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Is it Fall yet where you are?
>checks calendar

>checks temperature

>checks foliage
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lmao even. check back in about a month and a half
It's spring.
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It's Spring now, which is also exciting but more than any other season I do miss the Autumn from when I lived in New England
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luckily no because only thing i hate more than mowing my lawn is raking leaves off it
sorry to be a bummer but i never really got that fall season hiking boom, sure its beautiful and most likely has its roots in many people having their vacations or something
to me it just means endless raking and sneaky mushrooms that get covered in leaves innawoods, also fishing season is over and 3 months till ice fishing starts
fippy bippy

When I was younger I distinctly remember September being a consistent 60ish in the upper midwest. It's been mid to high 80's here for the past three weeks, and the last six or seven years were no different
Yes, the aspens on the mountains are almost entirely changed and the valley cottonwoods are beginning to turn yellow as well.
>t. 8000' in the Colorado Rockies
no, the endless rain has not started yet.
>t. SW Oregon
but you like the rain
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in all things, moderation anon.
No, I’m melting here in Texas
It’s getting there…
Found your problem
Probably peak in about a month here.
>no, the endless rain has not started yet
i hate this place so damned much
If you hate lawn care just use the space for something else.
Your mom fell where I'm at

On my cock

Shes a lot happier now
deciduous trees bright yellow & largely defoliated, highs in the 40s, lows around freezing. it's coming to an end
Just in time for me to start finishing my summer hunting jumpsuit in full grass/brush green lol.
Where? We're still pushing 80s in WI
Soon, the first oak leaves turn yellow.
Going by the state of the trees, from the tallest cottonwoods to a certain giant hickory, to landing flights of Canada geese around here, I'd say it's well underway, but about 1/3rd of the way into it. In general I love September, easily the most serene month where I live, if not the most brilliant, which is July.
Kinda. Summer is over, it's cool at night, and we've entered the 2-4 weeks of continuous rain right before the fall colors explode for a couple weeks. I'm going camping in 3 weeks, should be peak fall for my area.
(not yet)
>Is it Fall yet
peak pike and perch season
mushroom season
rainy weather, best weather

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