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>refuse to buy a new car
>drive 30yr old shit box
>shit box finally dies after 402,068 miles.
>buy new ish car
>in team meeting at work
>about 75 people.
>my manager makes an announcement
>says "Anon finally got a new car"
>everyone is surprised
>people start clapping
>Zoomer coeworkers make some NO cap comments
>old timers say it was about time.
>genX's mention I got a respectful car
>older women said maybe I'll get dates now.

I fucking hate normal fags.
I just wanna be left alone.
what do you mean it died. what happened to it.
>402,068 miles
>>shit box finally dies after 402,068 miles
he is just shitposting, its a fake story
>buy new ish car

You sold out.
Get the fuck of my bord
>people start clapping
no cap its about time respectful car ma'am he cute
Ok, I'll bite.
Can't do anything about your boss, unless you got dirt to get him fired, and that's too much for him just for this transgression alone.
Clappers are people who don't really know you, ignore them. They really don't give a shit, but NPCs gonna NPC
Zoomers should be ignored.
Old timers have more investments and more money, so of course for them is gonna be about time to get a new car.
Gen X should be ignored.
The only correct answer to the women telling you you'll get dates, is to look them in the eyes ans ask "Are you offering?" You'll either get laid, or get a stern talking to from HR. Your choice.
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This is a fake story because your aren't seething about how shit nucars are. I can't even drive a 2016 F150 without rage quitting over the sensors autistic screeching about the backup camera seeing its own shadow or dust over the sensors. Also you can't see out of the fucking thing. It's like they shaped the inside to purposely block your vision. You also can't feel the road or guage th3 grip of the tires to the road surface through the steering wheel. This is a 2016. It's even worse now with globohomo watching you through a driver facing camera and sending the feed straight to mossad.
Do anons really have such little work experience that this story is somehow believable? No one cares what you drive. Least of all burned out office workers.
idk about office drones, but the story is almost believable based on the warehouse I manage. if OP is as autistic as the post implies, especially at the all hands meetings since there's always some informal asides and banter, I could easily see similar commentary
its real i was the zoomer colleague
surprisingly enough, this 2014 gs350 doesn't annoy me.
It's easy to see out of.
I can turn the stupid infotainment screen 100% off.
I can turn the blind spot monitoring off.
I thought the push button start would annoy me but it's actually convenient.
I don't have to take my keys out of my pocket to get in or out of the car.
I don't have to touch the HVAC at all and just set one temperature.

maybe these newer cars weren't as bad as I thought.

I don't work in an office.
it's a fiberglass factory.
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I had one of those goyotas; the E39 is better.
You still have the old shitbox right? RIGHT? ANON ANSWER ME!
>>buy new ish car
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>the e39 is better
Better at being slower, uglier and gayer.
fun um but the reality of the situation is the E39 is the best sports sedan overall that there is
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How many big chunguses you stuffing back there to get leather so weathered?
you are so pathetic nigger
its funny

still waiting for you to post hand
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I've posted my hand plenty
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Here's a glimpse of Vyvanse Ramsalami's hand
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>drive the oldest car in my department (2006, how absolutely ancient)
>Decide to upgrade, really like my current car though
>Find the sporty version of my car, snatch it up and sell the old one
>The joy my coworkers had upon hearing that I got a new car immediately turning into absolute confusion when they heard that I went BACK two years to a 2004 model
>Hey anon at least you finally got rid of the stick shift right?
>Give him a shit eating grin
then you shouldnt have a problem posting them
oh wait, you are a basketball who is afraid of outing himself (desu suprising for a blackie to be that intelligent)
So, so many
Fucking roasted lmfao. Nah they like you though well done.
Which one?
Shoulda gone to a 1974 model
Filthy, dumb, newfag scum.

I believe it considering the plates of food you post.
McDonald's suspension
not smooth
no thx

I'm selling it to some random dude for like $300
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KEK why the fuck are goyota fags so fucking delusional goddamn
idk what ur Autism is doing here anon.
e39s arn't even the good BMWs in that era.
if you like it, that's fine.
but don't pretend,
LOL what a fucking RETARD goddamn
>basing your opinions off a fat Jewtuber
LOL no, I had a gs350 fsport; the E39 is just better.



Holy shit buy a new fucking computer or phone or learn how ro save images or something. Like wtf, is this 1998?
that anon is mentally ill.
he's been shitting up threads for a while with the same BMW copy pasta.
posts images in ultra low res.

one pic shows his hands as BROwN, so that kinda explains everything.
there's a fine line between shit posting and being mentally disabled.
that brown anon crossed it.
weird, last thread you said you owned a IS350.
so what is it Mentally ill anon?
>noooo don't recommend reliable BMWs, Mercedes-Benzes, and Porsches that are mostly within OP's price range!!! Mostly!!!
Lol what I've never said that I had an is350
you said you had a is350 and the E39 was better.
but now you claim it was a gs350 F-Sport.

also, are Brown people incapable of posting pics in normal res?
mental illnesses anon......
LOL, no
I had a gs350 fsport, and the E39 is better.
The E39 > any goyota, by the way
I don't ever defend the dumbshit you're talking to because I think he's cancer on two legs but I've never seen him post that he owned an IS350. He's whined about his GS350 having a noisy sunroof. He autistically compares a cushy boomermobile like a Lexus to his lowered BMW that scrapes on the road for handling.
My gs was also lowered, but on Swift Springs, as opposed to coilovers, because who puts coilovers on a leather clad goyota.
Also had the RR-Racing USRS and SPL camber arms, plus a GReddy gs-f exhaust with Invidia midpipe. I had to get the bumper overnighted from Japan(!!!) because they didn't stock the gs-f bumpers without sensor holes in Murica. I specifically got a gs without blind spot monitoring and i can't remember what else came with that gay package, because all that shit is gay.
And you're the dumbshit, dumbshit gaylord
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Autist Cant Take Light Ribbing: The Thread
I can take some light rimming though so come to daddy
>my luxury car was the base model with fewer features and umm, according to this lipstick applying dago that sells car insurance to boomers... that's a good thing!
fsports aren't "base" models, to use the parlance of our times
also, leather-clad goyotas aren't luxury cars
kek, lowering springs.
Choosing to reduce the functionality of a car to try to improve looks is the ultimate Brown Cope.

