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If you really cared about nature, you would live in an urban area.
Get me out of here, its just blacks and hispanics paid by property owning elites to watch you and monitor you everywhere you go I hate it.
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That's only if you assume our population NEEDS to be 8 billion and more. If we didn't explode in numbers after the industrial revolution it would be trivial to live in rural areas without the need for millions of square miles of agricultural lands and without pressure on wild lands.
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>One could easily build dense and small villages in a rural area

You just described European villages
Now you just need to combine Euro villages with American rural areas
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Your pic is tight, but it's only moderately dense. Compare it to a barcelona superblock for a really dense city.
Also most european villages are far more spaced out than that, and generally more so the more rural the area is.
you don't understand the amount of people that live in cities right now. and i'm not even talking about india or china, even in europe if you spread everyone in cities over villages, you have literally no natural spaces left. there is little to no space in between the villages. not to speak about the cost it would mean doing all the infrastructure for that and so on, right now it's very efficient to concentrate most of it in cities.

it's sad but cities are a necessary evil even with how much population we have now. we should take steps to make them better so that less people want to leave them. and also restrict natural reserves and so on so that they are not invaded and ruined during holidays
I'm not proposing we spread out cities into the countryside, I'm suggesting we concentrate rural towns more densely.
>Inb4 ruralites screaming bloody communism at me
Yes, yes, I know it's your god-given right to consume twice the energy and ten times the land of an urbanite. Forget I said anything.
this entire board is autistic for thinking and insinuating that cities are some new foreign concept as if they arent designed to be a centralized hub for business and stores for a reason

no one is stopping you from moving
only video games are stopping spending your money on games and gear that you dont use and save retard get your priorities straight faggot
>are stopping spending

are stopping you*
stop spending*
It's not necessary at all. All we have to do is allow the population to decline instead of importing billions of immigrants to sustain infinite economic profits.
Urban areas are what created the ecological mess we're in.
What's needed is localism and permaculture. People returning to mostly small, tight-knit communities.
>Just become a subsistence farmer bro
No thank you, I like living in the 21st century.
i'm talking realisticly

the big problem is that it's not actually a big problem in today's society. if governments actually took it seriously and took steps to improve it, then it could be great
just buy up degraded land and reforest it. you just increased biodiversity and created habitat for many species by living rural.
no reason not to be a 21st century subsistence farmer.
There is no point in preserving nature if no one is allowed to actually enjoy it.
Hello Buckminster Fuller.
This is unironically correct if and only if urban centers were ethnocentric and the jews were pogromed.
>It was real in my mind
It doesn't say that retard--however some peoples version of "enjoying nature" is fucking it up with their invasive species parasite spewing pets.

However it doesn't anywhere say to not go into nature--my guess is you're one of the locust minded who loves cutting down trees though.
>I know it's your god-given right to consume twice the energy and ten times the land of an urbanite. Forget I said anything.
It literally is though and you cannot stop me. Why would I care about preserving nature if I never get to enjoy what I'm preserving? It might as well be destroyed at that point
>I enjoy nature with a chain saw and a back hoe
Well if it's that kind of party I enjoy nature with a 30-30 hunting people on backhoes. It's all about enjoyment right?
No thank you. The US has 300M people and there's a metric ton of land that is public to explore and filled with nature.
I would rather see all illegals and people let in under the 1960s immigration reforms sent back.
That includes their children.
You could enjoy nature by going there in a small car from your small apartment in a multi-story building. It could even be close to nature - closer even than the single-story house with your ecologically useless lawn and parking lot for your massive pickup that you actually "enjoy nature" from.
Of course the problem with that is you're in a densely populated area at that point, and you'd need to 'share' any outdoor areas with potentially hundreds of other people. Who of course will litter, listen to urban-melaninated music over bluetooth speakers, and just generally be noisy, obnoxious cunts.

So no, I'll take my rural house on acreage, thank you very much. Being able to throw on a pair of boots, walk out my backdoor, and hike for miles and miles without seeing a single solitary soul is worth whatever feelbads rurals existing cause your delicate urban sensibilities.

What urbans/brown people fail to understand is that for a good chunk of us, being outside AWAY FROM PEOPLE is the point of going /out/. You've kind of outed yourself is a smelly urbanite whose idea of 'going on a hike' is walking on a paved path somewhere.
Dunno where you live, but
>throw on a pair of boots, walk out my backdoor, and hike for miles and miles
I do that too, and I never encounter noisy, obnoxious cunts with urban-melaninated music over bluetooth speakers. And I live in a place with regular public transportation. (Except on fathers day. But that's to be expected in germany.) It's all well behaved families and older people.
>being outside AWAY FROM PEOPLE is the point of going /out/
Seems unhealthy desu.
>Fill all land with houses and people
Ah yes, the locust mindset. Let me guess, you're a christcuck.
You're an idiot.
Rural areas are infested with morons like you and flooded by nearby cities. You idiots move to the forest, cut everything down and pretend your a pioneer. You're not a pioneer, you're a locust and you probably moved to a small town from a mega city or are first gen of people that did.

The problem in the US is immigration and will always be shit immigration in the context of population distribution, density and crime.
Perhaps your part of Germany hasn't been sufficiently enriched yet. I'm in the US (Oregon), and any semi-popular hiking/outdoor area is packed with such people.
If it's unhealthy and wrong with enjoying solitude in nature, then I guess okay; you got me. I'm absolutely, positively defective.
Absolutely wrong on all counts. My hometown is almost certainly smaller than whatever concrete hellscape you're in.
Or are you that incredibly weird and obnoxious faggot who constantly goes off on rants about logging cartels, forest restoration etc etc? (While living on his parent's """RANCH""" consisting of 12 whole acres in CA? You use the same kind of cunty nonsense logic.)
I don't think I'm a pioneer or a homesteader or anything like that. I do like living out in the woods and having trees on my property though. The fact that it makes people like you go off the rails is great.
The only thing in your word salad post that makes any sense is that immigration is vile.
Nobody said you have to participate
It's not what I do for nature, but what is being done to rule the masses regarding nature. Same thing goes for veganism, if you cared about farms it shouldn't suffice with you not eating meat.
I live the cheap and lazy commie block pod life on 400sqft + a tiny yard on the very corner of a city. I'm not into homesteading or enteraining crowds so a bigger flat or house would feel like a comically huge bedroom.
I'd like to buy a big meadow though, to camp, mow and enjoy that i'll stay meadow.
>under the 1960s immigration reforms
Way too late, everyone and their offspring that came after 1400 need to go back.
Most of rural Europe has way more farms instead of forests, and whatever forests there are often look like some park because of how much human intervention there is in them.

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