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#515- “Indigenous Tranny Day” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

Talk about fishin
I’ve always heard it was shitty right after stocking. Like other anon said, takes a few days for fish to get settled and comfy before they want to hunt. I’ve seen the same thing with many aquariums I’ve owned, at minimum you have to let them adjust overnight.
I have a Daiwa BG Medium Light 7' rod that I really like but it's 1 piece which makes it hard to transport. Any recommendations for long (7'+) medium light rods that are 2 or 4 pieces for easier transporting? I think I like the long medium light because it has enough backbone to cast heavier stuff (1/2oz+) a country mile but has good bend so I'm not ripping treble hooks out of a fish's mouth
I work in the fishing department of a sporting goods store. I'm new. One of my coworkers was telling me about how he had this one rod. He loved it and wanted to get another, but next year's edition and the year after that felt totally different. You have to try rods in the store. There is one rod we haven't sold in two years, and the reason that we haven't sold it is that it is a medium fast rod that feels like a moderate-fast. People see the fast rating and dismiss it immediately. You have to try before you buy. Buy all the lures, lines, and reels you want online, but rods need to be tested first.
New fly rod and line. Notice how the line hangs out to one side? Are the guides messed up? When I took it out of the tube today, the tip section was bent back a little, although it looks straight now.
Going back for the pickerel today. Gonna use a you to rattle trap twitch bait (idk what it’s called), if no luck with that topwater frog, if no luck I’ll see if a weightless EWG with a fluke does me any good. May go dig up some worms or buy some chicken hearts too. Really mostly just wanna catch it idc how lure or bait
What's your best advice for catching Large Mouth bass? I've caught a few dinks, but never when I'm actually targeting them, only when I've been chasing panfish. I'd love to finally catch something that's at least 2 pounds. I usually fish in lakes and reservoirs with a mix of lures and live bait.
i think i'll try again today for at least a couple hours, then hit another spot if i get bored
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First of all, some bodies of water only have dinks. Be sure you're not in such a spot. Second, the thing that has worked best for me is a weightless whacky worm. Start out with 3 packs (light, dark, and green pumpkin), get some whacky hooks, and get a whacky tool--the thing that helps with rubber bands.
when you place the flyline on the other side of your rod tip does it hang to the opposite side
I'm looking into getting an ultralight rod for keeping in the car and backpacking and was looking at the daiwa presso or spinmatic. Does anybody here have any experience with either of them? Does a 4-piece rod perform worse than a 2-piece? $100 is the top end of my budget but the lower the better right now.
I have the 4 piece Presso and love it. Get the 6'6", unless you are fishing in very tight spaces. The 4 piece Presso is a little stiffer than a one piece ultra-light, but you can send 1/32 jigs some distance and have lots of fun with bluegills.
Yes. I got pictures.
the less pieces the better unless you absolutely need a rod that packs down very tiny. also, always have your rod covered in the car where nobody can see it because you'd be surprised that motherfuckers will break your window to steal even a cheap fishing rod.
a spinnerbait works year-round. the bass style ones with the skirts. white is the most foolproof color. I'd get something like the booyah pond magic or similar since the hook isn't obnoxiously big and it's not real heavy. makes it better for spinning gear and you can slow roll it without it sinking too fast.
As promised, a repost of my PB spanish last weekend. On the trolley rig system. 23 inches to the fork, 4.52lbs. I'm headed down to the beach now, prolly gonna fish this afternoon, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday if possible
Can anyone recommend a good pair of glasses that arent too expensive?
what's a good bang for buck casting net I can get for bait fish? looking in the realm of 3/16" 8ft diameter for fresh water river fishing
i dont understand your question. are you talking about the line having some rigidity and sticking 1/4 inch off to the side? if thats all, yes, thats normal, i dont know how to tell you that if something is going in a direction it wants to keep going in that direction.
that sure is something
pretty spooky
mine also always hangs to the left
>Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
So jealous buddy. Nice catch and good luck this weekend
it was also shitty today, one day after stocking
fish jumping in spurts from time to time but they didn't want to eat
i did get one on powerbait but that was the only bite, tried worms but only got dink perch
maybe tomorrow
Pickerel usually chase shit. Last 2 I caught were on a lipless crank and a frog i flung into lilly pads, It hit as soon as it landed. They were both creme ones from walmart that cost <$2
Meant to add my kid caught one on a chicken heart tho. Big one. While I was getting the dink on the crankbait
downsize and watch your line, bright braid + leader
Yeah. That was my question. I'm have a heightened sense of alertness because the employee who sold me the rod couldn't see the tag and kept cutting the rod guide, and when I opened the rod yesterday after a month and a half of storage, the tip was a little bent. Thanks for easing my concern.
I caught a couple of bass and green sunfish after not luck with carp. I'm surprised the rod bent so much.
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>have baseball field on a canal with ocean access near house
>full of tarpon snook Jack even some sheepshead and redfish
>few months after discovering it people started actually using it for once
>becomes a weekend thing to the point that hundreds of cars pull up for whatever the fuck every single weekend no seasons or anything
>mix of casual, middle and highschool baseball and softball
>the teenagers kept checking me out and a few catcalls which made me super uncomfortable, prefer my solitude
>old man politely told me to fuck off, probably a parent (if he was a dick I’d be out there out of spite alone but he was kind and told me some other spots to fish)
>really annoying in general to have 500-1000 people screaming running around and gawking at me while I just wanna have some peace and quiet too
>can hear their screaming and music from my home
It’s the closest place to me with those kinds of fish. It was a nice weekend thing while it lasted. I can obviously still drive 40 minutes but that was kind of the whole point of this place. Not really a fishing spot being ruined, more so the fields are being used for their intended purpose now. But still sucks because the spot was great. I would fish behind the fences out of the fields btw I was never in anyones way.
Lol I was wondering why you circled the rod until I went through the chain of replies and understood it’s fly line
I got a spinning rod, the kind for shore fishing on a beach. The reel can turn in both directions, but if I reel it in one of them, it makes the line become a bird's nest. Is my rod defective?
And what happens if you feel it in the other direction?

There has to be a button or something on it to enable and disable that. Sounds like some kind of free spooling option to allow for current to take your line out or a fish to run. I vaguely remember having this issue in a reel a long time ago.

