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I like my car
what's that car in the back, looks much cooler
>blown rear shocks
Looks like a Regal GS
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2000 Buick Regal GS

They're fine, I just have your mom in the trunk.
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>2000 Buick Regal GS
>black housing headlights
kek motherfucker WANTS to be a pikachu car romflmahahaha fucking ricer, dude said GS like it means something ROMFLMAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH that fucking grilleee though
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>nothing behind the vents
>gold wheels faggot lapring as a subaru
>4wd badging but its automatic with open diffs
id sell it
>black or indigenous monster truck with ugly as fuck wheels
kek goddamn vws and vwlets are GAY as FUCK
pretty based, at least you look like you own land despite being an apartment dweller
Quick question. I recently got a 93 ranger with 179k miles, 5 speed, and 4.0 engine. It's splash trim with stepside bed. Would be putting a supercharger on it because i can't not fuck with things.
I also have an 08 tacoma 4cyl with 200k miles. in 100k miles its never gotten new transmission fluid. I need to get rid of one or the other. Which would you sell? Both and get a car?
I like your car too, those were great ones
Whatever you do keep the Tacoma
K ill probably try to flip the ranger then.
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got my girl detailed, paint corrected and 5 year ceramic coated last week. I love this car so much.
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looks boring why didn't you get a b6 s4
7/10 get some better wheels, preferably multi spoke polished silver
I think the look will be drastically better when I lower it and get it aligned. I took a chance on this combo because no one has done it especially on this color of car but I am on the lookout for a better setup always.
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Here's a pic the shop took of my car. The water pump decided it was done.
nice car. definitely overhated. were these the ones susceptible to IMS bearings?
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Yeah these had the IMS issue. Mine's been replaced with an LN retrofit but it's about time to replace it again.
Love the C4S reflector strip. Why not put that retrofit kit that has its own dedicated oil feed on it? That's advertised to be a permanent fix.
24 years old
Graduated in finance, working at hedge fund now
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Lovely. Give it a wing and a widebody.

unrelated, DD doing DD things
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I like your car too
Nice Owdies
Why did you photoshop a piece of paper?
Got any more pics of the grand cherokee? I love those cars
Because I want the car to work, I've never heard of someone owning one and not having an immense amount of problems.
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slick, but that other anon is right, those wheels definitely don't fit the car.
Yeah I really like the whole rear view of the car.

That's what I'll do when I replace this one. Previous owner got the one that needs to be replaced every ~6 years.

I actually think the C4S looks better wingless desu
Non-functional mirrors.
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My ride.

Very cool, fren.
Really like the S5, one of the best looking cars to come out of Germany in the past 15 years, though I'll admit, I prefer the slightly older ones that have the 4.2 V8.
nice x3
nice minus the color
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Haha fair. The funniest thing is that they had a black/neutral colors, but I specifically wanted red because it is my favorite color, so I waited a bit longer for them to find one.
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The V8 is better for sure but don’t sleep on that supercharged V6. It’s one of the smoothest engines I’ve ever driven.

Any pics of the orange one? I wanna see =3
With the red, it looks like a 360 if you squint your eyes and have a concussion. I like the red, it's better than an NPC color.
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Yeah. This thing rocks. I've driven most of the modern flagship supercars and nothing production comes close to the amount of fun this car is to drive. I love this little shitbox.
Jeez, those blue lights are awful
This is more like it. Nice.
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Yeah the previous owner put in blue fog lights.
I don't mind as they let people know I'm gonna fly by em
>give it a wing
>that trip
wait, is this the blue corvette tranny guy that got arrested?

honestly one of my favorite DDs ever since I live in an offroading paradise now

The Gladiator is fun but I like the nimbleness and more baja-style of the trailhawk/grand cherokee.
"Based", parlance
Keep spraying them rocks
I've had so many cars its hard to remember what you're talking about. Tranny? What? Yeah most of them had transmissions

Anon are you okay?
kek, it is. oh im sure you couldnt forget that blue corvette. do you normally keep a pound of pot in that jeep too?
My logical brain is much happier that I have the 3.0T because it's arguably better in every way.
But the sound of that V8... man......
get a fucking BMW already
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poorfag coming through
Not gonna lie if i got one i would do the opposite, just use it as a comfy good looking street car... Have people supercharged these (pentastar) ?
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I exclusively drive 30+ year old shitboxes, and convince myself they are great to make up for my lack of taste and refinement.
Pentastar is a shit engine but they do supercharge them.

