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/p/ - Photography

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This board should be /gf/ - Gear Fagging, not /p/.

What will your cope be when software and AI upscaling/rendering on phones catch up to pro bodies? A phone snapshit from a clueless stacy already looks better than a snapshit from a clueless /p/ poster.

You can even throw a filter on a phone snap and make it look like film at a glance.

AI jpeg processing in phone will destroy the need for pro bodies within a few years. How will /p/ standout?

I wish this board was discussing composition, lighting, techniques, etc...

Photographers using grainy, early-gen film and lenses full of imperfections were producing timeless photographs 100 years ago. /P/ takes uninspired and uncomposed photos with bodies that cost as much as a used car.

Not saying that Im a good photographer or anything, but it'd be nice to come here for inspo instead of purchase guides.

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composition is for people who don't see good images intuitively. composition is the biggest gearfag cope there is. imagine being such an 0.1x photographer you have to actively think about what looks good and doesn't.
1000x photographers just take snapshoots intuitively and outcomposite tryhard gearfags

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I just drive around my workplace with my camera in my lap until I see something interesting or cool I wanna take pics of

This photography thing...none of it matters. It doesn't fucking matter. Just have fun.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 50
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.5.0 (Android)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern818
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)247 mm
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Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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Image Created2024:09:24 10:32:52
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length165.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Well this IS a site for aspie dorks, so yeah it’s a gearfaggot tree. I was posting all the actual photo work & thoughtful critiques on reddit, but it was really starting to eat up my time, so I tested a theory and criticized the ideology of Islam as inherently flawed, and sure enough, instant permaban lol, so I don’t have that major time sucking website as a distraction anymore. Maybe I’ll post some more thoughtful things about photography (instead of cameras) on here instead.
Just clarification, I didn't mean to take a jab at snapshots. I think hobbies should be fun, and all that matters is that you like the photos you take, not others.

I'm taking a jab at the posters that spend hours debating sensors and graphs. Nice photos btw.

I don't think every good photo is consciously composed, but composition is far from cope. Intentionally composing a photo separates you from the act of simply documenting.

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Artists create art.

You are just a photojournalist using an expensive toy to document reality when your phone camera would suffice. I hope you get all the enjoyment in the world out of pressing button and hearing noise.

I see a lot of falsehoods and hysteria to disguise your seethe about money.

Yet another philosopher whose point falls flat with reversed pricetags.
If you ever do post, I'll be sure to read the thread
many such cases on this site infested with failed alt right self hating finance bros

all op said was
same shit I see on instagram: hurr durr why you buy camera, camera expansive, film expansive, laptop expansive
not everyone is poor you know
> much AI
did McDonalds touch screen terminals replaced you?
Kek straight to the heart. AAAAND… every single gear argument on /p/ is just seethe from some fag that could not afford something or carry an extra pound. CASH RULES OVER /P/
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To add for what it's worth: I only use a actual camera because I was tired of missing shots with my phone. Phones don't have the sensor or glass a actual camera has, even a early 2010s APSC/M43 or a good 1in sensor point and shoot (think Sony RX100 or Canon G7X) will mog the fuck out of most phones because it has actual glass in front of it you can extend out for additional focal length and a larger sensor. I missed so many shots because I had a phone that wasn't very good at photos anyways (Motorola Thinkphone). I've seen some ridiculous shots taken with 10 year old point and shoots that cost $60-100 used posted on this site that a iPhone simply can't do because it doesn't have the physical glass for it.

And as stupid as it sounds, /p/ is actually the reason I picked up the hobby. I like dumping my photos here. Thanks.

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My job may legitimately be the last on the planet to be replaced by automation, thanks.

Funny how the gearfag retort is always to call you poor. Not everyone considers this a dick measuring hobby for how much you're willing to spend on a camera.
Funny how you always come crashing in saying “money spend bad!” poorly disguised with pseudo-artistic fluff you don’t understand. Do you have an argument that doesn’t involve a piece of paper with no real value or a unit of weight or space that is irrelevant to men?
no, this is /p/. if they understood more than rule of 3rds woman face and rule of 3rds grass they would post about things other than dollars and grams while trying to claim a moral high ground that’s a mountain of mud
Why, if they did, they’d have to admit they just joined the problem

They posted one snapshit and spent the rest of their time bitching about other mens gear. They need to construct sides in their personal gear war to justify this.
>I wish this board was discussing composition, lighting, techniques, etc...
But instead of making a thread about any of those things, or bringing it up in any of the threads where people post the photos they've taken, you posted a bunch of gearfaggy ragebait that'll strain the patience of those who care about photography and encourage the kids who just want to play grabass.

You're part of the problem.
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>Reddit spaced gear/money war garbage full of crazy hypotheticals accompanied by a singular snapshot (no photos following this)
peak /p/, welcome to being what you complain about

at least it wasn't a blurry photo of the back of someones neck this time
Where in my post does it say that spending money on this hobby is bad?

I'm tired of threads with charts and specs trying to argue why one pro body is better than another when the most noticeable difference between the two is the logo.

All I get from get from the gearfags in this thread is poorly disguised buyer's regret. Be more like the plane dude who actually bought his gear to use it.

