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What went wrong
stayed two weeks more than he should have
The recording didn't get leaked
is that one on yt fake then?
He fucked around and found out. Literally no one who knew him was surprised about the outcome. What a stupid OP and stupid thread...
Repressed homosexuality. The chuds caused this
His birth. Thankfully the bear fixed the problem. Did any of you watch his footage? The guy was a loony toon and it's amazing he made it as long as he did. Early pioneers hated grizzlies. Louis and Clark had to deal with grizzly standoffs every fucking day. Now humans are so domesticated with their heads so filled with fictional shit that they cannot truly engage with reality. This guy thought he was living in a Disney movie. He even had the wherewithal to realize the bear was a threat and comment on it to the camera and still he did nothing. He's the kind of leftist that has lived in Seattle his whole life and will tell you with complete earnesty that there is nothing wrong with the city.
No, it's real. It's not a nice thing to listen to.
>What went wrong
They're wild grisly bears. They don't think like people. He tried to encroach, and they turned him into hamburger.
mostly can be boiled down to being a dumbfuck hippie shit who thought he understood wild animals better than the professionals around him, specifically he humanized wild animals and lost the respect for them he should have had, he ignored warnings from Rangers and stayed way too late in the season, he refused to carry any kind of deterrent like bear spray, he didn't store his food at camp properly and finally he dragged his girlfriend along with him to get eaten as well. Probably the worst thing his dumbass did was force the Rangers to put down two Bears
Best attack
I don't think he had a gun cause of park policy, and having a woman caused all this, if you go out inda woods in bear country you bring a big fucking gun and no weak link bitches
dude wouldn't have carried a gun even if he could, he wouldn't even carry fucking Bear Spray despite the Rangers practically begging him to
He fucked around and found out.

These are wild, large, and hungry animals. They are opportunistic, they'll kill anything that is viable.
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thinking the "don't feed the bears" sign didn't apply to him.
Yes. The only real audio of the incident is on a tape from the camera that was recording at the time, if I remember correctly Treadwell's girlfriend's mother has it. Herzog said she should destroy it but thankfully she didn't.
CIA aimed a killing frenzy frequency at the bears who he knew trained and trusted.
Never laugh when a herse goes by 'cause you may be the next to die.
Thanks, Really Scary Stories (For Real This Time)
The bears should have done him many years earlier.
he should have shot every bear he saw
Should've dropped trou and fired off a litty deuce as soon as the bear encroached
>hey bear! Get a whiff of this action!
>*violently defecates*
gg ezpz
>But ALAS, Timothy treadmill isn't GAY!
>he LOVES women!
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Normalfucks will never understand.
You only want him to obey your shitty rules, live a mediocre life, then die old and frail in a hospital bed.
Your lazy moralizing and smartassery is vomit inducing, your pedestrian values pathetic. Unthinking, diapassionate slaves to herd consensus.
The reason you hate Treadwell because he rejected YOU. Because he went searching for something better.
I remember that from the Ambrose book now. Fuck man traveling across the American continent used to be some legit Lord of the Rings type of shit: alien civilizations with unknown temperaments; giant man eating monsters; scenery that grows more magnificent and daunting as you travel further from home.
This is why so many ancient cultures and religions say to keep women isolated in the village when they're having their period. Because if you take them outdoors, predators smell their period blood and become more aggressive and it's dangerous for everyone. It's just ancient knowledge that got warped into weird traditions through generational games of telephone
There were a shit ton of grizzlies then. They saw their first tracks in south dakota and saw their first bear in N. dakota. They killed 43 along the way and wounded many more. They shot at every bear they saw even if they were just floating by on the river lol.
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From the Lewis and Clark diaries:

They rode on into a dark fir forest, the little Spanish ponies
sucking at the thin air, and just at dusk as Clark's horse was clambering over a fallen
log a lean blond bear rose up out of the swale on the far side where it had been
feeding and looked down at them with dim pig's eyes.

Clark's horse reared and Clark flattened himself along the horse's shoulder and
drew his pistol. One of the Delawares was next behind him and the horse he rode was
falling back hard and he was trying to turn it, beating it about the head with his balled
fist, and the bear's long muzzle swung toward them in a stunned articulation, amazed
beyond reckoning, some foul gobbet dangling from its jaws and its chops dyed red with
blood. Clark fired. The ball struck the bear in the chest and the bear leaned with a
strange moan and seized the Delaware and lifted him from the horse.

Clark fired again into the thick ruff of fur forward of the bear's shoulder as it turned and the man dangling from the bear's jaws looked down at them cheek and jowl with the brute and
one arm about its neck like some crazed defector in a gesture of defiant camaraderie.
All through the woods a bedlam of shouts and the whack of men beating the screaming
horses into submission. Clark cocked the pistol a third time as the bear swung with
the indian dangling from its mouth like a doll and passed over him in a sea of
honey-colored hair smeared with blood and a reek of carrion and the rooty smell of the
creature itself. The shot rose and rose, a small core of metal scurrying toward the
distant beltways of matter grinding mutely to the west above them all. Several rifleshots
rang out led by Lewis and the beast loped horribly into the forest with his hostage and was lost among the darkening trees.
Oh shit I remember that part from the Ambrose book, too. Meriweather Lewis sees a grizzly so he takes a giant, watery shit, scoops some up, duck towards the beast, and flings rancid feces in its eyes. Sacagawea sucked his cock afterwards
>From the Lewis and Clark diaries:
Shut the fuck up you lying cunt.
He wanted to have gay sex with a bear. Sorry but the dsm has been updated and homosexuality is no longer a mental disorder chud
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Truth. Fuck every normalfuck here. They make discussion worse by the day.
Homosexuality is pedophilia and vise versa. It's a sexual addiction.

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