I'd never buy a pentashit jeep lmao theyre gutless with terrible mpg.

That wk2 has the top shelf old man emu kit its probably much more comfortable on the highway than the average short travel suspension sedan.
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In my mind its the v8, the turbodiesel, or get a cheaper car.
your car looks great though
from 5 m away maybe sure. it needs new paint new wheels new wing and a bunch of new seals because the window seals almost all are cracked from age and exposure. wheels will ironically be the hardest part to find because its nigh impossible to find something decent looking in 5x120.65 in yurop.
I can't post my car because it's too big
I have the same problem with my pecker on /b/
Going to try to get a 0-60 run under 4 seconds this winter
>but you said that last year
Was going to, but best I got was 4.2 and then a child was born. Retuning it this month so we will see.
4 U
What's the car version of feeling under-dressed?
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wish we had shit like that up here in new england
congrations on the child
One of the most based cars to exist in the 21st century.
gangster as whip my nigga
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I need to get some new pics but definitely love my car
Love WRX's, definitely my next car if they don't stop making then in 5 years or so.
how are they as a daily (apart from shit MPG's)?
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how can some of you afford these? I can barely afford to keep my Toyota running
we have high value, marketable skills. Why dont you?
is there a reason you don't want to just have the wheel refinished?
I'm autistic and my mom doesn't like me leaving the house.
I like Qs too bad these are discontinued :c
Come to the northwest. The prices out here are pretty wild. Lived in Florida most of my life and I wish these prices were there.
As a daily driver it is fine. The ride is a little rough compared to most vehicles. However, it zooms, has great audio(turbo sounds, boxer engine, and muffler, manual(one of the best parts), and the amenities are nice to have too(car play and an above average sound system). Sometimes I turn down my radio just to listen to the car.
I was raped by a postal worker in 2008. Lawsuit against the postal service set me up for life.
its a fucking nissan you pleb
If you want advice from one poorfag to another, I just traded up. My job isn’t special and I am not rich. When you are just starting out as like I was, keep in mind that you don’t have to pay a car off in full but also consider how much the car will be worth down the line when it finally becomes fully yours. You’re not going to keep it. When I was 18, I used scholarship money to put a shitty 10K down payment on a new car of the year (2018) that was priced around 50K. In the five years that followed, when it finally became fully mine and I paid it off, it only dropped to 20k. Now, I have a good and steady job, but I used that 20K to help me trade up. You don’t have to be rich, anon. Just be thinking ahead anon.
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I like my trugg
I can feel the crunch of the snow just by looking at the image
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>retarded neckbeard tripfag drives a vette with an ugly wing on it (pic rel)
>widley known for being an unknowlegable retard
>is also a drug dealer
>pulled over for speeding through a school zone (like 2x the speed limit iirc)
>while he has like 5lbs of pot and a shitload of cash in the car
>gets arrested and eventually goes to jail
>gets ass-raped so hard in jail that he comes out the other side as a tranny
>now calls himself "Claire" and pretends to be a woman
>comes back to /o/ occasionally to bait newfags into giving him attention
first time ive seen him post in a while, figured he had died of anal perforation. Thomas, if i got any of that wrong feel free to chime in and correct me.
I was drugged and rape at a university bar when I was 17 but they won't pay me compensation. Society seems to bend around my will now though because it is folklore in my town so there is that. Still would prefer the 500k
Actually in this picture it looks way better. In the previous it looks orange-ish.
And he said: Peg! Is he stunned?!
>You don't need to worry aboot Willard being stunned. He's always stunned.
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you guys are not going to believe this story, but i had a wild night at a university bar.
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Still using the same old pics but really still looks the same. Engine has been UNfucked. installed a washer and coolant bottle from an FJ40, heater valve was absolutely packed with silt, replaced it with a serviceable brass one from bongland, and now gonna get some 10mm steel fuel line for the impending 4 bbl swap. Still need to get some tyres for the 15 inch police wheels sitting in my room though.
v8? highway patrol use the v8s here and saying they take off like a bat out of hell would be an understatement
mmm twongi
lol every time i see this i can't not think of my summer car, love it
theyre only 15x7 so the car wanders alot when turning because its got the stiff ws6 meme suspension. i actually like how they look but unfortunately i need tires with a much smaller sidewall than the 15 inchers. oem 16x8 formula wheels are a no go too because you cant buy 245/50/16 tires in yurop.
>Retuning it this month so we will see
i read this as you returning the child this month
Where the hell you live, im in helsinki and theres no snow at all.
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Cars for ants
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Love WRX
very nice. im partial to 996.1s but theres no denying the rear of a c4s
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E91 318d
its in good nick and gets me to places.
does need some nicer rims(or atleast to switch winter with summer rims since winter rims are nicer)
based (knockoff) lotus 7 chad
Based benz driver
like mercs even though i shouldnt(never been a fan of luxury cars)
Do you think a grand cherokee with the hurricane would be cool? I feel like theyre gonna come out with it soon.
Dodge said basically everything that had a 5.7 now will get the SO and everything with a 6.4 will gat the HO hurricane
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Impreza Outback Sport Wagon 5-spd.
It's really slow and gets like 19mpg.
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just bought it today
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>that lip and wing spoiler
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Rate my ride
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Pretty. Tell us about it.

