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>Hi! My name is peanut butterscotch! You’re probably curious how I got my trail name. Well, I brought a whole jar of peanut butter with me to the desert!
>when was your start date?
>I’m staying at the General Store. Grumpy’s is too much of a party scene for me!
>woohoo! Ice cream!!
>I love trail angels but they do have a misogyny problem
>want to split a shitty motel room with me??
>that sounds like fun but I’m going to bed. Have to get some extra miles in tomorrow!
>we did it! Let’s sit in bed and eat ice cream all day to celebrate!

Are all thruhikers this lame?
>Are all thruhikers this lame?
Yes. /out/ shits on thruhikers for a reason.
I used to pick up PCTers hitchhiking down from 20, 22 and 26 to Bend or all the time when I lived in C Oregon. Never had an issue, very few of them were particularly faggy or annoying. Most were happy to ride in the truck bed.

The vast majority of them just wanted to get away from it all and this was a way to do that without having to learn a bunch of outdoors skills (aside from just the ability to trudge endlessly). OK, fine. I don’t see the fucking problem here at all.
Meanwhile you’re at home posting on fucking 4Chan. Sounds like he’s having a good time to me.
What’s the reason? “They like a thing that I don’t like?”
I completed the PCT. Found the people lackluster
i wish i had the stones to actually do this instead of sitting around until i'm too old. my knees and ankles probably can't do this today. i would have worn an abu garcia fishing hat and everyone would have called me abu garcia and it would have been the best 5 months of my life, probably.
There are tons of old farts on the PCT. Motion is lotion, it really is the kind of that can cure what ails you. My wife and I make way, way too much money in our careers to justify taking the time off to do this but we’ve decided that its what we’re doing to celebrate retirement so we can enjoy our years 65-75.
> There are tons of old farts on the PCT
They hardly ever finish. Usually quit in the Sierras. Usually not because their bodies but because they’re old cowards who pack too much gear.
Holy shit, no you didn’t.
What else is /out/ saying?
>daypacks don’t have hip belts
>it doesn’t rain in the mountains
>phone GPS requires a cell tower and is only accurate to half a mile
>rodents only live in cities and towns
>humidity and condensation don’t exist
>trekking poles are useless while going downhill
Yeah, I don’t think I’ll let this place guide my opinions lol
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It’s a combination of sour grapes and “no true Scotsman.”
The whole culture is cringe with insufferable retards giving each other "trail names" and thinking it's cool living like smelly bums as grown adults.
What makes them insufferable
What makes them retards
>trail names bad
Agree lol
>living like smelly bums
You’ve never gone on a long hike and should be ashamed of yourself.
>Are all thruhikers this lame?
Only the ones you live rent free in your head
>What makes them insufferable
Cliquish, judgmental of other hikers, loud at campsites, among other things

>What makes them retards
Being lemmings who choose to hike for months on super normie trails like the AT and PCT

>You’ve never gone on a long hike and should be ashamed of yourself
The filthy hiker trash stereotype exists for a reason
More like "they managed to do something impressive that I'll never come close to."
maybe it was impressive before all the trust fund and tech sabbatical people glommed onto it. now its just as played out and cringe as burning man
>walking is impressive
It's this inflated sense of "accomplishment" that rightfully gets shat on
>t. stays indoors
walking on a marked path no less, kek
Yet you could never do it. Interesting
No, walking isn't impressive. Hate to break it to you. I could hike the AT if I wanted to. I just don't see the point in walking thousands of miles, around the exact types of people I despise, just to be able to say that I can do it, to people like you who I don't respect anyway.
Sounds like things you’re assuming or just made up.
Things I experienced when I made the mistake of hiking on the AT when the bubble was passing through
Nah, you didn’t.
If you say so
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when you go /out/ enough beaten trails start to get boring
>I heckin hate people!
Kill yourself. Outdoors is a social activity
>PCT is super normie
i mean, after they made a movie about it maybe that's what it attracts. but the trail itself, nah. won't argue about the AT, that's just a moveable dive bar
"Outdoors" isn't a singular activity and many people, including those with active social lives, prefer to go /out/ solo for various reasons.

