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I am National Geographic contributor/photographer and I'll respond your questions.
Can you prove that you say what you are?
Nikon, Sony, or Canon?
fuck off nophoto
What's the easiest or best way to present a body of work?
I've been getting different opinions regarding annexing a written paper with the photos, using a PDF file against numbered JPGs, the difference between a theme series against individual photos, so at the end what's the thing that the fags at the top like the most so they can accept and give money/exposure?
>what's the thing that the fags at the top like the most so they can accept and give money/exposure?
it's all about you being jewish and your parents knowing the right people
>show me ur papurz
That’s your question? Are you 12? This is an anonymous forum, of course he cant prove his identity. If he did he wouldn’t have a job anymore, bc posting on 4chan in an official capacity is one if the easiest ways to get yourself fired there is. You’d know that if you ever had a damn job ffs.

>hi I’m a Genie, I’ll grant you one wish, anything you waht
>this fuckin anon: I wish that you show me some identification that proves you are a genie!

The force of mental retardation is strong in this one.
is it true you guys make like $48k?
You are simply too stupid to understand that there are ways to prove it without revealing identity. I hope your brain can get less smooth as time goes on.
I should've said without being jewish or without my family being involved.
I do agree with you but i meant by merit only.
I'm also a NatGeo photographer, so is this anon, and the other anon
Exactly why I asked him to prove it. All he had to do was say the magic word and I would have known he was for real.
I work with a medium format Fuji and a Mamiya

pic related, they inviting me to networking stuff is the best i can offer, why would I lie anyways...

taking distinct pictures that resonate with great stories

I'm not from the US
I'll see ya at work tomorrow.
I assure you... I'm not lying. I believe you may be overestimating what it means to be a Natgeo photographer or as they like to say 'Explorer of our world' lmao
Sorry, I misunderstood you, my mistake. I use PDFs created with Indesign. Design is relevant, especially when working with important editors.
Do they finance you in advance? How does the money flow between NatGeo and their photogs? Do you get recognised via expos and then invited to be part? Did you apply by sending your portfolio?
Pros and cons of being a NatGeo photog?
Thanks for the time
>Do they finance you in advance?
Yes, as a Natgeo Explorer, but not as a photographer or writer in traditional media. I typically publish online

>How does the money flow between NatGeo and their photogs?
I’m not entirely sure how it works for everyone...

>Do you get recognised via expos and then invited to be part?
Yes! I'm from Europe, just yesterday I was invited to Washington to participate in a conference.

>Did you apply by sending your portfolio?
I got in thanks to an Explorer grant. They’re getting harder to win every year. I received mine in 2021, and since then, I've been involved in many different projects with them.

>Pros and cons of being a NatGeo photog?
I want to make it clear that I'm not just a Natgeo photographer. I'm definitely not Steve McCurry (I’m not a fraud lmao). I have different pillars that support my work as a visual storyteller, and NatGeo is certainly an important one.
people talk to you like your photo is going to be on the front page of the zine lmao
>pictures that resonate with great stories
These great stories are they in the top guys' imaginations, in the news or did you mean pictures that reflect a story? if so then i understand the pictures need to be narrative but then again what about landscapes? NatGeo is known for those and they do not reflect a story but beauty.
Or do i have to be a writer for them to accept?
>I use PDFs created with Indesign.
>Design is relevant
I understand, you have to create the pages themselves or do you have to present them fashionably because they can't digest the photos themselves? kinda like a screenwriter designing a script rather than just expecting the story and its dynamics to speak for themselves?

Shit why is Mccurry a fraud? Was about to include him in the list of photogs I wanted to post about.
Sounds breddy cool anon. Haven’t opened a NatGeo magazine since moving out of my parents house 27 years ago. Might start again. Is the salary worth it? Should I try the grant?
>news or did you mean pictures that reflect a story?
Nageo is really focused on photographers who immerse themselves in the story. I got in, for example, by documenting a story that deeply impacted my region and in which I was somewhat involved. They appreciate when the photographer is a participant rather than just a 'paratrooper.' That's what they're looking for these days.

>NatGeo is known for those and they do not reflect a story but beauty.
The one thing NatGeo isn't interested in is current politics (probably not even those of the 20th century), but they are passionate about human history and everything that ties into it.

>Or do i have to be a writer for them to accept?
Being able to write decently is a must, yes.

