who is your favorite youtube mechanic and why is it faye hadley?
>>28224603I prefer him
>>28224603i dont watch tiktok nigger
>>28224603Joe's Auto Electric
>>28224603I don't know who that is, but if a friend told me that he watches that unironically, I would stop being friends with him.
>>28224776Your friends watch at least 1 thing worse than that. Way, way worse.
>>28224603She looks too clean. She needs about 5 more year's worth of Monster and cigs in her before she becomes my trailer trashfu.
The only car mechanicing channel I watch.I watch a bunch of car channels but Mustie is the only other close to regular fault fixing.
>>28224603TE videos
>>28224792He's limited by running a real shop in rural east buttfuck. The only interesting diagnostics are when he is like the third shop they tried (and it's not the same bad ground he's done 4 times). Or he's doing some cheap-out repair instead of the part swap 99.9% of shops would do to help a grandma keep her rusted out shitbox on the road for one more year with a $100 repair because she's destitute. Otherwise he's got nothing to show but another brake job.
>alright guys what going on >Just back here in the shop with the new BUDGET BUILD an n/a Miata we bought off a dead Gramma for 600 bucks!>It's rough around the edges but that won't matter once we're going sideways with our EPIC JUNKYARD LS SWAP with a hogass cam. HORSEPOWWWEERRR!!1!1!>first thing, were gonna get this up in the air and swap the wheels, we got these bad boys for cheap on Facebook market place>Wow guise doesn't that look sick as fuck? Next we'll take out specialty tool(wallet) and dump it off at our buddies because no one actually want a to see the process just the end result nor do we actually wrench>I'm chubby>And I'm the twink>DONT FORGET TO LIKE, COMMENT SUBSCRIBE, AND SHARE US ON TIK TOK
>>28224603her videos about the supra 7m head straightening are what lead me to get my own head straightened when i had to fix the blown head gasket. danny is awalking encyclopedia of engine rebuilding knawledge
>>28224603Ha!You'll actually learn something from Car Wizard when buying a used vehicle.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8OIt0URmu0
>>28224603>who is your favorite youtube mechanicChrisFix. I don't need a youtuber to tell me how to fix my car, I just read the service manual like they did. I do need motivation to jack the car up and start working on it, and ChrisFix is unbeatable with his positive energy.
>>28224603Haters GarageI love zoomer humor
For me, it's Stacey David
Camden Bowens sexual awakening going from building plastic engine models to operating engine models to functioning engines to functioning hybrid plastic/metal engines to flat out building his own fully metal 50cc engine from hardware store scratch is pretty funHaters Garage is fun since he actually knows how to edit his videos to be shorter and more conciseGarbage Time is great purely for James, if it was just Wade it would of been a stillborn car channel.Aging Wheels has been getting more cucked in general, he's interesting when he's working on stuff but his electric car reviews are whatever and his Ford Explorer build is just going to end up like his Bus build, as in its going to abruptly endC90 Adventures for fun british man making trail riding funSuperfastmatt is an arrogant queer-coded homo that feels like an athiest from 20 years ago has been ressurected with his deadpan delivery. He does ok work but i wish he didnt give off so much smugness.Roadkill has killed an entire generation of car youtubers for inspiring the Will It Run plague, my fetish for the past year is to find small under 500 subscriber channels with bad intros, bad video shooting, poor presentation and working on carburetted engines for the billionth time that any monkey could get running. Diagnostics is half the fun and you never see them work on post 80s injected cars because thats when the difficulty actually ramps up for them. And then the swarm of content creators who build ratty cars, and obviously neglect major rust or other safety items just to drive it because lol roadkill. We live in the post Mercury Comet crash era, its just distasteful to me to watch these people drive death traps on the road for content
>>28225651Man, I remember that dude as far back as "Trucks!"
>>28224603the random dudes who made 1 vid of my specific problem 10 years ago
>>28225539>All cars are shit don't waste money on themHe's definitely the most honest mechanic out there but he doesn't actually work on cars much.
>>28225991This. I love that nigga.
Scotty is king
Queen of /o/.
>>28226051Not when you make the kind of dough he has now. They guy probably has a dozen guys under him now to do the work while he makes Youtube vids and rake in all the money.
>>28225682I'd love to watch someone doing OBD + oscilloscope rescues of '90s and '00s EFI cars that have been sitting in the grass for 15-20 years, does that exist
>>28226222Try Vice Grip Garage for old car rescues
Klowny1969 is the GOAT
>>28226316I thought he was one of those carburetor-only guys the previous poster was talking about. They just put a new carburetor on, blow out any varnish plugs in the fuel line with compressed air/run new lines to the tank/run new lines to a gas can in the passenger seat, put in a 12V electric fuel pump on that, put in new plugs and wires, run a line to get one front brake working, and then drive it wherever burning/leaking a quart of every fluid every 50 miles at 6 MPG. If the transmission is ruined or the engine is hard seized because it has a piston in sideways I assume they throw away the video because you never see those. It's impressive daredevil shit a couple of times but I'd like to see some legit diagnostics and working to the point it's an actual roadworthy car.
