#519- “Stale Bread” EditionPrevious Thread:>>2795992janny pls…Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here! http://www.pastebin.com/u/fishingandtacklehttps://imgur.com/a/1Xw3NNew Bong Fishin Guidehttps://pastebin.com/sDB5SQTqFirst for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.Talk about fishin
>>2803612>waiting for a nibble with the rod on your clitWhy are girls like this?
>>2803612I'm going fishing tomorrow for the first time in about 35 years.
I wish I wasn't poor so I could afford to go icefishing. No way I'm doing it without some kind of shelter.
>>2803614Look at her pose and the rod position. It's on her pubis mons, not her clit.>>2803619Good luck and have fun.>>2803645Unless it's really cold, you should be able to go without. Try hole hopping. You can walk around a bit to keep blood flow.
11.5 inch perch on one of my.jaw jankers
I'm sick at home with the flu doing some reading since I missed a day on the ice.>>2803645I got a used tent for $100CAD, look around, especially at the end of season for people selling cheap gear, or build your own hut lots of people do.
it's been above freezing for the past 2 weeks now, think i might open fishing season a bit earlier this time around, maybe hit local ponds looking for perch
I want to target crappie out of a river for food. I have coworkers who have caught enough for a feast, but my concern is that I wouldn't be able to get enough in one day. I could totally catch a bunch of bluegills at a pond or a creek, but rivers are alien to me. Do I just have to freeze enough to have for later?
>>2803652>Good luck and have fun.Thanks. I caught pic rel.I previously cast a hex nut around my yard using some old line that was on a used reel I bought. I thought I had the hang of it. Today I loaded my spinning reel with new 10# mono. Things went badly.Whenever there was slack on the line, even mid cast, it would often shoot loops of line off the spool and cause a huge tangle. My guess is the line wanted to be straighter because it just came off a larger diameter spool. I saw something about soaking the spool in hot water after loading it. Is that a good idea? Also maybe my lure was too light for the line.On the plus side, I got a lot of practice getting out tangles and retying my lure after cutting out the really bad tangles. I didn't lose any lures.Originally I tried to use 10# braid instead of mono, but I couldn't get it securely tied to my spool. I wrapped the spool in a layer of electrical tape but it didn't help. Any tips for that?
>>2803652>Unless it's really cold, you should be able to go without. Try hole hopping. You can walk around a bit to keep blood flow.I've thought about trying to go out on the nearby creek. My grandma said her and my grandpa used to do it - they'd just bring an old metal firepit to keep warm. I have one of those.>>2803721Very nice fish. Are you using colored line or does it just look gold on the spool?>>2803724>I got a used tent for $100CAD, look around, especially at the end of season for people selling cheap gear, or build your own hut lots of people do.I've thought about building a hut, but I think that would end up being even more expensive than a brand new tent would. I'd need some kind of trailer frame with wheels to build it off of, so that I could pull it.
Biggest of the year so far, winter trout on the swing. took a green butt mini intruder.
>>2803761>always see people posting their trout catches>they're fucking huge like this>meanwhile I go to the local trout pond and the biggest one I can catch is smaller than my fucking handIt's not like it's a tiny pond either, there's two levels and each one is probably at least an acre or more in size. I don't know if they can winter there but they stock 6+ inchers every year.
>>2803762My local ponds are fished out by poachers. Today I saw a Mexican fishing with five poles. The state limit is two.
>>2803759It's high vis yellow power pro with a mono leaderI don't own a shanty I just keep my back to the wind and hole hop>>2803761>the swing.Hella
>>2803755You probably overspooled your reel. Forget about electrical tape when putting braid on a spool. Take some cheap mono, the cheapest you can find will be perfectly fine. Lay a bed of mono on the spool. Then, knot the mono to your braid and start spooling. You want to have a small gap on your spool. Do not let the line flow over the edge. It shouldn't even be parallel with the edge. You also don't want to have a half empty reel because you didn't put enough backing on. Determining how much backing you need in order to properly fill up your spool is an art.>t. sporting goods store guy
>>2803755Braid likes to slip through arbor knots that most use to start line on a spool. Tie a simple knot to the tail end of your arbor knot and pull it until your knots meet and it won't slip past.
