>You are going to survive the apocalypse in Alaska.>You have a rain jacket and jeans. >You can only bring one piece of equipment/gear. What are you choosing?
>>2804287>You can only bring one piece of equipment/gear. A Gerald R. Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
>>2804287>toyota hilux>1000 lighters>a womannaw, in reality, maybe a large magnifying glass?having fire as quick as possible is super important, and being able to make it effortlessly is even moresoa good sized magnifying glass is just about the closest thing to a lighter you can get, and can actually be even quicker i get clouds & night are a thing, but all you need is one good ray of sun, and you probably just saved a hundred to even a thousand calories in the worst of cases, theres a good reason injuns would kill you if they knew you had one
>>2804287i guess a human should have a knife so i guess the best possible knife ever
>>2804287>You can only bring one piece of equipment/gear.I bring you so I can beat you for making such a gay thread
>>2804302ntoi think these types of threads are interesting because they show what your priorities arei've seen ones over the years that made me end up changing my opinion on what i carry / prepare for, but i wouldn't have realized whats important without only being able to choose 1 thingits like not truly appreciating something until its gone
>>2804287>What are you choosing?Nothing you choose will matter because you'll be dead by the first winter. You're not surviving Alaska's winter with just a rain jacket and jeans unless your one piece of equipment/gear includes an insulated heated shelter
>>2804287Cast-iron wood stove.
>>2804287>What are you choosing?A good quality axe.It's Alaska, you didn't say I had to live away from the urban areas.The axe will be a decent tool for the apocalypse. I can murder motherfuckers, I can break down doors/windows. And as such I can loot.Honestly I'm about your average internet maladaptive daydreamer. But I'm not crazy enough to think I'd survive harsh climate without a shit load of equipment (be it tools, shelter, stoves, etc.)Even with all the equipment I dunno if I'd survive.
>>2804287Does a gun + ammunition count as 1 piece of gear? Because you'll die in Alaska without both.
One of these I guess. It's the only thing I can think of that's a decent knife and usable firestarter in what's inarguably a single piece of gear. If I could take a better knife with a ferro rod in the sheath I'd go with that.
>>2804374I was going to say a hatchet but I didn't think of going serial killer with it. I like your style.
>>2804287this >>2804374but you also didn't say no guns so I'll take a loaded gunrifle is preferable but I'm not picky
>>2804374Basically this, a good quality axe. You'll need to lay in a serious shelter with fuel before the cold hits. You can use it to make salmon fishing gear. Etc.
>>2804413Swisstech Stahlern walmart knife comes with a ferro rod; sturdy af and like $40
>>2804287>aifuck off
>>2804559What's wrong with using AI to prove a point?
>>2804287Since you imposed no limitations I would bring a 3 story fully integrated, ventilated and 10-year fuel and food stocked underground bunker.I understand the spirit of your question but what you asked is a fairy tale so you get a fairy tale answer.
Its kinda important to know for the LARP where in Alaska we're dropping in at. The North Slope is not the interior is not the south is not the southeast. Washington is not Florida is not Nevada is not Maine.>>2804559also this, especially since it was so fucking low effort
>>2804558Doesn't look terrible but I'd trust the Mora more. Also I wasn't sure if a ferro rod in the sheath would count for the rules, figured the Mora one was a better bet since the rod is actually integrated into the knife.