Keep going though.
Give me more (You)s
I was just making it the height they designed it to be before goyota threw a monster truck suspension on it to appease the old guys that buy them LOL.
Also, the springs made it handle and feel better than the bouncy monster truck bullshit goyota had on there LOL
Another reason why the Rack & Pinion (STRAIGHT 6) E39s are better than any goyota: they're perfect out of the box. LOL
They should ban the word BMW and whatever retarded gayrab number models there are just like they banned the word onions
i hate shitbox chuds. drive something nice you only live once
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>the 30 year old "shitbox"
It was real I am the Glownigger listening in on the workplace computers.
Were all cars that small 30 years ago? Doesn't seem practical
This actually reminds me of when my elderly, beat to hell 74 2WD Chevy died finally (RIP) so my employer was super happy that finally I would join everyone else at work with nice, modern cars. I nodded, and said "Yah, sure." I showed up a few days later a 68 F150 that belched smoke and screamed like a banshee when it started.

I worked for a environmental advocacy group. They were not impressed.
>I worked for a environmental advocacy group. They were not impressed.
fucking retards, you're literally recycling
buying a new car every 5 years is statistically worse for the environment than driving an old one for 20
People were smaller back then, it's a scientific fact.

if they're talking shit, its probably because you're leaving out some detail like it broke down alot making you later for work, or was in such rough cosmetic condition as to draw attention to itself.
if only janny wasnt a tranny this should would have been sorted out fast
oh man my bosses live through my life because theirs is so unbelievably dull and empty that i'm probably the most exciting thing that's happened to them in years if not decades
>buy newer car
>immediately install start-stop disabler
>immediately rip out "infotainment" system
>replace with a respectable double-din radio with real buttons and a CD player
>disable all driver aids
>car is now just like an old car
It's that simple.
>Still pigfat and heavy
Yeah, just like an old car.
Yours was the most stripped out F Sport if it didn't even have backup sensors. No red leather either. Are you sure you owned my car?
Yeah, I wanted it that way lol
parking sensors are annoying as fuck, and who needs them with that backup camera?
blind spot monitors are annoying; my M5 has them and I've only turned them on to see how annoying they'd be then immediately turned them off
I got my E92 without a nav screen on purpose too
And the red leather is UGLY as FUCK, especially on a fucking goyota lol, hence why I got Flaxen
Not an excuse. Plenty of insane retards don't post thumbnails.
Chad move, King.
Unfathomably based...
Oh, so you replaced that electronic steering rack and throttle by wire with a proper cable? Then you went ahead and replaced steer by wire?
Finally, I’m sure you shaved down the A pillars to improve visibility, right?
top fucking kek
also what >>28227422 said. those fuckwits can stick a red hot poker up their dick holes
>buying a new car every 5 years is statistically worse for the environment than driving an old one for 20
Yeah, but one is out of sight, out of mind, while the other one only appears to look bad.
>Click on preview image to biggerize it
>It gets smaller.
This morning I was thinking nobody says Amerclaps anymore
When you drive to work at a warehouse or factory, people either think you have some sort of drug, alcohol, gambling, hooker whatever problem.

Also, reliable old cars bug the shit out of normies cause they pay $xyz per moth and sit on an anal probe while the cameras analyze and penalize them.

Unreliable old cars annoy everyone cause they suck.

The ultimate chad move is to have something known to be an absolute POS that oldfags will remember for all the times it sucked, but everything has been replaced with 90s Toyota guts.
Op should do a total rebuild or drivetrain swap on his shitbox and keep it looking the same and then show up in it someday and let everyone know he got his old car back up and running!
>When you drive to work at a warehouse or factory, people either think you have some sort of drug, alcohol, gambling, hooker whatever problem.
Damn, I wonder what they assume if you take the bus, a bike, or walk to work
>bus, a bike, or walk to work

With a bike, the stereotypes are pretty obvious
> Black worker riding a bike.
He probably stole it, at least hes not stealing cars. Maybe he has DUI.
>White guy riding a cheap bike wearing regular clothes.
Obviously a drug addict or alcoholic with a suspended license
>Mexican on a bike
Probably supporting a big family
>Expensive bike and bike outfit
Annoying cyclefag.

>Riding the bus
No one thinks of you at all.
>Walking to work
If its more than a block, you're obviously schizophrenic or super poor
nah that shit doesnt make a difference to anyone who isnt old and blind. more power to you if you do it tho
So regardless of transportation method, if you work at a warehouse, all your coworkers think you're either a drug addict, a thief, an illegal alien, schizophrenic, and/or poor.
That's actually very sad
Have you ever worked in a warehouse? You would think the same thing.
And you'd be right.
The normie will understand when the EPA costs them an engine lmao
>CD player
no pussy getting faggot
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