>>2803764We don't have any Mexicans here, but we do have native americans who have basically no fishing limits. I don't know how many of them go to this particular spot, though.
>>2803777Trump is going to deport all the Mexicans this time for real.
>>2803762Whoever is stocking them is probably not paying for the big ones or there's not enough forage in the pond to sustain big trout. These are all wild fish but they come in all sizes.
>>2803773AFAIK the main problem is not the knot coming out, but the whole line rotating on the spool, effectively giving zero drag. Electrical tape is supposed to help with that on spools that don't have a built in "braid ready" rubber strip.
skunked today lads
>>2803764 was his ethnicity really that important to the conversation? try being less casually racist
>>2803772>You want to have a small gap on your spool. Do not let the line flow over the edge.I knew about that. That wasn't the problem in my case.
>>2803856Yes. No.
>>2803856You know it's funny people always invite you to try not being racist, and I've tried. I've decided that I prefer casual racism.
>>2803614Men still can't find the clit I see.
>>2803764No wonder why I can't get anything. Too many of them around here too.
Are squids the most aggressive/stupid ocean creatures? get stung by the squid jig 3 times and continue to chase it until caught.
>>2803755Samefag here. I reloaded my reel with 10# braid and a 15# fluoro leader. Casting was amazingly better and no tangles. Still no fish, but nobody else was catching anything either.First I tried a medium sized yellow and gold inline spinner. I saw a few trout go by about 15' out and 18" down and one of them went right over my lure without reacting. Then I tried a small dark blue diving lure. It floats fast and dives fast. All I got was weeds and an old line with a hook and weights.I consider this a success. Now I can move on to learning which baits, where, when.
>>2803854Hmm...I don't usually have a problem with that unless the line isn't snug to the spool. None of my reels have any sort of grip texture. The plastic ones are "flat" compared to my metal ones, but I don't have a problem starting braid on any of them. I use braid as backing on all of my reels. I used to have a problem getting the line snug, because the braid would slip when I tried to tighten it down. But adding the simple know to the tag end lets me pull the loop tight around the spool without it pulling the knot through itself. So that's why I was suggesting it.
>>2803898it is potentially due to memory of the mono, especially if you are using a more inexpensive option. Or it was spooled on in the opposite direction of its natural twist. Basically the line wants to spring off the reel because it's being forced in a twist it does not want. You can avoid by spooling with high tension or by making sure the twist of the fresh line is opposite of the direction on the spool. Or spooling it with the axis perpendicular to the direction of line travel. If you google line twist while spooling a new reel you should find some more clear advice.
straight up my dudes i am fucking going night ice fishing at 11pm and nobody can stop me. gonna get some brown bullhead or perhaps elusive night time walleye. essentially shit is going down. original footage from previous trips
>>2803898>I reloaded my reel with 10# braid and a 15# fluoro leader>First I tried a medium sized yellow and gold inline spinner. I saw a few trout go by about 15' out and 18" down and one of them went right over my lure without reactingDamn. 15# fluoro? Are you targeting steelhead or something. If these are normal, inland trout, you need to fish 4# mono, preferably 2# but no more than 6#. You can fish braid with a clear leader, but even the braid ought to be light for better castability, although this is much less of an issue. I have almost exclusively fished Panther Martins for trout spin fishing, but a Mepps or rooster tail work well too. My bosses love Yozuri jerkbaits, but they are targeting bigger fish.I'm assuming that you live in an area with access to a decent sporting goods store. If so, ask them for rod, reel, and line recs, and if you want, buy the lures online. Once you become knowledgeable and proficient, feel free to be
>>2803973The clip bothers me.
>>2803988here is catfish flourish this is wat i seen from tonight he did not bite my shit
>>2803979>Damn. 15# fluoro? Are you targeting steelhead or something.I'm expecting the "community fishing" lakes to be full of stolen bicycles.
>>2804055You're not going to remove an old bike from the muck with 15# fluoro. The simple fact is that you are not going catch many trout because that line is far too heavy. Losing tackle is an inevitable part of fishing.
>>2804055the trick is to make sure your line is strong enough to bend out whatever hook you're using. for example, I can bend out my owner mosquito light #6 99% of the time with 6lb line if I pull slowly.