Captcha didn't like it though...
Congratz anon

Enjoy the ride
Clean! love the burgundy color
a minty maroon right hand drive M540i(?) with a black interior is some real gangsta shit. congrats.
x-type spirit?
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im a girl btw
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Well I mean Mustangs are chick cars...
Props for not removing the audio logo like some faggot.
Shiet cracka that whip fine ass
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Goddamn I love the three older Porsche in the background. Thanks for that angle, I'm not insulting your newer model though, although that cowboy bebop plate holder sucks.
Lmao I still remember his post-ban trip "2Fast2Frosty". Lmao good times.
idk who that is im sorry
ngl i think the trannys wing looks cool
reminds me of the 3k's stealth wing
if it wasn't such an attention whore this hate would feel pretty unreasonable
>congrations on the child
Many thanks
Yep, baby 5.7 hemi
Luv me this angry wasp
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hello miata br/o/
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Daily commuter 387,700 miles and counting
Oh man
I love the 159 looks
When ever I see one I always have a thought of "shouldve bought a 159 instead of e91"
such a pretty thing
Whenever I see gay ass wagons and hatchbacks I think "kek shoulda got an E92 or LCI E90 335i."
And whenever I see 159s I think "kek shoulda got a GTAm already"
I just love clean lines, sweet spot of technology of late 2000s (all the creature comforts, but none of the start-stop, lane assistant or blind spot assistants) and local community. I don't boyrace and I love the local alfa enthusiasts who occasionally do pizza evenings, gets sponsorships and occasional exclusive track days to their events. But if E92 is more your jam, I don't judge. I just wish for unmolested 1750 tbi. You don't NEED anything else. I buy cars for the looks.
>I buy cars for the looks.
Son, i coined USG. I'd NEVER buy an ugly car. But to choose a fwd Alfa over an amazing GTAm is unforgivable
159 didn't really have a GTA versions afaik. Giulias have these, but they ran for like 250k in 500 pieces
Man I'm talking about the GTA from the 60s none of this ugly new garbage. And of course they wouldn't make a 159 GTA, shit's fwd
I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than be caught dead in one of those plastic shitheaps
Just climbing the ladder, my brother in Christ. First steps are as difficult as the last ones mind you
I guess a fwd alfa is way cooler than some weeblet pikachu fwd disposable shit after all.
i just luv me old Alfa Romeos. shrimple as
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You cant't even begin to comprehend my motives
Love these boxy guys, here's to many thousand more miles
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they thought i totaled it.
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You will be sent to the camp fatty
based box vic poster
you should have seen me a hundred pounds ago
i love my box vic
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Looks comfy. I assume it rides a lot better than my nissan.
buy a based porsche
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The only thing more disappointing in this thread besides BMW faggots are those who can't appreciate fun FWD hatchbacks
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I'm right here.
but did you die?
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>it took an entire day for a european to post a car in here
holy shit just ip ban all foreigners at this point
Missed the Twingo 6 hours from the OP, dipshit
Good, I don't sit with faggots
Look at that big ol' diffuser
love it
tomorrow probs
fag-wheel drive
factory towing mirrors?
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I bought a tow mirror on ebay, aimed it towards the back wheel, and now I can park the car's giant fat ass just a little bit easier.

