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>swish some mouthwash before driving to a job interview
>car automatically calls cops on you
Using driver-facing cameras with AI-powered awareness detection is easier
This is my biggest concern. We have less than a year until driver-facing cameras (what they're going with in stead of breathalyzers) are mandatory. Companies have already spent the money to develop cars to include these systems.
I see very little chance he'll roll this one back. It's part of a broader plan to surveil people in the name of "safety" which was already in the works before his first term.
Also, remember new years when someone eckasploooded a cybercuck in front of a Trump hotel and Tesla tracked down all the recent telemetry of the vehicle in minutes? He probably lives in fear and feels safer when the people are tracked at all times in redundant ways.
I hope this does happen

Then women, gangs and cults have to stfu and quit making up lies about people that are always sober
remember that "beltway shooter" serial killer from like 20 years ago? no way that could happen today with all the modern tracking tech
ayo those sensors are racist
Oh dang looks like the connection came loose
I would say it doesn't matter because his car was an ancient land yacht but then I remember that video of the out-of-control EV in like China or whatever where its a montages of the car flying through the city from the vantage point of a dozen different surveillance cameras.

It doesn't matter if you drive some ancient shitbox, the car in the next lane has outboard facing cameras on you.
We live in a world where people are posting videos of the L.A. wildfires taken with their doorbell camera.
Even if the in-car camera mandates were canceled, the cops will just get notifications from the cameras posted on the power poles and traffic lights.
cant breathalyze meth
Another advantage to driver-facing cameras
If that's what actually happens, malicious complice would end this shit in a week. I just assume the cars won't start until some soccer mom opens a bottle of hand sanitizer, killig the engine on the freeway, and the dozens killed make us recall them all.
Driver facing AI cameras can't detect it either since it increases alertness.
Just train them to detect potentially dangerous behavior (the real purpose is surveillance anyway)
you can enjoy your cuck car that monitors you, i'll still be living in 1985 till i die.
And then the entire thing is bricked until it receives a dealer reset code from the certified dealer scan tool
Like 5% of Americans drive drunk monthly. It is a national problem that needs to be addressed.
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>blocks your path
If you're going to shit on everyone equally, I'd rather have DUI checkpoints rather than having to tow my car becuse a lens that I cannot get to got too dirty.
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There are currently hundreds if not over a thousand black hat hackers worldwide who have access to and jurisdiction over some of the most insidious, apocalyptic malware known to mankind.

One gentleman developed a virus so powerful that it possesses the power to unilaterally delete most of the Internet as well as every backup and cloud server currently plugged in and doing up/downs on the Web. Only hardline mainframes incapable of broadcasting a wireless signal and not plugged in would be safe. This man put the virus on a single thumb drive that he keeps locked in a vault in an unkown location and is wanted by most all governments worldwide for refusing to surrender it to them.

If any of these black hats wanted to, they could render the near-entirety of the Western surveillance state obsolete and cripple it in the span of about 24 hours. But they choose not to. Why? Because they are overwhelmingly introverted social outcasts from damaged households who struggle with porn and substance addiction and hold nihilistic worldviews that nothing in life is worth saving.