Looked it up. Should be a little switch/button on the front somewhere. Post a pic of the reel.
anti-reverse switch.
just put your headphones in
if they bother you call the cops
but i'd probably find a new spot, it's more fun to fish alone.
My fishing story:
>me and buddy buy cheap walmart rods
>worm and bobber
>catching tons of panfish

Amazing day, some little fucker cut me with his fin though shoulda stomped em
The main issue isn’t even being bothered by fags telling me to scram like they own the place it’s as you said it’s better alone. I love fishing for all that it is, but almost half the reason is because it’s almost a therapy for me. I don’t get that benefit unless I’m mostly alone. I would actually rather some asshat migrant come and fish right on top of me than fish around hundreds of people

I dream of the day I can get a boat or move to a state with actual woods/forests so I can go deep away from people and just be alone while I fish.
The fuck do they call those wooden structures that make a funnel shape at the mouth of marinas/docks and are you allowed to fish off of them? Don't know what they're called and couldn't find any signs but it looked like the perfect spot to cast from.
whats ur biggest catch
10'ish white sturgeon back in the early 00's. Took over an hour and had to pass the rod between us at one point to rest because I really fucked my fingers up at the beginning like an idiot trying to slow the line before it completely stripped it. Was fun, never sturgeon fished again after that, though I live in the perfect area so I really should.
Can someone explain action in a rod to me? I understand power (light, medium, heavy) but action is still a little confusing in practice. I understand it's what amount of the rod bends by section of the rod, but what does that actually mean if it's fast, moderate, or slow?
Also is GX2 6 6' medium the best combo ever?
the faster the action, the less of the rod bends. for example, extra fast means only the very top section bends. the slower the action, the deeper throughout the entire rod it bends. for example, a moderate bends deep down all the way to the first guide or even more.
and to add, it's basically the "reaction time" of the rod in most cases. that's why they use the term fast and slow. for example, if a rod is bent and then let go to slingshot back straight, a fast rod will be crisp and recover pretty quickly, while a slow or moderate rod will wiggle a lot before it stops moving and ends up perfectly still again.
Thank you, this is pretty helpful. So if I want a more "forgiving" rod that loads up more and is less likely to rip hooks out of mouths too early with braided line, would slower be better assuming the same power? The drawback being I can't set the hook as hard when needed?
correct, however keep in mind that different brands and even different rods within the same brand can vary wildly when it comes to those descriptions. hell, sometimes they are straight up wrong. also know that slower rods are often less sensitive, especially glass composite rods, however with braid it probably won't matter because 50% of sensitivity is line choice.
Material has a lot to do with how a rod feels from what I've read. Graphite, Fiberglass, Aluminum, Bamboo, whatever else there is.
>even different rods within the same brand can vary wildly when it comes to those descriptions
Please remember this, I'm a slut for Daiwa and I have multiple rods. The ones that get the most use are 7', 8' and 9', all fast action and light to medium light.but I use each for very different purposes even though the differences might not sound so huge from the description. >>2782334
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I caught my fly
What tippet? Were you targeting dinks with a Clouser?
Anyone here fish for snook? I caught an under slot fish by literally a half inch yesterday.
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14lb Berkley trilene
I was targeting lake run trout with a marabou mop, but this dink was like "u wot m8" and then failed the vibe check.
Same setup I got Pic related on

At least I know my fly accurately represents the forage
Australian anon here. I hit a roo driving home from fishing tonight. Praying to the fishing gods that It didn't fuck up the car. It was too dark to tell.
Nice! I haven't been back out to the lake to try out the mops I tied. The water is so low right now that there just aren't many places I can get to from shore. The "banks" are all too steep and rocky or muddy. It should start raining any time now though and begin the winter refill.
So anybody have any tips for what to do to recover after snagging somebody else's line in the water? The only thing I know how to do is pray the line is old, since I do light/ultralight fishing I can't rely on just having stronger line to get out of snags.
Someone else's snagged and lost line? I put a lot of tension on the line, like really get the rod bending, and then suddenly release it all (flip the bail, open the spool, lower the rod tip, etc). Hopefully the line "springing" back will free the hook. It works sometimes, maybe 40% of the time, also depends on what else is on the bottom.
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I may have explained like shit I'm drinking so heres a diagram
Quick everyone post your boat
last year we got so much snow right away that lakes didnt froze properly until february
fingers crossed this winter will be better
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no beer holder?
Touched up the hooks and bent some things back into place on some ~80 year old helin flatfish lures I got in an old tackle box, went out and first cast had 6-7 perch tailing it. Second cast I threw some synthetic eggs on the hooks and caught the first one to bite at it. Rest of the day was just catching perch and smallies on the same little gold flatfish.

Shit's from the 1940s, was pre used, hooks were a little rusty and it needs polished but it's tied with the most fish caught in one day on a single lure for me now.
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Perch related.
not mine but I bet is one of those beer hats
Went out after work, hooked one trout but pulled the hook. I'm going out again today after work.
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Probably a long shot but when I was a kid I went trout fishing a lot with my dad and the lure we used the most looked like this. Shiny copper/gold on the front with red dots and it the same curves, I tried to remember as best I can. Anyone know what these are called?
Something like this? It's called a super duper
Hey it was the almost the same shape, but the name gave me enough to google things related and I found it, it's a Jake's Spin-a-Lure that I was thinking of, thank you.
Are they any good?
We caught trout using them on the Delaware River and some bass/panfish. I wanted to buy them out of nostalgia even if they arent as productive now as 25 years ago.
You never know, sometimes the older designs work great because the fish never see them anymore.
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This was $40, the lures are shit but eh. Will see tomorrow how trash it is.
I had a nice trip to the Driftless. Not very productive but scenic. Will post about it later.
I didn't catch any mackerel lmao. But it was chill. Prolly won't get to go again until they have already migrated away for the winter. Reckon I'll get that nice one replica mounted
About to go try out my waders and boots on the winooski river (VT) in a couple of hours. Gonna use spinners for the most part but might switch to a drift rig for trout or salmon. Is there anything else I should consider buying at the local bait/tackle shop asides from slip bobbers, egg sacs and octopus hooks? I'm currently using an abu garcia 6'0 medium spinning rod/reel and looking to catch something to eat. Also, should I move closer to a lake or pond? I'm not sure if I'm gonna find anything within a river/creek this late into October.
Can I fix this?
a thin layer of five minute epoxy, but it will probably change the way it swims unless you do it perfectly.
Speaking from experience?
no, I toss lures with broken lips but Ive used 5min epoxy before and it creates a very solid bond, the change in motion is just speculation
Ill try anyway, thanks
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I left late on Monday, and it was my intention that this was going to be a smallmouth / pike trip. Due to my tardiness, I decided to go to a trout pond I've been meaning to explore ever since a local posted a video to YouTube. When I arrived, I had a chat with the caretaker, who was featured in the video. I only fished a few minutes, but I caught a trout. The next day, I went to the smallmouth spot that brought me up there. Beautiful scenery, no fish all day. The next day, I did some non-fishing stuff in the morning and then did headed to a trout stream. I caught one trout, a couple chubs, and missed a couple trout. Of the two I missed, I one hookset sent a fish 20 ft in front of me over 5 ft behind me. The second hookset got my rig stuck in a tree, so I brought out my rod with 15 lb braid to break the limb. Very next cast was in a tree, and at that point, I called it. Three things I'd like to improve are getting ready faster, covering more ground, and knowing what flies to change to and when.
Please do. I live there and my season just ended on a high note with a massive BWO hatch
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I need a fishing bag, I don't have one. I'm having trouble visualizing capacity though. I'm looking at pic related to the top I believe, it's 32 liters. Would that be a bit too bulky?
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I use something like this. I go to my main box and fill a Plano tray with what I will need for the day and it has enough space to hold pliers, knives, extra weights, leaders, a fly box, etc. Don't carry too much shit unless you're going to plop yourself down in the same spot for like 7 hours.
This >>2783329 was my post. Based on your comment and my recollection, you're a Wisconsite. I like year-round open water fishing. Glad your season ended well.
Way too big, unless it is going in a bass boat. Just use a backpack and take one or two full size tackle boxes with you.
like the other anon said, I'd rather just use a backpack. I'm pretty sure everyone uses the type of bag in your pic for a while before realizing that's it's way more awkward to carry than a backpack. I rarely even carry a backpack anymore in favor of a fannypack, but I'm minimalist so it really depends on your style and how much walking you do to get to spots.
Thanks for the input. I guess I kind of romanticize the idea of carrying a bag, maybe it would be handy to store some stuff in for long trips but I guess honestly I can't kid myself and a backpack would be handier when I'm just gonna fish by the shore. Easier to carry the fish with me as well.
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Well, using only what it came with (And a size 6 vibrex so I could chuck it further but in hindsight it was too big.) I caught nothing.

