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Thanks for the recommendation now I’m depressed
I think I was sad not because the trio is no longer working together - it really feels like the world as we know it is over. The passion, liberty, honesty in motoring is being replaced by soulless chink cars designed around legislation made by slimey Jews and you can only drive it around stinky Brown people.

Top gear and grand tour was the world of the boomers and gen x. Millenials only got a glimpse. We now have to do what we can in the dystopia that is real life
this. what Jeremy says in the special is right - electric cars are nothing like internal combustion cars. so with the slow death of the ICE car the petrolhead community will also slowly cease to exist. without the hobby, there won't be another iconic trio like these boys. I feel like that's what's depressing about it. they're gone and there is nothing coming that can ever replace them.
If you think it’s bad as a millennial then try being Gen Z, there was never a chance to begin with, and now Gen Z car culture is around nog rap, clout, and takeovers
EV are boring trash, Jeremy and James would agree on h2-ice technology.


the stig missing here?
Press f
If I've never seen the show but know of them from top gear, is it appropriate to just watch this one episode or will I need any context
TGT moved from a more TG like format to just doing the adventures. It would be good to watch their first adventure on TGT but you could watch it without it.
Nah, zoomies are happy, they don't know what was taken from them.
Millenials were shown the light just to be left in the dark for the rest of their life.
>The passion, liberty, honesty in motoring is being replaced by soulless chink cars designed around legislation made by slimey Jews and you can only drive it around stinky Brown people.
Least racist 4channel user
Don't cry because its done
Smile because it happened.
Alway rember.
>in the dystopia
>top gear india special a reality
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i can't bring myself to watch it yet. all the friendship simulators from my youth are going away and it's not fun to deal with
Top Gear should hired three Japanese entertainers
Millenials are a plague on the modern world.
You can thank the boomers for that.
Personally I don't think electric cars will take off. Remember France went all diesel a while ago and had to backtrack it.
You either have ICE, or you have tyranny. The only countries with high EV adoption are coerced into it one way or another

But also, the world is way more fake and gay now than during jezzas time

Yes I feel bad for them! Absolutely hate all nog culture. Everyone is getting sick of them, though, so hopefully we'll see a huge pendulum swing. Surprised that generation isn't more into motorbikes

True. This is why the Jews are trying to rewrite history and disconnect you from your traditions. That way, soon enough, no one will remember how good we had it, and will accept Indian tier squalor

Kek. I'm not racist, I just have strong pattern recognition. And I'm really sad at gay motoring is getting, especially as I live in a nanny state country
Total Haitian death! fuck nigger!
The ending was very well made. Loved the flashbacks and the final drive with them splitting up into separate directions was pure kino, very emotional.

However, I'm curious, did anyone find this episode funny?
The setup was good (old but decent looking cars, get to a location without extra goals), music was fine and they had the traditional "best hits" jokes with breaking down etc. But none of it really made me laugh.
Is it because it still felt a bit too scripted, or maybe theyre just too old and the magic is gone? Anyone else had the same feeling?

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