If you actually liked taking pictures, you'd spend more time doing that than looking up specs for your next purchase.

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Peak /p/ is taking a gorrilian snaps of your dog cause you never leave your house and your life is boring.
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That's right, I have a lake by my house. You think I don't take other photos, or I just don't post the ones that need to be ruined with ms paint censoring?

Enjoy your gear thread lole!
Don't let anyone find out how many jars of peanut butter you buy in a month
>the bestiality seething begins
Don't keep this up, you might end up basically spilling your typical 4chan user sexual fantasies and making a fool of yourself.
People have a lot of fun shitposting in the brand warz and geeking out over minute differences in tech charts, obviously. Gear threads were legitimately valuable to me as a beginner to realize what options were even out there and what to consider. For inspiration and learning, flickr and youtube interviews / documentaries are a better resource imo and that's fine. SOMEtime at least threads will discuss style and composition, but why would anyone post their personal portfolio here in this troll hole lol
>why would anyone post their personal portfolio here in this troll hole lol
Indeed, when if you just post a cute photo of your sweet and friendly dog, some gay neo nazi furfag starts detailing how he wants to rape it, and just replaces "i would" with "you totally"
>My job may legitimately be the last on the planet to be replaced by automation, thanks.
You're a prostitute?
The harder it is for you to recognize it as a joke, the more suspicious it makes you look
>He thinks detailing animal rape is a joke
Do you also make sexual comments about peoples 12 year old daughters and accuse them of being the real pedo when they curbstomp you or did you learn to stop doing that after the first curbstomping?
the person you are replying to has been getting dog fucking comments non stop every time they post because some schizo from /an/ stalks them and wants to frame them for bestiality as revenge for something
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composition for composition is futile
subject for subject's sake is futile

a true master make situations bend to his will. he mogs chaos by merging meat and spirit and ejaculates coherence.
>I hope you get all the enjoyment in the world out of pressing button and hearing noise.
I actually do. Thank you. I think the OM-5 shutter sounds quiet nice.
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so based and true

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I feel bad now, but taking jokes as accusations is nothing but a bad look.

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The black pill that destroys /p/ every time is that art has never come from a camera and never will. No matter how much they spend.
>I am a hyllic so everyone is too!
>Animal abuse
It's hard to take it as a joke when there's so much of the real thing. It probably feels more like a joke when it's a distant story to you, but the more you see these people are very real, and more common than they should be, the harder it is to tolerate it.

Add in most of the people making the "joke" on this website being actual animal fuckers and furfags who escaped their containment boards, and it gets very, very hard to think it's a joke.
Why not? Cameras making art. Not your stupid comment on spending money.
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>This board should be /gf/ - Gear Fagging, not /p/.
This so much. I only shoot film would only ever go on /fgt/ but since I've been looking at buying a new camera I've been looking at the threads on /p/ and I actually can not believe how much discussion there is on the cameras compared to how little discussion there is on actual photography. Actual cameras are a massive meme and the camera industry is the most retarded thing. It gets worse when you go on YouTube and you see how many fucking people have channels just discussing Cameras without ever proving that they know how to actually make good photos.

It makes me want to stick to film and never touch a digital camera because at least with film the only variable difference in image quality is lens and film, which is negligible, so there is much more focus on the actual act of taking a photo and the art itself.

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Cameras don’t make art, artists do. This faggot website is akin to painters arguing about which brushes are the most artistic. Retarded.
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2.22 MB JPG
just get lucky

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Cameras are hard facts surrounded by lots of hardcore cope between the people whose ego depends on wealth and the people whose ego is threatened by wealth. Trust fund kid vs wannabe underdog - loser vs loser. People therefore resort to lying about their least favorite cameras because something as simple as a fuji being sufficient or a sony being usable INVALIDATES THEIR SELF WORTH.

Photography is intuitive and spiritual therefore it can not be discussed without coming off as a bigger schizophrenic retard than susan sontag
lets be real tho any fujifilm product is throwing money down the drain to approximate the image quality of an iphone 15
>How will /p/ standout
The same way photography stood out from painting and CGI. The same reason pictorialism died ASAP.

I have a real negative, light to paper, proof of reality, a moment in space and time that actually transpired. You have “an image file”.
>overexposed vomit inducing swirl
wow the power of dog molesting
that's a man
What did he do to you? Why the constant seething?
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1.39 MB JPG
This is the touchdown of >>4364200 it's just a tiny bit out of focus.

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he's an animal abuser. that's all
>Told a zoophile to kill himself, so he blamed me for when /an/ doxed him and got him kicked out of his parents house (he also saved all my pictures off desuarchive and tried to larp as me to make it look like I was a zoophile - including photoshopping blown out assholes onto my dogs crotch). He is still stalking me, and thinks "doghair" is a janny who has it out for "zoobros".
>Dumped a bunch of photos on a few micro four thirds chart threads (national /p/asttime), and we know they're super fucking autistic (and yet didn't notice i was randomly swapping nikon zf and oly em5 exif the whole time)
>Some retard maybe thought that zoophiles reposts were actually mine
But which one is it?
Depends. Lots of Fuji cameras are cheaper than an Iphone 15
Wow, I'm glad I haven't pissed off anyone mentally ill yet.
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I'm glad that working in a darkroom makes you feel special. I actually printed the "image file" OP pic With my own enlarger.

