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This thread is for hobos the world over, any style, any type. Simple as.

I will begin by bringing fourth the idea of the California hunter gatherer, not only do a very wide range of crops grow wildly in California but also there is NO LICENSE OR PERMIT NEEDED TO HUNT NUTRIA. This means that hobos can eat all the fruits and veggies and nutria in California that they could ever want. California also lets you kill european starlings and house sparrows, but there is less meat to be had there.

The main premise is that hobos can take full advantage of invasive species when they don't have a hunting license, for example in Florida they could hunt many types of reptiles freely.
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*slaps Nutria*

This mini pig can feed so many hobos
Why is nutria unregulated but boars require tags?
>mini pig
Lol ok if telling yourself really works. But in reality they are giant swamp rats.
See, this is the problem with hobos today. They don't make any fucking sense.
Kill yourselves
You are worthless pieces of SHIT
You are nothing
You are trash
You are parasites
Kill yourselves
Fucking dirty scummy pieces of shit
Kill yourselves
Everyone hates you
You're disgusting and revolting
Kill yourselves
Useless worthless pathetic losers who are only blights on humanity and the world
You make life worse for everyone that has to see you or interact with you
Kill yourself
You're a worthless junkie that deserves death
Kill yourselves
You aren't even human
You're animals
You're creatures
You're scum
Kill yourselves
Why would i need food if i have fent?
there are no modern "hobos".
just mentally ill drug addicts who have been coddled and enabled by wealthy progshits who have the resources to not have to deal with them directly.
HoBoing is not about living off the land like rats. That's just being homeless. HoBos are happy to live and work in civilized places, they just don't stay long and live minimally. Remember that the words originally meant homeward bound; if you were a hobo it was just to live and work cheaply until you made enough money to come back home and settle down. What yall are talking about is just dirtbagging
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haha, hobo stove goes brrrr
While I agree with you that working for globohomo is gay as fuck, I'm not going to start trapping and eating swamp rats when chicken is 2 dollars a pound.
im free, thats all that matters to me. im cold and hungry, but im free.
buy me a plane ticket to cali and ill join in
Dunno about that when y'all keep defending paper over water... lol.
I have no clue what that even means
Why don't you just do it instead of posting about it?
You 14? Everyone owns phones dude
Not an argument.
So you just made a post that has no application to the thread at all? Only in your head do the circumstances make sense that someone posting a thread with a topic mean this excluded them from engaging in this topic? As well as prevents others that engage in the topic to join the thread?

I think maybe you are just insecure about literal homeless people. A lot of people live like this.

Sort your life out.
>there was no response
Never met a hobo that does fent

Perhaps you are thinking of open air insane asylum patients

Much different
Put em on clutch
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Take your pick bro.
>cant read

did you miss the part where I said "open air insane asylum"
I have it on good authority that rat tastes better than McDonald's if prepared correctly
he didnt misread, hes a shill trying to stop people from living a stress free life.
Leave them be.
Make a garden.

It’s so effortless to house all these peoples.
So many buildings are empty.

We need to cut off whoever associates with the parasites that make housing unaffordable. Many of these people would be like anyone else
You can make a pretty decent burger out of the meat.
Just be sure to cook it thoroughly.

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