Despite a commonly held belief, your car doesn't need to warm up on cold mornings, especially if it was manufactured after 1980, according to Firestone Complete Auto Care.Before 1980, most cars had carburetors, a car part that regulates the air-fuel mixture in an engine.In cold temperatures, carburetors couldn't vaporize all the gasoline they let into the engine, so some of it would be left behind as a liquid rather than being burned off during combustion, according to Firestone.If drivers did not warm up their cars, they risked them stalling.How it works with newer carsMost cars sold in America have an electric fuel injection instead of a carburetor. That part helps maintain the required air-fuel mixture, regardless of the temperature.Does it cause harm to warm up your car?Idling your engine could damage your engine's pistons, decrease your car's fuel efficiency and hurt the environment, according to Firestone.So for your car's safety, cancel the warming-up-the-car routine.
thank you /o/GPT
>woman>hood openI don't think so pal
>>28223361>ai slop threads on /o/ of all placesit's all so tiresome...
>>28223411first thing i thought because there's a few anons that drive carbed cars like it's efi, when cold, with no problem
>>28223430YepCast iron isn't water; the heat capacity is rather lowIt only takes a few seconds for the cylinders to get warm enough for complete fuel vaporization
>>28223444because the fuel injectors are located in the cylinder walls, also the cylinders aren't in direct contact with several gallons of water. also the oil has no heat capacity and its lubrication qualities never vary with temperature
>>28223361its -20c outside, the cars idling all day thunberg
it's been hovering around freezing when I leave for work, I just let the truck idle for 30 seconds then only use the first third-half of the tach until it's fully warm, usually after 5-10m of driving out of the city
>>28223361>your car doesn't need to warm up on cold morningsIt may not need to but I sure as hell want to
>>28223762closed loop isnt achieved until 104 degrees farenheit, looks like the cars getting warmed up
>>28223768You get into closed loop a lot quicker driving vs idling.
>>28223773why do i care? im not sitting in my truck waiting for it to warm up
General rule of thumb is to let it idle for like 30-ish seconds, then drive gently until it's warm, no higher revs
It's 37 degrees below zero, I'm not gonna drive until I see the temperature gauge move.
>>28223906lol imagine if the temp sender was dead
>>28223361I saw a tiktok once where a mechanic said you should idle for 30 seconds whenever you start a car just to get the oil flowing and all the moving parts lubricated before setting off, regardless of ambient temperature.Is this true or nah?Also I idle for like 5 minutes everyday in the McDonald's drive thru. Is this actually bad for my car?
>>28223777You're just running the engine with a shit tune for un unnecessary amount of time. I guess if you don't give a shit about your vehicle it doesn't matter but even on a lease queen you're still wasting fuel.
>>2822392930 secs is more than enough time, look st the oil pressure light as you crank and see how quickly it turns off, optimal oil pressure has already been obtained.idling isn't really good for an engine (look at all the service manuals that specify long idling during police and taxi use to follow the "severe" maintenance schedule) but if you do it when the oil is already at operating temps (which is about 5-10 mins after the coolant gauge hits the middle/normal) then it's not as bad
>>28223923I'm not a wrenchlet.
>>28223943nobody said you were famalam
manual says (on a cold day that is):wait for the glowplug light to turn offturn on the cardon't let the engine idle and immediately drive the car at reasonably low rpmsounds reasonable. your oil won't get up to temp if you are letting the car idle under no load. piston rings won't expand and seal the cylinders. engine is going to keep itself barely alive so it doesn't die and use as little fuel as possible and won't generate any heat. it's also a diesel which naturally has high compression. burning oil is probably a side effect of letting your car idle at low temperatures. same goes for the egr i guess which is only open at low pressures. also oil doesn't reach its temperature for a very long time (makes it thick for a very long time and increases wear lmao). also oil may mix with the fuel which is fun.
>>28223361The only car I ever owned where the owners manual said to NOT warm up the car was my OBDI mk3 Jetta.
>>28223361I will continue to warm up my car with remote start because it's fucking cold out and I want my cabin to be nice and cozy
Its -19c here today, I let it idle for about 30-45 seconds before I go.
I just use the app and set the temp to 65 before I take a shower
>>28224306This, I can't believe the troglodytes on this board can't operate their vehicle from their phone.
>>28223936oh no, i let the truck idle all day again, the literal $10, if only i was poor that might mean something
>>28223361what's the point of warming up the engine when it's made of plastic and designed to lease kek, you'd be a fool to keep it over 40k miles. These are temporary cars were taking about, rentals if you will.
>>28223936Oh noes! I'm gonna waste a few cents from my $3+ gallon of fuel! I will never economically recover from this mistake!!!!!
>>28223688>30 secondsThat's all it takes except for the absolutely bitter cold days, like below 0 F. Let it idle until the RPM's drop a bit then drive slow to get up to speed. >but the inside is still cold broYa wear a jacket, it'll warm up eventually.
>>28223361I know the Porsches in particular and really any sport car (not your civic) really needs to get going fast on cold days and you should start moving to warm the oil up because it’s usually heavier and the most wear comes when it’s idling on cold days and the best practice is get rolling and warm it up asap. Obviously don’t rev high. Lots of bmw M engines and Porsche engines have suffered in the cold NE US
>>28224290This is a perfect example of why I think so many people on /o/ are actually children who don’t own cars. It shouldn’t have taken so many posts for this to be stated. Even if you don’t have remote start, it’s worth it to sprint to the car, start it, and go back inside while it warms up. You come back out and the inside is comfortable and most of the ice is gone from the windows (unless you live in a frozen shithole with horrid weather or something).