Does anybody have any rod recommendations for getting decent cast distance out of ultralight tackle?I'm using a daiwa qz750 reel with 2lb trout sos mono with a 4lb braid filling the spool, and switching between a cabela fish eagle ultralight and an old fenwick fen flea both 4'6" or 5' one piece. I'd prefer to keep it at or under 6ft and can store/transport a 1 piece easily.I just got back into fishing and besides the reel and some small lures this stuff was gifted to me by friends and family
>>2804084you're gonna notice the most gains by going up drastically in length. at 6ft you will gain distance but not as much as you might expect. the lighter the lures, the more it really has to do with wind and line than anything else. there are lots of good 6ft rods, but if you really want to fling light lures, maybe look for a 6ft6 or 7ft two piece instead if you can only transport 6'ft 1 piece sized rods..you just want a really whippy rod that loads up with ease, otherwise you have to really throw your shoulder out to get light baits to go far.
>>2804088I was seriously considering a larger rod, but that would limit where i could cast a bit i feel. Maybe that would be a better option though, and keep the short one in the car just in case there is a lot of tree cover
>>28040896ft6 is usually short enough where you can still underhand cast with the rod tip down by your feet, unless you are really short. but casting like that isn't going to maximize distance anyways. you're not gonna get any kind of maximized casting distance with tree cover, I could actually probably cast further with a 5ft6 than a 6ft6 in that scenario because I can really fling the short rod instead of having to be extra careful with the longer one. when it comes to my ultralights, I literally have two lengths of the same rod. a 5ft6 for casting under low hanging trees, and a 7ft for bombing casts in the open. I take whichever to the spot that needs it.
>>2804098I was hoping to keep it simple with one main rod and reel but i think your option is better. Are the japanese mebaru rods good for this? They have many in the 7-8ft range with super light lure weight recommendation. Otherwise i was looking at the 6'9"-7' st croix panfish rods which the entry level models are quite a bit less expensive. I'm open to other models and brands, i just want something high quality but not too expensive (under 300 but less is better)
>>2804089Think about people who use 10 ft fly rods, like me. I'm not going take it fishing in an incredibly overgrown place, but I can fly cast it with trees and tall grasses nearby. If I can fly cast a 10 ft rod, you can cast a 6'6" spinning rod. I fished a very tiny but incredibly overgrown stream with a 6'6" rod. It wasn't a big problem. You should go with something longer.
>>2804079Why does the leader weight matter? I thought it was supposed to be invisible in the water anyway.
I lost my knife like 2 weeks ago. I found it. Had to chip it our of the Ice on the lake.
>>2804200Also found some perch under the ice
>>2804200Score! Nice perch too.
Got into the slow pitch fishing rabbit hole and now I'm tempted even though it seems expensive
I am a beginning fly tyer, but this is a caddis I can be proud of. Unfortunately, while I was trying to get a good pic, the fly flew out of my vise.
>>2804173Clear leaders are not invisible and the diameter matters a great deal. A heavier line means a larger diameter. Trout are leader shy, so the lightest leader you can get away with is needed.Not quite related caveat for anyone else reading: My boss told me that light weight braid works (or should work) for trout. On the day after the pond was stocked, my coworker caught two limits of trout with a bobber and some unscented soft plastic. I think it was a trout magnet or an ice fishing thing. I was throwing a Panther Martin and maybe a Mepps with braid most of the time. I caught nothing. I'm not the best fisherman around, but fishing a stocked pond around stocking day is more about luck and not being a retard, and using braid was a retard move.
>>2804243Here's a brighter brighter colored one I just tied. I've tyed bead head varieties, but they don't look as good.