I considered aiming it backwards like a normal mirror, but then I'm just going to get my corneas roasted by every dipshit driving an F250 with chinese LED headlights.
very nice 88-91. i have a 91 grand marquis, very happy with it. but yeah its a jump going from a more modern car's mirror to those tiny pieces of shit. might do the same thing as u 4 street cred
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Good luck, old tow mirrors are super expensive for some reason, the one I found has rubber straps and was much cheaper (I guess due to the untrustworthiness of old rubber) but it seems to be holding up so far.

Almost whacked it off of one of the poles at taco bell, but so far it's survived my driving. I just wish it had mirrors like my van, those are massive and once I backported some power mirrors onto it they've been perfect.

Mostly because they actually stick out past the body, unlike the panther mirrors. I know they're in a bad spot because they had to account for the optional vent windows, but they could have let them stick out further!!
yeah i'd like to add vent windows, saw somebody on the forums do it but i just need to find a car in a u-pull-it or something hopefully. since theres no working ac and if i drive with the window down the headliner practically flaps itself to pieces. and there's no overdrive so i need to get the AOD rebuilt. alos putting in an 8 track for teh lulz
it's funny because in the 60s most of the really nice burger cars were l6s, most people just wanted a nice looking car to daily
Mine is I5 diesel lol
Same, volvo V60. Yours?
That alfa Romeo 159 posted earlier
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I had those wheels on A5 TDI shitbox kek.
Damn, nice, I'm so jelly.
True dual exhaust?
I wish you luck anon, I myself spent quite a lot of money on getting that old panther AC working
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Just bought this today
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Vgh... American landboats...
It used to be full of these skodas here, I kinda miss them
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I like it, got it slightly used. Engine is meh but it is quick.
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>American landboats...
Aern't they cool???
Was the CT4 much of an upgrade over the ATS? I was cross-shopping the ATS when I ended up getting my A4 instead.
ive never owned a ATS, but for me the CT4 Interior is a physical button enjoyers dream interior.
based, enjoy the croozpill

based but the wheels are too big, 15 inch is the sweet spot

Boykooooo fix the roads!

1.5L turbo 6-spd manuèl. Literally no issues in 9 years and 160k km.
Gonna kidnap some middle schoolers later? Lol jk bro nice van.
Put some wolves on it or something
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You forgot where you are
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it has bumper gap which makes me mad. I think the PO scraped it a lot and knocked it out of position or something. I bought replacement clips for the bumper and the headlight sides but...taking off this bumper looks like a real pain in the ass and knowing me, I'd make it worse than make it better. Eventually I'll take it apart and see if that fixes it. If not, a new painted bumper is $1400 (fml).
Just take it to a bodyshop they shouldn't charge too much just to realign a bumper
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Older pic of my alfa 1.9jtd 8v, 250k km. Its been quite neglected when I got it. Had to fix a ton of shit and it still needs work. But its a lot nicer now mechanically and aesthetically. Never buy neglected cars gents, especially when you dont have a garage to work in and tools and money.
story of my 155
from what i understood(wasnt able to see it in person when buying so uncle bought it)
some kid bought it thinking its a cool car. Saw that its pain in the ass to maintain a rare car so sold it off to a new sucker(me)
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It's an acquired taste
I have both these cars, they’re good
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Universal alfa and bmw experience, pure pain. At least its a blast to drive when it works
shuddup no one asked faggot
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Just bought this. Plz no bully.
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Based leaf spring icecreamhearse
is ur hand brown
Surprisingly not. Just poor and needed space + (semi) interesting engine.
Fun fact - before I went to meet the seller, my greatest fear was that he'd be asian. I even checked demographic data for the area, kek.
actually based
i hope its a cdti
I don’t care what you got to say bro I own an e39, the best sedan ever made
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1 tonne trademan longreach spec
one the last australian panelvans ever made (my guess is within the last 20, if not 10)
maybe I'll give that a shot. Good idea. Hopefully they're not so busy they just tell me to fuck off.
i really like this audi. One of the best looking cars of all time looks comfy
poorly maintained old cars cost as much to keep running as a new car costs to buy
having good credit and/or making more money than you eat goes a long way
My cedric has easily been the lowest cost to own car I have had when it comes to maintenance. Parts are common, dirt cheap, and its a relatively simple car. just keep on top of the normal things and any decently modern car should probably just last and last. Did new rotors, pads, and parking shoes for under 50 USD + about an hour of my time plugs, coils, valve cover gaskets all told were about 300, and only changed due to being original. I thought I would regret buying this barge, but its been stellar. Put 3000km on it over the last 5 days.
I feel ya since i own both alfa and bmw
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I like it
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It's my daily driver
Are you going to remove the stripes yet?
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based aussie
The XR badge is gay but otherwise very tasteful
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It's a subaru legacy that is colored black like an edgy teen that has a terrible time with parental figures although I agree it is an awesome car
>Surprisingly not. Just poor and needed space + (semi) interesting engine.
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I had an overprotective mother too growing up.
She hindered a lot of my growth.
I never had sleepovers, I could never be out late, or go to parties & socialize much etc.