Think I had a few hits kinda hard to tell on this rod it's really stiff. I think the issue was the vibrex spinner was too big, and the one it came with was too light to get out there. I'm almost more determined to catch something on the garbage it came with after getting skunked, honestly.
Fishing bags are nice, but I can't get myself to do anything with the large pocket except put my tackle box in it. It's way too big to just throw loose shit in.
I need a quiver for the bread
What size reel would you pair with a 9ft 10-30g rod? I ordered a 3000 size but honestly pairing equipment is the most confusing part of being a relatively fresh angler.

The rod model is Okuma Sea Trout.
Depends on what you're doing. I assume the grams is the weight rating and so it sounds like you're throwing lures for inshore? Depends on what kind of fish are there but I use an 8'3"ft Daiwa Saltist with roughly the same weight rating and I have used both 2500 to 3000. I use the 2500 during fluke season since I'm using lighter jigheads and softbaits and I use a 3000 later in the season when throwing topwater plugs and jerkbaits. Given your extra length the 3000 is fine. You could probably even go bigger but you're sacrificing lightweight for more line so you have to think about how your shoulder is going to feel after casting lures with a heavier reel especially if you get something like a Daiwa BG which is known for its heft
Thanks, sounds like 3000 was a perfectly valid choice for this rod then. The specific model I went with was actually Daiwa Ninja LT BS 3000-C.
nice fish chief
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Do you niggas fish responsibly?
Where I live (Ontario) fish stocking and funds for conservation are cut year after year and still a lot of colleagues don't bother buying a license or obeying catch limits. Not to mention the activities of our melanin enriched friends. As much as I hate giving money to the government this is the best form of support we have to preserve whats left here.
If government funds dry up then it's just going to fall into private interests' hands. So chalets, cabins and vacation homes up the vazoo and developers lining up to buy up land and whatever.
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I want to get back into it but haven't fished for maybe 20 years. I live on the Gulf Coast with plenty of good fishing spots around. Even have quite a collection of rods.
Anybody fish in the high alpine lakes of the rocky mountain states? Im in utah, new to fishing, trying to figure out whats best
Currently just running a spinning reel, clear plastic bubble, and dark dry fly to try to catch trout
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Anybody got an ID on this adorable mother fucker? Found it in the bottom of a moldy old tackle box. It had a snelled hook running through the tail end and the lip on some line.

How would I fish this from shore? The rest of the gear in the box was for trolling so I assume it wss originally for that.
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Bottom side because it has a chubby little body wrapped in glittery threads.
>don't bother buying a license
I'm in a few local fishing groups on FB and there was a post about how our state might require a license for saltwater and start asking about late child support payments before issuing licenses and I said I would be more than happy to pay for a saltwater license on top of the NJ and MA ones I pay for. I had literally 50 people responded calling me a moron and a retard for paying for a license.
Fuck you all.
Yeah, you're a cuck.
I buy all my licenses. I've been stopped by fish and wildlife a lot, especially when I was under age but I didn't need one at the time.

I also keep the regulations in my car in case somebody tries to be a dick. I fish every body of water within 25 miles and they are all full of people breaking every rule and it sucks.

>group of people chumming when I pull up that try to hide the bucket like I didn't see it as soon as I drove up
>motor boats in places you are required to use electric motors or paddles only
>the one time I passed somebody while hiking back up a deer trail I followed he had a pole saw
This year alone, people have done more damage to fishing spots than the previous 10 years combined.

I don't care about government funding but fuck people who disregard rules put in place to protect the few natural fishing spots around here.

They filled in a canal that had decent fishing last fall because of it.
another bag limit of trout in the freezer today
finally got one with roe but they weren't fully formed yet, last year i got more than i could eat
got one that if you told me it was a salmon i'd 100% believe it, was almost uncanny
got another with some of the darkest orange salmon flesh i've seen from a trout
Caught my new record bass today, it's not all time but I never kept track before so I'm just starting over per species. Around a 3lb spotted bass, it fought way harder than I expected but I was also using a trout rod so that might have been why it felt so strong. Potentially it was a meanmouth hybrid bass and not just a spotted and that could explain the thrashing.
I fished this today, it weighs about 1/4oz by itself a little more with a hook on it. I threw a treble on it tied directly to my line no weight. It casted okay, I imagine it is for trolling though because the action on it was REALLY nice, but you don't get enough time to really utilize it with a cast and any extra weight ruined the action.

It had a nice dive a a real sick wobble to it, I bet if I soaked it in some stink and trolled it around I could catch fish on it. Judging from the fact the rest of the shit in the tacklebox was 80+ years old and swedish/japanese I can only imagine how old it is. Looks like plastic so can't be that old. Neat though, I'll have to figure out what the plastic bit is so I can try to make my own.
I live in NJ the license is way less than the fine for no license. I tell myself "it's coz they got the fisheries" to not feel like a European or American that lost the revolutionary war
>another Jersey-bro
I'm looking at my license right now
>Residential Year Long License: $22.50
>Trout Stamp: $10.50
The idea that people are too cheap for this is insane. Just the costs of parking at a courthouse to try to fight a fine it is likely to be equal to or more than that
It's 44 for a basic yearly license here, another 44 to keep salmon or steelhead, and 10 to fish on the main river for said fish's. Still under 100 for access to the entire state and all of its species.
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While you were fishin I was catchin.
I would gladly pay $44 a year if we had salmon runs in Jersey but they're all landlocked in deep ass lakes and I don't have a boat.
I have not caught a salmon but I used to catch my limit of steelhead every year. Was always worth it, they get massive and drift fishing is fun.