>do you have to present them fashionably because they can't digest the photos themselves?
Not really, just make sure the presentation is visually appealing. But at the end of the day, the photo itself is what matters most.

The images are 90%.

I wouldn't spam their editorial team, instead, I'd recommend applying to their calls for submissions, they have several each year: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/society/grants-and-investments/
>Shit why is Mccurry a fraud?
He's a fraud. Everyone in the industry knows that. Now he's pulling the whole 'I'm an old storyteller, not a journalist' act. It drives me crazy—I can't stand him! He's the Lance Armstrong of documentary photography

>Lance Armstrong of documentary photography
but without recognizing it, he did crazy things with photoshop, what a motherfucker desu, he should give back 80% of his goods
>photographs aren't taken - they're made
Blaming some poor randos, what a shit move from Mccurry…
That really suck to read… I like a lot of his past work, wonder how much out there is staged and edited.
Do they still pay well for the photos of topless negresses?
>That's what they're looking for these days.
I understand now, not what i remember NatGeo for but i can see it now.
>probably not even those of the 20th century
I do recall them pushing stories of places in deep shit but yeah i do not recall them meddling with the politics, just the shenanigans of the people.
I do now remember them hitting a lot of Iran's muslim laws in some publications but that was long ago.
>Being able to write decently is a must
I would imagine photos are the text but i understand the magazine does need text for the nigger cattle and what better than the shooter's ideas.
>just make sure the presentation is visually appealing
This i do not understand friend, i understand the idea of photos well presented but do you mean layout design, positional composition within a page/frame or graphical design like numbering and ornaments?
>I'd recommend applying to their calls for submissions
I see, thanks, that sounds good if i giddy up one day
yeah, although I've always found him very 'bland', like too polished and pure. Now it all makes sense. Personally, I'm more drawn to the grittier style of someone like Paolo Pellegrin
I think his photography is still pretty good, just not under the photojournalist motto.
Moriyama also relegates all his shots to his assistant who is now actually the editor/actual style master but Daido also never called himself anything other than visual maker.
>I do now remember them hitting a lot of Iran's muslim laws in some publications but that was long ago.
Oh, I meant western politics, but yeah, that eastern stories are something else.

Check this out:

"the National Geographic Society is seeking innovative photography, short film, writing, data visualization and other storytelling proposals to help people consider some of the greatest questions of our time."

This is crucial. You MUST tailor your work to what they’re looking for. They’ll notice if it fits their criteria. If your work is good enough and aligns with their requirements, you’ll have a great chance.
>innovative photography
If your photography stands out and your story is powerful and personal, you're already halfway there. That’s my best advice.
I totally get the «too pure» critique. Mccurry’s photos do feel very staged and less caught in the moment.
Very nice suggestion, although I would prefer the work of Salgado when thinking of this style, like his goldmine work for example.
What inspires you on the daily? Old masters? Instagram goes? Yourself?
>What inspires you on the daily?
My own thoughts! I am a bit of a pothead and I really like to reflect on my own work. Photographers in general are drug addicts. Just go to Rencontres d'Arles or Visa Pour L'image. I've never seen so many cocaine.

Jokes aside, I tend to focus on similar themes (human-environment), I really believe specialization is key. I'm more of a creative photographer than a strict photojournalist. I love experimenting with reflections and bold compositions. When it comes to pure photography, Alex Webb is probably my favorite one, miles ahead of McCurry IMO
>I work with a medium format Fuji and a Mamiya
why don't you use m43? it's 4x better than fuji
>You MUST tailor your work to what they’re looking for
Yes, i suppose i always saw it as them accepting someone for what they are, not someone fulfilling a certain creative contract/requirement on their own.
Thanks pal, exito en su futuro.
>why don't you use m43? it's 4x better than fuji
What? Medium format is worse than m43? I use large cameras (50S II, 100S, Mamiya 7)
>Photographers in general are drug addicts
Funny, here in my area despite the massive amounts of drugs most photogs are clean cut with smoking tobacco being the most daring activity, it is the videographers who are degenerates. Even the weddingfags avoid booze.
>Alex Webb
We are on the same page other than the pot thing.
I work in the film industry, the drug consumption is probably the same kek
I love these degen fields of work
So how go those portraits and scenic shots of third worlders and how often do you have people holding lighting gear to pull them off
What would he possibly gain by doing that? There is no reason for anyone to prove anything, these are short lived posts on an internet chat board, not a fucking doctorate thesis.
That's great. Post a photo.
>picrel, generic newletters
>no personal emails from editors etc
>i don't have to prove myself... but here is my (weak) proof
my dad works at natgeo, he said he doesn't know you
Do you know sean gallagher, and why do his eyes always look so soulless? I've never seen anyone talk so excitedly about taking pictures of starving children, what's his secret?
Also my dad works at blackrock.
>sean gallagher
I don't like his work
Got any good rocks and leaves photos?
That's neat, post photos or leave
what are your favorite photographers?
what makes natgeo photographers distinct from other photographers?

