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>post pic of recent /out/ing
>take turns guessing where anons pictures are from
this picture is from someone's infantile fantasies.
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anime is for incels (and pedos)
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how the hell do they tend to those fields if whole country is sloped like that
t. we have only 2 mountains in my whole country and you most likely drive over them everyday when going to work
no way I could guess right but this reminds me of Glacier National Park in MT USA
It is Glaicer, Upper Two Medicine lake.
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anime website, newfag
anime is for pedophiles
so what are you doing here on a pedo website then, newfag?
not everyone here likes anime, in fact most here don't
you are a vocal, hated minority
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>english language version of japanese site
>first board is dedicated to anime
>the mascot is from a manga
Maybe faceberg might be more your style.
nobody gives a shit about what gookmoot has to say
you should be deeply embarrassed for playing with dolls at your age.
But newfags like you who actually believe this has been an anime website past 2008, your opinions are heckin valid?

Fuck off tranny moron.
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Sierra somewhere.
Appalachia somewhere
Glacial MT somewhere
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>I willingly use a site that is filled with things that make me mad
What a fucking retarded faggot
not everyone is this pushy and makes whole threads to brag about liking childrens cartoon characters
>seething and crying about a cartoon character in OP
lmao, no. You're a child throwing a temper tantrum.
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hawaii or iceland

looks like washington state or BC
>hawaii or iceland
Nope. To help the altitude is around 2500m.
do take note how in the other thread you failed to respond whether you found the original OC anon just as annoying while claiming to be an oldfag
not only not, but obviously not


could be anywhere really, Washington


screams Sierras
>could be anywhere really, Washington
Hell, it could be Minnesota
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This better not be some euro bs.
Appenines or whatever central Italy idk Romania mountains.
clearly a mountainy area with a lot of granite.
there aren't those mountains in minnesota

>Appenines or whatever central Italy
correct, it's the high valley of the Taro river

assooming those photos have been taken in the same trip, i'm gonna guess Indonesia but it could very easily be Central America
wtf? No
Replying to last two guesses:

Not Indonesia. Second guess was in the correct hemisphere

To clarify:
These are two different countries. Neither are Indonesia.
First pic, you could guess either hemisphere and be technically correct
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this screams Canadian Shield
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It's actually maliskjæra, norway. The water you're seeing is rotnesjøen. I tried to not make it too obvious by posting the aerial view, something you typically see more of in north america, tho it's hard to hide the fact that its boreal forest.
not sure but damn it's beautiful
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Cool idea!
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Taken today at 630(yes at sunset, yes I know)
Followed by a 90 minute 3000 foot 4 mile sprint of descent. Spent the last hour hoofing 3 miles through the woods in the dark. I was incredibly spooked
>get back to car
>flat tire
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nope doesn't even border california. Here's another pic from the same ridgeline
Is this asia? doesn't seem like anything in north america
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Definitely Ecuador, Peru, or maybe Bolivia.
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good luck losers
>gear picture
how about showing us some nature?
Some east coast pine barrens shithole like new jersey or north carolina

>that icefall
Alps or souther america?

Colorado or navada
looks nice why would you call it a shithole?
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>looks nice why would you call it a shithole?
oh ticks?
Took this yesterday!
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>loser gets this butthurt that nobody cares about his whining about anime on an anime website
go back to faceberg, faggot
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>Alps or souther america?
Nope. Pretty far from either, actually.
>t. average outistic retard cant comprehend technology that wasnt shown in his transcamping anime
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Smokey /out/ here lads
Correct! Pine Barrens in NJ
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The only worthwhile feature (Success Lake in Jackson, NJ)
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pretty sure thats pakistan?
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Yeah. Did you reverse image search it? Just wondering--I figured somebody might.
Top, no. Bottom two, yes
Not enough sagebrush to be idaho so Montana or Wyoming
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British Columbia
"our system thinks your post is spam"

actually I think it's more spammy that I have to break my post into multiple posts in order to post it you stupid fucking NIGGERS

New Zealand
Central Europe
If you're a mod there is no personal appeal you could make to me IRL, I would still tell you to kill yourself for being a turbo fag

New Mexico
Hey man I haven't left America yet
this could have been just one post you DUMB TRIPLE AIDS NIGGERS