Last night I was targeting a coho, I was catching bass and it started rolling on the surface where the minnows were running from the bass so I swapped over to a salmon spinner and tried but he wouldn't take it, bastard just kept rolling right in front of me. Worth the extra $10 to be able to catch and release with fish and wildlife staring at me, and I don't have to care because I got my tags.

I don't get why people can afford hundreds of dollars for a single rod/reel combo but refuse to actually buy a license.
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In some states, like Alaska, if they catch you fishing without a license they will take your gear too, up to and including the vehicle you took. Not worth the risk to me.
I believe if you get caught once you're banned from getting your license for a couple years. If you get caught during those times, I think it's a pretty hefty fine. It makes some sense, people have been poaching sturgeon for years and now the yearly limit is 1 (one) sturgeon of a very specific size range because the numbers are so low.
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i could not catch a fish today
I'm getting into fishing. Why are baitcasters being referred to as memecasters? From my reading, it feels like baitcasters are obsoleted by modern spinners for some applications, but they are still useful for others. Is that correct?
I'm probably going to go fishing tomorrow. I invited my friend but he likely won't be able to make it so I plan to go myself. I've never fished alone before.
How do I get over my fear of slipping and falling into the river and subsequently drowning? I can't swim.
How many times in your life have you slipped and almost fallen into the river?
Well, once, but I've only been fishing for a little over a year and haven't gone out all that much. I was at a river last month and slipped when releasing a fish, though only my foot went into the water (still very annoying as I wasn't wearing rubber boots).
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I made a bunch of these 'steelhead' 'flies'
Yeah you're in the ballpark. Baitcasters are cool but they're not the be all end all reel. Baitcasters today are better than they've ever been (look up BFS fishing) but spinning reels still cover most fishing tasks
Shout "death or glory" every time you make a cast
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Also made an attempt at an all flash fly
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And these guys are proven.

I also lost the tip top to my switch rod last time I was out so now I need to order more so I have a replacement and a backstroke fir other rods
I don't know what to tell ya. I can't really empathize because I know how to swim and have for as long as I can remember. So, aside from falling in and hitting my head on a rock or something, bodies of water don't hold any level of fear over me as far as falling in is concerned. It would be more of a "well fuck, that happened, hope my phone is ok and wallet isn't soaked" situation. Learning to swim would probably remove a large amount of your anxiety. But, unless you plan on wading, I wouldn't really worry about it anyway. The chances are slim to none. You're statistically more likely to get into a fatal car accident on the way than accidentally falling in and drowning.
Good points.
To be honest I don't think knowing how to swim would make a huge difference most of the time anyway. I do most of my fishing on fairly large rivers with a lot of flow.
You can cast into the sun with them but you dont need to use one to fish.
they are called memecasters because pic rel. they are not obsolete. their advantage is being able to do pinpoit short/medium range casts since you can slow the bait down in flight.especially useful with heavier baits.
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I would jump into the propellers
squid season? squid season
I wouldn't. You're gonna hook your PB and reel in only a crankbait bill. That thing is a headliner ornament now
Yeah and you know every govt motherfucker here got the biggest power trip with the tiniest but of authority they have. Fuck, everyone here is like that. Even the people at the door at walmart power tripping over smiley stickers a d receipts
Learn how to swim, marston
Has anyone else noticed how many of the new fishers are total faggots? I’m mainly talking about the quarantine era tiktok fisher people & the ones who got into it from that. For all lack of better word it’s just a lot of actual bitch types who want to fish not even because they actually like it but just to feel like they’re part of something. It’s weird and annoying. And that’s not a problem in and of itself, it’s the way they just GOTTA tell people smugly shit. “I know this spot I can’t believe some people don’t know it cryinglaughingemoji” on a crappy but well known local spot someone posted a catch from.
I normally welcome new people to fishing and encourage them but this shit makes me not want to anymore, when half the content related to it is infested with this sort of shit
Nta but I worked loss prevention at a different store for a year and I hate Walmart fags. At the store I worked at I had to put up with uppity nigs having insecurity problems trying to cry that I was being racist about it (half the time they were using fraud cards anyways lol).
But I cannot stand the way the Walmart people are. I never once forced someone to hand over their receipt I simply smiled asked if they found everything and signed it and that’s it, if they didn’t wanna they literally could walk out and I couldn’t do anything nor did I try. The same is true at all stores. They can’t touch you, take your shit from you, or lock you in. They’ll say they can snatch your shit form your hands but they can’t.