By the time I was 19, I got sick of it and started going out against her wishes anyway. She hated it, threatened all kinds of stuff, but I eventually realized she was all bark and no bite.

She "thought I didn't love her" when I told her off through text one day, saying "I'm staying over and my friends house tonight, I'm tired of you not letting me do things"

She came scouring the neighborhood, but couldn't find the right house and went home distraught.

After that day, she still fights back against me wanting to do stuff she doesn't agree with, but ultimately respects my independence now, and never punishes me for anything, as I never actually bring any problems to the house, she's just very afraid of the real world, and it affected her parenting.

Fast forward to today, I'm glad I left her clutches, because I'm 31, have a good job, my own house, decent cars, & can do stuff and enjoy life, but I still see other males that NEVER LEFT THE NEST mentally, and think about how that could have been me, if I had let mom continue to pin my potential down with her scare mongering.

You have to peel away from mom, anon.
Do things your own way, take risk, learn, make mistakes, adjust your path, and level-up.
based baseder
All that and you still drive a corolla lmfao
(jk, i actually really like the GR, but i had to finish the slam dunk you set up for me)
>dont have a over protective mom
>fall for /ss/ meme
all women are overprotective thats their nature you dongs
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It may be a slow cuckover but it’s a reliable daily and I just slept in it last night which went fine. I really need a fun enthusiast car though too. Hoping I can save up for a C4 or C5
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it's a 5 speed manual and has headlight wipers what more could a man want.. and it's green

e39 my beloved

jag my beloved

159 my beloved
Saab 95 my beloved(gramps used to own 9000 griffin, how i wanted to buy it as my first car when the car was being sold, I miss er so much bros)
yt audi
>radio unit fucking died
>source replacement from ebay
>can't just plug it in and replace it
>have to code it via ODIS or go to a dealership
>no AUDIo possible, spent 3 months driving around with bluetooth earbuds
Been thinking about pulling my MMI and cloning the drive to an SSD. I think this post just made up my mind for me.
But she droves well I must say
>white background lighting
the MMI is a terrible system. Was thinking of junking it and fitting a chink android system
Very nice S5 anon
After having many, many cars, I have come to accept that this is the ideal car
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Not my idea of good but a basic 5 door hatch will get 99% of stuff done. The other 1% you can rent for the day.
I think it's fine, but the IDE hard drive it lives on really slows it down
Thanks anon
Truly a based and blessed car. Props for keeping yours clean.
very jelly. I'm 31 years old and never had a girl in my car. what do they smell like.
coins and milky salt
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ngl I love this piece of shit
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hey fellas :)
Nice color
how reliable is the V8? I guess the rest is average for a VAG.
I would say it's white-blue-greenish.
why are you blurring out your entire images
youre fucking ugly, no one wants to find you and molest you
I am particular to fords but I second what the other anon said, keep the tacoma
don't speak for all of us
more of the trugg?
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Its my daily, I've had it for 4 years. I just replaced the fogged up headlights yesterday, and did some interior improvements today so it doesn't look so beat up.
Looks like a new car from 20 feet away
i've never been a fan of that generation's styling, just looked really weird. they're very reliable at least (from what i've heard).
its been good to me. The only breakdown I've had (which was my fault for not knowing the very obvious signs it was about to happen) was when the old and brittle plastic on the factory radiator broke at the upper hose neck, so I lost all of my coolant. I was just down the street from where I work so I just bought a new radiator and changed it in the parking lot after I clocked out.
I've put almost 70k miles on it since I bought it. It'll be 5 years in mid december
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You're just saying that so anons will leave in identifiable information so you can do just that
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1.9 TTiD, dpf deleted
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>no one wants to find you and molest you
Idk, there is that one corvette guy who raped someone he raced in the 90s who always posts here...
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I approve
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Still have these 3.
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My srt8
I've had her for 3.5 years and I still absolutely adore this car.
Sexo. What year and how is it holding up?
Oh fuck off.
2013 392, only thing that I've had to replace is the oil pressure sensor and the tires, not counting oil changes and rotations.
Very nice. Is it high mileage?
MMI is actually great. You can call who you need with like two button presses, see your media playlist, or get the NAV going to most places provided the map is up to date.

