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Finally, a non cucked map for 2025 that takes into account:
-natural beauty
-ease of access
-activities other than mountaineering (fishing, hunting, birdwatching, canoeing, relaxing, hiking)
-cost of going /out/
-peace and quiet factor
-safety from crime and wildlife
-flora and fauna biodiversity
what do the numbers mean?
Explain the difference between montana and minnesota for example.
Is this golf scoring? Lower the better?
kek those flyover fucks be real mad about CO, WY, MT, and CA. nailed the east coast at least.
Multiple factors but the largest in favor of Minnesota is that it holds the source of the Mississippi, while negatives against Montana are that it has Grizzly populations and two of the most visited National Parks.

I can explain more but essentially this is what the scores are like if you ignore mountains, since 99% of these maps are essentially just measuring whether normies perceive the state to have mountains or not. This map is instead correlated to the availability of peaceful time outdoors.

It's 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
>1 being the lowest
why tf is nj a 1?
It's the most densely populated state with humid summers and cold winters, pollution, urban blight, high gas prices and expensive, essentially zero peace and quiet. The only thing it has going for it is that the hunting restrictions aren't as bad as you would think with a decently high bag limit.
>This map is instead correlated to the availability of peaceful time outdoors.
Yet Ohio is rated higher than Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Explain.
Thats wierd cuz Montana holds the source of the missouri river - the longest river in the US. And having grizzlies indicates a level of habitat and wilderness that is certainly comparable to MN if not exceeds it considering how much space a single griz needs. Moreover, Montana has over twice as much public land as MN. Its natural beauty also exceeds that of MN. So, seems like a really retarded map.
>So, seems like a really retarded map.
It kind of is! Georgia is not too fucking bad itself and most of Georgia, it's either sex for deer hunting; we have some of the Appalachian mountains in the north and fishing is pretty good if you like both fresh and saltwater fishing. We also have almost 500,000 acres of wilderness in Georgia.
bait thread, very feminine
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Ohio has great lakes access, and both PA and WV suffer from coal-mining scars while Ohio’s ecosystems are more balanced and user-friendly.

Quantity =/= quality
grizzlies and mountains are not suited for someone looking for calm and peaceful communion with nature rather than adrenaline
the missouri is long, but again quality over quantity. The problem with you people is minmaxing every stupid metric, more elevation, more land, bigger, better, etc. it's idiotic. 150 years ago nobody in their right mind would agree that the terribly sublime mountains are more beautiful than the placid lake and woods. Your brain is infected by a diseased culture.

Texas earned its spot for sheer variety and accessibility, and the beauty of its niche ecosystems >picrelated
how lgbt friendly the state is :)
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also, you'll notice that the number of peaceful rivers that are clean, easy to enjoy is a major factor in these rankings (esp with Missouri and Arkansas) Texas is very strong in this category. The Devils River is perhaps the best river in the USA for peaceful kayaking, but its not easily accessible - no matter, Texas has numerous other more accessible rivers that fit the bill
>fifteen replies to a bait thread
we should all ritually throw ourselves off buildings
it's not bait
Utah should be a 3. Terrible state
Hyperurbanized state with very little by the way of /out/.
>muh pine barrens!
Lol. The real map has been posted hundreds of times for the better part of 10 years for a reason. It's dead accurate.
Nj has the highest amount of public forest land east of the Mississippi
Outside of the northeast of the state this isn’t a problem.Northwest nj is great for out,pine barrens/wharton state forest is vast,Tom of protected marsh land in the south of the state. Everywhere that isn’t housing or farms is forest land.
It's the most densely populated state in the US with a population density of over 1200 people per square mile.
doesnt matter.
have you ever been here? im assuming not.
hey man the cackalackies aren't that bad
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>sex for deer hunting
Uh anon..
>Sheer accessibility
98% of the state is private land, most public land is small and located either in the eastern half or northern half
See >>2791007
I live there
the areas that were highly urbanzied and devloped into suburbs were almsot entirley farmland. no public forests were demolished for these developments. outside of ft.dix-lakehurst and naval base earl all forests in nj are public land

you can also see what areas were devloped into suburbs here:https://newjersey.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/media/index.html?appid=fcad50ae41634cd1aa293e3e47ce1c00

nj used to have sprawling farmland and was almost entirely agrarian 80 years ago.
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>grizzlies and mountains are not suited for someone looking for calm and peaceful communion with nature rather than adrenaline
Grizzlies occupy about 10% of the State. Its the 4th largest state. There many exceptional areas to commune with nature without threat of a grizzly. Really weak sauce.