I was buying a topwater frog from Walmart and the receipt checked let like 5 trashy nigs walk out without checking theirs, sat there and watched me buy my frog and then demanded he checked mine. He WATCHED me pay and scan it and everything.
>are you serious
>starts puffing his chest at me and puts on his big boy face
>uh okay here
>start walking
>grabs my bag to keep me there, nearly knocked him out (I’m a shrek) but controlled self
>tell him he can actually keep the receipt so he can remember me
>gets even more mad and shoves it into me saying he doesn’t want it, should have hit this little fucker in the chin
>fuck that
>crumple it into a ball and peg him in the face with it say something like well it’s yours now haha
>mcgregor walk out while he stands there with his jaw agape like a fucking retard because at this point want to be as insufferable as I was treated trying to dare him to put a hand on me
I only give them the receipt if they greet me and are polite, otherwise I just laugh in their face and walk out now. This is coming from someone who’s had a LP job and had to do that shit. Fuck them
Yeah I usually give the receipt if they're polite but I don't give it to the black employees out of principle I just ignore them and keep walking.
The one who had his little pissy fit was Hispanic looking actually. I’ve never determined what type of Hispanic it is, because most Hispanics are chill in my experience so I normally don’t pay much kind to them and their various types, and it’s definitely only like 1-2 countries mostly full of insecure faggots, but he was one of those. Cuban if I’m not mistaken but I could be wrong. If you know the type then you know what I mean
Probably. Both Cubans and Dominicans have huge chips on their shoulders about everything for some reason, I live 15 minutes outside of NYC and they're fucking everywhere. Guatemalans and El Salvadorians are always chill as fuck. Mexicans too for the most part.
Wasn’t Dominican I can spot (sometimes smell) those from a mile away. Probably Cuban. Had that whole wants to be seen as a white person look with that classic attitude.
>other Hispanics
Yeah I actually have zero problem with the others. They’re mostly hard working people, Christian, strong family values, hot women. Literally never had a shitty interaction with anything other than Cubans, Dominicans, and Brazilians. I can only tell a Dominican from the rest though so I just categorize them as “chill one’s” and “not chill one’s”
But really, how DO you learn how to swim as an adult? I don't know anyone who can teach me.
Also I ended up not going today because I was tired and it was windy, but I'm going to go tomorrow (and then I can hit the tackle shop on the way). I'll use today to practice tying knots.
Get a teacher. You can probably go to a YMCA or something and get 1 on 1 classes. I learned as a baby in a tiny pool at the YMCA. I was too young to remember but my mom said they took me from her and threw me in the pool because babies have some paddling instinct or something. I'm not a great swimmer but if I fell off a boat I could swim back to it and earlier this year a knot broke and I swam out like 50 feet to get back my Yozuri lure. Thing was like $15. Its a useful skill.
The only place I can practice fly casting nearby is a parking lot (all the parks close at 11PM and I work 9-5 and take night classes) so outside of the weekends I cant practice on water. Should I get a separate fly line just for casting practice or is casting on pavement not as bad as a google search makes it out to be
no, it's bad
the line will get nicks and cracks in it and absorb water which will throw off it's designed buoyancy and make it harder to cast
i think
Thanks. Will it affect casting? Like if I get another line JUST for casting practice, those cracks/abrasions won't affect it? The parking lot is perfect, it's like a whole football field and the owners have said its fine for me to practice there.
as i understand it, no
the main issue with old / damaged fly line is it gets cracks in it and can absorb water which throws off how it's meant to float / sink, as well as making it heavier and harder to cast properly
if you're just practicing on dry ground i don't think it will matter much
i suppose cracked line will not cut through the air as well but i think this won't be very noticeable compared to line picking up water weight
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The damage will affect the casting.
Cast in grass if you can
Improper casting of fly line can also damage the welded loop. Always cast a fly line WITH A LEADER and on grass or water. You don't need a football field of practice space. I demoed a rod in the parking lot of a fly shop on a small stretch of grass. That was plenty of space. If you really, really want to practice fly casting in bad places, get one of those specialty practice rods.
Tried microfishing today, bought a tiny little 3/32oz "fly rod" lure, I do not fly rod fish, but I have a tiny little light rod. I did catch a fish on it but I can only get it out about 10 feet, would lowering my line weight give me more cast range on it or would increasing the weight do it? I think I have 6# on the reel maybe 8#
Your English is pretty bad, but from what I gather, I suggest that you throw your flies with a bobber, such as an ajusta bubble.
Check this video out, sounds like it could help
you just go to a pool and stay in the shallow end fucking around. it's pretty natural and you learn quick if you're not being held back by fear. if you drown in the 4ft deep kids section of the pool where you can touch the bottom there is no help for you anyways.
Find a puddle two palms deep, float
it's that easy
Georgie, my float
Did I pick a bad fishing spot today or was it just a skill issue? I was there for 2 and a half hours and got totally skunked.
I was fishing a straight section of river just after a meander and right before some rocky rapids. The river comes around the meander, then straightens out a few meters upstream from the rocks. I was fishing on the "outside" of the river after the meander. The currents are very strong except near the bank I was fishing from (where they seemed almost non-existent at least judging by the movement of my bobber and the lack of ripples on the water) and the water gets fairly choppy over the rocks though it's still deep there.
I'm thinking maybe there was just too much current? Not very good visibility in the water either, though that's always the case around here. I spent about half an hour casting a big spoon and then I switched to fluorescent nightcrawlers (somehow they are dyed bright green but are still alive) on a jighead under a bobber.
So either my setup was retarded, I picked a bad spot, or I just got unlucky. Or maybe all three.
Lately I'm obsesed with the spot place and not only the spot but the exact 2 rocks in the spot where I need to aim the floater, and it just works where 2 meters away you get nothing.
So basically I should switch to a low weight mono for casting and use a fluoro lead if I'm bobber fishing. Funny enough, I have some trout magnets I've never used. I primarily trout fish, but I mostly use nightcrawlers or fake eggs for them. Maybe I'll finally throw one of those out there before the season's up.
I'll never get the timing right for the annual Spanish Mackerel runs. Tried going twice last year and I got skunked both times
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rock fish are pretty easy to catch once you know where they're at and you learn how to fish close to the rocks.
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didnt catch shit during my latest attempt, was after bluegill and used redworms and minnows. would have tried a spinner but my reel got tangled before i could. am i doing something horribly wrong???
fuck these ducks btw (not pictured, the 30 others who kept following me)
if you don't catch bluegill on worms it's time to try a different location. the only way they won't bite is if there aren't any nearby.
It looks awfully bright, I'd try early morning. I usually leave by 9am in warmer months as it's getting hot and too bright. I've never had luck catching bluegill or bass in the middle of the day.

Not entirely true, bluegill won't eat if it's too hot.
This is why I always carry those Gulp Maggots, if there's a bluegill, they're going to bite it, I've never been skunked if I go back and default to them (just use circle hooks because they seem to swallow them way more than other sorts of bait). If you don't have any go look for rotting wood and break it open for grubs, they usually hit that 9/10 times.
i could not catch a fish today
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Not the chromed out fish I was looking for.
I am going to go catch some trout, how many trout should I catch before I switch to bass? I'm catch and release so I don't have a limit.
for a decade i had this secret spot of my own where i could fish grayling and trout as much as i wanted with beaver friends surrounding me all the time
now national television took an interest in my secret stream because apparently it was so polluted
One of my favorite spots became part of a missing persons/murder investigation. I don't know why, I never found a body so it probably isn't there. Just sucks the fishing has been awful there ever since they searched the place and all the family members kept fucking it up.
sorry for your loss anon and i feel you
i was surprised by camera crew and a literal fucking frogman, that whole steam is 30 centimeters deep at best
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Never accidentally killed a trout with barbed hooks. First one I catch with barb less bleeds out, I feel awful. Guess I'm switching to bass already.
This sounds like bs. Two totally separate and distinct anons do not report something unusual like this within an hour of each other.
I mean, I could send you the case it's not like I live where I fish it wouldn't really dox me.
>Lady disappears
>Last cell phone ping was from the bridge I was fishing under
>No other lead to where she may have gone so that was the primary area of search
Her family thinks it's her husband and last year the disappeared lady's brother shot her husband. It's not like they're still searching there or anything the place is just trashed and I haven't gotten a bite there since.
It was you, wasn't it. You murdered her
That's how he knows the body is somewhere else- he hid it somewhere else
It's not at my fishing spots that's for sure.
Thats why the fishing has been so bad, once they got the taste for human meat they won't take anything else.
Luckily I still have some in my freezer.
i caught a fish today
The name on the tag said Mary...
I've been fishing with a 6ft telescoping rod and reel I got for $60 from Amazon.
I can't see to cast more than 30, maybe 40 feet. I've tried adding some decent weight, a couple of crimp on weights and a slide on one. Nothing seems to get my cast farther than the farthest spot I can usually get it. Is it mechanical or normal?
Should fishing licenses stay or is the whole system useless against overfishing?
Your rod should have a weight range on it, if you're trying to cast lures too light or too heavy you'll have issues. It should be written on the rod, or if you can link the URL to the product as well as what you're trying to throw we might be able to tell you what to fix
Stay. The money doesn't just go to enforcement, it goes to restocking efforts, clean up efforts, etc. I'm more than happy to pay if it increases the budget for doing the best thing for my state's natural parks and land
And also to add, 6ft isn't that long of a rod. I use a 6'6" light rod for panfish and trout. I never need to throw more than like, 30 feet because I use that rod on small ponds and streams. I also have 7 foot inshore rods for fluke, an 8 foot for jerkbaits and a 9 and 10 foot for throwing bait from the shore. Some people have 13 foot rods for shore fishing. 6 feet might either be too short for where you're fishing or you might be trying to cast further than you need to.
I used basic lures for bass, the rod even came with some. I didn't over weight, just a couple crimp or the slide on for Texas style.
I think you're right, I need a longer rod mainly. I want to catch bass on lures so when I'm cranking in fast I don't get to cover much distance or go out farther to reach newer spots.
Especially when I want to use lighter things like little spoons.
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I caught this fish today on my fly rod.
What kind of bass is this?
smallmouth I think.
Its a tortoise, in a shell.
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no way you hooked that!?
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Everyone says those taste like mud(mullet).
Mom is like "bring me more of those, they are my favourite".
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i wanna get one of those Rapala skitter pop top waters, what color would you chose?
I pick yellow perch colors for my area because there's perch almost everywhere I go, so it works well. MCH looks like something I would grab if I wasn't sure about where I was gonna fish though.
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Do people in other countries really need licenses to fish, like actual permits that you have to take a course for?

