anyways, happy Liberation Day.
the "liberation day" (that failed) where you tried to hunt down and kill elected officials?
Grandfather it in and offer a buyout for current members. Simple as. As a nation, we simply spend way too much on handouts. Not a dime should be going to welfare. The government only exists to do two things: uphold moral decency and protect private property. Anything else is best left to the individual.
It's funny how when the government has to get cut, it's always the little guy, but when the big guy needs a bailout our subsidy, he gets oodles of tax money thrown at him. Never mind raising taxes on the rich. That would simply be unacceptable. Even just closing loopholes that allow them to offshore wealth and/or pay an overall lower percentage of their income is preposterous. But the rich get to suckle at the teat of government while crafting a predatory system on the other end to squeeze all of us.
Whiny commie giving all of us some libcuck tears. Always a delight. I would consider shut up now before Trump shuts you up for us. Going to be dangerous to be a commie soon.
I'm no communist. American capitalism is great for commodities. It's why we always get the newest tech at cheaper rates than anyone else. Where it fucking sucks is in necessities are way higher and/or crappier. Housing, medicine, and education are all ridiculous. Internet is both pricey and low quality. The food is actually cheaper than what you'd find at a Euro market, but also way more unhealthy and worse tasting. They're screwing us.
Get a job.
>The average American who hires a tax preparer to file even a simple return will spend more than $200, according to industry estimates.

>This year, however, taxpayers have more options than ever to avoid that expense.

>Or maybe not. The most noteworthy new program for free tax-prep, IRS Direct File, came under fire this week from Elon Musk, who posted on X Monday that the service had been “deleted.” Democrats and Republicans in Congress are battling over its future.

>However, 18F, a digital consulting team that worked on Direct File within the General Services Administration (GSA), remains operational, according to its website. Instead, Musk may have been referring to the group's X account: The page has been taken down, according to multiple media reports.


>Direct File is a new IRS program that allows millions of Americans with uncomplicated taxes to file returns at no cost.

>The IRS says 30 million taxpayers qualify to use the free service this year: pretty much anyone with a relatively straightforward return. The Direct File site will help you decide if you are eligible.

>“Above all, our goal is to improve the experience of tax filing itself and help taxpayers meet their obligations quickly and easily,” said Danny Werfel, the now-former IRS commissioner, in a statement.
WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 05: People use IRS Direct File at the Internal Revenue Service Building on April 05, 2024 in Washington, DC.

>Direct File works on mobile phones, tablets and regular computers, guiding taxpayers through a step-by-step process for completing their returns. The program is designed to help you maximize your refund.

>Though Direct File sounds innocuous enough, the program has seeded controversy. Private tax preparation companies lobbied against it. Republican lawmakers have urged President Trump to kill the program, citing concerns over the IRS acting “as both tax collector and tax preparer.”

So how is this a benefit to us?
Its woke and tranny to not give your money to Intuit
>trusting the IRS to file your taxes

You can't be this stupid. There is no way the IRS direct file is in the taxpayer's best interest. I'd rather pay for H&R Block and have the safety of mind that I'll get every cent I am owed. Government shouldn't be in the business of filing your taxes to begin with. IRS shouldn't exist to begin with.
The IRS are the ones who decide how much you owe in the first place, there's literally no reason to not just direct file with them for free instead of paying a middleman. That's how it works in first-world countries.
>So how is this a benefit to us?
Cuase I get to see libtard tears. But you know, you should try to be less of a retard and learn how to file on your own. Or just get TurboTax or someshit. It's not that hard. Stop expecting the government to make things easy for you. That's retard logic.
>yeah I had to pay two hundred dollars for no reason but at least I owned the libs
But Americans love sucking middleman cock.
I'd trust them more than the IRS to give me a return that's in my best interest. They're professionals at what they do, they will give you the best legal return/deductions with no worries of penalties etc. Most of the people posting here can file for free on TurboTax, freetaxusa, etc anyways. Furthermore, everyone has the ability to do their own taxes via for zero cost. The IRS, private companies and states have ZERO obligation to provide free assistance. So that is all above and beyond.


