>$375 a fucking day to hire someone to teach me how to become a mountaineer
>>2804002You don't need anyone for anything.Watch youtube videos. Read Freedom of the Hills.
>>2804002don't be an autist and go with other people then so it'll be cheaper.What do you expect, you are asking for a guy to spend all day carrying your unexperienced ass up a mountain while being fully responsible for your safety, of course it's gonna cost.
>>2804007This is in Mt Washington though. I'd understand if this was some technical peak.
>>2804002blame dick bass
>>2804008oh, that's pretty steep then yeah. Aren't there local clubs that do group hikes and stuff like that for cheap? That's usually a good way to start out, and after you've built some confidence you can consider going alone like >>2804006 said or maybe you'll have met experienced people willing to advise you for free
>>2804007How the fuck are you supposed to find a group of people who want to learn mountaineering?
>>2804012This kekI once tried to tag along a group of people who were hiking the adirondacks, these were mostly boomers so I assumed they'd be more empathetic, and they told me I didn't have enough experience to hike with them and blocked me. It wasn't a difficult hike either, like a 10 mile loop or something, but they didn't want me in their group. I've hated old people in the outdoors ever since, I would legitimately leave someone to die if I ever see one struggling to get through.
>>2804002I'd rather pay that than have dealt with my PTSD psychopath dad for 17 years, during which I attempted to learn the very same.
>>2804002Anyone know how these guiding services work? So what's the plan exactly, do you go up the mountain and then down? What if you pay for a week? What the fuck do you even learn for a week in Mt Washington? Does he only teach stuff 8 hours each day and then goes back to his tent, or is he teaching you stuff all day until it's time to sleep? how does it even work?
>>2804012>>2804014the internet, niggas.https://amcnh.org/committees/excursions-hiking-old/ There's bound to be some club near you that'll accept you, and they are mostly an excuse to befriend experienced people willing to teach you
>>2804020Thanks, bro. How do find these places? I'm in NJ.
>>2804014Damn that’s fucked up. I ran a MeetUp group and 10 miles was the absolute limit for beginners. They didn’t need any experience, they just couldn’t be morbidly obese or some kind of psycho.
>>2804002>>2804008>Mt WashingtonNo wonder. Pretty much anything in New England, from guided mountain services to skiing to lodging cater to white-collar yuppies from Boston with above-average salaries and tons of disposable income.
>>2804002That's $75 for the class and $300 to put up with people who need a class.
>>2804006Freedom of the Hills is a technical manual. You don't read it like you would a normal story.
>>2804064How do you read it?
>>2804064Good thing I didn't say read it like a story book.
>>2804002The reality is that if you have no friends or a group you are not going to be able to do any kind of _real_ mountaineering. You simply won't. It's highly dangerous to ice climb solo, you're basically asking to die. Even just walking near avalanche areas alone is a surefire way of never being found again if something goes wrong.
>>2804135I know the movie The Alpinist and he'd do it solo, why can't OP do it solo too?
>>2804147>Born on October 10, 1992, Leclerc was a free-spirited climber who died in an avalanche in Alaska in 2018 at the age of 25. Thanks for proving my point.
>>2804021>I'm in NJThey left you behind because they likely didn't like you, nor did they want some bum trying to tag along and listen into their conversations.
>>2804135Yes you can. >It's highly dangerous to ice climb solo,It's highly dangerous to lead ice climb at all. >Even just walking near avalanche areas alone Learn to understand avalanche terrain and the current snow conditions in the area you are traveling. >>2804150He died in an avalanche while climbing with a partner in winter. The lesson here is don't climb steep faces in winter, not don't climb solo.
>>2804155Whatever man, you're likelihood of fatal situations is far greater solo than with even a partner let alone a normal group. Something that can be treated and dealt with as a group can be life threatening solo if you're far into a mountaineering expedition.
>>2804150Tons of people climb solo during winter, just don't climb steep walls and you'll be find, you can still go up mountains and not die.
>>2804154It was literally a public facebook group of people making a group to go hiking.
>>2804002Don't listen to the clueless slobbering imbeciles, technical progression and ice are no jokes. Always play it safe, you come out good of 100% of the accidents you don't end in by avoiding the situation in advance. Learning mountaineering on your own is suicidal, I recommend you find someone experienced, befriend them and have them show you the ropes so you can move on from that. Or stick to low-risk activities.
>>2804002>Find mountain >Get to the topCongratulations you're a mountaineer. You think the pioneers of mountaineering took classes?
>>2804008Do you even need crampons or an ice axe for that?
>>2804448They also died a lot
>>2804392>Learning mountaineering on your own is suicidalNo it isn't.
>>2804448Men back there just were a lot tougher, you can't compare us with them, anon, it's not fair, it really isn't.
>>2804002Be young, reliable, and competentDo>>2804006 and make sure you have that entire book memorized because it’s all basic information you need despite being 700 pagesDo knot work at homeThen get a topo and a buddy and plan a route.
>>2804458Start small, some easy, short day piece with a steep place you can practice all those things you memorized in freedom of the hills. Practice with your buddy as long as possible. Then start working your way up to more difficult pieces. Also make sure to watch cornice breakaway videos so you understand mountaineering can be a literal dice roll.
There is only one person on /out/ that actually has shown proof of summiting during winter adn he's some anime weirdo. The rest are just larpers
>>2804458>>2804459This guy gets it. Dave Mac in GB lays out the route on youtube. Learn to walk in the hills. Map, compass, what a ridge is. You work out the rest. Put your foot on a rock. Can you climb down from that rock or move sideways to safer ground if not? Think about it. Keep doing that safely, until it's not safe then come down. Learn to do that properly, then on the day you're run out and it's going wrong you won't be soloing for the first time. Then learn ropes and gear. The rest is just higher/less holds/steeper/colder/hurr what is ice screw etc.
>>2804488It's an anime website, dilate you stupid nigger.
>>2804509Stop talking out of your ass.
>>2804002that's actually pretty cheap when you understand self-employed people pay a tax rate of about 50%
>>2804014Here’s how you take revenge (and it’s not illegal):>join their online group>fake some pictures of you on grand adventures (I guess you could go in a real one but it’s not necessary)>lie about your level of experience >find a big van and take a selfie next to it>tell them you have access to it (it belongs to your brother or something)>have them plan a big trip, far out of town>volunteer to drive everyone as long as they chip in for gas>plan to meet at someone’s house>when they call to see where you are, keep telling them your on your wayThis happened to my group, but it was just a crazy person, not a crazy act of revenge. He didn’t say he was on his way though. The morning of the trip, he said he had to drive 12 hours away to another state. When they ask why you didn’t show up:>because fuck you, that’s why!
>>2804007This is only good advice if the OP goes with competent climbers who know what they're doing. Don't go with inexperienced people because they'll be a safety liability. Don't go with fat people because they'll slow you down when time is critical.Don't go with quitters who have ever turned around on a mountain because they might do the same with you. Don't go with whiners because they will drag you down when your spirits need to be elevated. Otherwise go with a guide who will teach you how to climb safely. The skills you learn will serve you on future trips.
>>2804675>Don't go with quitters who have ever turned around on a mountain because they might do the same with you.lmao. Clearly you don't climb mountains.
>>2804675Knowing when to turn around is the single most important skill to learn as a hiker.You aren't going to be the next green boots when you die in the Whites, you just put a bunch of volunteer rescue workers in an incredible amount of risk to recover your body. If I die up there, I hope they leave me be until spring, no sense in risking more lives.