I'm Norwegian and we have something called "Allemannsretten", which basically you can fish as much as you want wherever you want in the ocean for free without restrictions. However we need to buy licenses online or in stores for like $10 to fish in some lakes, and for salmon fishing in rivers, we need more expensive licenses, in addition a fee every year of about $30.
It's similar in the US, at least in my state. State laws differ but yeah you just pay a fee to fish for a year, and another fee for specific types of fish that are protected.
I'm so happy I don't live in like Germany, where you need to take a fisherman's test akin to that of a hunters test to even be allowed to fish, period. Norway is also blessed with a shitton of cod, coalfish, halibut, salmon, arctic char and trout.

Which fish do fish the most?

Which fish
In order from most to least.
>Bass (Largemouth, smallmouth, spotted)

I catch plenty of sunfish but that's just part of going for perch.

What do you fish for most? I assume saltwater fishing, I've never done that.
>Germany, where you need to take a fisherman's test
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Literally the first results when you google "Germany fishing license".
We have perch and a few seabass here, not catfish though. For me I love salmon fishing in rivers the most, just nothing quite like it.

That's a big salmon my man. What kind is it?
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>What do you fish for most? I assume saltwater fishing, I've never done that.
Well I fish for cod probably the most, since salmon fishing is restricted to the summer only. Also coalfish, both are easy to catch and free and healthy food.

Saltwater fishing is definitely much easier than salmon or trout fishing, as cod and other common fish like coalfish are extremely bite-happy and they're almost everywhere in abundance. 5 minutes from my home, if I go fish a few hours before high tide, I can catch a 1kg cod with literally every cast
That's not me btw, but it's atlantic salmon from a Norwegian river, just got it off of google. It used to be the only salmon kind we had here, but since the Russians set out Pacific Humpback Salmon some decades ago, they have since spread here and are considered an invasive species.
That sounds fun to be honest.
It is, but since it is so easy you don't get that high from casting for hourse and finally getting a big one. Probably why I enjoy salmon fishing the most, it's more like a hunt for a grand prize and you get a big kick out of it when you finally get one.
That's fair, often when I take people out fishing even if I set them up with what I'm using they struggle to catch fish and I'm getting one every cast, so then when they finally get one they get really excited, I kinda forgot about that. Maybe I should go for a sturgeon before the year's out, I have a limit of 1 per year.
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Fuck it catching a new species today time to hike.
Sorry, which one of those would you call "yellow perch"?
Top left.
Here in Denmark we have a 3 tiered system
>"lyst fisker"
you can fish with rod and reel in all available places
>"fritids fisker"
same as above but nor you can set traps, gill nets, any stationarry fishing, and also nets off boats
all of the above, but you can also legally sell

Im a "fritidsfisker" because i like to set traps for crabs in the ocean and crayfish on land

there is no test wtf, it costs so little for the license i cant even remember what it costs and you get a neat little card.
ive never actually seen an inspector in my life, i just see it as a donation to ensuring fishing rights because those are constantly under attack from "animal activists" and the like
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Somehow overshot my goal by half a mile but eh water is water.
and you dont need a license if you are under 18 or over 67
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Current faster than expected I shall move on until new species.
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Oh yeah spotted these deer tracks.
if those are actually topwater then it doesn't matter much, pick one with a light bottom and a dark bottom
now if they have an action that flashes the sides of the lure down into the water then it might matter more
there didn't used to be saltwater licenses where i live but there has been for years now
not that it has helped, the overfishing is insane and there's minimal enforcement
apparently now they are talking about closing the most popular sportfish fishery entirely
they are somewhere between a frog and a spook
In Norway, you can fish completely free wherever you want in the ocean with a rod, or a "jukse" from a boat with no license or anything. We can also set crab traps without any license. There is some restrictions on other equipment to fish, but I'm not familiar with those.
>it costs so little for the license i cant even remember what it costs and you get a neat little card.
You need a license for the ocean as a fritidsfisker?
>ive never actually seen an inspector in my life
Only heard stories about inspectors at rivers here, which makes sense since it can be difficult to avoid as many rivers have only a few easily accessible areas. Though I admit I've had the temptation to "tjuvfiske" aka illegal fish in rivers for salmon, never done it though. If you're dedicated it's probably very easy to get away with.
That's sad. Yeah overfishing is a problem. I've heard that the east coast of the US used to be abundant with cod, but overfishing basically destroyed the populations so it got banned commercially, and now it's basically impossible to catch cod from land there, even with the populations having improved in recent years.
yes that is where i am talking about
they are supposedly considering banning any harvest of striped bass now, recreational or commercial
God damn it, hiked in with way too much gear, forgot my rod at my 3rd spot and had to drop everything and go back a half mile for it, made it back to the last spot and I don't know what I hooked but it stripped the line on max drag on my trout rod then spit the hook. Shit day, but at least I ran into a group of 10 wild turkeys, that was fun. The mountain lion didn't find me either.
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why haven't you been out fishing recently? there is a stunning lack of fishposting