The new one is all touch screen and annoying to use and requires too many inputs
The MMI software/interface by itself is fine but the hardware and layout design is poor quality and prone to failure, if one module fails then the whole system goes down and refuses to boot instead of just displaying an error message to let you know whats wrong.
Only had 7k miles on it when i bought her, sitting around 24k now a days
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got some new wheel covers and they are bitchin

some of you may never know 1980s luxury like I do

but also fuck you chevy for making that damn radiator so hard to get to
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Still feels like wearing a nice suit
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YAY it's that thread again!

pic rel my one and only

planning to rebuild the tired engine at 242k this spring. Just need some money and i'm jobless. YAY!
Holy based anon. I've been given the privilege of driving a touring diesel version for many miles and it is genuinely one of the best cars for daily use that I can think of.
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Had it since summer '22 and I'm still really happy with it. It's the first thing I've ever owned in 21 years of driving that wasn't a sporty manual car, and having a truck has turned out to be really useful, and it's let me go cool places I wouldn't take a low car. I upgraded the suspension to Bilstein 5100s last year and it totally resolved the most common complaint people have about these Rangers, the bouncy ride, and I'm planning on aftermarket wheels over the winter - moving to an area where I need snow tires and I'll just order them on wheels and then swap things around next summer. It's also held its value really well, only lost about 3k in two years according to KBB, so I'm really happy with the purchase.
Why are the headlight covers white? If it's intentional then what the fuck, man.
They're plastic. They mounts have a habit of breaking so I replaced them. I just haven't painted them yet.
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She has served me well, been all over the US for the last 18 years. Outside of regular maintenance the only two issues have been replacing the water pump and the hybrid battery, both around 13 years in. Now the ABS actuator is failing, deciding whether to replace it (~$1,300 for the part, ~$3k for labor if I don't do it myself because it looks like a huge pain in the ass and requires Toyota Techstream software to do the brake bleed afterwards so either way I'll need to take it in) or trade her in for a newer car. Not really sure if it's worth continuing to maintain at 200k miles or move on.
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5100s are GOAT for daily shocks, I've had them in my FJ for 9 years and they're still performing great. Good investment for your trugg.

How do you find the engine/power output? I've heard people complain about the turbo lag, especially around the city when you're not really getting on the gas very hard.
Figured it was something like that. Coolest car in the thread btw
>coolest car

lol nein.
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In the last five years I did the oil changes, replaced the brakes (new rotors/pads), all new hoses & belts, all new fluids & filters for everything, new spark plugs, replaced a bad wheel bearing, replaced the engine mounts, did the valve cover gasket, put in a new water pump and temp gauge, cleaned the throttle body, got new tires, and put in a new battery and gas cap. Basically this has been my education in car maintenance, I had never done so much as an air filter change before. Now she's got power steering whine, topping off the fluid makes it go away temporarily but it returns quickly. I don't see a leak anywhere, now I've ordered new O-rings for the high/low side, supposedly that might be the issue. 165k miles, been in four accidents (it was my younger sister's car back in the day), one of which bent the frame so much that the AC condenser is toast and can't be replaced without fixing the frame (not gonna do that). Curious how long I can keep her running. Anticipated future jobs: timing chain, suspension.
Thanks for reading my blog
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cant fuck with this
I think the transmission lags more than the turbo does, and it's really more of a programming issue than an actual performance one - it can shift fast when it wants to, but if you're cruising at light throttle in town and then traffic ahead speeds up it can sometimes take more boot than it feels like it ought to before the transmission kicks down and you start going anywhere.