>>28226162That's a man
>>28226461Bro you can go look at any of the videos right now for free, why keep assuming and looking stupid?
>>28226519I watched a video he did about a camaro once and that's exactly how it went.
>>28224603James and Wayne of Garbage Timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT4xDuy2rLg
Can we talk about FordTechMakuloco's intro for a second because this guy's videos always come up when I'm looking up Ford stuff and they're helpful, but his little intro is so damn dramatic it makes me laugh.
>>28226222that would be super cool actually. I was watching 12voltvids and he's actually helped me understand electronics repairs through broken VCR's much better. And i cant find him at the moment but there was another guy repairing the old tethered Trinitron tube based cameras and he was actually walking through diagnostic steps with an oscilloscope to check sub circuit health and could actually explain what everything was doing and how it all interacted with each other. So in seeing that its made me think that car ECU's might actually be more simple to repair than i thought; component wise anyway. Someone who could actually do that to make a bricked newer model car run would earn my respect way more than the pre 1980s will it run homo guys
>>28224632Also this, those guys are nuts. Lesbians in overalls cannot compete with some russian guy with a workshop and too much time on his hands.
>>28226316>>28226519>posts video where he just slaps a carb on it>hurr he fucks with EFIRetard, please.
>>28224603Is this a dude, like that other trannyfag?
>>28227237Nope, she’s just a regular 6/10 woman and that’s a weird question to ask.
>>28224603>fayeSickening sewer trashI'm gatekeeping my favorite, but look at Over In The Rover or Kreginaaa. Either mogg that blob whore a billion times over.
>>28224603Met her in person once without knowing that she was a YouTuber/TV personality, as she's a fellow MK3 Supra enthusiast. She's pretty chill.
>>28224603Scotty is the man.
>>28227006>some russian guy with a workshop and too much time on his hands.kino i love g54
>>28225682>C90 Adventures for fun british man making trail riding funshame he noped out of the winter jeep adventurebased for dumping his shitty ex
>>28224603>obnoxious dyed hair>fucked up dragqueen makeup>so much metal in her face that she can't have an MRI>attention whoring on internetcar girls, everybody
I like watching speedkar99 ruin yet another one of his brother's toothbrushes.
>>28227385i haven't seen the latest winter episode where he travelled on the tracks on the willys, but i was dissapointed about how he bailed out of doing the entire tour of Alaska to Chile transcontinental right at the last minute. Yes alot of things happened in your personal life and you were more or less getting bored, but you were so close to completion, why bail just one state away from the final leg of the journey? Its one of those things it would eat away at me forever for bailing at the eleventh hour, it wasnt the physical stress for him that prevented him, it was clearly the psychological and emotional strain that was the final challenge for him and he couldn't get past it. Yes its boring, yes your girlfriend probably chatted up some latin dudes at the mid way point and you quit her when she wanted to take photos non stop, but thats just another layer to the challenge
>when car youtubers are only in it to flip cars for moneyjust makes me sad, always feels less genuine
>>28224603Jennings Motor sports
>>28227487I'd rather them have skin in the game at least instead of just being pure youtube jackasses.
For me, it's Anke. Topnotch cinematography as implied by the name, possibly even approaching true kino. Advanced diagnostics and wrenching skills, a flathead screwdriver and a three-wheeled jack is all she needs to get the job done. Blows all the other wrenchlets out of the water. https://youtu.be/-4GUoDqmpT8&t=278
>>28227487>I want my car YouTubers to be starving artistsYou're a fucking retard. Live in the real world for an day
>>28228198why does it always have to be about money though, everyday with every person chasing the dollar, it could be more noble
>>28228258Ed China might be an interesting bloke but Wheeler Dealers may just as well be a show about flipping lockup (storage unit) contents.
>>28228258Nobility doesn't keep my stomach full. And doing it for money allows them to focus their time on the content and funds more builds for the people's insatiable demands for more and more content.
>>28228258>>28228271The chad sincerity versus the virgin acquiesce. The best YouTubers have been the ones who do it in their spare time. Adsense was a mistake.
>>28228193Skimming her channel and comment section it seems like she's a real GOTIS case
For me it's Simon Fordman
>>28228422oh man i completely forgot about him, love his stuff. I felt cucked during the Pontiac video when he took his qt gf out for a day trip but i like his style heaps
>>28227452i have a mate like him and ive personally bailed on alot of shit so i get it but yeah dissapointing as a viewer stopped giving him money after he bailed out of the third thing after the secodn time of chucking a willie
>>28227588Jennings is peak sovl for cartubers, there's just a level of scuff you don't see elsewhere. It's a shame he doesn't upload more often and that projects never actually go anywhere, but I feel like it adds to the scuffed appeal. He's the only one going around reviving 70+ year old cars too, not just MuH MoPaR oR nO CaR nigs.
