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Does your camera fit in your pants pockets, /p/ ?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareGoogle
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Yeah, I use a phone that shoots raw
No I own a Sony :(
no i'm just happy to see (You) ;^)
No, but i often put my lens cap in it.
I have a small camera that does, and a large one that doesn't.
Yes I don't wear women clothing
>This is that comfy and stylish pocketability i've heard so much about
>looks like a poorly concealed weapon or stolen goods
also how did you miss focus with a phone
hellooo :)))
>white hand
I knew you hated the blacks
sorry for being born uwu
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 22.0 (Windows)
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:10:02 02:45:35
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width1491
Image Height1927
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>reject pancake, retvrn to telescope
SnoyGOD, I kneel
I walked 28km through a city with $23K worth of gear in a cheap backpack today.
Ugh, disclaimer: CAD $
based giga chad
cringe virgin incel
So you had a 5D MkIII and an EF 50mm
>t. incel
>overcompensating snoy gearcel
Imagine being out in public holding this. How embarassing.
So it's true

>small camera fag:
>always feels like a future victim
>what if someone is watching? what if someone is laughing? oh no.
>looks at the ground while walking
>my lens is too long, someone might accuse me of being a pedophile
>always has hands in pockets
>i bet im overcompensating, i should go home and spend another $3000 on an x100vi
>cat person only, dogs make him almost as uncomfortable as his parents by interrupting his silent self loathing sessions with "play" and "fun"
>all of his friends are on the internet

>big camera chad:
>always feels like he's on a mission
>what if someone walks into my shot? what if they're ugly, fat, and on a phone? oh no.
>looks all around for photo opportunities while walking
>my lens is not long enough, people should think i'm with the news or a professional. i could use more clients.
>always has a hand near the shutter button
>i bet this camera will get broken just before the shot of a lifetime. i should go home and spend another $800 on a backup DSLR.
>dog+cat person, but does not own a litterbox or stoop so low as to pick up animal shit
>enemies with everyone on the internet, amicable in real life, trolls for fun
>How embarassing
let me guess, you never in your life approached a girl in public and you only shoot rocks and leaves as a cope
>small camera fag: i dont deserve nice gear. im not good enough. im not pro enough. im not enough. im never enough. anyone who doesnt realize how fucking shit they are is a douchebag. they're a consoomer. they're soi. they're a bugman. i am good because i know i am shit and i don't deserve anything. leave these toys to the pros.
>big camera chad: *CLACKCLACK* oooh, nice photo!
>Take photo of street chimp
>FL 16mm
>Say "Mmmmm, nice" loud enough for them to hear
>Ignore chimp and walk off to next shot
Touched too many nerves? Don't worry, it's ok to use a small camera if you're just not out to take photos and it's a tag-along. I don't think hoytema is filming his friends pulling stunts on an imax behemoth instead of a sony zv10 or something, but no one sane can deny the advantages of having a real photographic tool at hand when in pursuit of the perfect shot and the next undiscovered model.
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>take amateur snapshits of underaged girls with obnoxious giant lens
>FL 400mm
>burst mode
>Yell "Mmmmm, nice" loud enough for them to hear
>Go home and post them online
No, I don't think it will fit into a pocket with 100-500, which is the lens I'm using the most. But I can't come up with a reason to carry it with me most of the time, I don't care about "street photography", which is usually taking pictures of random people's backs and calling it art.
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I'm a photography cowboy :)
>dog+cat person, but does not own a litterbox or stoop so low as to pick up animal shit

Are you the guy i spoke to a few months ago having an absolute meltdown over how "pet owners are subhuman" in the doghair thread?
No, I have a dog and a cat and I do not stoop so low as to pick up their shit. My cat buries it and when my dog takes a dump I just kick dirt and sticks/leaves over it before tamping it down.

Not my problem!
yes but wo a lens
the only chad in this thread full of incels
holy cringe
It's his right, people have no expectation of privacy in public :)
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Nothing can stop him
I used this for my last trip to Japan.
It worked wonderfully well, and left me with no neck strain.
Can recommend/10
>Imagine being out in public holding this.
It's great, it commands respect because people will automatically assume you're with the news or doing a documentary and get out of your way. I like the professional look it brings.
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