Straight up power output is great though, especially in terms of low-end torque. I've towed through hills with it and even with a 5klb trailer on the back it'll cruise up pretty steep grades at 65 doing only 2,500RPM or so. It's pretty quick unladen too and I'm thinking about getting a tune to make it even faster, Ford has a very conservative flash that guys on the forums have run for 50k+ miles without trouble, and even that is +45HP +60TQ which should make it a beast.
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new 2nd car cause my jeep won't pass inspection
2010 outback 2.5i Limited, 162k miles, paid $6k
>buying a different car because the (((government))) says you have to
I can't believe this is a thing. This would be a nightmare scenario for me. Do you live in the same country as I do? The United States of America?
in china (unsurprisingly) there are emissions standards similar to the euro 1, 2, 3 etc. cities/areas get zoned with these standards and as time passes they go up the numbers as emissions regs get increasingly restrictive. as a result, a car that may have been allowed in beijing 5-10 years ago under the china 2 emissions would no longer be allowed in the city since beijing is now china 3 (at least, last time i checked).
if you're chinese and you're into classic cars you're basically fucked without lube, even then you'd need to keep it hidden because you stick out like a sore thumb if you're rolling around in the streets. iirc you could register them in hong kong through some loopholes and allowances somewhat similar to how historic rego works in other countries, but usually only the filthy rich go ahead with these sorts of things because, well, they're filthy rich.
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Hey, I too like my car
Man i know there is hatred against monochrome cars, but cadillacs should always be black.
I live in PA, it won't pass because the sub-frame is rusting out and it's likely to fall apart at any moment. emissions regulations are a bit silly but I have no problem with cars being removed from the road when they're unsafe to drive.
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Sup M8 M8. I hope you have a good paint shop to match those headlight covers because I have heard this color is a royal pain to match.
Fds without their iconic wing are really weird looking. It almost just looks like a hardtop nb.
I dislike the early spoiler and like how sleek and clean the car looks without it. To me the R1 spoiler looks like a body kit wing that has melted and drooped at the ends. 99+ spoilers look pretty decent though as a part of the whole late model package. Supposedly in aero testing the early one was found to make no downforce, just added drag.
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>It almost just looks like a hardtop nb.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Fuck I wish they'd made more of these and sold them in the US.
fbi datamining thread
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FDs have some of the absolute best looking stock wings ever made. I think they're even nicer than evo or sti wings. It just looks unbalanced without one to me.
>You say that like it's a bad thing.
Nah, I love nbs. I still miss mine. The two cars actually share a lot of similar design elements.
Considering the fact that the FD predates the NB by several years I think what you mean to say is that a hardtop NB looks like a wingless FD.

Yeah the FBI totally doesn't already know what cars I own, it's not like those cars are registered with the state and insurance company.
I agree that the late wings look good. This is the early wing I don't like, and this view of it is one of the reasons I don't like it. It's the view you see when you walk up to the car. Late wings are only available as aftermarket in the US, so you'd either have to find one and get it paint matched or find a car that already has one.
I genuinely forgot what the early oem ones looked like, but do remember thinking these were fucking awful.
fd is the best design ever
nothing is close
It's definitely in my top 3 of all time
I think hakosuka, gc8, and fd3s are probably my all time favorite cars
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'97 LX sport, a little over 75,000. Full suspension rebuild, dropped 1.7". I'll probably switch to Mustang bolt pattern next spring so I can put more common rims on. 16 inch factory wheels, 18s would look perfect I think, but if I come across some 17 inch SVT wheels for cheap I might even go for those.
Nobody forced him to buy a new car, he always had the option of fixing his old one to make it pass. The problem with his old car wasn't necessarily financially viable to fix for him, but someone else with more attachment to it and the skills to weld in new metal (or the money to pay someone else to) could have kept it on the road. The real thing you should be mad at is the gubmint's refusal to use something else less corrosive to de-ice the roads and destroying everyone's cars.
who needs ABS? just dont brake like a retard
It's so easy to tell someone's a horrible driver when they say things like this
fbi datamining thread
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CSIS/RCMP actually
If you think face recognition cameras aren't already in place, you're delusional.
okay satan
Nice I was gonna buy a yellow jacket, but settled for this rt

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