That being said, if you cant commune with nature in a calm and peaceful way simply because of an extremely small threat of an animal then that says more about you the nature in question. weak constitution.

>the missouri is long, but again quality over quantity.
The missouri is a quality river- one of the best trout fisheries in the country. its also much less developed than the miss in Mn with far less traffic. you seem to be ignorant about basic facts.

>The problem with you people is minmaxing every stupid metric
>creates aribitrary metrics that are nonsensical and still cant defend them with anything factual
I ain't reading allat
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Yeah I don't think so
Your metrics are all based on quantity while mine are based on quality. The issue isn't the idea of a metric itself, it's that the metric has to be tied to the minimum or maximum of something quantifiable.
These maps are meaningless because I guarantee very few, if any anons have been to all 50 states and explored the outdoor opportunities in each, so it's impossible for there to be a completely accurate and unbiased rating map
I can't tell what the ranking system is supposed to be but
>new jersey the same as oregon
I'm guessing it's the number of homeless shelters.
>non cucked map
It's just a "Texas Bestas" propaganda piece.
anybody gonna comment on this?
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>two of the most visited National Parks.
Why is this a negative aspect when you could easily avoid them by visiting other public lands nearby?

>-ease of access
>-cost of going /out/
>-peace and quiet factor
This is the national forest. It's free, easy to access, and there's hardly anybody there. You need to look up the USFS Interactive Visitor Map.
This is retarded how you give Iowa or North Dakota higher anything in the Rockies shows what a complete/in/-tard you really are. Fuck off and don't come back.
Can you create a key you dumb faggot? Holy shit you dumbasses never cease to amaze me.
You're on /out/. Humble yourself.
Live in Louisiana and have looked into what Texas has to offer. It’s not great for the reasons already stated. Great offshore fishing but overall not impressive.
>Oregon is a 1
This isn’t /pol/, and not all of Oregon is Portland. Absolutely gorgeous state. Same with California, though California looses a few points because it’s so damn crowded.

Year round skiing. Great birdwatching (like all coastal areas). World class hiking. Varied ecosystems. Fantastic fishing. Bretty gud hunting. Beautiful rivers. Wonderful summer weather.
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>I don't think so
of course you dont. because you are afraid of being wrong. Nothing you have said has shown that MN has easier access to nature than MT. The fact that there is 3x more public land in MT means that is, in fact, easier to access with fewer people. Which, per your metric, means MT should be higher than MN
>This map is instead correlated to the availability of peaceful time outdoors.
you havent thought this thru lol
You tried to make a troll map and kept the east coast accurate, why?
>California: 2
>Oregon: 1
>Washington: 3
PLEASE kill yourself immediately. Rope is on sale at Home Depot.
You are an idiot, read the criteria, This is what the map looks like if you don't bias it towards mountains. There is literally no reason why mountainous terrain automatically means good /out/.

Sorry but neither the dry western mountainous states nor the crowded polluted eastern states are good for /out/. Based on my criteria, best place for outdoors is the heartland west of the Mississippi and east of the Rockies, and the map reflects that trend. It's not a "troll" just because you're seeing a non-npc opinion for the first time in your life.

You'll also notice that Idaho, Nevada, and Utah are ranked much higher than their neighbors, so it's not strictly favoring one region over another - each state is ranked on its own merits.

This is like trying to explain what the color red is to a blind person, there is a bigger QUANTITY of land in MT but that land is QUALITATIVELY different.