I'd walk away from you while calling you gay
texas hill country?
nah they have a very unique look
Nope. North Texas
There you go lads
Northern Utah
Sawtooth range Idaho
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You were wrong about everything, except SEA
>>2783474 Not Alaska, not Panama
>>2783693 no
For this, if someone guessed the northern hemisphere, and someone else guessed southern, they’d both be right
you got to admit that was a pretty good guess based on minimal geographic features in your pic though
how did you end up here
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>Sawtooth range Idaho
right state but wrong mountain range :^)

here's another one nearby
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Tasmania, tons of gold there, in the creeks
No, but you have the correct hemisphere and I can see why one could think it's Tasmania. It has the green wet vibe with big ferns

All 3 pictures were taken in the same area and 3rd one was at approx 2200m/7200ft altitude
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Hiked this yesterday
California or oregano or nevada
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looks like cascades


>those trees
Put em on clutch
Yes somewhere in that area. Which color?
Looks like oregon or east cascades
No tamaracks so not as far as spokane or idaho
>it was for weaboos but it's not anymore
the fact that you have to complain about people posting anime clearly show that it still is
also, the literal NAME OF THE WEBSITE IS A JAPANESE WORD. Everyone calling you a faggot is 100% correct
unironically speaking? the oldest anarchy server in minecraft
Correct, photo taken directly on the equator, near Quito Ecuador
It was next above Huntington Lake outside of Fresno. Tamarack Ridge.
>Tamarack Ridge
no stop lying
Nope still not tassie it is however an island
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You leave the pedo laid back camp freak alone. At least he gets out.
Winter is coming
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the pics from mid october
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same place
Tasman New Zealand


I stepped out on that beach and a bear ran out that was standing just off a few feet to my left and then stared back at me. I have a picture of it standing exactly where you are standing
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Have fun!
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>tamarack ridge
fake news
Looks like PA or upstate new york but could be anywhere here
Lodgepole pine are also called tamarack pine in the Sierra Nevada. The gold rush influx of uneducated Northeasterners who would have been familiar with the superficially similar tamarack back home but had never seen a lodgepole pine are probably responsible for the name.
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Kinda wish it was since I miss New Zealand
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Its not Cascades. Hint. It is in Europe. I will post another photo.

From same spot but more on the left side
Here a better perspective, from same chain of mountains.

Where is your patagonia hat and your ray bans?
Northern Carpathians?
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may be a bit tough
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You are not allowed to do that. Eastern part of Carpatians. Northern part can be located at border with Poland.
Wut? Do what? you posted them in the patagonia thread...
This used to be called Mount Index back before Mount Index was called Mount Index.
Looks kinda like the mountain range on the east shore of Priest Lake.
Hood Canal maybe?
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I recognize those mountains
Well done
They look nice
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This was taken this evening
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Took this one a few years ago
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>on the east shore of Priest Lake.
ding ding ding priest lake in the background here
is that phoebes tit on the right
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Taken a couple of weekends ago.
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heres an ez one, bonus points if you can guess where the photo was taken from
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ai intalnit vreodata cu femeia aceasta?

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No, i don't hike on tourist trails. I live here and have my own places.
And she is hiking in south part of the mountains. That is a more popular area being more available from cities and infrastructure. While heaving slightly bigger peaks, those reservations cover a lower number of square kilometers.
Croatia, the southern tail of it?
why would you lie on the internet?
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dont care about your argument just here to say hiroshifaggotmoot sucks
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my porch view is the selkirks
should i learn romanian to get a qt /out/ gf?
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a recent one
With her white face and blonde hair she might be hungarian or german ethnic because thei are common in that part of country.
Either this or she is a gopnik from commie gheto. But by her manners and style i will tell you from start she is annoying. I bet 50€ you can fuck her with 200€ if you offer in a way she is shure no one knows it.
If she is moldavian from rural part you can use a pack of biscuits and a cola as i heard stories from people from 90's
And if they are from south, throw her an onion in to her head.