But there is always a chance one of them will decide to do the rest of us a favor and nuke all of the CCTVs and AI infiltrating our society. But since we can't rely on that happening, you all need to be asking yourselves what YOU can do at your level to stop this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. When you call me a nigger faggot, please use proper spelling and grammar.
Why would anybody want to "own" such a malicious piece of junk?
infridges on my freedom.
But also keeps brown ppl from drunk driving
hard decision.
You won't have other options to choose from. It'll be malicious trash, or nothing, now get to work on time or resign yourself to the debtors prison.
Not going to do much, as mexicans don't drive new cars
the fear of appearing poor is far more compelling
Irrelevant. We will have been seen doing something. Efficacy is optional.
>If any of these black hats wanted to, they could render the near-entirety of the Western surveillance state obsolete and cripple it in the span of about 24 hours. But they choose not to. Why? Because they are overwhelmingly introverted social outcasts from damaged households who struggle with porn and substance addiction and hold nihilistic worldviews that nothing in life is worth saving.
While there is a lot of truth to that, it's harder to hack shit in current year than you think. 99% of hacks are social exploits and 99% of the rest are skids using a guide. There is probably a way to disable these sorts of things with hundreds of hours of engineering but it'd only apply to one model year of one car with one set of firmware. And if you told anyone, or your miles were reported by a shop or to insurance, but there isn't telemetry data, they could figure out you disabled it (seems like a lot of trouble, but software could do it). Then if you tell anyone or get caught you could go to jail for endangering lives by disabling mandatory safety equipment if they're good enough with wordplay. It's too risky. And you're probably going to brick a few cars testing your hacks so it isn't worth it financially.
t. sec+, software eng, gave up and resorted to porn, nihilism, and drug abuse like you should too.
Deactivates your car and locks your subscription based driving privileges for a week. A day if you pay a fine and take a reeducation course on good driving practices
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trip back on, my Alabama friend
>One gentleman developed a virus so powerful that it possesses the power to unilaterally delete most of the Internet
PLEASE release it and do us all a favor mister hackerman
Wouldn't there be a market niche for normal regular cars? Surely some manufacturer would step in to provide?
its not legal to make a car without these "features"
all of you fucktards still drive 30 year old e100 corollas whats the problem? literally nothing else to talk about?
Then I'll ride a lawnmower
Eventually they will all be totalled and then you vill drive the slop... or vill the slop drive you?
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not anyone-that's-currently-alive's problem
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>Mouthwash having enough alcohol content to be beyond the driving limit
>swallowing your mouthwash
this is a mouthbreather NPC thread.
Someone who is a notorious drink and driver will find a way and use it to disable it. But this means the 95% who dont drink and drive are paying for this.
just buy older expensive cars like a truly smart person
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Weren't you previously a namefag? Aren't you soviet? Despite being a tripfag I don't pay much attention.
How can you even tell sometimes? My mindstate and opinions swing wildly by the hour, as does my writing style. Sometimes I like to roleplay a little bit and write in different ways.
Not running God's given GOAT, Alpines. For shame.
>I would say it doesn't matter because his car was an ancient land yacht
he doesnt know about the ALPR networks
It's easier to ban alcohol, only lowlifes drink that slop anyway
Inshallah, brother.
>One gentleman developed a virus so powerful that it possesses the power to unilaterally delete most of the Internet as well as every backup and cloud server currently plugged in and doing up/downs on the Web
Don't threaten me with a good time.
>news article from 2021
Why are you posting old ass news articles?
>Why are you posting old ass news articles?

Because he asked if it was still happening.
My dad is actually an engineer who works for a car company. Shit like this happens all the time, the car companies voltron up to sue the government to stop it.
God Emperor Trump will save us like he saved the Jan 6ers
fuck off muzzie
I'll throw back shots and liters of beer like there's no tomorrow Muhammad
>destryoing your health own the mooslems
You do realize cars have more cameras facing out than facing in, right?
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>It's got more cameras outside so I'm totally OK with being monitored at all times.
I'm amazed that you can figure out how to use a computer, gold star buddy!
Tons of people buy teslas what do you mean?
he's saying goymobiles are going to spy on us in our older cars, but I don't care because atleast I don't have stop-start, cylinder deactivation and a KEK screen in my dash.
>Source: Trust me bro
Yeah, your car can be remote stopped.
We'll just have to jailbreak our cars and come up with devices against this totalitarian bullshit. A blowing device would be easy to make to spoof it. I'm not blowing my car's plastic cock every time I need to drive. I swear our government fucking hates humanity.
>our government fucking hates humanity.
And you know they're only passing it because they got lobbied by companies with the tech and have heavily invested in their stocks, same as with EVs.
Because the bill says it's mandatory for all cars from model year 2026 onward. That's this summer.
I'd rather dodge bullets than be watched at all times and suspected of wrong doing every moment.
> since its an American car it breaks frequently
> somehow still get arrested
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I sure hope so.
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>modern tracking tech in 1992 Caprice
Do you have some sort of developmental disability?
Meh, unlikely to occur. Just like those telematics and cellular systems built into cars now, you disconnect it and the car still runs. You just void your warranty (an acceptable loss).
I wish
>posted the day AFTER trump inaugurated, again
you're determined to be like this forever, aren't you
>When you call me a nigger faggot, please use proper spelling and grammar.
Ok Niggot
Oh yeah, because banning alcohol worked wonders the last time we tried it. Right? You goat-fucking pedo retard.
>you disconnect it and the car still runs
Tell that to Jaguar/Land Rover owners.
Why do you fuck dogs?

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