If you read the map Missouri is the only state to receive a 10.
I'm aware of national forests and i've spent plenty of time in them, this is precisely why they didn't weigh positively or negatively on my rankings at all. Same goes for BLM land. All highly overrated.
You already know why.
Nj is good for out by your criteria.you’rr just an ignorant fool that refuses to respond to constructive criticism and change the scores.
>AZ at 3
What a load of bullshit, I live in AZ and its incredibly diverse in terrain and wildlife.
It has more public land than TX for hunting/hiking, the fishing is pretty good in the white mountains, AZ should be like an 8/9 and if you disagree you're probably too stubborn to admit it.
fuck off we're full
but you havent demonstrated this. You just claim it as so. Its a logical falacy on your part. You need to show why the more limited, higher populated /out of MN is better than MT (excluing the 10% that has Griz cuz your a pussy)
>Montana: 2
>Colorado: 1
troll image
I'm pretty sure this is the same retard who spent an entire thread seething about the west (in a thread about Colorado IIRC) because "public land in the west is too hard to get to".
Looks like you just threw a random number generator at it
>-natural beauty
MT>MN (its almost equal but its not miserably humid in MT like in MN)
>ease of access.
MT>MN (dont have to drive 3hrs to the lake or NF)
>fishing, hunting, birdwatching, canoeing, relaxing, hiking
MT has exceptional opportunities for all of these things
>cost of going /out/
MT has no sales tax
>peace and quiet factor
MT>MN. Its the 4 largest state with barely a million people in it. exceptional peace and quiet
>safety from crime and wildlife
MT>MN - fewer people=less crime
>flora and fauna biodiversity
MT>MN- certainly greater diversity in fauna by far

your map doesnt check out
say what
Bumping the correct thread
I lived in Wisconsin for 7 years and I never realized how awesome for even extremely casual /out/ it was before

>Ice Age Trail
>Driftless Area
>Devil's Lake
>Door County
>Wisconsin Dells
>Lake Winnebago
>Lake Michigan AND Lake Superior
>Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest and other northern woods
>only passage into the Upper Peninsula

Now I live in Iowa and it's drastically worse but at least I'm not far from Wisconsin
chequamegon mentioned
It's amazing how triggered coasties get by positive evaluations of the mid american states
>go out in texas
>hear a faint "hey ur on my land" in the distance
>watch bullets go through your body and fall to the ground and die
Real nice chart OP
Fucking bellend
Doesn't matter. You aren't a Texan.
I'm not American for that matter.
My country is a high score of all those states
>sheer variety
It's this shrimple.
I think the only things that do not exist in Texas are mountains (real mountains, not foothills), tundras, and rainforests. But there are no tundras and rainforests in most of the world, and definitely not in the states at all.
most people in texas wil ask you to leave first before shooting.
Im pretty sure it's the law to provide a proper warning and they also have to be doing something that would prompt you to shoot.
Simply crossing your lawn isnt viable for castle doctrine. Now if they cross your lawn and idk
kill or attack your chickens while doing so then you can shoot
Texas makes up for it's intense amounts of private land with excellent free land to hike and camp in.
Anyone who tells you otherwise hasnt really explored the state much.
Texas has 10 land biomes and 6 different types of water ecosystems.
We have hills and mountains as well.
do you even know what rainforest means?
Or are you so autistic that when you think of rainforest you think of the brazilian rainforest?
>no tundras and rainforests in most of the world, and definitely not in the states at all.

Both of those exist in AK. But there are also rainforests in the lower 48 as well as high alpine tundra.
there are some small remnants of sabal palm forest in far south texas that are borderline tropical, with wild ocelots
not enough rain to be a rainforest though


additionally the mountains in west texas are not foothills unless you are one of those retarded gatekeepers who considers the entire appalachian range to be "hills". the high peaks in texas are higher elevation than the appalachians but with a similar prominence.
emory peak in big bend has a similar elevation and prominence to mount saint helens.
I live in Kansas. This is wrong. Don't come here. We are a zero.
>makes a whole list of characteristics
>forgets about water
good job, good effort
Why is this map so gay?
Turn your brightness, you're seeing your reflection in the glare
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thanks for the projection
vgh, bring me to Oklahoma
anybody whos been to the dakotas and saw this god awful map should be seething
under the cateogires listed i the OP NJ is undeserving of a 1.
natural beauty? check
weather? fine check
ease of access? more accesible than most traditional /out/ states
activies other than mountaineering?check fishing,hiking,canoeing,birdwatching etc
cost? low check
peace and quiet? debatable in the north east of the state but everywhere else check
safety? only one bear mauling death so check
flora and fauna biodiversity?checl
whats wrong with the northeast?
Armpit belt tier delusional. The only semi-decent or good tier states in the armpit belt are AR,E OK, SW MO, and MI.
Ive never been to the USA, but its been fucking great watching you yanks fight over this.