is it still possible to have career in photography?
>immediately on the offensive
Obviously lying, try again.
>what makes natgeo photographers distinct from other photographers?
they suck jewish cock the best
they're like magnum for animal buttholes
This is literally my dream job I would do it for free.

How do I get my foot in the door? I would blow 50 black dudes in an alley way and give myself AIDS to go on assignment with Natgeo, I was reading monthly issues as early as 7 years old and had a subscription in high school. I have all the holo issues from the 80s too them shits were dope.
it's crazy how you never seriously tried to become a professional photographer and wasted years doing hillybilly jobs
same here. I would guzzle that nigger cum like there's no tomorrow
>I would guzzle that nigger cum like there's no tomorrow
With or without the National Geographic assignment?
I'm on assingment atm, but it's an audiovisual one which I don't like that much. I love photography and writing about it.

Apply for Natgeo Explorer grants!! It provides funding, job opportunities, and access to a global network of top professionals in conservation, research, and storytelling/photography. I really mean it.

Just play pretend like OP
>Hi I'm <reasonably impressive photo related thing>
>No I will not post proof of any kind
>No I will not post a photo on the photo board
>Yes, I DID blow a bunch of black dudes in an alleyway to get this job
I think you're all ovestimating what being part of Natgeo is, the community is huge, I'm a small ant
You are a fucking nigger is what you are.

Do you think this is fucking reddit? Why make this thread, blow yourself in importance, and not post a single hint to take you seriously?

Back in my day people would ask wome to post tits or GTFO. Same applies to you. Post work or GTFO bitch.
How can you become part of that community? I don't really need a grant and it would feel wrong taking money some poorfag art student could use.

No, I don't have any contacts in the "industry" nor am I jewish.
>They appreciate when the photographer is a participant rather than just a 'paratrooper.' That's what they're looking for these days.
the race war can't come soon enough. I'm itching for shooting browns
>How can I beocme part of that community?
>No i have no contacts
>No I'm not jewish
Lol. lmao even.
I should just do a photo series about it and submit it to publications. Worst case is I guzzled gallons of nigger milk. Best case is I guzzled gallons of nigger milk and got paid for it.
Dont worry being jewish doesn't matter if you're not shooting for the MoMA. Nat geo is a travel magazine, not a money laundering scheme that a jewish american banker has somehow decided counts as his mandatory intra-religious charitable activities.

If you're small you could post photos but anyone can post what you've posted, even if they don't do anything
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>I am National Geographic contributor/photographer
>not a single photo in the thread
>I'm a small ant
Are we pretending to be animals now?
Show us your 7 and GFX side by side with timestamp
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>Macro four thirds optics are bigger than 6x7
Where did it go so wrong?
all that gear and still can't take a photo
>thirdie tiles + pristine top tier cameras
Yep, he’s nat geo.
europe is trasher
Gear looks like it just came out of the box. Ever, you know, taken a photo?
Wow, some people seem very upset that you have a job and a life.
did you buy those from the natgeo grant?
nope, the GFXs are borrowed by the Society or other companies I work with
False. This is so far just another gear thread.
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False. It's just one anon who asked about gear recently. It was more a "how do I get this job" type of thread.

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>Photos of gear: 1
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Even if I wanted to believe OP, so far he is just larping.
>inb4 you posted an actual photo so my argument is bullshit
You kind of fucked me there, but I honestly just appreciate the actual photo. Noice.
>18 month old scan
>+9 month old emails

Must not be getting much work nowadays, sorry to hear you are unemployed now, but explains why you're posting here as a nophoto

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