>>28226162That's a woman
Ay Tony!
i want to have sex with Mook from junkyard digs>>28229211i think he's fine, i like how he's more or less specialized into mopars
>>28228258So you want them to keep every car they fix, are you retarded?
>>28226162love her. beautiful and trad.
>>28224603>thought from the thumbnail she's holding an enema syringe ready to fill some sissy butt
>>28226051i find it hilarious that hoovie just buys whatever shit he wants and then throws it to him to have a look just for wizard to tell him: shit's fuckedand then it stays at his garage shop for eternity while he "fixes" it
>>28227258Not really. Pic looks kind of like a dude and most women don't give a fuck about mechanical things.
>>28230030To be fair, hoovie is degenerate shopaholicm he literally buys a new niche barely saveable shitbox every couple of days, not even the best mechanic in the world can keep up with that tempo, not to mention all the other cars his shop has to fix
>>28229976how about just focusing on one car rather than going through a carousel of them, otherwise they cant actually commit to loving just the one car. You cant say you really love a car if you just go through one a week for a youtube channel and you become a master of nothing for doing it. Unless you just want to be the virtual mechanic but im talking about passion here
>>28226637maybe if youre a braindead redditor
>>28230105oh, give me a break, I'm not spending an hour watching your unscripted video of you changing you're battery and air filter.You can fix most cars in week or two if you have the time and resources.
>>28224603Pole Barn Garage, just because nowhere else does the level of intentional butchery he does and then pivots straight into actual correct body work for cars that are worth the time that he cares about. He quite literally throws until it counts.
>>28230025colab video of >>28224603 filling >>28226162 when?
M539 restorations
>>28228346the original complaint was about the youtuber flipping cars in the real world, which implies they're at least interacting a little with genuine supply and demand and production/supply chains which means they can't be that bad. I mean, who could complain about guys like vehcor?Being some kind of youtube influencer thing is something else.
>>28226162average tacoma owner
>>28227378for me, it's the smiling nihon daddy
No one else voted for Watch Wes Work? He actually gets into diagnostics instead of just shotgunning parts at it.
>>28224603Can people stop abbreviating Transmission?
>>28229211Too onions
>>28231739It seems like he wants to swallow a shotgun.
>>28224603Favourites atm are Top Dead Center for UK stuff and Pole Barn Garage for US beaters.>>28228422Kino>>28230248Yep, plus he always clearly states when he's just butchering because he dgaf. He is a bit of a "will it run" guy but will usually keep the cars around for a while and do a series of actually fixing/painting them
Mr Hewes is bestest car guyhttps://www.youtube.com/@MrHewes/featured
>>28232392Who is this?
>>28225539Based.>>28226051Yeah he doesn't really show anything. M539 is great for seeing problems get resolved.
>>28224603This guy is hilarious, all he does is smoke butts and swear.
>>28227416I like watching him teardown interesting engine. Eric from idocars is okay, but his videos get annoying. The leafjeet on the other hand just does things quickly and explains how it all works too.
>>28230568The only correct answer
>>28227258>6/10OOF>>28231736>car with burble tune drives by>looks annoyed and shakes head
>>28234702for me this guy is the biggest wog ive ever seen, he's brilliant. Just building weapons out of Hemis all day, the man knows his singular engine interest.>>28234678his pfp used to have black lips and it was so gay looking, like something an aged trans dominatrix would use to sell sex toys online
>>28225539This guy acts like his shop is in Manhattan or something. They're always doing dealership tier shit like quoting a guy for completely ripping out an interior and replacing wiring harnesses for a 2012 hatchback (which is really saying to junk the car) instead of finding the two broken wires and patching them.
>>28224603For me it's Low Standards. >authentic >builds stuff he wants to because he thinks it's cool >been doing it for 15 years and only started documenting stuff recently >films when he wants to >no drama, no bullshit, no stupid gimmicks>does it because he enjoys it and that passes through on camera Kino https://m.youtube.com/@lowstandards5269
Robot cantina was pretty interesting with his small engine experiments but I eventually just lost interestcars and cameras who is also pretty good but again I just lost interestFinnegan's garage was cool in the beginning but it eventually became Finnegan's sponsorships so I unsubbedTeam boosted who just up and fucked off one day with 0 explanation even though they were in the middle of some cool projects
>>28236641Please tell me that RX3 is being actually restored.
>>28236941no its not. he uses it as a drift car, personally its cooler than any rx3 that a restofag has touched. he talks about the car and why he hasnt briefly at 1:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_ZECsPVWsk
>>28237050That's a shame. I like seeing things go back to how they were.
>>28237063i get it. its just nice to see someone doing something different