>>2804119you don't really have to spend that much to get a good ultra light rod luckily. depending on how you fish, you could also go with a really long crappie jigging rod as your long rod. those can be amazing for bank fishing under low hanging trees, just a different style of fishing. fishusa makes their own line of ultralight and salmon/steelhead rods that come in really long lengths and are made for casting, but you could also use them like a vertical jigging rod for panfish. kind of a two-for-one type f deal. it all depends on how much you like ultra light fishing, I've aquired several rods because it's the type of fishing I do the most, and I often target bass with small lures more than with normal tackle. I have not used these rods yet, but I do plan to pick one up. probably the 10'6 salmon steelhead or the 9ft ultralight. I like that they show the bend in their videos. there is also the daiwa presso that comes in lengths all the way up to 11ft.> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbD9yHDK5Rc> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCIdQxRKPR8another good thing about fishusa aside from them carrying plenty of rods is that they often have a "buy ___ rod get a free reel with it" which is pretty sweet. it's a custom okuma reel with an extra spool and cork knob that they had okuma make for them. they run that deal all the time. they're actually running that deal with the st croix panfish you're talking about but I think it's the old model and you can probably find it cheaper elsewhere by itself.> https://www.fishusa.com/St.-Croix-Panfish-Series-Spinning-Rod_2/there is also the tfo trout panfish 2 which has lots of 1 and 2 piece models for a little over $100 bucks.
>>2804255>>2804243Those are solid >>2804173They're less visible but still visible. The biggest concern is heavier line impacts lure action and sink rates.Trout aren't as leader shy as you might think, I caught Pic related with a high vis 30lb braid mainline and a 4 foot 25lb mono leader during daylight hours fishing for walleye.
>>2804306It's so thick you can see it in the picture running from the lure, then along the fish and under my thumb, and off the screen. The leader knot is just barely outside the frame.
>>2804250>>2804306Differing opinions from experienced anglers makes me wonder if it isn't all just hype. But I got some 4# mono. I'll try that as a leader. Still gonna use 10# braid main line because I have it on my spool and it casts fine.
britbong here, I am planning a trip to BC this summer, I will be there for the whole month of JuneI can't find a single place online that will give me a straight answer to my question- where the fuck am I actually allowed to fish? I get there's rivers and lakes all over the place, but can I just fish any of them so long as I have a licence? are all rivers/lakes open public property? what about provincial/national parks? here in the UK almost all river fishing rights are owned by someone and very few are free to fish, you normally have to join a club or buy a ticket to fish a certain location for a given timeit would be great if I can just fish wherever I want but I don't want to break any rules and get fined
>>2804340I don't know the rules in BC specifically, but I know the rules in North America well. The government owns the fish and the water, unless it's a tiny pond entirely on someone's property. In many places, you can walk in the water, and in every place, you can float in the water without neighboring landowner permission. Just go to a park or walking trail along a river and start fishing. That's all public.
>>2804340Most lakes, rivers and ponds are public and owned by the crown and can be fished, but you can't walk across someone's private property to access it. We don't have right to roam here. Provincial/national parks usually have their own rules and regs, parks canada website should be a good resource there.
>>2804338Honestly that sounds fine. I personally would have gone for 6 or 8 pound but 4 should be fine. A lot of fishing shit is just hype and hyperbole. Fish are stupid. Put something food shaped in front of them and make it look like food and they'll probably eat it. >>2804340See if you can't track down a phone number or email address for the B.C. department of natural resources or similar office, they'll tell you.
>>2804342>>2804355thanks lads, I felt retarded having to even ask but it's all very different to how things work here in bongistan. I'll investigate the parks as I will be camping for most of my stay, need to brush up on how to avoid becoming dinner for the wildlife.>>2804357thank you, if I have any further doubts on the matter I'll drop them an email
>>2804362Bears are growing resistant to bear mace. Just so you know.
get fucking donkered
Whats the best way to test ice thickness without going on the ice? I want to try ice fishing on a creek but I don't want to die. Should I just throw some big rocks on it?>>2804340All rivers in Canada - including the banks (something like a few feet from the permanent high water line) - are public. Not sure about lakes though.
>>2804447I was walking on a creek with thin ice a few weeks ago. I had a great time. You don't need much ice to walk on, even if you're a fatty like me. The cheap technique I've seen is stomping on the ice. Otherwise, you can carry a heavy, metal staff to test the ice. With the staff, you can get up to the ice without getting on it. The drawback is that the staff is very heavy and costs money.
>>2804452I'm just worried because the creek is deep enough in many places that falling through would lead to you getting swept under the ice by the current. It's a large creek.