Only turbo normies gravitate to social trails like the AT, so I can see why you'd come to that conclusion if your entire outdoor experience is limited to those places
>the people who have been hiking together s a group for a few weeks talked among themselves and weren’t as friendly to me as they were to each other
No shit?
Yes, snubbing their noses at outsiders is a form of cliquishness that makes them insufferable
Put em on clutch
Why do you come here if you get nothing from it? Reddit is that way -------->
>I could hike the AT if I wanted to
The reason most people drop out isn’t due to injury or physical difficulty. The fact that you mentally can’t do it runs contrary to your claim. It’s like an obese man saying he could climb a mountain if he weren’t obese. Your inability to hike a popular trail isn’t an issue of will, it’s one of an antisocial mental state. You CAN’T hike the Appalachian Trail because you’re not mentally fit to do so. “I don’t want to fix my broken psychological health” isn’t much different than the obese man saying “I don’t want to lose 100lbs.”

Yes, people are more friendly with non-strangers. We call that “having friends” and it’s a foreign concept to you.

Reddit is great if I want up to date trail information or technical details on DIY projects but I can’t call people retarded double niggers.
>being intolerant of other people disturbing the peace in nature is being mentally "unfit"
Most people go out in nature to get away from that. You're in the minority and therefore the abnormal one.
>the Appalachian Trail
>A trail that goes through numerous national parks, national forests, state parks, and state forests isn't nature
>expects peace and quiet in a park
I'm just glad I never run into cunts like you on the trail
You must only go to the most touristy areas in parks if you think it's loud everywhere. And even those places usually aren't as rowdy as AT groups can be.
I expect crowds along the AT just as much as I expect them at tourist areas. Do you not expect crowds on the AT, or do you expect them to be quiet?
>now its just as played out and cringe as burning man
That sums it up pretty well.
This isn't about crowds per se, it's about the general obnoxiousness and disturbing the peace that come with AT thruhiking groups. See >> 2768320 for a refresher
No you're just a retarded turbo autist

Don't hike popular trails if you want to be alone.
I don't hike the AT, genius. This is a thread for mocking AT hikers. You don't have to be a regular on the AT to do that.
No, this thread is about you showing of your autism.
CDT seems like it would be the coolest
>no u
>doesn’t hike the AT
>is absolutely sure of the state of people he would theoretically meet
Damn bro
Both statements can be true. It's called hiking parts of the AT in the past and running into thruhikers then.

I haven't come anywhere near the AT in a long time and don't plan to anytime soon.
Imagine running into one of these mentally ill psychos who sperg about thru hiking, trekking poles and lightweight gear out in the wild. Can probably identify them by their 90L military larp pack and BDUs giving every normal looking person on trail the incel rage gaze. I did Te Araroa and there were a few obnoxious characters but the majority were pretty cool people.
You would actually have to leave your normie hiking trails for once in your pathetic life to ever run into me in the wild. We would never cross paths otherwise.
>we would never cross paths in real life
Thank god
I’ve seen a few. They didn’t look too happy.

Do you just park on the side of the road and start walking in a random direction?
>Do you just park on the side of the road

Totally agree. There isn’t much middle ground. I guess if I did more research I could find something. But it seems rare to find a hike that fits the following criteria:
>an established route
>at least 100 miles long
>decent chances to resupply
>not crowded
>accessible via shuttle
Most trails are lacking in at least one of these.
What's your trail name /out/?
Retarded Double Nigger
>I love trail angels but they do have a misogyny problem
Funny, I was doing trail work in a NF when this older (guy 70s, girl 50s) walked up, apparently it took them 12 hours to go 10 miles that day. They saw our bear hangs and asked if they could use them, we said no go find your own tree. The bitch wouldn't stop talking about leftist shit while bragging how hard the PCT was, she told us her husband practically invented DnD (he still hadn't said a word). When they got up the next morning they turned around and went home.
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Yes. I reached the terminus 9 days ago. I got along with my peers but as a whole found them annoying. They don’t really love the outdoors. They’re addicted to token displays of quirkiness for approval that Normies shower upon them. They are also cowards with no true sense of adventure. The levels of group-think are unreal. I think of PCT Hikers as a roaming herd doing everything in their power to conform with their peers using “miles” as currency for self-esteem. They were no true outdoorsmen.
You are weird as fuck dude
Care to elaborate? Everything he said was spot-on about normie thruhikers.
nta but what the fuck is a "true outdoorsman" and why would you expect to find one on the PCT? and why begrudge anyone for taking 4+months off work to hike the length of the country? they weren't doing for "the right reason" or some nebulous gatekeepy shit? they got /out/ and did something instead of sitting at home, if they were annoying... well newsflash, most people are annoying
Sure, friend.
That you use this term indicates your mind has been infected.
>hicked for months
>never once mentioned it here
I don’t believe you either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not them but how so?
Normie was coined to refer to non-acoholics back in the 90s and picked up by /b/ about a decade later.

