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Picrel is a 19 year old Ford interior
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And an 18 year old Ford interior
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posting the king of all Ford interiors. timeless in its design and ergonomics.
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Idk man. I think BMW makes a better interior than my car for the years; but I’d prefer an S550 interior over all.
these are probably among the best mustang interiors. the steering wheel looks like its trying too hard to resemble a classic car, but other than that, its perfect.
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I...I think I came
Did they ever make these with a darker interior? Feels unfair to judge it off a light one.
2003 Mercury Marauder
That beige plastic look always makes me think of some old Grandma driver. Presumably there are doily headrest covers just out of shot.
Yeah that's pretty nice actually.

Dude...go back a bit further in time and plush seats, 70's decor, wood trim, and all the chrome to put the champagne room to shame. The club is quite literally in the car.
Too bad there's no good examples of those for sale today and they're all stained black from decades of ass sweat, spilled Mountain Dew, and cigarette ash.
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I like the more euro Ford interiors but the Aussie ones are kino despite terrible quality window switches rest is pretty reliable and feel look great especially at night
And this is kino as fuck I wish the Aussie cars of the same era e series and au ba series 1989-2005 had nicer quality tbqh
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>Why are Ford interiors so damn good?
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This gives me Star Trek vibes. Very comfy.
Remember what (((they))) took from you
Amen brother. I openly admit that I've sat in cars at the junkyard just like this twenty years ago and nearly wept at how wonderful it smelled, felt and looked.

It was almost like being back at grandmas house again.

(Miss you nanna)
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You want a Grand Marquis interior. All the bench and wood grain without the silver trim of a Marauder.
Serious question. Are those “sport” seats uncomfortable?
Absolutely kino
You meant to post this ford interior right?
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Depends on how wide your rear is
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Their early 2000/late 90's interiors were dogshit
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The Mondeo was fine, it even rivalled VWinteriors at the time
Agree. The ml3 mondeo is still a nice car and can be had for a steal nowadays.
Based Mondeo

mk1 focus interior design was goofy but comfy, very well thought out, and (in the euro market) well built. the na built ones used cheaper plastics
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It was ugly but functional. Best design award goes to Fiat for their nightmare on skull rock esque dash
thats horrific. thank you anon
It's happening, 2000's era minimalism is becoming vogue again guys
Is it? All I'm seeing is massive ugly touchscreens that no one asked for.
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That was horific. To the g00gles. Multipla UK any price buy.
I do like those.
But you're in a thread celebrating it. Times are a changing, as they always do, and guess which cars are conveniently twenty years old right now?
Ford Galaxy is a proper dad MPV but it's actually a decent drive, especially with VW's 1.9 PD powertrain.
Do car manufacturers ever give people what they want, no they tell them what they want.
Fuuuuuck, I luv me cream and wood trim interiors.
Vehicles have been so good for so long that the amount of people who are remotely pragmatic about them is an extreme minority.

Ford for example, has killed the car and the minivan in the north american market pretty much completely, the Transit only exists for the hyper pragmatist or the fleetie. They are a large company, like all auto manufacturers these days, who know this and want to make money. Cars haven't been a rational product in a very long time.
Ford interiors used to be good.
The 2020s Fords are fucking hideous.
Like driving a goddamn video game.
Just like the fashion industry.
Throw that fucking television out and put a row of gauges on the dashboard there and it would already be a lot better.
That one looks awful.
This is the MVP
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This is your brain on Ford.
>posts dashes from the facelift models
>claims to be from the original model
y bother tho?
funny how much people here complain about German cars and their nightclub RGB strips while American land-barges did the same thing with smokey haze-filled clubs of the 1980s.

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