Two largest tax filers were exposed for deceiving users into unknowingly purchasing their services. Why do you trust these large monopolistic companies so much? Why are they throwing millions of lobby money at politicians opposing any reforms that make filing taxes easier? Why do you want to give them more control and money?
>Two largest tax filers were exposed for deceiving users into unknowingly purchasing their services.

You mean just doing basic marketing, the thing that all corporations do? If you don't read the contract, don't complain when it comes with stipulations and extra fees.
>they will give you the best legal return/deductions with no worries of penalties etc.
minus the middleman tax you have to pay them lmao
>trump voter loves getting scammed
They don't like getting scammed, they like leftists getting scammed and if they have to get scammed too, that's a small price to pay.
nah they love getting scammed, they love buying every shitcoin that Trump and Elon promote because scamming people is alpha behavior and they're subservient by nature.
None of the Trump supporters who got rugpulled were happy about it. Granted, Trump didn't take any heat from them over it, but that's not the same as being happy to be scammed, that's just making excuses or finding other targets.
But they didn't stop being Trump supporters.
>Because the coin crashed due to leftist sabotage. Everything would be great if not for those leftists. There was no rugpull. Trump was trying to do us a solid.
Oy vey! Churchill was as red-blooded as they come!
The leftist/jewish seething and kvetching since Total MAGA Victory is delicious. And no Trump hasn't forgotten who tried to assassinate him. Just like the deportations he won't disappoint. Let him keep cleaning house.
>opposed countries from having private affairs with one another
>literally called all his enemies nazis
>declared war on the most based and tradpilled state in the world because they were "nazis"
You aren't fooling anyone, libturd.
Found the broccoli headed one on the right
Found the groyper on the left
>fine people
>drink bleach
>jan 6th
>elon will bankrupt twitter

There are hundreds of these.
If you fell for even one of them you are irredeemably retarded.
If after all this shit you're still falling for it you have never had a coherent thought in your life.
2 scoops was real though.
HRUMPF really did that.
Elon did bankrupt twitter lol. They outright admitted in an internal statement their user growth is stagnant, their ad revenue is still shit, and they're barely making enough to keep going each month. Banks are looking to sell their debt because they started realizing they're never getting their investment back.

Musk being in the Trump admin is pretty much the sole thing keeping it afloat at all at this point.
>inb4 X and Truth Social merger
>We'll merge two dying social medias to create 1, even more dying social media!
The irony of how they directly compete with each other for the same users will only increase over time.
maybe look up numbers before talking retard twitter is right now making more than it has ever in its existence.
lol no it isn't. Their revenue is down 80%. They lost billions in value since Musk bought it.
Elon cut revenue in half and doubled profit at X, not bad

its still a loss but the smallest its even been since twitter went public
>doubled profit
Source on that that isn't Musk talking out his ass? Their revenue is down 80%. Banks are trying to offload debt it's proven to be such a bad investment.
look up difference between revenue, profit and what operating cost reduction of over 80% can do for you
>Trump is so persecuted by the evil lamestream meeeedia
Jesus christ get new material you whining faggot
He's right though.
Your post didn't age well.
You: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fell-for-it-again-award
Retards never age well. Just look at Trump and Musk. But those two things will always be Lolcows
Servile personality
How so? DOGE just got their treasury system access limited and the lawsuit is still ongoing.
Hey, retard.
Trump and musk can't stop winning. This makes you so angry, lmao.
Is this how you think Americans talk?

Yeah, they are winning and you're losing. You're not on their team, they would melt you into slag if it meant making another buck. You guys are the ultimate cucks.
>how dare you expose the money laundering scheme of my democrat masters!!! your loss!!

retard alert
I don't even know where these "money laundering" claims come from. Even Musk never gave any actual money laundering allegations save calling USAID a "criminal organization" without elaborating further or presenting any actual examples. All I've seen is them trying to cut funding for aid programs they think are stupid, which your mileage can vary on if they're right or not but it objectively isn't money laundering.
>I don't even know where these "money laundering" claims come from.

probably from the exposed money laundering that the entire world is now seeing and bewildered you pretend isnt a thing

>d..dude give us millions for a dei opera in the third world dude! ok but i pocket 60% lolol

also it was literally exposed that some blm organisation got money the same organisation that then donated to democrats so yeah not exactly subtle
Yeah that's not what money laundering is. And you have to present proof the money isn't actually being spent on those caused as opposed to "well the cause is stupid!".

