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Hello /out/. It has been a while, maybe it is time for an AMA
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I fully understand that most you guys wont grasp the scale of these structures, mines or the remoteness of these areas.
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love your posts friend, desert mines look fantastic to explore, i wish our mines in the pacific northwest were this well preserved.
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I hate wet mines, there is so much more to worry about.
>I fully understand that most you guys wont grasp the scale of these structures, mines or the remoteness of these areas.

This is an absurd assumption. But other than that, cool thread.
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is it? most people don't know what BLM ground is. My overall point was that the pictures don't do these places justice.
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I haven't seen one of your threads in some time. You wouldn't happen to also produce regular YouTube vids as well? There is an active channel Nivea been following for a while.
I missed you mine anon
Why? Just why?
>he doesn't feel the call of adventure deep in his heart
No, he does not. He prefers to live.
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it has been a rough year for me. A lot of life changing events. Now that things have settled, I have time to post again.
I've never posted vids on YouTube, but a couple of my exploring buddies do. To me it is more work than it is worth.
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Thank you. I've missed all of you as well. Glad I'm able to be posting again.
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I grew up in a mining town. My Dad, Grandpa and so on were all miners. I love the history. The booms and busts of these places. I love seeing what these guys were able to achieve over 100 years ago.
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