It very accurately describes most people as having a distorted perception of reality and unbreakable behavioral patterns--which is what alcoholism actually is and is easily expanded to define the general publics "behavior"
Cool rewriting history bro
Bro, you have to know history first before you can pretend someone else is rewriting it.

The book is called "“Treating the Alcoholic: A Developmental Model of Recovery” by Stephanie Brown"

Feel bad about being retarded.
We used normalfag from the very early days of /a/, normie is a new thing adopted by tourists. No one has ever heard of your stupid book.
>normie is a new thing adopted by tourists
Wrong. People stopped using "normalfag" on the chans around 10 years ago and started saying "normie" instead. It's not a new thing whatsoever and isn't a "tourist" thing either. Way to out yourself as a total newfag.
10 years ago is recent and you are a newfag tourist.
The book came out before there was a 4chan you mouth breathing retard.
It's amazing how newfags think they invented the internet.
I was calling people normies on mIRC before that retard was even born.
>doesn't even know the history of slang on the chans
>calls others newfags

Start on your homework and leave this discussion to the adults
Cool, except nobody used "normie" on 4chan until at least 2013. Who gives a shit about what you were telling a bunch of other basement dwelling losers back in 1995 or whatever?
This. I've been trying to map my own shit out to explore lately. Lots of waterfalls in the PNW that are marked on older maps, but not directly accessible by trail. Also hit up an old abandoned rail line that is supposed to be turned into a trail in like, 2035, but isn't yet, though that's hardly uncharted or unvisited by others, but it does require some bushwhacking.
nta, but I go innawoods all the time and rarely post specifics here. I don't want you faggots hunting me down and trying to touch my penis.
>post cycle therapy hikers

wait what?
You don't go out into nature while restoring your body's natural hormonal function? ngmi
No you’re just getting old
Try the Tuscarora trail. I section hiked the first 137 miles a few months ago and had a shelter or backcountry site to myself every night. There were plenty of resupply opportunities every couple of days and getting to the southern terminus in Shenandoah national park shouldn't be that hard. The only drawback is that a significant portion of the southern half is composed of roadwalks and water sources are dicey because Virginia keeps on having annoying droughts the past couple of summers.

The trail was initially an alternate route for the AT but became its own thing later down the line. I really enjoyed it and plan on finishing the northern half next spring.
Yeah, this is definitely the most toxic shithole left. And none of you even go anywhere
Thank God. I don't want you on my trail. I'm hiking it all October.
>reddit goes outside and you don't
Why would you ever admit this.
a+ heel performance
I didn't admit anything you illiterate moron
Cry about it bitch
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What the fuck are you talking about?

Bro just hike and keep to yourself
I don't understand half of your post but that hiker Peanut Butterscotch looks like a bro
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I'm currently hiking the PCT and will be entering washington soon. Currently on month four
boxers or briefs?
[spoiler]best part of the trail is WA-OR border [/spoiler]
wheres the best place to find beef jerky on the pct?
how does it feel getting cucked out of goat rocks unless you there and back from white pass