caught this beautiful lady last weekend

going for more tomorrow
that's a nice river, you had fun
>You need a license for the ocean as a fritidsfisker?
No. Fritidsfisker just means i can do everything a commercial fishing vessel can, but i cant sell, if i wanted to, i could wake up tomorrow, buy a boat and trawl shrimp off Greenland, the normal fishing license gives you complete access to ALL public available places, including the ocean
Does anyone have recommendations for polarized glasses that are inexpressive?
I don't know what you consider inexpensive but I use these
They're a timeless style. Don't get those wraparound dudebro ones they look like ass.
I wear 1 coin tedi sunglasses, basically because I cursh them everytime
how can you catch fish without a head?
you don't actually need a brain to catch fish
You can get cheap polarized sunglasses just about anywhere. The cheap ones on the spinning racks at Walmart work just fine.
Also, at $15 each, if you break or lose them, you can buy 12 more pairs for the price of the Ray-Bans the other anon posted
Gonna go properly fishing tomorrow for the first time in over 10 years. Promise you to post anything good.
Good luck!
Today I threw out some fake, LuckEstrike Trout worms. little black wiggly plastic things.(I got them from a mystery box from Kohls.) I saw some fish on the edge of the lake. they went towards it immediately and attacked it a couple times. I thought I had a bite but didn't. I think a few more casts and they went somewhere else. There's supposed to be bass at the spot I go to but haven't seen in a few trips. I still haven't caught a fish. I want to mostly fish for bass but just not seeing any last few trips. Also the trails suck and it's hard on my car.
i caught two fish today
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Pflueger rocket, premax rod, Len Thompson spoon, 10lb pike.
Fishing lvl?
Caught a stocker (trout). Nearly caught two, but the second came off at shore. They were supposed to do it tomorrow (today at this point), but they did it on Friday, so I headed over after work. I followed the Outdoor Boys recipe, which is a little salt, brown sugar, and melted butter broiled for 5-10 minutes until the fish is brown, the sauce is burning, and the skin sticks to the foil. The meat became cooked but not browned, the skin did not stick, and the sauce burned. How do I get the skin to stick and tge meat to brown? Next time, I'm thinking I'll make more sauce.
Unfortunately, I haven't caught shit today
Um it's a fresh caught trout, just cook it without covering it in sauce you ranch dressing nigger
I'm not going to eat plain, unseasoned fish. I don't anything that way. I'm not a medieval peasant.
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got fucking skunked again fellas, this isnt looking good for my upcoming fishing roadtrip
size 8 hook on 4lb mono using redworm and gulp maggots as an anon itt suggested, still nothing. those fuckers have to be out there
weather was far more favorable today, nice and overcast and i got out way earlier than last time (arrived around 10:30 this time). ducks were far less faggy too
where are the fishies /out/ists?
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Where do I buy a boat? New or used?
boat shop?
Boat dealership, craigslist, FB marketplace, other online marketplaces, Want Ads in your local paper.
Overcast is good, but you're still getting there very late. Try getting there at sunrise. How long are you letting them sit? Pick yourself up a rod rest of some sort and if it's legal, bring and use more than one rod. I usually have one rod with bait that just sits in the water while I work lures on my second rod. I'll check the bait rod every 30 minutes or so if the bobber hasn't moved, and re-cast to another location.
Bummer! Hopefully you have better luck next time!
went to ye olde stocked trout pond again
found a nice sunny cove where the fish were stacked up, lots of followers on lures but they just wouldn't bite anything, maybe too bright and they could see lures looked weird
then i remembered i had a weighted bobber and some trout magnets and they bit like crazy, but as soon as the sun dipped behind the trees and the cove got shady they left and/or quit biting and jumping
even had an impromptu live folk music jam session next to me for a while, sometimes fishing tourist spots is okay
Non motorized buy used on FB/CL
Motorized, same but make sure you either replace the motor or take it into a place to have it checked
For a more advanced boat like a sailboat don't buy used.
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Perch were hungry for the big stuff today.

Strangers kept coming up to me and telling me their life stories though.
What are you fishing for and what region do you live in?
This guy has no idea what he's talking about.
I don't know what this means
Thanks bro
i could stand to be more patient i'll admit. meant to get out the door by 8 at the latest but im a heavy sleeper.
southern us, was after bluegill on that trip but ill be chasing catfish later
i could not catch a fish today
bros the season change is getting to me.. I've been skunked for 2 weeks in a row HELP
What are you fishing for? With the weather getting cooler I can't throw anything out without it being absolutely battered by perch, crappie and bluegill, and occasionally some decent size bass in the 1-2.5lb range. The salmon run started right as the weather dropped but because we got no rain, the river was too low most of the time and I never got a single bite. Just gotta go for small fish bro.
i say skunked, its an exaggeration. I can pull crappie and bluegill just fine but I've been trying for bass recently but im still new to bass fishing so it could be any combination of lure/location/ weather.
I went out again and tried to catch bluegill but didn't even see any this time. I used some little red fake egg things by Grub. I also bought a square bill on the way there and got it stuck underwater after 4 casts. That's my second one.
I've had some success with the green garlic scented fire eggs, I don't know the brand I got them in a clearance section but bluegill fucking love them. Also the occasional trout. My only problem with them is that smaller fish will steal the egg straight off the hook even with a size 10.
How far can a 1-5 oz lure be thrown in the sea?
The most I can get is 15 m, I use monofilament and a 2.9 m fast action rod
How dead can I expect my nearest catfish hole to be at 8 am on a wednesday? I want to know whether I can pack my speaker or not
Depends. I wouldn't ever bring a speaker. If I'm outdoors, I try to take it all in. A speaker is against the spirit. I try to combat zoomer and industrialized tendencies especially when outdoors.
>Bought a $10 rod at walmart, the $20 one I wanted was one piece and I can't transport a 7' one piece
>Looks like complete trash
>Slap an old 90's Daiwa reel with bail release trigger on it
>Realize I"m missing some part of the mechanism and it won't auto flip
>Remove trigger so it doesn't slam into my finger while reeling
>Looks janky as fuck and doesn't even have full anti-reverse because of the trigger
>Yet some tweaker will see it and think it's worth something and steal it out of my car if I leave it in the back
I wish I could just exist without tweakers stealing everything. I wonder what having nice gear is like. I'm thinking about prescuffing the rod so it looks less new.
Lose weight not the trigger. If it's hitting your hand while you're reeling you're either holding it wrong, or you're so fat that your sausage flingers are in the way.
It's missing at least one piece, it's possibly missing two, but even if it wasn't these things are well known for smacking your fingers when you're reeling fast.
you can return just about anything to walmart
i caught six (6) fish today
How do I profit from a boat?
Bounty fish all day every day. Some shitlord made like $60,000 on a local invasive species last year. $6-12 per fish.
what do you need to do that
how much should you invest in a boat?
I want to use it in weekends for camping at sea or fishing/snorkeling
Bounty fish are all regional, just look up your region and either "bounty", "invasive" or "reward" keywords should probably find it. There's only one fish in my area they pay for, and only during spring to fall.