>>2804455I was actually on the backwater of a river, and this backwater/oxbow area has creeks flowing through it. A week later, I was walking on very thin ice of a spring fed river. I actually fell through while making a phone call, but it was uneventful because I was wearing waders, it was shallow, and the fall was kind of slow. I didn't have ice picks, but I highly recommend them. Waders would be good too, especially for a creek.Walking on creeks is fun, unlike a lake. I would go for it, but I would never tell you to do so. I was told that wading over rivers is especially dangerous because of warm flowing water underneath and something to do with sandy bottoms. Back in the day (1980's), people in my town would walk on the frozen river to get to and from classes. I've seen ice skating pictures and whatnot from a long time ago. Frozen rivers aren't that scary. The scary part for me is taking lots of heavy stuff and drilling holes in unknown ice.
>>2804455Buy a spud bar and test as you walk. Rivers can be super dangerous, changes in temperature and flow can mean one part it a foot thick and 2 steps away it's barely thick enough to support the snow sitting on it. Falling into a fast flowing river through the ice that's taller than you are is almost guaranteed death sentence, not worth the risk. Check the ice always
>>2804446I used to have a pet crayfish.
>>2804447Spud bar, picks, and a rope tied to a weight you are dragging. Ice over flowing water is never trustworthy, so test with the spud bar before each step. If you do go through and end up submerged, the picks help you move back to the hole and the rope shows you what direction the hole is in.
>>2804357>I personally would have gone for 6 or 8 pound but 4 should be fine.Apparently not. I lost a brand new lure on my very first cast, then lost another lure a couple casts later. Both casts went wildly astray into weeds despite no perceptible wind. A knot slipped on the first one and the second one broke. I had a lot more difficulty tying knots in the 4# than anything else I've used. I can barely see what I'm doing with it. I will try 8#...
>>2803988Same. That shit looking obvious.
>>2804500Dubs confirm 4lb too light
>>2804306i wonder if this poor guy knows his pictures are being used without his consent
The best time to go fishing is when you have free time to go fishing.
>>2804500I borrowed my friend's kayak and recovered my brand new Rappala F3. There was another nice lure right next to it. Much too big for the lake and tied directly to some VERY heavy braid, like 40#. Yay! I'm not the stupidest fisherman on the lake.
>>2804465Well, I will definitely be drilling holes in the ice. Waders would only make a difference in the shallow sections, there are parts of the creek that are deeper than I am tall.>>2804468Yeah, that's my worry. Maybe I should just not do it. My grandparents used to go ice fishing on that creek and catch some decent pike, but that was many years ago (and at this point I don't even know if there are any fish in there. When I was a kid, it was full of crayfish and clams in the summer, now it's dead. Never caught a fish there).>>2804482Probably.>>2804498If I go through I think I'd just die. I can't swim at all.
>>2804546My ice fishing bibs have flotation. How do you not know how to swim tho?
>>2804547I never learned as a kid because I was too terrified to try, and I have no clue how to learn as an adult.
>>2804548Fix that shit. Community Ed or a YMCA (if you’re close to a city) pools have adult swimming lessons. Or you can go to the beach and teach yourself in 3 to 4 feet of water when the weather is nice, but I do recommend lessons. They will be able to see what you are fucking up, while you’ll have to try and feel what you’re fucking up and you won’t know what doing it right feels like yet.
>>2804551I live in a rural area, and I don't even know if they have YMCAs in Canada in the first place. That said, the town I live in does have a little artificial "lake" (more of a big slough really) that I could practice in. I don't know if they do swimming lessons though, but I could at least try by myself. I want to, at the very least, learn to float.I think the lake might be cursed though because like 3 people have died there in the past five years since they built it.
>>2804468>>2804546I'm absolutely not saying don't do it, I think you can be safe you just need a spud bar. It's a 50$ piece of equipment, and you need to be aware that you're on the riskier side of things already, so take the use of that equipment seriously, that's all I'm saying. Personally there isn't much I wouldn't do to get after pike on the ice. I'm literally waking up at 4 am tomorrow to get an hour and a half on the ice before work.
>>2804522The lighter the better. My ultralight rod is accompanied by a reel with 6 lb line. I wish it was 4 lb. When I fly fish, I mostly fish 5X, even when throwing tiny streamers. I do feel bad that the anon lost a couple lures, though. I broke a tree limb getting two nymphs back. If I didn't, I'd be leaving $7-8 behind.>>2804528lmao>>2804552Find a friend to teach you. Do them a favor first. Most people know how to swim, so find some chill male friend or a girlfriend and get them to teach you.