Also BLM isn't related to USAID.
>democrats via usaid giving tax money to blm organisations who then donate that money to democrats isnt money laundering

retard alert
Yeah that's not what they revealed at all.
The real story isnt even that its that usaid was literally used to fund a entire paralle reality and pushed it not just on the US but tried to push it on the whole world.

Democrats via USAID bought off media,
pushed advertiserv boycotts on x and rumble as narrative control,
funded opposition groups in foreign lands to formet revolutions,
funded lawfare against the the trump administration etc
people focus on the stupid money laundering "hurr dance therapy for my guinea pig for 100.000k" stories but thats not even the real fucked up story.
Basically the goverment robbed you blind and then created a entire parallel bullshit reality to control the minds of people.
I'm sorry, how the fuck did they spend money to encourage a boycott? Musk did that pretty well on his own.

Also like, USAID isn't involved in the lawsuits against Trump either.

What's next, you gonna say USAID poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses?
>dem masters

kek I hate democrats just as much as republicans because they co-opt the progressive movement to spout platitudes and jerk off their corpo overlords. A thin skinned african billionare with a god complex fucking with our government should make you mad regardless of what ideology you follow.

Also a million and a half of our tax dollars have been used to shill and astroturf 4chan. It’s no surprise seeing how many people are trying to distract from these programs and defend them right now.

It's over now shills—you’re not going to get payed anymore.
Honestly doesn't seem like sufficient money for that.
They do it for free
>shill and astroturf 4chan.
That's not what that says at all, and if you were even half literate you could understand this.
It says it will collect data from this platform for analysis you fucking retard.
Try reading for once.
Oh wow no shilling. It's data collection.
Congratulations, you won the retard award again
Thank you for proving my point shill.
Oh! We gotta another shill over here boys!
annnnd the 25 year old quit/got fired because, surprise, the basic background check on him revealed he was a fucking eugenics advocate. He was one of the two individuals the judge said can still access treasury files btw.
I think this is pretty conclusive evidence they didn't background check these guys at all.
A certain savings scheme in the Third Reich, so people could buy what Hitler ordered Ferdinand Porsche to design & manufacture for under 1000 Reichsmarks. Those who did paid several RM a week for stamps placed in a stamp book, but missing so much as one week's payment meant the whole thing was null & void: with no refunds.
Not one person got what those who had full stamp books paid for: a KdF-wagen. All those Reichsmarks kept by the state.
Who was the Fuhrer of that state which ripped off it's own people? Hitler. A dictator.
Another dictator 80 years later that rips off its own people: Trumptards.
This makes >>1381837 mad.
Oh wow another person cancelled because of wrong think oh my this is unprecedented
>wrong think
>literally advocating eugenics
Yeah, we know how this works. You take a tweet out of context and blow it out of proportion. Let’s see his tweet then.
Don't care.
Can't. Musk deleted his account to save face.

Though the fact this dude's statements were made on MUSK'S OWN SITE makes the lack of background check pretty fucking obvious. If he didn't even check out his account, what else could he have missed about the other hires?
Not him but do you not think the fact that he already quit because of it might indicate his guilt?
He cared enough to quit, so....
I think a cost-benefit analysis was made and they decided it was easier to let one employee go than letting you people entangle DOGE in some cancel culture bs to prevent it from completing its audits
Don't care. The work is continuing with or without this dude.
Actually, they're now down to only 1 person who can access the treasury data.
So is the work continuing or not? It sounds like it is. Wouldn't be surprised if doge just gets auth from the judge to replace the second person with one of their backups in the meantime
>the work is continuing
There is no "work", it's five fratboys who have no idea what they're doing making shit up.
>There is no "work"
Really? The mainstream media seems think otherwise. They've reported that these people are using ai to parse large volumes of records to identify trends and inefficiencies.