Can you really judge a states /out/ without having spent years there with an excessively high amount of /out/ trips? of course everyone is going to be biased of their own state (which is why you are all arguing)
of course not
nuh uh


thanks op. It’s been a long day. I needed that.
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Nice try
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I'm from rural Kansas and it's more of a solid 4.
dont sell yourself short plainsanon
It's a very generous 1
What do you guys think of my Canada map? I've only ranked the provinces I personally visited; suggestions welcomed.
why is the pacific northwest so low
genuine question I've never been but from pictures it seems beautiful and I've heard they maintain their nature well
it is by far the best out area of the country but this board doesn't like it because of some liberal retards in the cities
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Ok. 1-5 depending on where you are. A lot of places that are nice to go to such as the flint hills seem to always smell like cow shit.
>Louisiana 9

nice bait

t. louisiana fag
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Somebody is mad he lives in the armpit of America
NYS being a 3 doesnt make any sense
This is a troll map. Kind of annoying that a slow board has only a few threads and one of them is just a giant troll...
Mods need to start banning the people who posts these. As the outdoors within the US are not governed by state boundaries but rather by geographical features, these maps are absolutely politically motivated. Oregon, for instance, has a c on monkey let different climate on the eastern and western half of the state. California incorporates like a dozen microclimates because of its sides latitudinally and its changes in elevation. Texas as well can’t be judged as a singular place in this regard.
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Bait or retard? I’m guessing retard.
Nah, there's nothing wrong with using States as a convenient grouping but this is a bait trolls post, that's the problem.
I just explained why states don’t make a convenient grouping, specifically because their political boundaries don’t coincide with the available outdoor recreation activities (which are dictated by geographical features).
They're arbitrary groupings from an environmental perspective but perfectly fine for the purposes of a fun meme. Obviously the only really accurate map would have to provide an independent rating for each and every national park, state park, etc.
Or alternatively you could use an ecozone map, that might be interesting as well.
Forgot the attachment.
Peninsula fag or south central?
It's almost as if you scored it backwards
More like a map for people that hate mountains and nice views
How is Jersey a 1??? Genuine question. Did any person that scored this map ever even visit or live there? I live here and no lie it's a bit of a shit hole at times but that doesn't mean there aren't cool, beautiful, or fun spots. A 1 is a slap in the face.
A 1 is a bit extreme, New Jersey has pine barrens and coastline surely that counts for something.
Generous 2
It was bait, yeah.
This is so, so retarded and made by someone who has never been outside
for me, it is 60,61,62,66,67,68,69,70,71,36,37,38,39, the best eco regions
84 severely underrated
and vast mount ranges in the northwest and central part of the state. youre never more than 5 minutes from wilderness or mountains even in the "city"
The only two wilderness areas in NJ are in the great swamp and the Forsythe wildlife refuges, the latter being a coastal marsh and not walkable. Not exactly 5 minutes from anywhere in the statem 1000ft hills are also hardly mountains.
lol. of course it is.
>vast mount ranges
this is blatantly untrue and something only an idiot would say
compared to other similar landmasses/peninsulas on this continent(long island,flordia, and the delmarva)
>copes with backpedaling
I dont think you know what the word "vast" means
wharton state forest, bass river, watchung mountains, alpine, the entirety of land bordering pa from blairstown up into high point state park,the mountain ranges and lakes north of hopatcong and rockaway, etc etc
i dont think you're a student of geography or history.
>more falsehoods
I dont think you are very smart
keep coping, you're clearly lying . this isnt a dick measuring contest
Those two spots i mentioned are the only federally (or state) designated wilderness. Just because it's a park or forest doesn't make it wilderness. None of those other places mentioned are wilderness.
meaningless statment from an autistic. make sure to focus on artificial definitions made by bureaucrats instead of what is actually real.all of those places mentioned are wilderness, this line of argument shows how unserIous and petty you are.
You would have to have a dick for it to be a contest.
childish statement
The wilderness act of 1964 was written by Howard zahniser, an environmental activist, not a politician or bureaucrat. Only those two places i mentioned are designated wilderness under the act becausee only those two places are free from human development. Those other state forests and parks all have roads and inholdings and development. Not wilderness

