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what happened to them bros?
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>Lost track of trail
>Didn't know directions, kept going south deeper in the rainforest opposite of the town at the north
>Starvation sets in
>Used camera flash at night for visibility
>One girl got injured, succumbs
>Other met the same fate
>Body eaten by wild animals, hence the scattered bones/ foot in a shoe
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>Favourite /out/doors mysteries
The greatest mystery on /out/ is why low quality spammers spam /out/ but never go outside
>>Starvation sets in
It was only 14 days, and surely even women can find food in a jungle...
>>Used camera flash at night for visibility
Does that even work? I don't think you can see much with a brief camera flash and it would ruin your night vision. I think it's more likely they were using it to signal rescuers. I don't understand the hair photo at all though
Would you rather I made another boring gearfag thread like half the catalog?
Make a map autism thread like the other half. We need more of those.
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Slumach's cursed gold mine.
who the FUCK puts red text on a green background
I would. They have good contrast. Get fucked for being colorblind.
>I don't understand the hair photo at all though
checking for a head injury
All this plus they only had one water bottle between them and probably had intestinal sickness from drinking raw jungle water starting day 2. Plus one of the girls slipped on the monkey bridge and had a head injury.
They didn't obey their father.
>women do anything without male supervision
Is this really that confusing?
Looking at this map they could have attempted the "dangerous river crossing" and got swept downstream. We have drownings in our local rivers every year from swimmers getting caught in currents.
>still writing this mambojambo when it's well established that rabbit people got them
Panama tourism damage control shills begone.
Froon was poon’d and Kremers was crem’d
>It was only 14 days, and surely even women can find food in a jungle...
I've done multi-day guided backpacking trips in the jungle and it's harder than you think. As far as animals, we only saw birds and monkeys. The monkeys are high in the trees, tribal people hunt them with blowdarts. There might be fruit but it isn't as common or easy to find as you think. From people I've talked to, fishing is the best way to do jungle survival but you need something to fish with. I could probably figure out a way to catch fish if I had to, but these were young women so they probably didn't have great outdoors skills.
as far as water, there are various ways to boil/filter water (like picrel), but again most young normie women don't know this stuff. A guide showed me that in the jungle you can get clean water if you have a machete to chop vines and drain water from that, since apparently the water in live vines is clean. I don't remember if it was a specific vine or any vine.
>I've done multi-day guided backpacking trips in the jungle and it's harder than you think.
to clarify: We brought food with us, but while I was doing these treks I was always imagining what I would do to find food if I needed to and it wouldn't have been easy. We did occasionally find tracks of peccary or other animals, but idk if we would have been able to hunt or trap them.
my group drank bad water and within 24 hours we could barely walk. Many of us ended up in the hospital. Even being 3 miles from help in a state like this would be extreme danger.
I had a nasty bug that just about took me out for two weeks, it's no wonder people shit themselves to death all over the world when they have limited knowledge or access to treatment.
>>>Starvation sets in
>It was only 14 days, and surely even women can find food in a jungle...
Anon what's the longest you've went with absolutely no food?
I fast regularly and I wouldn't even recommend 5 days fasts to people without practice, and they live in the comfort of their homes, let alone on an exhausting jungle trail.
Kek you fat fuck. You don't fast regularly, stop larping. You're on 4chan.
Keked and checked
>I can't go a day without food therefore nobody on 4chan can
NTA but /fit/ used to have a dedicated /fast/ing thread. Lots of people there promote fasting. I've done a few 5-day fasts, but even that was at least with electrolytes. If you don't have electrolytes, and you're in a hot humid jungle, then 14 days is going to be very rough.

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