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I'm gonna use a Sony ZV-E10 mark 1 and a bunch of TTArtisan lenses (35mm f/1.4 and 50mm f/1.2) to make a short. Am I crazy?
Jesus Christ what is that thing
for what?
Short film.
sure, it would be a fun novelty/challenge, but I wouldn't buy one to do it. If you already have it then go ahead
How is the raw still photo file quality on ZV-E10 mark 1? I read somewhere that those raw files are quite compressed and can't take that much editing.
I haven't heard as much. All the images from the internet look fine to me. But I haven't editing my own yet.
IMO The Sony streamer cams (ZV1, ZVE-10) are the cheapest way to get into the ecosystem used. They sold a ton of them in the last 4 years to normies who wanted to be the next YouTube Star, who later either realized their phone was easier + more accessible or gave up their hopes of fame. So they end up selling the cameras for 50% off what they paid for them used.

I'm seeing prices of $350-500 for a used ZV1 (RX100VA with no viewfinder, usually the RX equivalent is $6-900) and $450-600 for a used ZVE10 (A6400 with no viewfinder, the A6400 is closer to $600-900 used). I'm a Nikon shooter on the market for either used at this prices to fuck around with
How is the "photographing ergonomics" on zv-e10? It is video centric and lacks proper control dials. Can you shoot manual comfortably or should you just stick with the auto?
A6400 used is like 400-500

I have not had any problems with it. In fact the high ISO performance is very good.


It has a dial on the top to control aperture and a dial on the control cluster for shutter speed. It handles similar to an A6000 but with fewer features -- can't quickly switch between A, P, M, Auto.
Is it so that you can't set minimum shutter speed in Aperture priority mode on zv-e10 m1? A6400 has this "Auto ISO min SS" but it is missing on zv-e10.
i never got that, just use manual with auto iso, its the same thing with less work if you ever change the minimum shutter speed

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