Have you considered writing in to mainstream news publications informing them that your headcanon is more factually accurate than their investigations?
I don’t think the web of spending and kickbacks that we’re learning about from USAID is not “made up”
>muh mainstream media
Cool ancient meme grandpa
>we're learning
Who is "we're" and why do you think being gullible and believing random tweets is "learning"?
You can bury your head in the sand all you want, boomer. Nobody cares about your misinformation you're spreading. I really don't care. You people are mentally unwell and the only person your tricking is yourself
Well like >>1381898 says. Literally no one in the media or authority is denying these programs exist. Why should I listen to you saying they’re not?
>They've reported that these people are using ai to parse large volumes of records to identify trends and inefficiencies.
Source on this? Trusting an AI to determine government funding sounds like a terrible idea.
When your idea of "the media" is from the 1970s, no one takes you seriously.
>Literally no one in the media or authority is denying
You know good and well you haven't bothered to check outside of your usual hugboxes.
>When your idea of "the media" is from the 1970s
What the fuck is wrong with you, crazy person?
I'm referencing the url that I'm pretty sure you posted just a short while ago: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2025/02/06/doge-treasury-agent-reportedly-resigns-after-racist-posts-heres-what-to-know-about-musks-agency/
Check out this hot tamale
$9000 charged to the government for a $200 coffee machine
>one url
Do you not see the huge leap in logic you've made?
Alright, show me a story from your hugbox that proves me wrong. I’m always open to hearing from other sources.
Was that published in the 1970s or are you just insane?
I'm using your url, not mine. If you don't like the source, then don't post it.
You can find 5 stories exactly like that on /pol/ right now. Go back there.
Does one story represent the entire media? No? Then shut the fuck up.
I don't have a url and I think you're insane.
I don’t use /pol/ because it’s full of nazis. If you browse /pol/ then you bring us a story that proves your point.
It's obvious you don't. You don't need to when you think this board is /pol2/.
>2501 S PLUM ST
>SEATTLE, WA 98144-4711
Kek. Democrats are corrupt as fuck. Every. Single. Time.
Still deflecting from showing us a story. Not really helping your case here.
Who the fuck is "us" supposed to be?
>News media reports don't count!
>Find another one to prove it's true!. Btw there's 5 up on another board right now!
>Those 5 don't count either, find a news media that reports on behalf of every other news media!
Wow. Way to say "I don't have an argument"

What's it like being in your shoes right now? You just keep acting like a salty defeated poor little man with more than a hint of crazy.
It's very unbecoming
Us is everyone you’re arguing with retard. Show ME a story that proves your point.
Anon, what "story" are you demanding now?
I was making fun of your boomer histrionic screeching over >muh mainstream media, dumbass.
I think you're confusing him with me. I don't know it's hard to tell who you're angry at..
Link to the post containing "your point" so I know what you're talking about
Why don't I just post a tweet since you easily-deceived morons think that's a valid news source.
Who complained about mainstream media? Are you talking about the post that said your claims are contrary to mainstream media? Is that the post that caused you to *histrionically screech" about mainstream media?
>>1381904 (me)
>>1381909 (you?)
That post was referencing the URL provided here: >>1381862 by whom I'm assuming is you.
Is that not good enough for you?
I'm the first one. I am not the other two
Sure, post anything that proves USAID is not handing out kickbacks and wasting a shit-ton of money, because it is. Just don’t assert it without any kind of evidence.
...you know they have to prove it WAS giving kickbacks, right? You can't declare someone committed a crime because they aren't giving you evidence they didn't.

