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Where to look to find them ? Any stories about forging for them using them photo's ?
Go back to the 3rd world
Read Erowid trip experiences before you mess around with datura.

Every other drug known to man:
>it was great man, drugs are fucking great man

>don't fucking do it man
they're super easy to grow and fun for the whole family, but I would recommend mushroom foraging instead
Datura is called concombre des zombies in Haiti.

It was used as a decorative plant all over Québec until about 20 years ago when the street punks discovered you could get "high" off it. It was removed from all municipal parks.After a bunch of these kids ended up in the hospital and morgue

In other words, I highly suggest you do a large dose of it and free the world of your stupidity.
kek its not going to kill you unless you let it
i used to shove the leaves and flowers into bottles of wine and have a good afternoon every month or so for a few years, now i grow belladonna so i just eat the berries
its not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, just dont go into it thinking its going to be like acid or shrooms. its more intense and for the inexperienced you actually think what you are seeing is real
overall its pretty good fun though
>for the inexperienced you actually think what you are seeing is real
That's the common theme in the reports. You forget you took a drug and freak the fuck out.
Daturas/brugmansias are a game of how close you can fire the revolver to your face to feel the bullet's wind pass by you. You're trying to reach near lethal dosages of tropane alkaloids in order to fool yourself into thinking there's shit that isn't there is there. Newsflash, the act of nearly poisoning yourself has long term consequences, like liver/kidney failure, psychosis, and if you're really unlucky you accidentally kill yourself/your sitter/another random person in your deliriant trance.

> ,t I hate Carlos Castaneda readers so much that they brought druggies into poisoning themselves for spiritual experiences.
>forget you took a drug and freak the fuck out
not really forget, when i started it was more like i just didnt see how it could be fake. later i realised that i could just sit down and think if its reasonable to see rats coming out of my sink drain and if its not to just assume its not real.
its not about forgetting, its not realising that you are under the effect of it
also keep in mind that this is a drug that anyone can just find outside, you dont have to have the balls to get it in person, or be smart enough to order it online. any 12yo kyle can just go into the woods and almost kill themselves on it so you have to assume trip reports are being written by the dumbest moron imaginable

revolver analogy isnt too bad actually
but the thing about trying to reach a lethal dose isnt really true. ive never measured it out (besides just pouring wine into shotglasses) and im still standing
maybe the psychosis is true though, sometimes i see things similar to dautra trips when im not using any. people that i reconnect with from school (pre datura use) notice im different, but people i get to know today dont think im some schizo so its probably changed me but not too drastically
>measured it out
Of course you didn't measure it out. Since he amount of tropane alkaloids that are in each part of the plant are so variable that measuring in the first place is impossible.

The least variable part of datura are the seeds, and even then you're getting .1-.6 mg of difference in each seed. When the seeds add up, the difference between OD'ing and having no affect are a very real deal.

Oh, and another thing, These alkaloids that come from Daturas/brugmansias take an extended period of time before they leave the body, so getting no affect DOES NOT MEAN TO TAKE MORE. You'll OD that way. Each time you take this shit you have to wait a week or two before trying anew. Even then, not worth it. The scare tactics are there for a reason and glowniggers aren't trying to gatekeep a spiritual fucking experience from retards. It's just poisonous and very easy to get yourself killed.
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>its not going to kill you unless you let it
I ate datura inoxia seeds once. Blacked out for 30 hours. Would not recommend.
There's some growing near my house, will probably get rid of it just in case for pets
>It was used as a decorative plant all over Québec until about 20 years ago when the street punks discovered you could get "high" off it. It was removed from all municipal parks.After a bunch of these kids ended up in the hospital and morgue
Thank God all of society coddles and protects retards
Nutmeg is in the exact same family of drugs and billions of humans use it regularly for culinary reasons. You're being overly dramatic. Retards will always find ways to kill themselves, with or without poisonous plants

>There's some growing near my house, will probably get rid of it just in case for pets
Are your pets retarded? I have ~100 animals outside and poisonous plants everywhere
Good evening, I loathe all addicts, homeless, punks, foreigners and criminals.
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yeah they are different

so are tomatoes and potatoes...
hey guys im not allowed to have alcohol or weed or any controlled substances so now im going back to datura

last actual trip i had on datura i saw white semi-transparent geckos, seconds-long miniscenes, and colorful shapes (as in full 3d objects) would rotate and spin when i stared at my wall. ordered a bunch of seeds plus some dry throat gear but the seeds havent arrived yet :(
if you buy datura seeds online, be aware that they are 10000% less potent than fresh seeds, and the potency gets even weaker over time. just found a packet of 100 seeds and ate them all a few days ago, but they were a year and a half or two years old so they did jack shit except make my movement feel a liiiiitle bit off
You don't need to go looking for datura, just get some diphenhydramine from Walmart
Same shit
>you dont need to go /out/, just go to your backyard and set up a tent
Is that what Jesus told you to do?
do not do datura, it will fuck you up badly, possibly forever.
this is the worst thread on /out/ right now.
Don't do it unless you thought the black stuff in John dies at the end looks like a fun trip. You literally see spiders crawling out of the shadows for a long, long time. It's a great way to induce a permanent shift in your perception, not for the better.
t. has never done datura
>retard eats 700 seeds
>Woah bro dude bad trip dude yo bro
The brain was damaged before the datura
Datura has been so popular in the horticultural world for so long you may be able to find some just by walking around your neighborhood in any part of the world.
Don't need photos. Just remember the flower shape. The family is huge so when you talk about datura you probably think of at least fifteen types but there's a lot more.
If you want to try datura just make s tea out of one leaf and one flower and see how you like or dislike the onset effects. You won't trip just hover around the rise. If you want to explore further then I suggest acquiring seeds and growing your own datura. That is the only proper way to go about it. Don't fuck around with datura.
I've been holding hands with Toloache since I was 15. Datura was my first experience almost ten years before I would try my first marijuana and even longer before I would try tobacco.
Don't listen to retards that tell you it will ruin your life because those people are
1) have zero first hand experience
2) only know stories from junkies on the Internet who INTENTIONALLY OVERDOSE
First time trying mushrooms? Well for a first timer, an appropriate shroom dose is about 20 dry grams. NO ITS FUCKING NOT
I don't recommend more than 7 seeds to start
>The least variable part of datura are the seeds, and even then you're getting .1-.6 mg of difference in each seed
bruh, you just grind up a lot of seeds and then dose that working up to what works for you. Every tsp is equal to every other tsp
If you've done datura you would never recommend it to someone.
>t. never done it
i bet most people who have are probably the kind to recommend it as a troll
stay away from that stuff
You can buy pharmaceuticals (motion sickness or anti nausea) with measured amounts of scopolamine in them.

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