If you don't like that definition, how about the one by Aldo Leopold, a true outdorsman and father of wilderness preservation
>By “wilderness” I mean a continuous stretch of country preserved in its natural state, open to lawful hunting and fishing, big enough to absorb a two weeks' pack trip, and kept devoid of roads, artificial trails, cottages, or other works of man.
No area in new jersey can absorb a 2 week trip. I bet you can't even go 2 days n NJ without having to cross a road.
you can look at a map and see that isnt the case for those places you mentioned and that the places i mentioned far better fit the actual criteria
>No area in new jersey can absorb a 2 week trip
thats due to the size of nj itself not the Size of the wilderness. your desire to win an argument has made you lose your bearing on reality and logic. there is no ego here and no consequences for learning/changing your mind.
Ok let's look at those places on a map.

Oh no! Look at all those roads!
Even on the AT you can't go more than 2 or 3 miles before you hit another road
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WV rated low for “coal mining scars”

I refuse to believe this isn’t bait.
look at the places you mentioned first which is the point of contention for you entIre line of thinking.
How about in Wharton state forest?

Ah! Nothing but roads! Ever half mile even. How can it be wilderness if you can hear engines and smell oil?
those are trails
answer the challenge>>2799165
king of being disengenious.

also use a satelite map you caveman
if you had ever been there you would know those are a mix of access trials for the fighting wildfires and old indian trials from when the pinelands was once populated
Ok we'll have a look at forsyth

By golly! No roads! Just a lot of preserved salt marsh and islands
Trails only open to non motorized traffic on this map app are in orange, those double white dashes represent dirt or 4x4 roads
there are no roads ,because that land is unsuitable for road construction. also incredibly small . there are larger sectIon of land in wharton and bass river that include "no roads" it just matters where you draw the line.
thank you for giving me insight into the mind of someone who has already made up their mind.
if you lived here you would know that the only difference is the width and that they are of the same material.
That's the point. That area is wilderness because there were never human developments there. It retains the original primitive character. All those other places with criss crossing roads and long effects of human development have lost their wilderness character. That doesn't mean they aren't fun places to be in, or cant regain some character through proper management. But they aren't wilderness.

And the wilderness parts of the bass river are part of the forsythe refuge
They are permanent installations that denigrate wilderness character. Wilderness has no trails or just enough to minimize impact of use.
there was never human development there because its useless land. the "roads" in wharton which are compleltey the same as the trails were made to keep the damn thing from burning down. if you werent autistic you would how histrionic and arbitrary this distinctIon is. please tell me how this effects the /out/ abiliTy of nj in any way?
wIthout those trails the forest would cease to exist and yes they are extremely minimal.
New Hampshire is only a little bigger than NJ and the white mountains could absorb 2 weeks easily
why would anyone go to new hampshire? the beauty of nj is you have access to almost every biome whilst also being in arms reach of the only place in the country that matters.
I think you should reread the criteria for the scoring on the map. accessibility is a plus not a negative
>we have to have roads because the forest wouldn't exist without them
So it's not even a natural forest? Basically a garden? How is that wilderness?

I never said anything about the /out/ ability in NJ. I love coastal pine forests and swamps. I think it's important to use the word wilderness sparingly and only for things that qualify because it is such a precious and limited commodity. By the definition you seem to find acceptable, half the country is wilderness, and there is no way to separate places with unspoiled and intact ecosystems from fallow exploited land.
>So it's not even a natural forest? Basically a garden? How is that wilderness?
its about conservation which nj has preserved despite beIng the densest state which is its beauty
Idc about the map, that was only to reply to the point about NJ limited by it's size, it's not, it's limited by it's development
I appreciate conservation and managed forests. They just aren't wilderness is all. A manicured garden is not wilderness. An area left to its own devices is.
>missouri 10
>tn 4

kek whoever made this blatantly has never been to East TN with one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the entire world.

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