>>2804557That's fair. I really, really want to catch a nice pike. I caught a couple small ones in the summer, not big enough to eat though. I'll invest in a spud bar.I know that a lot of people go snowmobiling on this creek, so it's probably fairly safe. Still gonna be careful, though.>>2804562I'll see if my friend can help me this summer, I'm pretty sure he knows how to swim.
>>2804562Hard disagree the only times I use less than 8lb line is if it physically won't fit through the eye of the hook or tiny tungsten jigs for ice fishing. The only reason i use 3 and 4 pound test for those tiny ice jigs is so the weight of the jig pulls all the coils out of the line. Maybe some day ill put braid on my ultralight jig rods so i can go up to 8 pound test leaders. That said, i do have 5x tippet but it's almost exclusively reserved for #20 and smaller flies.
>>2804480was he fun they seem fun>>2804508yea im trying to experiment w/ the camera and how much the fish really care. the normal light i'm fairly certain none of them are particularly fond of no matter what time of day, the IR light perch appear nonplussed by it and it seems to draw in crayfish/catfish but I will admit my science doesnt have a lot backing it up w/ i dont do a lot of trials with no light at all.as far as proximity goes sometimes they'll fuck it up from right upclose. I have footage of a 30inch pike biting a pretty close lure altho at least as far as they can be from each other within a single hole seems productive
>>2804605You should have pulled that guy to the surface. Catch a crayfish and post a photo for us.
>>2804548just go to a pool and stay in the shallow end where your head is above water. you can swim in like 3-4ft of water. you can probably book swimming lessons somewhere too. or you can just buy a good life jacket and fuck around on a beach where the drop off is very gradual, better to do so with other people nearby. swimming with a life jacket will get your confidence up and your fear down, and the motions will become muscle memory which will help when you finally learn for real. I'd recommend just learning in a shallow pool though. who cares what anyone thinks.
>>2804306Poor guy got one of his hooks stuck in his nose. At least now he doesn't have to worry about buying bait.
>>2804605I don't know much about ice fishing but I have been jigging for walleye recently. Using a loop knot gives you the same ability for the lure to rock without all that flashy hardware. Can't change lures without cutting it though, that's the downside.
>>2804674>>2804605>>2804508>>2803988I make my own micro snap swivels for stuff like that. I usually use a loop knot for most stuff but I keep some of these on hand for stuff. I've not properly strength tested them but tying them to 25lb mono, the mono breaks first.
The perch schools have moved on and I am sad.
>>2804703How do you make those? If those are your bends they're seriously impressive.
>>2804605He was a little spicy man. Active and pinchy.
After coming across multiple eye-witnesses over the years I've come to suspect there are some 6-10' pike living in a watershed near me. From talking to another guy it seems that as they hit the upper reaches of their size range pike will stop hitting anything below a certain size - I suppose it makes sense as they would use more energy to strike than they would gain. I'm thinking of making a 'lure' out of a decoy duck that I work up a moving injured wing for and a pocket to leak blood in the water, but I'm not sure what to do about line. Maybe a 500lb steel cable, and keep it close to shore?
>>2804708I bend 124 pound single strand wire from afw with round nose needle nose pliers and just free hand it. bend the eye, put a micro swivel on it, twist the eye shut, bend the body of the swivel, kink the wire in towards the eye, then bend a hook on to that so I can clip it closed on the eye.>Pic related
>>2804718That's super cool, but super unnecessary! I set up a test rig with a 5gal bucket and a crane scale from my laundry room ceiling, the cheapass tiny wire snaps, though deformed, held until the 20lb mono snapped. I was worried about them being the weak Link in my rigs, spoiler alert it's always the knot, especially if not lubricated/dressed while tying.
>>2804721Good old vevor shit. I didn't know I was supposed to lubricate my line when tying it, might be why my knots break so much.>>2804718Damn dude, that's awesome. Great fine motor control.