>I want to use it in weekends for camping at sea or fishing/snorkeling
>At sea
Yeah this is a different level of boat needs typically.
>Yeah this is a different level of boat needs typically.
tell me
The conditions at sea are not the same as lakes and rivers. If you were just going out on a lake, you could get a rowboat for $100 and have a blast. If you were going on a river, you could drop $1,000 on a used bass boat that could fit 4-5 people and probably be fine. If you are going out on the ocean I wouldn't trust somebody's $1,000 garbage.
Alright thanks, I live by the sea and there are no lakes around so that's why I was asking
Lucky. I would get a 10 foot rod and surf fish all day if I lived close enough to the coast.
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Yeah it's so much fun
Too bad I have to work
damn son
you should've seen the one that did insane head shakes, peeled like 50 feet of line in one run, then more insane head shakes and threw the hook right out of it's mouth
actually i wish i'd seen it too
never had one run like that, like it was a damn salmon, i wonder if it was a big holdover brown
Good job anon. I love trout fishing but there's only one stocked lake near me and the wild ones take a lot of hiking.

Here is the last one I caught the other day though. Not my hands. Yours look way fatter, stocked or wild?
this is a stocked pond, there's wild fish but the typical freshwater fish like bass and perch and bluegill
all the trout are stocked, but it's deep and cold so the trout survive and get really big
there's often at least one annual record fish caught there each year
Oh nice, there was a lake like that in my home town. My brother and I took 1st and 2nd in a youth tournament when we were kids with some massive trout I miss it. The lake near me is only deep in one small spot but there's little vegetation so the trout don't really go there, they end up in the shallows and my biggest so far h has been around 15 inches 1lb-1.5lb max. I think it was the algae bloom this year maybe, it was my first time there I'll try earlier next year maybe I'll find some fattiest like you got. Ones who went deep and survived the winter maybe.
the spot i caught those is a big tourist attraction and i suspect the state intentionally puts bigger fish in there
like i can drive less than 20 minutes to another pond that was also stocked with rainbow by the state this fall and have a hard time catching one that size all day, most are around the size of the one you posted
anyway i like to put some in the freezer in the fall and the bigger ones are a lot easier to fillet so i go for those
That sounds fun, you're pretty lucky in my opinion.

Honestly, I've been catching rainbows my entire life but I have never caught a different type of trout. I've been trying for some local wild trout but have not managed to land one. I want a brook trout... Some anons have posted some really cool looking ones.
i caught one or two brooks at the same spot as those rainbow, but last year
they were no more than 12 inches and i'm told it's been a while since they stocked those and they grow really slowly
there's a big reservoir with lake trout in my area too, but fishing for those is slow
Yeah I don't think brooks get too big but they have really nice colors. I catch and release anything short of a steelhead so it'd just be to check off my list of neat fish I've caught doesn't have to be big.

>there's a big reservoir with lake trout in my area too, but fishing for those is slow
How you doing it? Actually what style did you catch >>2785620 on?
those rainbows are stockers they'll eat most anything, though i've had no luck on small spoons
the water there is incredibly clear and i think they can see metal spoons like kastmasters and mepps don't look right, but they'll eat powerbait and marshmallows all day
the lake trout are tough because they are in a huge drinking water reservoir where boats aren't allowed, so you have to be in the right spot when they move by, if they move by close enough to shore
big metals are one method there, cast far and work them along the bottom
lake trout look somewhat like brooks with the white tipped fins, but they can get absolutely massive and they like the bottom and really cold water
That's interesting. I've caught wild rainbows but that's just because they're common where I'm at but I'm fascinated by these other trouts. I am jealous, all I'm saying.
there's a lot of cool hybrids like cutthroats and tigers but i don't think i've ever seen one
Yeah, I recently learned that the rivers near me are supposed to have a decent amount of...

>Bull trout
>Rainbow of course

Yet I've never seen anybody catching anything but stocked rainbows so I have no clue where to start looking for the other species. I have tried several spots and had bites but failed to land the fish so no clue if it was trout or what.
I've just started fishing, inshore saltwater (Caribbean coast). I have a 7" medium-heavy rod. Fluorocarbon line. Lost a bunch of stuff from my sample artificial bait box so ordering more stuff.
Anything else I should grab? Also, does anyone have any advice? It's been over a month and I haven't even caught a cold.
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Use braided instead
Use that fluorocarbon as leader
Watch this https://youtu.be/SamrdgVjpQk?si=EeV0khBDAPRfHZFO
And if you want to actually catch something, use bait (worms, squid, shrimp) so line + sinker (depends of your rod) + hook and you are done
If you haven't caught a fish in a month it might not be your equipment.
unrelated but how legit are the stuff from temu/AliExpress, does someone here buy stuff from there?
tsurinoya is good
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I fucked up, today. I drove an hour and a half to a trout spot. Yesterday and the past couple days, I've been fishing at a nearby stocker pond that just got stocked. The weather was great, but it was windy af, as one would expect in this scenario. I decided it was best to use a spinning rod because of the wind. I didn't fish for too long, and I ended up catching 4 rainbows and one brownie (my first). I killed the brown trout. It was at the end of the day. I have wanted to try a brown trout for a while but want to do it in an ethical way. This guy was hooked badly, and it was the end of the day. I should've kept it, but my thinking was off. He was not moving much after my release, so when I realized my mistake, I tried to net the fish. I failed. Then, I failed a couple times to noodle the fish in the undercut. That was fucking retarded.
have the sagacity and proflex iii rod, dark wolf ulra reel and all kinds of plastics, mostly knockoffs of shit from geecrack
don't fuss over stockers in a pond
This, stocked trout aren't as hardy as wild ones and unless you're ripping them out and chucking them back in dead on purpose you're probably fine.
got one nice stocker that was maybe a little bigger than the 3 i kept the other day, pretty fun on an ultralight with a trout magnet, though i lost several to head shakes throwing the hook
the rod isn't quite stiff enough to set the hook deep on larger fish
works out when i don't want to keep fish though
This was a wild brown trout in a river. I agree with you, however.
I had been fishing at a stocker pond earlier, but this episode comes from a river.
Right, so the only thing I can deduce from this exchange is that either my casting and reeling technique is bad (seems unlikely, how hard can it be?) or I'm fishing in poor spots for fishing. I fished yesterday inshore again, took advice from >>2785643 and used shrimp bait, line + sinker + hook rig (following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PolsZ2Sqbs4 for rig setups, so I used the "knocker" rig). Of course I didn't catch anything, but I met another guy coming from that same spot and he said he doesn't get anything there much either.
I'll probably need to drive a bit farther to get a better spot that's not near any hotels, etc. Most people I meet fishing in the spots I've tried said they don't have a lot of luck there.
Good luck
How far are you casting?
Also forgot to ask if your bait gets lost or chewed a bit
I typically use 0.5 - 1OZ sinkers, and I notice I'm able to cast 20-30 feet out from the shore.
And yes, my bait has gotten lost a couple times at least, and I'm almost certain that it was because something took it.
A couple times those I've reeled in sand crabs, though.
I want to catfish and have not catfished since I was a child, any tips for rainy cold weather catfishing? Only have channel cats native around me but there's a possibility of bullheads.

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