enjoy the free beer in cascade locks, WA sucked ass
Mans that's such a shit way to look at life, no offense.
thru hikers are kind of right about smart water bottles
Your trail name is now Hi-Lo.
Any time I see a giant pussy pad strapped to a pack I instantly know the person is fake and gay
>thinking it's cool living like smelly bums as grown adults.
I can feel how manicured your idea of nature is. I really enjoyed being able to smell people who use shampoo coming from a mile away.
nothing wrong with CCF pads
So I'm doing the PCT this year, just about to hit WA, thought I'd weigh in with my impressions from the trail.
>trailnames: this is 1 of the most annoying things about thru-hikers and the trail in general. No, bro, I will not be calling you Juggernaut. Ever. Also, introducing yourself only by trailname is rude if I have shared my real name and only tells me that we will never be friends once the trail is behind us.
>hikers in general: its about a 50/50 split on cool vs douche. Way too many of these dudes obviously sucked at sports in highschool and have now tried to turn walking/hiking into a sport. They're super condescending and competitive about it. Newsflash assholes, there is no prize or award for even doing the trail, let alone for pushing 20+ miles per day. Nobody, not 1 damn person is impressed by your mileage and your knees will have their vengeance. Also, when you carry the same 10 pieces of gear from the same 3 companies as every other fucker out, you are not unique or quirky because you slapped a sticker on yours. Finally, the point of the whole experience is to be out in nature. Get the hell off of Far Out, put your damn phone away, open your eyes and enjoy the world around you. The number of so-called nature enthusiasts out on trail who never look up the entire time on trail, who never stop to take in the views at the vistas, who are just completely unaware of their surroundings is incredible and unforgiveable.
>the trail itself: difficult by design. Forces you to climb at every opportunity, even when it makes no sense, merely in order to be hard. Switchbacks that are unnecessary and force you to walk so many extra miles to get to spots that a simple hill climb would reach faster and more efficiently. Most eggregious was a 1000 yard switchback that took you 100 feet up the side of a gentle slope that you were climbing before the switch and could have just climbed.
>Overall: 6/10 experience. Thruhikers are annoying, views and camping are awesome.
I just don’t believe you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I don't care what you believe. As I've told every atheist I've ever had to debate, the truth does not require your belief in order to remain true.
Reply was for (((you))).
A whole lot of these so called nature and hiking enthusists have absolutely 0 actual outdoor skill. Like my 13 year old nephew would be more reliable in a wilderness survival situation, these fuckers can't even build and maintain a fire. 0 willingness to wander off trail, or even shut off the Far Out app for the day and just follow the damn trail. They aren't out for an adventure, they think of it as a sport with personal bests and daily mileage as their gauge of success, not the experience itself. I'm no spergy autist and I can get along with them just fine, but they are not my crowd and I would never consider hanging with them off trail.
How fast do I have to move to avoid thruhikers trying to rope me into a conversation beyond a courtesy nod and "hello"? I don't typically go /out/ in populated areas but a friend wants me to join him for a segment of a major trail.
Honestly depends on the other folks, some are more outgoing than others. Good rule is that if you are moving at all most folks will just pass or allow you to pass without anything beyond the smile and nod. If you're stopped for a rest you are at their mercy. Camping is the worst time for being approached. Basically your only option to avoid the conversationaliats is to be in your tent, otherwise they will roll up on you and you will have to choose between friendly tact and unfriendly aloofness.
>I make too much money to take a break from work!
>when I finally make enough money I will take a break from work!
You will never make "enough" money to be truly happy. Take some time off and do something memorable while you still can. When you're 65 and settle into your sedentary lifestyle, all that will happen is you will tell each other "im too tired, next year" until one of you slips in the shower and dies.
What is the far out app
i haven't googled it but i'm guessing a trip logger where they input their miles and get various stats on their progress? fuck it i'll go google it
I don’t think the Anon who mentioned it even knows. He just heard the name and knows it’s somehow associated with thru hiking, so he decided it must be something he hates.

It’s a guide to long distance trails. There are various FarOut guides, with the PCT being one of them. The guides have offline maps, but more importantly they have info like established or designated campsites, various waypoints, water sources, and town guides (which include directions, hostels, and shuttle services).

