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An e-bike for walking.
looks like the first 2 months of production capacity are sold out.

as soon as chinesium brands realize this they will make a budget option. considering that dead bird says 13 months, and depending on how much the chinks can figure out without having soemthing to reverse engineer, and what chinesium did to the hoverboard kickstarter…I bet chinesium will wind up beat them to market and have a $1200 option by next May
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DJI already did it, it's a pre order/Kickstarter but yeah
man those look like destiny 2 hunter pants
For $99? No, that's way too cheap to do what it supposedly does. It's cheap Chinese shit.
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does it come with a magic fetus that lets you see ghosts?
I know /out/ will eternally seethe at them but they are pretty cool honestly. I'd leave my bike somewhere it could be stolen and then chase down niggers who try to steal it like I'm the terminator.
you're gonna get knifed
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Good thing i always carry. Safety: off. Never relax
>Safety: off.
I'm not weak and not 70 years old so no.
The $99 is only the advance payment.
Still too cheap. I guarantee it doesn't actually work the way it claims to.
Might. If it helps with my running injury.
I won't consider that a chinesium anymore desu, at this point they're pretty much just a regular american company with tons of american rnd and staffs not unlike apple, they even got the jewish execs and jewish prices to boot
Why? So the battery can run out 30 miles in and i'm stuck lugging around a rechargeable contraption of aluminum and lithium?
One that helps me walk when i decide to be a neon-dressed instagram flower boy who desperately needs to take a US army pack weight of trinkets with him?
Here's an idea, pack less gay shit, work out your back and train your godgiven legs.
Maybe it's decent when you need to bridge a certain distance through such severely hostile terrain that it has no food, or water to gather and almost zero shelter options but at that point take a vehicle and don't risk your health on alibaba terminator legs
Nah I just use my legs, have strong legs from hiking and lifting, backpacking, working long hours on my feet all day. Also like to run.
this marketing doesn't work on me
my bad, i said dji but its actually former employees from Segway, DJI, and Xiaomi starting a company it seems
pretty fuckin chinese, not that i care
also idk about the deadbird ones but one of the marketing features of the chinku version is you can set it to add resistance, make hiking/running harder
useful? idk maybe
cyberpunk as fuck? yeah.
Advertises way better performance at way lower price
I have self powered legs
they better make these in 4xl
>dead bird
Why not just do squats?
this will just enable fat people to be even fatter without suffering mobility issues. healthy people don't need it. humans are hopeless and have no grasp of what they do
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>run ~40% faster
>jump ~40% higher
There are always people who scoff at performance enhancers. "Oh I don't need that shit", but look, take your baseline ability (that you claim is already super high) and increase it by 40%. Wouldn't that at least be a little fun?.. Assuming it actually works.
I hate transhumanism pushers so much it's unreal.
>3 hour battery life
Nah, but I appreciate the people who will beta test these out in the wild. Might buy the second generation in a few years, preferably ones without the $1000 dead bird tax.
It's not gonna increase either of those by 40% no matter what. It will add a certain fixed amount of force. If you're a weakling that might be 40%. If you're fit and already can exert many times the force of the weakling with your legs, it will be a couple percent.
what happens when it malfunctions and bends the other direction?
It's Arc'teryx. Instead of spending money on some faggot Canadian hippie to R&D and QC their gear, they just throw that shit on Chinese prisoners and see how long they live.

It's why they're the best.
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Notoriously overpriced equipment with a skeleton bird logo
Archaeopteryx is an ancient lizard/bird hybrid that was seen to have the fossilized elements of a feathered skeleton, and the body design of a lizard

The real Quetzalcoatl
>ancient lizard/bird hybrid
as what you could call, an "amateur" paleontologist/ fossil collector, this fucking makes me want to pull out my hair
truly the most out jame there is
they're selling a dream to oldies, fatties, and "tech" bros
Wish I could be on the other side of this scam
>S-STOP! IN THE NAME OF THE LAW! *huff* damn...joggers and... their... jogging enhancers
Dos this have any urban application? It's gonna be awesome seeing the advent of cyberdindus, just like in my 80s mangas
firefighters climbing stairs in a highrise maybe
Cry about it fag
I used to work on stuff like this, the last time I checked it was basically impossible to do. You can relatively easily build an exoskeleton for simple jobs, like picking up something too heavy for you to lift without it, but wearables that reduce total effort are unsolved technology. The MIT media lab built exoskeletons that can reduce the metabolic cost of walking and hopping, to my knowledge, that's the only time it's ever been done. I don't think running has ever been done, certainly hiking hasn't been done. You're carrying around extra weight, it's putting more strain on your muscles and joints, and increasing peak power. It increases the amount of calories you burn.
Walking and hiking aren't that different
and for cops, enhanced neck keeling
I think with the target audience of old people/joint issues, it lets them reduce the burden on the joints even if it burns more calories.
My wife in her 30's has auto-immune joint issues and usually has joint pain on our hikes before she gets muscle fatigue. With something like an exosuit that makes her hips hurt less, we could hike for longer before the pain gets bad enough to turn around and head back

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