>>2804674definitely been working on getting the smallest swivels I can. I get enough success and maintain my hands at the same time (I fish a lake outside my house so I often forgo a heater) >>2804703in your experience as a small swivel haver (and presumably an occasional big swivel haver) is there like a legit and serious increase in bites? I understand the theory just fine but how adamant are you about it allbrought up an pike 2day
>>2804727What are you using for filming? There's a spot we pull about 30 pike out of in a few hours every spring and I want to stick a camera down there. Running water, though.
Anybody wanna buy a Shimano Stradic 2500HG? I picked one up awhile ago and honestly I didn't like it as much as my Daiwa.
>>2804708I decided to make a shitty video for the sake of ithttps://youtu.be/eVfRYZmzR7o>>2804721A lot of things I do Is unnecessary, but it is cool catch on shit you makeHow big is that snap? I did some more testing with my snap swivel and took the swivel.off, I just broke a 4/0 circle hook and 50lb braid with it. I'll have to do more testing.>>2804723Thank you
>>2804727It doesn't matter enough for me to make my own
>>2804713The biggest pike ever caught was a little over 5 feet, so a 6 footer is probably possible. The biggest muskie ever caught was apparently 6 feet.
>>2804744The largest I've heard tell of was a 12-14' in a landlocked lake on the tundra, seen by a trapper back about 50-60 years ago. Nothing to subsist on but waterfowl and muskrat/the occasional beaver I suppose. The watershed I'm looking at has 4 different accounts of one that was 8-11' long - all unusual 'fishing' stories because people are almost universally afraid of them, not bragging.From talking to some fish and game guys who do sonar counts and tracking in the really remote parts of the state the record caught grayling up here (23 inches) is not the biggest by at least a foot, possibly a foot and a half. So I do wonder.I have a friend who goes fishing with his uncle once a year. His uncle has been trying to catch something in a lake, not sure what. Has snapped a 500lb steel cable and lost a 30 gallon 'floater' to it so far, last I heard. I've personally seen a 400lb hook bent straight while halibut fishing. Would have really liked to have seen that fish.So, I want this pike. I want to mount it on my wall. Won't ever need another fishing story after that.
>>2804723100% lubricate, and use your fingers to help the knot seat down into tight coils before giving it the final tighten. I teach people to slobber on it until there's visible saliva bubbles in the loops of the line. I know it's fucking gross but if the line burns while you cinch it down you can lose more than 75% off line strength. >>2804741I'm not knocking, it's a very nicely assembled component, I'm very impressed. I'm not surprised it's holding everything you throw at it. Not sure how big my snaps are, I Buy in bulk on AliExpress and just make a chain to throw in my tackle box so it's all a mix-up. Usually going for the smallest available, they usually list 2-3kg as the rating, but I've not had one fail under 30lbs yet. I'm also finding all my cheap Ali braid breaks at roughly 1.5x rated strength, mono breaks almost right on rating across the board, and all my hardware is ridiculously strong, brand name or otherwise.
>>2804734Its called the "MOQCQGR Underwater Fishing Camera, Upgraded 720P Camera w/DVR" although im fairly certain identical models are sold rebranded/this same brand isnt just a bunch of letters anymore.Honestly, it was purely an amazon special as far as I was concerned but its incredibly clear, has good resolution, spotlight mode and IR mode (interracial mode) and even though the ad copy says fish dont notice it im pretty sure the big ass light is indeed noticeable (jurys out on interracial mode) and they even slip you a 16gb SD card for it all. it was like 175 us. it might be worth mentioning that it saves the files in some weird ass .ts format that I then record a bandicam of and then put through animotica to get it to a postable size. I trust the 720p rating on the box is my tldr I guessI'm fond of the cruise this fella
>>2804754Friction compression making heat burning the line. Duh. Can't believe that never occurred to me. Guess I'm lucky I've been using paracord for burbot so far lmao
So I'm trying to powder coat some jigs but it says to "spray" it on them before baking. I thought you just dipped the jig head in there. Do I need some sort of spray gun or can I just dip the lead head in there and bake it?
>>2804754Looks comfy
>>2804727out of the water pic. didn’t keep he was on the line length wise but lacked girth imho
>>2804234Aaahhhhh, I'm looking at the grappler type j slow that is on saleSomeone talks me out of it. Tell me that it's just a weeb meme fishing method