A ruller of a small political party, 2% or something. Took his secretary younger then him by 25 years, to a party. The boys asked subtle who is she. He took an onion from table and hit her in the head while asking loudly. Tell me, how do you suck dick. Whit a quiet and thin voice she replied. Good, i guess.
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The black part of this, looks like montana
If it true there are nazis in bonners ferry? last time I went I didn't see any even though i'm a poc
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forgot pic
no the people here just like trump and genuinely treat everybody with respect face to face regardless of race or political stance. i grew up here and have never ran into a skinhead or someone who sounded like they were in the aryan nation.
Italian Dolomites actually, but the mountains here do look pretty similar to the ones in Northwestern US (at least based on the pics I've seen)
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>el nu are chef sa traiasca o viata simpla cu o trad wife
not gonna make it
>literal goblin speak
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um akshually
Northern two-lined salamander?
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bonus hint pic of same site
Northern two-lined salamander on a maple leaf? Im gonna go ahead a guess Quebec?
Mt. St. Helens
Fucking saved. That man's got the drip.
Utah would be my guess.
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They Will Seethe At This
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I grew up in the pine barrens and I'm pretty sure every lake there is manmade, so it's not even really a feature of the nature. Success lake is definitely manmade, but I've always heard they all are. My hometown had a park in the barrens with five lakes and they were all dug out as part of some brick factories operations.
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Not an argument
South america andes?
looks beautiful anon
Basque country?
>America belongs to Indians and Australia belongs to Abos
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Kek, the maga hat is a nice touch as well
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>he doesn't know that pic is from before 2012
i feel old now
bruh i discovered 4chan in 2021 there isn't even a timeline for me
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>guess the location
How did you get that picture of my life, my love, and my lady?
Brandy was the better of the two.
New Zeeland
West Coast Canada?
Great Dismal Swamp in southeastern Virginia.
Your mom's pussy
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Probably and easy one for people to guess
Shes is not a trad. She is one of those: commie gopnik from ghetto. A iobag peasant or one of the ethnics hungarian or german. Any of those are despifull because they have no individuality. A gipsy is preffered anytime but gipsies are por and cause of that bad looking.
That is so relatable, but learning a new language is always good regardless.
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>How to deal with loneliness
>video is her with like 3 other people hiking mountains
These videos are so tiresome. Always the same junk. Cute looking, young, girl. Claiming to be lonely or some other social issue. Then goes on to make videos showing the exact opposite. Army of simps in the comments defending anything you say against her of course.
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looks like Uzbekistan ? but mountains are higher so maybe Pakistan ?


looks a bit like norway the way towards the lysefjod looked kinda like this at times . but im not sure looks steeper more wooded ? wetter like it gets lots of coastal fog water. so canda ? westcoast etc


would have guessed Balkans at first but looks colder higher ? or im missing the point and ist just morning Portugal or something

60% dolomite baby
Nope its a blue ridge two lined Salamander from right outside my house in the mountains of western north Carolina
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That's the Bridgeport covered bridge over the Yuba River in CA, iirc.
cool bridge
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where. do you think. you are.
you total fucking dipshits
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California national park

Amazon area

Canadian taiga

not /out/ enough
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boomer golf retirement community (sedona)
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lol serb

lol sedona
suva planina
too obvious if you're yugoslavian
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Amazing, didn't know I'd see fellow balkanfags on /out/. Should've posted some unknown lower mountains like this
She must be an orphan.

There was another one, also from orphelinage. They presented her success story at tv mainstream show. To show hit the gov educate the parentless.
Then she started onlyfans and a video of a gypsy pissing over her appeared. On her tiktok she posted almost phedophilical content promotion video of her onlyfans, with her parentless child drinking milk from her big brest.
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hard mode
Gonna say Australia based exclusively on those white trunked trees on the lower right.
correct, you bastard

what state?
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Been here a few days ago.
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it is
shimarin sexo
>dont care about your argument
he won
you lost
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The water in this valley is very nice, very clear. Don't even need a filter
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Either Scotland or Canada.
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Norway, not too far outside of Bergen
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Either the Aomori prefecture in Japan or somewhere else up north. Near Hakodate, maybe.

Ez mode here.
Somewhere along the Bruce trail?