>>28224255How low is reasonably low? 3500?
>>28224511It's not just the ice, you usually want the windshield warmed up so it doesn't fog the moment you sit down and breath on it. What's really stupid is the city I live in gets to -20C regularly and they've now banned idling over a minute, I think lawmakers all have garages because nobody is following that shit if they want to see where they're driving.
>>28224459>wear a jacketwhys it trigger you so much lol
>>28224587I drive it under 2.5k.
>there are people without heated/insulated garages
>>28224290>>28223906that's a bit long to wait, but I agree. I'm not gonna start cleaning the car till I see the base of the windshield start the clear up. it's also way easier the brush the ice off the car with the windows closer to 0 degrees.
>>28224635>and they've now banned idling over a minutehuh? how is that even enforced?
>>28223658>because the fuel injectors are located in the cylinder wallsnot necessarilythere are several types of injections
idling your car is forbidden in luxemburg
>>28224842I guess you have to shut it off at red lights and in traffic then huh?
>>28224962only to warm it up afaik
Mine revs high for normal driving and is older so I let it warm up til the revs start to drop to around 1000 and try to stay below 2.5-3k for a few miles.No matter the car, I always keep the heat off and until the temp gauge has read normal for a bit because my mechanical sympathy says not to hog the heat when the car needs it.
>>28225110This is sound logic
>>28225110>I always keep the heat off and until the temp gauge has read normal for a bit because my mechanical sympathy says not to hog the heat when the car needs it.I don't know why more people don't do this. Everybody cold starts and drives their car with the heat on full blast then bitch that it takes forever to get good heat going. I guess they don't realize how much heat a heater core can remove.
>>28224842oh no luxemburg! they're gonna get me!
>>28223361I warm mine up until it runs smoothly with the choke pushed in.
>>28223777You’re a retard boomer.
>>28224962>redlines at every red lightLIKE A BOSS
>>28223361Are you fucking stupid? The cooler oil is, the more viscous it is.A biker girl like I am would know that grenading a veichle from a cold start is what makes a funny shiny metal dust in your oil tray.
>>2822393890% of people fall under "severe" maintenance anyways.>>28223906this is the way.
Winter beater has 308447 on the clock. Original block/guts, idles 10-15 minutes during the winter. Compression showed 125 on all 8 jugs, starts every time.
>>28223906>so cold that the temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius are the sameWhere the fuck is this?
>>28223361I warm up the car so that I can see out of it and drive comfortably.If the government or insurance company issued this guidance, you should wreck and sue them for telling you to drive an ice block.
An engine is good to go, it warms by going. You could idle but why? You can use the energy to move,carefully without surging.>>28223762Shut up book manual fag. Manuals are made and read by book fags.
>>28224587He said glow plugs, 3500 is near redline on most diesel cars and trucks. My diesels won't warm up if they just sit there, you can idle it for 20 minutes and it'll still be cold. Only load will cause the temperature to ride, you just have to start and move around to get it up to temp. Once up to temp though it will sip fuel at idle (though wet stacking can be an issue depending on the engine).
If you have an energy outlet available, you are retard by not having a block heating element.
>>28224962In India they put a countdown timer at a bunch of lights so you can see that you have 90 seconds left or whatever and turn off your car. I did not observe many people turning off their car, but the timer did serve as a race timer so everyone revs up and stomps it Mario Kart style when it hits 0 and goes green.
>>28229900>I did not observe many people turning off their car.Makes sense, gotta keep the climate control running >but the timer did serve as a race timer so everyone revs up and stomps it Mario Kart style when it hits 0 and goes green.Sounds like an improvement. Here the light turns green, and then people put away the phone and then the car starts up, then they go slow, then the light turns red.
>>28224831Most likely they would have to send a bylaw guy out (cop with no gun who gets paid less). He would have to note the time then issue ticket after the legal time has been exceeded. Most likely the only people getting tickets for this are commercial drivers who leave their trucks running 1 hour+ in loading dock for whatever work related reason.
>>28223361Direct injected engines (most new, turbocharged cars) use much thicker oil than port injected cars. This can cause a slew of problems, especially in the cold and on short trips (I am a Canadian from the arctic circle, ask me how I know)Please let your vehicles warm up in the cold, anons
>>28223361IRL it doesn't matter but I prefer to enter a heated vehicle so I do. The fuel consumed and any wear are meaningless. I've wrenched since the 1970s and have zero desire to create extra work. I refuse to live where a block heater is necessary but wouldn't hesitate to fit one or more as useful.
>>28223929>Also I idle for like 5 minutes everyday in the McDonald's drive thru. Is this actually bad for my car?idk, but it's certainly bad for your health.
>>28223929>Also I idle for like 5 minutes everyday in the McDonald's drive thru. Is this actually bad for my car?No, and you're likely in drive; the most harmful idling is when there is no load for excessive periods of time as it causes polishing of the cylinder walls which leads to oil consumption.
>>28224290Yeah thisI have a 45 minute commute to and from work, Im not spending that shit sitting in an icebox. If it means less longevity for the car then fuck it
>>28229157Less than a week ago that was almost all of the upper midwest and great lakes area in the US.