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Someone stole Top Gear host Chris Harris' Ford Fiesta
>not having a kill switch
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>Top Gear host Chris Harris

Meh, Chris Harris is okay. The BBC are giant assholes for firing Clarkson; but I can't spite the man for taking the job.
Oh no, anyways.
must be careful driving an exotic sports car in a communist country
I hate thieves so much it's unreal
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>Top Gear host
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>the same faggot retard who shits on MX5s drove a fucking FWD rear torsion beam disposable shitpile
Post-Clarkson Top Gear was baisically Chris Harris on Cars with BBC budget (and two irrelevant dicks). Actually pretty decent when you get to skip the irrelevant parts.
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>Top Gear host Chris Harris
miat is fun because it's floppy and grippy despite being rwd
fist is fun because it's stiff and drifty despite being fwd
they both get away with it by being slow
Fiesta loses points for that absolutely terrible 3 cylinder engine unless Ford got their heads out of their asses and abandoned the idea of wet belts.
>Chris Harris is okay
You ever had to listen to radio 2?
fiestas are one of the easiest cars to steal
the guy has admitted to owning dozens of cars
The FiST is a 1.6 four cylinder. What are you talking about, mong?
Are you from 2016?
The specific car that this thread is about is the 4 cylinder generation, you braindead fuck. The next generation has nothing to do with anything in this thread.

You have no argument and you're a faggot.
>reddit spacing
Nigga it has a rear torsion bar. Unironically GE and GD fits shit on it purely by having independent rear.
>Getting this mad over a shit hatch long ass four door FF.

There's nothing good about the fiesta, and calling it the First is by far the gayest thing I've ever seen and I used to drive a Miata.
Harris' new youtube videos are great. Just him and his phone.
His podcast with three friends is great.
Newfag sees someone using their enter key and calls it reddit spacing.

Fucking kill yourself.
>Chris Harris
I didn't know they kept top gear going until he showed up on Rogan podcast
I don't care enough to see if it was any good.
Top Gear as a format just feels really dated in the youtube era. The only thing that holds up are the specials.
Don't worry, it's not
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>Top Gear as a format just feels really dated in the youtube era
The format works just fine, now it's just speedrun. Dude talking in car while driving it is a pretty simple format. Maybe a little voice over for driveby shots.
Fastest teenager in Albania has probably already wrapped this around a tree. RIP bozo.
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The fit has a torsion bar too wrenchlet
The format is fine. The industry is the problem. Cars today are just boring and very few are realistically obtainable for the average person.
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>wrenchlets are confusing Torsion beam with Torsion bar again
You should probably listen to advice from proven good drivers over /o/tist posers
>not having an actual kill switch that kills anyone who tries to steal the car
get with the times
That's how bad MX5s are
I actually liked it more than Clarkson era Top Gear because it was actually about cars and how they drive instead of over the top TV normieslop with snarky commentary
Sorry, but if you need kill switches in your car you already lost. I often forget to lock my car and nobody ever tries to steal it because I live in a majority white country.
t. drives his uncle's 1988 Yugo in rural Herzegovina
And who gives a shit about a Fiesta? Get another one from the buy here pay here lot for $2500.
>stealing a Ford fiesta
Europe is so gay and retarded, that's basically a super car there
What's the difference?
I fail to see how this is even remotely interesting.
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>You ever had to listen to radio 2?

Nah. I watched him on fake Top Gear and I've been watching his youtube series where he's resto modding a Jag XJS because I owned an XJS when I was in highschool and I have a soft spot in my heart for them.

I think Harris is alright, he's nowhere near as funny or charming as Clarkson, Hammond or May; but I don't hate the guy and I give him credit for calling out the BBC's bullshit taking safety shortcuts that got Freddy Flintoff's face torn off and Top Gear cancelled.
who would willingly buy a ford product tho
cope, he is a retard
Very close lol, but doesn't disprove my point.
It is painful how much he wants to be clarkson tho
Fucking disgusting. Diversity is our strength, fascist.
I'd agree, constant switching between talking points is annoying (it was back then). Specials were always kino
Bongs think Ford is British.
How do you hide a stolen car in a country that small?
He feels more like James May to me if May were less autistic and elderly. Shame his program got cancelled but it's made him pretty bitter and cynical about it, which is entertaining.

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