Tamarack (Larix laricina) is quite common in Ontario.
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I think it was around Lake Towada, been a few years and I don't quite remember though. Definitely is Aomori though, I never went to Hokkaido. I was really surprised how green Aomori is. Iwate looks like fucking carbon county Pennsylvania, then you drive over a mountain and it's totally lush.
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Looks like the owyhee but some of those plants don't look north american
Navajo Arch, Arches National Park
Cool pic.
I would post one of mine but they're too easy to guess
Scotland is closer
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its a murder
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I coyldnt give you an exact location. But it looks like a dam controlled river. Probably something in the TVA inventory if I had to guess.
either Idaho or Montana
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Jews wrote about this place hundred years ago that no king placed his castle here to rulle and no priest cast had her church rulle here. It is a place where 3 empires meet. Habsburg, Russian and Otoman.

I don't hike or doing sport or even leisure. I am axing, that is mai axe. I am not folowing a trail nor doing skiing. If i meet you i might hit you with my axe just because or i might not.

I already posted pictures above. >>2786549, you never learn. It is carpatians but this time from a lover point.
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There is a slope
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This is how it looks at night
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kind of reminds of the rappahannock river in fredericksburg va
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n-am stiut ca muntii carpatii ar seamana cu idaho sau montana atat de mult

uite, poza asta vine din idaho
fine, I'll guess
2801154 2800185
2800177 2800176
2799556 2799555
Pikes Peak, only one that I know
2799541 2799540 2799251 2799248 2799246
Costa Rica
>>2799241 Peru

now tell me where all these places are you fag, I know most of these are the same person

>our system thinks your post is spam
fuck off
Colorado, pretty sure I've been here
Gila River, also been here, pretty sure
Mt Washington

fuck it I'm done, the ones above seem to have a guess for the most part
>still thinks this is spam
fuck off
They are quite the same longitude as Montana and Idaho
>Looks like the owyhee but some of those plants don't look north american
It's in South America.
British Isles or am I way off here? It reminds me of places I've been over there, but I'm shit with flora identification.
Not Wisconsin or Vietnam

Does Wisconsin even look like that?
it's a rock bro
the pictured rocks pictured me "pictured rocks", which I now googled and found out is in michigan
>Mt Washington
Mt Washington has a lot of other mountains around it.
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did you go up?
No, I didn't have gear for it. Plus don't they require a permit well in advance if you want to go above treeline in winter?
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And how do they expect to enforce that lmao
That is in a far north region. Finland?
Well you can easily be spotted once above treeline, I assume they watch for people climbing it and probably just wait for you to come back down to fine you. When I was out there like two weeks ago I ran into two rangers driving the logging logs, one was ticketing a guy for parking in the wrong place. There's not exactly a lot of ways to climb up there unless you take really long routes so they know where you would have to park in winter when most of the roads are closed.
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This picture was taken past midnight
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>G. A. Custer
black-furred gibbon?
nice photo.
Yeah nah. I'd just walk off.
omg. thats so gay.
That's really neat
No but you're maybe on the right track
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you're not wrong, the hardest part about katahdin is getting a permit

>mfw they made it easier by allowing online applications now
I remember having to mail in a permit application, and then crossing your fingers that you picked a day with a good weather window. Otherwise they made you snail mail another check to pay for a change of permit date

there's only 2 realistic routes up the mountain in winter and they have ranger stations before each

Not Pakistan but Tajikistan
When are you taking me with you on one of your summits?
To do butt stuff? aka keep warm in the tent
I was hoping more along the lines of you just teaching me the ropes of doing these trails in winter. Also can you even day hike them or does winter make them all multi-day? Katahdin is def a multi-day right? Since the closest campground is closed in winter?
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I miss it lads.
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Lake McDonald
Did I stutter?
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sorry anon but i moved out to the /best coast/ now

>Katahdin is def a multi-day right? Since the closest campground is closed in winter?
Yes, the only parking is abol bridge, so the easiest route is
>Day 1: Abol bridge -> Abol campground
>Day 2: Summit day
>Day 3: Back to abol bridge parking lot

If you are a beast on skis or have snowmobile support to abol campground you could do in 1 day but then you wouldn't be asking

Other route via chimney pond involves a 13 mile ski into roaring brook campground which is guaranteed multi day
Sunrift Gorge maybe? Assuming that's also Glacier
snow lake?
Second one is in Wyoming as a hint
>>2802897 was right about the first.
Is that Macchu Picchu? The walls look similar. Some Inca ruin at least.
southern Sweden
Good looking mountains you have bro.



Btw people who post their anime dolls should be killed. Grow up faggot.
It's England, but which lake?
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Second guess is incorrect, tho very close

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