I'm accusing you of having been the real mastermind of Trump's assassination attempt over the summer. Post anything that proves you weren't giving that guy directions.
>Millions of dollars going to Politico
>Politico only ever writes nice things sucking the Biden administration’s dick
Sounds like a kickback for favorable news coverage, and taxpayer money (my money) should not be funding it. Clearly unethical.
>>Politico only ever writes nice things sucking the Biden administration’s dick
where do you people get this shit from?
Politico literally was given a damaging leak from Trump's campaign and refused to post it lol.
You gonna show me that or are you just making it up? If that’s true still doesn’t mean Politico wasn’t in the bag for Democrats as all this funding shows. It’s more likely there was legal liability for posting whatever it was they got and they didn’t want to get sued.
Not him but the fact that you don't remember what happened last July says more about you than it does about politico
>On July 22, POLITICO began receiving emails from an anonymous account. Over the course of the past few weeks, the person — who used an AOL email account and identified themselves only as “Robert” — relayed what appeared to be internal communications from a senior Trump campaign official. A research dossier the campaign had apparently done on Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, which was dated Feb. 23, was included in the documents. The documents are authentic, according to two people familiar with them and granted anonymity to describe internal communications. One of the people described the dossier as a preliminary version of Vance’s vetting file.
It actually is.

The Treasury isn't some opaque monstrosity. Prior to the Trump admin altering sites or outright taking them down, the Treasury actually posted some information on what they do. For stuff not immediately publically available, any Tom, Dick, or Harry could file a FOIA and find out.

No, you won't be able to find out specifics on CIA black site funding, but there is loads of juicy stuff that isn't secret.

Source: I'm a USFS employee who has the joy of responding to FOIAs. Sometimes they are from legit orgs, like SELC wanting to make sure we aren't terracing mountains again (yep, the FS used to do that). Sometimes they are from Cletus and Jim-Bob who are convinced that the rabies vaccines their state wildlife department air drops to keep rabies from, you know, fucking killing people again in one of the most horrible and insidious ways possible, is actually the USFS dropping poison pellets to kill all of the deer so that real mountain men starve and move away and then the USFS can claim the mineral rights (which they don't actually have; I checked) under their property...for reasons?

I shit you not, I had to respond to that this year. Can I sue someone for lost brain cells?

It was that poorly written and insane.
Oh yeah that story, so what? Like I said, not publishing the hacked information is not a show of support for Trump, but a decision to not risk getting sued in court.
Not just hacked information, but anon is upset that politico wasn't distributing material stolen by Iran. The material didn't even harm trump, it wasn't newsworthy, but anon thinks that because they didn't publish information hacked by Iran from trump, that they are a partisan organization.

He's an idiot, anon. Call him one and move on with your day
>Politico are partisan hacks who were paid to prop up the Biden/Kamala campaign!
>but they also didn't want to post damaging leaks that could hurt Trump and help Biden/Kamala!
Looks like cognitive dissonance to me
I neither think nor claimed either of those.
I think politico is rather politically neutral
But feel free to imagine me however is convenient for you
It's funny how the GOP narrative has changed from it being fake to it being unimportant minor data.
They're still mad about the Hunter laptop story turning into a nothingburger.
Clearly if you were put in charge of Politico you would run it into the ground. Any news organization worth a damn will have lawyers reviewing their liability for publishing hacked information. Because if they accidentally post state secrets, then the US government will come down on their ass.
JD Vance's vetting file is not "state secrets" lol
Trump's russia dossier is though
There’s an old joke: an American spy and a Soviet spy are sitting at a bar. The American says, “I really admire your propaganda outlets—it's incredible, and really puts forth your government’s message.” The Soviet replies, “Ours is good, but only one is better: your’s.” The American spits out his drink, “What!? We don’t have propaganda in America!”
>Three do not even have degrees.
That's a positive. We need less people who have been brainwashed by the leftist academia. Fire all those knownothingknowitalls with a bachelors and up. Get real people in there. People who are like you and me. This admin has been everything I've wanted to see so far. From opening up camps in el Salvador for the enemy within to hiring /ourguys/ from /pol/.
Enjoy the Chinese century anon
They just got blocked from accessing any data from labor department at all.
fuck off elon, you're a literal psycho sociopath
even Brazil already has a government maintained application for easy tax report filing, which comes pre filled with info reported by your banks and property holders, available on mobile and pc, and that exists for many years, also it's a completely free app development by the federal gov. The us government is very outdated tech wise
god just look at all these leftist faggots cry. god its so amazing. Gonna wash my car with all your tears. Then dry it off with all the mexican flags i stole at the protests last week

keep crying you tranny faggot retards
we are literally just getting started

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