My friends don't give me a weird look when I pull out my phone to show them a photo. Can't say the same if I pull out a full sized print in a casual conversation.

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Image Created2024:09:24 22:18:45
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>Can't say the same if I pull out a full sized print in a casual conversation.
Sounds like shit mates innit
>Can't say the same if I pull out a full sized print in a casual conversation.
plebs make pleb friends
>call a retard a dogfucker once
>now he thinks there is a cabal of stalkers watching his every move
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>rule of 3rds woman face
are we using the same /p? maybe 3 posters here are getting close enough to a woman to photograph her face. you're lucky to get a sentient subject at all
the mountain of gearfag cope and seethe is amusing but unfortunately they are still winning. logistically it's very difficult to for a single hasphoto to keep up with the posting rate of a single gearfag. and photo posters are greatly outnumbered. basically i think the solution can only come down moderation. there is no reason two dozen gear threads should be allowed to exist when we have the gear containment thread
is the blur from capture, or added in post?

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>thinks there is
There really was, probably just one, you can observe some of their meltdown here. It was some furfag that got doxed and tried to cause as much trouble as possible as a response.

And weirdly, someone on /p/ brought up a post that they would only know about if
>They made it
>They have been religiously reading /an/'s archives
And similar behavior towards one of the other people this /an/ guy hates has been seen here

I wish it didn't sound crazy, but there's no way a lifeless furfaggot eternally seething at 3 people from /an/ in hopes of getting revenge for being doxed wouldn't sound crazy.
>unprompted political terminology
>calling anyone else "failed"
17 exposures on one frame of film. Each one 3.5 stops under-exposed, except the last one taken at night for the moon.

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The most likely explanation is mcfurry’s disinfo campaign worked and other people from /an/ actually believe you and doghair have confessed to raping dogs.
>(and yet didn't notice i was randomly swapping nikon zf and oly em5 exif the whole time)
I did but didn't want to say anything. The aspect ratio gave it away.
…fuck. I’ve probably spent enough on WLs to have just bought a real doll
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>you're lucky to get a sentient subject at all
trees are sentient, asshole

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kek what a fucking sperg
File: confusedpeter.png (67 KB, 265x227)
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>trees are sentient
That word doesn't mean what you think it means
I don't think you know what he actually knows
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87 KB
Has he heard the word?
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Best post in a long time. Perfectly sums up everything whats wrong with photography, in and outside of /p/

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>can't even post a non crooked photo
>taking a landscape pic in bright daylight
amateur hour
Yeah, in itself, OP's shitpost is everything wrong with /p/

Line 1: inflammatory hook
Lines 2, 3, and 4 are theoreticals
Line 5 is pretentious nonsense. Photography is INTUITIVE not formulaic.
Line 6 is absolutely fucking hilariously stupid. Photographers 100 years ago were using the largest film formats they could. Stephen Shore and Eggleston even built their careers on gear. No, seriously. The entire point of their work was that they used larger film formats than average and paid extra for someone to make them nicer prints.

OP himself posted like 3 photos and 30 gear seethes.

And here you are with underexposed stoplights making him look good
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composition plays a huge role, but also quality of light and colors.

Photo by Robert Rodriguez Jr.

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Messy snapshit, no wonder i've never heard of robert rodriguez jr

would be an actual photograph without that mess of grass and dead twigs
spotted the nophoto
Sorry robert keep weird digital looking grass messes out of your nice foggy mountain photos

not every blue needs an orange
boomer aesthetic
What does zoomer aesthetic look like?
shitty point and shoots from the 2000
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>Not saying that Im a good photographer or anything, but it'd be nice to come here for inspo instead of purchase guides.
Agree, but also
Thank you Robert Rodriguez Jr.
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And you posted like 0 photos and 392 agitation seethes.

It should not be about pseudoanalyzing and forcefuly misunderstanding postings, arguing over nonsense and bitching about gear.

It should be about photographs and that is the message; for whatever reason you can't grasp that is beyond me.

I just dream of the day where it becomes mandatory to upload a photo... even if it would be just every once in a while.

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>terrible photo of lifeless things
many such cases going all the way back

but you’re not autistic enough to do it well

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>not autistic enough
That ought to be it. Feel free to share some anytime. You seem to have plenty.

Great photo of a photo btw. The lifeliness is just bursting out of it.

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what's the difference between those two posts?
One is free spirited and based, while the other is merely a sad cope for a lack of skill and dedication. Comparing the two images reveals the truth of the matter immediately.
Based on what?
Based on being based. Based on his words. Based on his PHOTOGRAPHY.
based on my aunt
The jokes write themselves when the gear faggers are all no photos

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1.55 MB JPG
based robert rodriguez jr. has taste and skill. very compositional. thumbs up

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You know what, OP? You are right for the most part. But I don't have a solution for your problem, apart from being the change you want to see in this forum.

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