It also allows user comments, which are up to date every year. For instances people will comment on a water source being dry or a section of trail being washed out, so you can plan accordingly.
Through hikers have the discipline and commitment and endurance to complete a monumental physical achievement. OP is jealous and insecure lol
I’m thinking of attempting the PCT but SOBO bc I kinda don’t want to socialize that much. I’ve heard that not many people do SOBO. Do you think that strategy will actually play out in reality? I’m also interested in what it would be like to bypass all of the NOBO thru hikers. Not much social opportunity bc we would be going opposite directions. But it would still be interesting to meet the handful of monster hikers first, then more, then presumably the huge glut of average speed thru hikers, then the stragglers.
>I love trail angels but they do have a misogyny problem
please elaborate, I'm curious
I have boxers, they stick out the bottom of my booty shorts so women look at my ass
Basically nowhere. Beef jerkey is overpriced, and maintains being overpriced everywhere. There are only like three brands and there is no secret place to get local jerkey, and actually the local places are even more expensive. I'm too broke too get bougie food, i'm here for macros and would rather have some tuna packet that costs a dollar and is 20g protein
? guy who goes outside more than me actually isn't an outdoorsman because ?? I'm better because I drag around a 20lb castiron and caught a squirrel one time
a map
NOBOs hate SOBOs. At the end of the trail I don't want to meet new people, especially if we're going different ways and I'll never see you again. That being said, anon there is nothing wrong with making friends
Imo trail angels prefer women (just like everyone in the universe
I am of the opposite opinion; my favorite part of the trail has been the people and I've enjoyed the friendships I've made along the way. I've gotten enough beauty for a lifetime and am less impressed every vista. I'm doing 25 miles a day because I want the trail to end
I do agree that a lot of people have some dumb trailnames. "I'm peanut butter because at mile 700 I ate a lot of peanut butter" . But a lot are also fun stories. Whatever, it's trail culture
Some switchbacks drove me insane. One was before the aqueduct, and could have cut a five mile stretch to about one. But whatever, it's more relaxed than the AT
The guy looks and sounds like an annoying idiot
>/out/ shits on thruhikers for a reason
/out/ shits on every single outdoor activity, gear type and way of behaving. It's all bad, but only because /out/ists are stunted 20-something year olds with opinions as strong as a leftist's and just as meaningless. This shit isn't a golden rule lmao.
Ever eaten pussy before?
This chud: "No, Mother Nature gives me everything I'll ever need."
That was fun tripping acid at Haight Ashbury in the early 2000s eating college pussy bare assed in the grass, shits changed too much since then. This guy forgot that he has a pair of testicles and needs to use them, unless he's gets boners from trees and rocks and shit
>guy who sits in a garage more than my car actually isn't a motor vehicle because ??
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Why would you go and try to be an outdoorsman on a popular tourist attraction?
Incredibly based.
Imagine going all the way out in nature on a transcontinental hike just to post about in on 4chan
Grow the fuck up and socialize
Most people are incredibly over-socialized and retreating from that into nature is about the only way to attempt to recover in a healthy fashion. Someone seeking that experience doesn't want to expend the effort of taking time off of work and hiking a long trail just to have it wasted by hordes of obnoxious hippies with a poor sense of personal boundaries.
Then don't hike thru trails
This board would be so much better if people spent half as much time actually going outside as they did dictating what counts as /out/
WTF does this even mean?
I was inspired to do the PCT from a thread on /out/ almost three years ago
I felt pretty correctly socialized on the trail. Not perpetually surrounded by people, having a lot of alone time, but still having friends around every day in the evening
I don't but I was curious if there was a good strategy for making it enjoyable in the same way I enjoy my usual more-obscure but less-expansive hiking routes.

Excessively exposed to and/or assimilated into a social environment. A certain amount of alone time is important for personal development and mental health.
>a lot of alone time
>having friends around every day
Woman or iPad kid?
NTA. It’s pretty clear what he said. Is English your first language? How would you have felt yesterday afternoon if you had t had breakfast that morning?
>calling it a “pussy pad”
This is peak LARPer.
I understood what he said. I'm contesting his conclusion and asserting that if you're having friends around every day in the evening you're not actually getting a lot of alone time.
>someone makes a thread about the PCT, AT, CDT, etc.
>dozens of anons chime in claiming they’ve done it

>literally any other thread about hiking
>overwhelming opinion is cringe (or outright wrong)
>total radio silence from these experts
This is why I don’t believe any of you.
10 hours of sleeping alone
10 hours of hiking alone
2 hours of relaxing alone
2 hours of relaxing with friends

That seems like a good balance to me

Thruhikers don't hike together throughout the day, that"s a normie thing

In town you're just contantly around other people, but on trail, not as much
>hiking anons don't respond to trolls
>this means they don't exist
I didn't complete any of the ones you listed, not my continent, but damn man.
>That seems like a good balance to me
because you're a woman or an iPad kid. Less than a day of alone time is not a lot of alone time.
No, they’re sincere.
It’s not worth trying to convince him; he’s a fat neverhiker. And what you described isn’t even typical unless you want it to be. Don’t stay at shelters and you’ll be alone for days, with a casual hello to people as you pass.
Is that what you experienced?
Fellas it is now fake and gay to have an insulating layer between your body and the ground so that you don’t freeze to death. Real straight manly men get hypothermia and don’t sleep, sleeping is for pussies
it became something for their resumes
What is going on with those shoes and THOSE LEGS?!
Clal me a pussy, but doing long trails like that in the US with wolves and bears and shit is crazy to me.
There are literally <10 grizzly bears in the entire Cascades (all of which are up by the Canadian border) and black bears are just oversized raccoons.

The only place along the entire PCT that you could ever conceivably encounter a wolf is - again - the extreme northern ass end of the trail. According to the wolf territory map of Washington Fish and Game, the PCT passes through the far western extremity of the territory of two (2) wolves.
Big meaty calves from hiking all the damn time. Some of us are predisposed to chicken legs for life and it sucks.

>those shoes
Those are Altra trail runners, probably Lone Peaks if I had to guess about the model (Lone Peaks are just really popular, and for good reason).

The super colorful tryhard “look at me” things around his ankles are gaiters. Those are lightweight and very thin, designed to keep dirt and little pebbles out of your shoes.

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